998 resultados para Citrullinated Anti-vimentin (anti-Sa)
Autoantibodies in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have important diagnostic value. The association between the presence of autoantibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide and the response to treatment is controversial. To prospectively evaluate a cohort of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (< 12 months of symptoms) in order to determine the association between serological markers (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-citrullinated protein antibodies) such as anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) and citrullinated anti-vimentin (anti-Sa) with the occurrence of clinical remission, forty patients diagnosed with early RA at the time of diagnosis were evaluated and followed for 3 years, in use of standardized therapeutic treatment. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, disease activity score 28 (DAS 28), as well as serology tests (ELISA) for RF (IgM, IgG, and IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3, and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in the initial evaluation and at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of follow-up. The outcome evaluated was the percentage of patients with clinical remission, which was defined by DAS 28 lower than 2.6. Comparisons were made through the Student t test, mixed-effects regression analysis, and analysis of variance (significance level of 5%). The mean age was 45 years, and a female predominance was observed (90%). At the time of diagnosis, RF was observed in 50% of cases (RF IgA-42%, RF IgG-30%, and RF IgM-50%), anti-CCP in 50% (no difference between CCP2, CCP3, and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in 10%. After 3 years, no change in the RF prevalence and anti-CCP was observed, but the anti-Sa increased to 17.5% (P = 0.001). The percentage of patients in remission, low, moderate, and intense disease activity, according to the DAS 28, was of 0, 0, 7.5, and 92.5% (initial evaluation) and 22.5, 7.5, 32.5, and 37.5% (after 3 years). There were no associations of the presence of autoantibodies in baseline evaluation and in serial analysis with the percentage of clinical remission during follow-up of 3 years The presence of autoantibodies in early RA has no predictive value for clinical remission in early RA.
Introduction: The association between serological markers with the need of biological therapy for early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) is not known, with few available data addressing this question. Objectives: To prospectively evaluate a cohort of patients with ERA (less than 12 months of symptoms) in order to determine the possible association between serological markers (rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP), and citrullinated anti-vimentin (anti-Sa) with parameters of therapeutic outcome (this later defined by the need of introducing biological therapy). Patients and methods: Forty patients with early RA were evaluated at the time of diagnosis and have been followed for 3 years, in use of standardized therapeutic treatment. Demographic and clinical data were recorded, as well as serology tests (ELISA) for RF (IgM, IgG and IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3.1) and anti-Sa in the initial evaluation and at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months of follow-up. As outcomes of the RA development, the need or not for biological therapy during the follow-up period were considered. Comparisons were made through the Student t test, mixed-effects regression analysis and analysis of variance (significance level of 5%). Results: The mean age was 45 (+/- 12) years; a female predominance was observed (90%). At the time of diagnosis, RF was observed in 50% of cases (RF IgA - 42%, RF IgG - 30% and RF IgM - 50%), anti-CCP in 50% (no difference between CCP2, CCP3 and CCP3. 1) and anti-Sa in 10%. After 3 years, no change in the RF prevalence neither in the anti-CCP was observed, but the anti-Sa increased to 17.5% (p = 0.001). Biological therapy was necessary in 22.5% of patients. The mean RF IgA and anti-CCP 2 levels during the 3 years were higher among patients who needed biological therapy (p <0.05 for both). Conclusion: Higher titles of RF and anti-CCP over time were associated with the need for biological therapy.
INTRODUÇÃO: Embora muitos estudos sugiram que a presença de autoanticorpos, tais como fator reumatoide (FR) e/ou antipeptídeos citrulinados cíclicos (anti-CCP), sejam preditores de danos articulares na artrite reumatoide (AR), a associação entre os questionários de incapacidade e de qualidade de vida ainda são desconhecidos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a correlação entre os questionários Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) e Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) com marcadores como FR, anti-CCP e antivimentina citrulinada (anti-Sa). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados no momento do diagnóstico 65 pacientes da Coorte Brasília com AR inicial. Foram realizadas sorologias (ELISA) para FR (IgM, IgG e IgA), anti-CCP (CCP2, CCP3 e CCP3.1) e anti-Sa, com a aplicação do HAQ e SF-36 na avaliação inicial. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 45 anos, predominando o gênero feminino (86%). Na avaliação inicial, o FR foi positivo em 32 indivíduos (49,23%); anti-CCP em 34 indivíduos (52,3%); e anti-Sa em nove indivíduos (13,8%). O escore inicial do HAQ foi de 1,8. Os escores dos domínios do SF-36 foram: emocional, 19,3; social, 43,1; dor, 25,43; estado geral, 57,6; saúde mental, 48,1; vitalidade, 49,5; físico, 4,6; e limitação por aspecto físico, 24,7. HAQ e escores do SF-36 não variaram com os níveis de autoanticorpos. CONCLUSÃO: Muitos pacientes com AR inicial apresentam comprometimento na qualidade de vida relacionada aos domínios da capacidade física e mental. Embora FR e anti-CCP tenham sido relacionados com dano articular e pior prognóstico clínico, não há correlação entre os questionários e as avaliações da qualidade de vida e incapacidade.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the usefulness of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies and the IgM rheumatoid factor (IgM RF) test for the differential diagnosis of leprosy with articular involvement and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Anti-CCP antibodies and IgM RF were measured in the sera of 158 leprosy patients (76 with and 82 without articular involvement), 69 RA patients and 89 healthy controls. Leprosy diagnosis was performed according to Ridley and Jopling classification criteria and clinical and demographic characteristics of leprosy patients were collected by a standard questionnaire. Leprosy patients with any concomitant rheumatic disease were excluded. Serum samples were obtained from all participants and frozen at _20°C. Measurement of anti-CCP antibodies and IgM RF were performed by ELISA, using a commercial second-generation kit, and the latex agglutination test, respectively. Anti-CCP antibodies and IgM RF were detected in low frequencies (2.6 and 1.3%, respectively) in leprosy patients and were not associated with articular involvement. Among healthy individuals both anti-CCP antibodies and IgM RF were each detected in 3.4% of the subjects. In contrast, in the RA group, anti-CCP antibodies were present in 81.2% and IgM RF in 62.3%. In the present study, both anti-CCP antibodies and IgM RF showed good positive predictive value for RA, helping to discriminate between RA and leprosy patients with articular involvement. However, anti-CCP antibodies were more specific for RA diagnosis in the population under study.
Our objective was to determine whether the presence of the human leukocyte antigen HLA-DRB1 locus is associated with production of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP Abs) and to what extent they are associated with increased susceptibility to and severity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Egyptian patients. Twenty-nine RA patients gave informed consent to participate in a case-control study that was approved by the Ain Shams University Medical Ethics Committee. RA disease activity and severity were determined using the simplified disease activity index and Larsen scores, respectively. We used a wide scale national study on the pattern of HLA typing in normal Egyptians as a control study. Anti-CCP Abs and HLA-DRB1 typing were determined for all subjects. The alleles most strongly associated with RA were HLA-DRB1 [*01 , *04 and *06] (41.4%). RA patients with serum anti-CCP Ab titers above 60 U/mL had a significantly higher frequency of HLA-DRB1*01 (58.3%) and HLA-DRB1*04 alleles (83.3%). Significant positive correlations were found between serum and synovial anti-CCP Ab titer, RA disease activity, and severity (r = 0.87, 0.66 and 0.63, respectively; P < 0.05). HLA-DRB1 SE+ alleles [*01 and *04] were highly expressed among Egyptian RA patients. The presence of these alleles was associated with higher anti-CCP Ab titer, active and severe RA disease. Early determination of HLA-DRB1 SE+ alleles and serum anti-CCP Ab could facilitate the prediction of the clinical course and prognosis of RA when first evaluated leading to better disease control.
This paper presents a novel graphical approach to adjust and evaluate frequency-based relays employed in anti-islanding protection schemes of distributed synchronous generators, in order to meet the anti-islanding and abnormal frequency variation requirements, simultaneously. The proposed method defines a region in the power mismatch space, inside which the relay non-detection zone should be located, if the above-mentioned requirements must be met. Such region is called power imbalance application region. Results show that this method can help protection engineers to adjust frequency-based relays to improve the anti-islanding capability and to minimize false operation occurrences, keeping the abnormal frequency variation utility requirements satisfied. Moreover, the proposed method can be employed to coordinate different types of frequency-based relays, aiming at improving overall performance of the distributed generator frequency protection scheme. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We previously reported the anti-inflammatory activity of Lafoensia pacari extract in Toxocara canis infection, a model of systemic IL-5-dependent eosinophil migration. In the present study, we describe the kinetics of the anti-inflammatory activity of L. pacari extract and compare it with dexamethasone. T canis-infected mice were submitted to different treatment protocols and the cells present in bronchoalveolar space and peritoneal cavity were collected at the end of each treatment period. The results showed that L. pacari extract effectively inhibited eosinophil migration only when the treatment was initiated before the peak of eosinophil migration (1st to 18th; 12th to 18th and 12th to 24th day post-infection). When eosinophil migration was established, administration of L. pacari extract had no effect on it (treatment 18th to 24th day post-infection). Dexamethasone was effective in inhibiting eosinophil migration in all periods studied. We suggest that L pacari extract can potentially be a natural alternative treatment of eosinophilic diseases. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
Purpose: To correlate ovarian reserve (OR) markers with response in assisted reproduction techniques (ART) and determine their ability to predict poor response among patients with endometriosis (EDT). Methods: We evaluated ART cycles of 27 women with EDT and 50 with exclusive male factor. Basal follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) levels were determined. Ovarian response to gonadotropin stimulation was assessed and correlation coefficients calculated between the variables and reserve markers. Areas under the curve (AUC) determined ability of tests to predict poor response. Results: AMH was significantly correlated with response in both groups and it was the only marker with significant discriminative capacity to predict poor response among EDT (AUC = 0.842; 95% CI: 0.651-0.952) and control group (AUC = 0.869; 95% CI: 0.743-0.947). Conclusion: Infertile patients with endometriosis can benefit from the pre-therapeutic assessment of OR markers. However, regardless of disease presence, only AMH predicts poor response to stimulus.
Cette thèse entend apporter un éclairage sur l'histoire politique et sociale de la Suisse des années 68, en étudiant l'articulation entre les mouvements anti-impérialistes et la nouvelle gauche radicale, alors foisonnante. Il s'agit d'analyser cette période de contestation au prisme de l'anti-impérialisme révolutionnaire, lequel, dans le contexte de l'opposition à la guerre du Vietnam, a fortement imprégné le mouvement protestataire, en assignant notamment au tiers-monde le rôle de sujet de l'émancipation mondiale. Combinant une triple approche - chronologique, thématique et biographique - ce travail est structuré en quatre parties. La première partie esquisse un panorama des mouvements anti-impérialistes des années 1960 et 1970 en Suisse, avec une focalisation sur les «années anti-imp», entre 1968 et 1975. La deuxième interroge le rapport entre anti¬impérialisme et nouvelle gauche radicale, en proposant une typologie des principaux courants. La troisième partie s'attache à examiner le système de représentations du monde et de la Suisse véhiculé par le discours de l'extrême gauche. Prenant pour objet le militantisme, la dernière partie esquisse un portrait de groupe de la « génération anti-imp », fondé sur une enquête prosopographique et sur un corpus d'entretiens réalisés avec des militants de l'époque. L'étude révèle que l'anti-impérialisme a fourni à la contestation soixante-huitarde un cadre conceptuel et analytique, un facteur de structuration, ainsi qu'un vecteur de mobilisation. Il a en particulier permis à la gauche radicale suisse d'inscrire sa lutte anticapitaliste locale dans un horizon global d'émancipation. L'analyse de l'anti-impérialisme révolutionnaire, qui a connu son apogée dans les années 68 avant de connaître un déclin rapide et presque total, invite à appréhender cette « décennie mouvementée » comme la fin d'un long cycle politique. -- This thesis aims to shed light on the social and political history of Switzerland in the 1960s and 1970s by studying the relationship between anti-imperialist movements and the emerging new radical left. It analyses this time of rebellion through the prism of revolutionary anti-imperialism. In the context of opposition to the Vietnam War, anti-imperialism strongly influenced protest movements, notably by assigning to the Third World the role of main actor in the fight for global emancipation. Combining a threefold approach - chronological, thematic and biographical - this work is structured in four parts. The first part provides a panorama of the anti-imperialist movements of the long 1960s in Switzerland with a focus on the « anti-imp years » between 1968 and 1975. The second part questions the relationship between anti-imperialism and the new radical left and proposes a typology of its main currents. The third part examines how the radical left's discourse represented the world, and Switzerland in particular. The last part addresses the question of activism and outlines a group portrait of the « anti-imp generation » based on a prosopographical study and on a body of interviews with former activists. This study reveals that anti-imperialism, besides serving as an agent of mobilization, provided a conceptual and ideological framework, as well as a structuring factor, to the protest movements. In particular, it enabled the Swiss radical left to fit its local anti-capitalist struggle into a global horizon of emancipation. This analysis of revolutionary anti- imperialism, which had its heyday in the 1960s and 1970s before experiencing a rapid and almost total decline, thus invites us to see this « turbulent decade » as the end of a long political cycle.
A qui administrer le vaccin anti-pneumococcique? [We should received and pneumococcal immunization?]
Alors que l'immunisation active contre l'influenza semble être actuellement largement entrée dans la pratique médicale, force est de constater que c'est loin d'être le cas pour les infections à pneumocoque. La vaccination anti-pneumocoque. La vaccination anti-pneumococcique, qui est incluse dans les schémas d'immunisation de nombreux pays, ne fait actuellement pas l'objet de recommendations particulières en Suisse et son utilisation y reste marginale. Compte tenu du nombre élevé d'infections sévères et de décès potentiellement évitables, sa généralisation à tous les groupes à risque doit être encouragée. De plus, cette stratégie pourrait se révéler utile face à la progression inexorable de la proportion de souches résistantes à la pénicilline et aux autres microbes.
Introduction. - Le traitement de la polymyosite et de l'atteinte pulmonaireassociées au syndrome des anti-synthétases peut serévéler difficile. Le tacrolimus est proposé en cas d'échec aux autresimmunosuppresseurs. Néanmoins, contrairement aux patientsgreffés, son utilisation dans cette indication est mal codifiée. Nousrapportons les cas de 2 patients traités efficacement par tacrolimus.Cas Clinique. - Cas 1. Il s'agit d'un homme de 44 ans originaire deMadagascar, chez qui le diagnostic de syndrome des anti-synthétasesest posé devant l'association mains de mécanicien, polymyosite,manifestation de raynaud et présence d'anticorps anti Jo1fortement positifs à 281U (norme < 50U). Les différents traitementsproposés (prednisone 1 mg/kg, méthotrexate, azathioprine,rituximab et Immunoglobulines IV) ne permettent pas de contrôlerla situation avec un pic des CK à 24 000 U/l au décours des Ig IV.Une IRM réalisée alors retrouve une activité inflammatoire intensedes compartiments antérieurs et postérieurs des cuisses des 2 côtés.Finalement un traitement de tacrolimus est proposé en augmentationprogressive. L'efficacité du traitement est mesurée par l'évolutiondes CK qui passent en quelques mois de 24 000 U/l à 300 U/lsous une dose de 6 mg/j de tacrolimus et d'une amélioration parIRM spectaculaire. Malheureusement, suite à un épisode de déshydratation,le patient développe une insuffisance rénale aigüemodérée (créatinine à 124 _mol/l contre 89 auparavant) non réversibleaprès réhydratation. Pour stabiliser la fonction rénale le tacrolimusest baissé à 4 mg/jour au prix d'une réapparition des douleursmusculaires et d'une ré-ascension des CK à 1 000 U/l. Cas 2. Il s'agitd'une patiente de 61 ans chez qui le diagnostic de syndrome desanti-synthétases est posé devant l'association atteinte articulaire,mains de mécanicien, atteinte musculaire, pneumopathie interstitiellediffuse et forte positivité des Ac anti JO1 à 252 U. Une associationtacrolimus et prednisone est rapidement proposée en raison del'atteinte pulmonaire. Malheureusement la patiente développe uneinsuffisance rénale progressive sous 9 mg/j de tacrolimus et malgréune réponse favorable sur le plan pulmonaire, le traitement estinterrompu avec amélioration de la fonction rénale.Discussion. - Le tacrolimus est un traitement immunosuppresseuranalogue à la ciclosporine, avec une action 100 fois supérieure. Ilinhibe l'activation et la prolifération des cellules T et sa principaletoxicité est rénale. Traitement puissant, il a montré son efficacitédans les atteintes pulmonaires sévères liées à un syndrome desanti-synthétases1.2. Les pneumologues le connaissent bien et chezles patients greffés, la surveillance de l'efficacité et de la toxicité dutraitement se fait grâce à des mesures du taux résiduel. Néanmoinsdans le cadre du syndrome des anti-synthétases les mesures de surveillancesont moins bien codifiées. Même si l'efficacité du tacrolimussemble excellente dans les formes musculaires etpulmonaires sévères, nos 2 cas nous rendent attentifs sur l'importanced'une surveillance rapprochée de la fonction rénale.Conclusion. - Le tacrolimus est un puissant immunosuppresseur quipeut être proposé aux patients souffrant de manifestations sévèresd'un syndrome des anti-synthétases. Une dose standard n'existe paset il faut être attentif à sa toxicité rénale.
Introduction Quatre génotypes pathogènes de l'hépatite E (HEV) sont actuellement connus. Ils présentent des caractéristiques épidémiologiques différentes. Les génotypes 1 et 2 infectent uniquement l'homme et sont à l'origine d'épidémies dans des pays en voie de développement. Les génotypes 3 et 4 se présentent sous forme de zoonose, endémiques chez des cochons et autres mammifères dans des pays industrialisés. Ces derniers génotypes sont à l'origine de cas sporadiques d'hépatite E autochtones. La majorité des tests de sérologie actuellement commercialisés se basent sur des virus de génotype 1 et 2. Le bénéfice de l'utilisation d'un test sérologique basé sur le génotype 3 dans des pays industrialisés n'a pas été étudié jusqu'à présent. Dans cette étude, les performances de tests sérologiques basés sur des antigènes de plusieurs génotypes de l'HEV ont été comparées. Méthode Les tests ont été appliqués à deux populations distinctes: une population de 20 patients, chez qui une infection aiguë d'hépatite E, génotype 3, a été documentée par PCR sanguine, et une population de 550 donneurs de sang de la région de Lausanne. Le dépistage des IgGs anti-HEV a été effectué dans le sérum des deux populations par trois «Enzyme Immuno Assays» (EIA) à savoir MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro et Fortress. Les échantillons positifs avec au moins un des EIA ont été testés par un «Immunodot Assay», le recomLine HEV IgG/IgM. Tous les EIA sont basés sur des antigènes des génotypes 1 et 2, alors que l'immunodot se base sur des antigènes des génotypes 1 et 3. Résultats Tous les échantillons des cas d'hépatite E documentés et 124 sur 550 échantillons des donneurs de sang étaient positifs avec au moins un des tests sérologique. Parmi les cas confirmés par PCR, 45 %, 65 %, 95 % et 55 % étaient respectivement positifs avec le test de MP Diagnostics, Dia.Pro, Fortress et recomLine. Parmi les échantillons positifs des donneurs de sang avec au moins un des tests, 120/124 (97 %) étaient positifs avec le test Fortress, 19/124 (15 %) étaient positifs avec tous les EIA et 51/124 (41 %) étaient positifs avec le recomLine. Parmi les cas d'hépatite E confirmés, 11/20 (55 %) étaient positifs avec le recomLine et parmi ceux-ci, une réactivité plus forte pour le génotype 3 était observée dans 1/11 (9 %) et une réactivité identique dans 5/11 (45.5 %) cas. Conclusions Même si le recomLine contient des protéines dérivées de l'HEV génotype 3, sa sensibilité est inférieure à l'EIA de Fortress dans les cas d'hépatite E aiguë de génotype 3. De plus, chez environ 45 % des patients, le recomLine ne parvient pas à identifier une infection comme étant causé par un virus du génotype 3. Dans la population de donneurs de sang, nous avons observe de grandes variations dans les séroprévalences mesurées, allant de 4.2 % à 21.8 % selon les tests sérologiques employés.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of the shared epitope (SE), the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) protection model, and the occurrence of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies in RA patients from a genetically diverse population. One hundred and forty Brazilian RA patients and 161 matched controls were typed for HLA-DRB1 alleles using amplified DNA hybridized with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes or primers. Patients were stratified according to the presence or absence of SE (DRB1*0401, *0404, *0405, *0101, *1001, and *1402), of the DERAA alleles (DRB1*0103, *0402, *1102, *1103, *1301, *1302, and *1304), and X (all other alleles). Anti-CCP antibodies were measured by ELISA. The combined frequency of SE-positive alleles was significantly greater (76.4 vs 23.6%, P < 0.0001) than the controls. The SE/SE and SE/X genotypes were over-represented (P < 0.0001, OR = 6.02) and DERAA/X was under-represented in RA patients (P < 0.001, OR = 0.49), whereas the frequencies of the SE/DERAA, X/X and X/DERAA genotypes were not significantly different from controls. The frequency of anti-CCP antibodies was higher in SE-positive patients than in SE-negative patients (64.6 vs 44.7%, P = 0.03; OR = 2.25). Although the Brazilian population is highly miscegenated, the results of this study support the findings observed in most genetically homogeneous populations with RA; however, they are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. The participation of DRB1-DERAA alleles in protection against RA was also observed (OR = 0.4; 95%CI = 0.23-0.68).