973 resultados para Chronically ill children


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Hospitalization can be a very stressful experience, especially for children. With the use of technology, Intranet communication can be successful in obtaining interaction that these individuals lack to accomplish a positive adjustment to the hospital setting. The purpose of this exploratory, pilot project is to examine the use of networking chronically ill, hospitalized children with other hospitalized chronically ill children through Intranet communication.^ A target population of chronically ill hospitalized children, in at least Piaget's concrete operational stage, was asked to use the Intranet system to network with other chronically ill hospitalized children during their hospital stay, for one month or until discharge. The length of time of usage was recorded on a log sheet, and questionnaires were filled out at the end of the study.^ Statistical analysis was utilized to determine frequency of network usage, duration, demographics, and the impact on hospitalization. Results indicated that Intranet communication between chronically ill hospitalized children was utilized by the participants from 7-15 age groups; and had a positive impact on their hospitalization. ^


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Introduction. In adults, oral health has been shown to worsen during critical illness as well as influence systemic health. There is a paucity of paediatric critical care research in the area of oral health; hence the purpose of the Critically ill Children’s Oral Health (CCOH) study is to describe the status of oral health of critically ill children over time spent in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The study will also examine the relationship between poor oral health and a variety of patient characteristics and PICU therapies and explore the relationship between dysfunctional oral health and PICU related Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI). Method. An observational study was undertaken at a single tertiary-referral PICU. Oral health was measured using the Oral Assessment Scale (OAS) and culturing oropharyngeal flora. Information was also collected surrounding the use of supportive therapies, clinical characteristics of the children and the occurrence of PICU related HAI. Results. Forty-six participants were consecutively recruited to the CCOH study. Of the participants 63% (n=32) had oral dysfunction while 41% (n=19) demonstrated pathogenic oropharyngeal colonisation during their critical illness. The potential systemic pathogens isolated from the oropharynx and included Candida sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterococcus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The severity of critical illness had a significant positive relationship (p=0.046) with pathogenic and absent colonisation of the oropharynx. Sixty-three percent of PICU-related HAI involved the preceding or simultaneous colonisation of the oropharynx by the causative pathogen. Conclusion. Given the prevalence of poor oral health during childhood critical illness and the subsequent potential systemic consequences, evidence based oral hygiene practices should be developed and validated to guide clinicians when nursing critically ill children.


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Aims and objectives: This study will describe the oral health status of critically ill children over time spent in the paediatric intensive care unit, examine influences on the development of poor oral health and explore the relationship between dysfunctional oral health and healthcare-associated infections. Background: The treatment modalities used to support children experiencing critical illness and the progression of critical illness may result in dysfunction in the oral cavity. In adults, oral health has been shown to worsen during critical illness as well as influence systemic health. Design: A prospective observational cohort design was used. Method: The study was undertaken at a single tertiary-referral Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Oral health status was measured using the Oral Assessment Scale and culturing oropharyngeal flora. Information was also collected surrounding the use of supportive therapies, clinical characteristics of the children and the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections. Results: Of the 46 participants, 63% (n = 32) had oral dysfunction and 41% (n = 19) demonstrated pathogenic oropharyngeal colonisation during their critical illness. The potential systemic pathogens isolated from the oropharynx and included Candida sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterococcus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The severity of critical illness had a significant positive relationship (p < 0·05) with pathogenic and absent colonisation of the oropharynx. Sixty-three percent of healthcare-associated infections involved the preceding or simultaneous colonisation of the oropharynx by the causative pathogen. Conclusions: This study suggests paediatric oral health to be frequently dysfunctional and the oropharynx to repeatedly harbour potential systemic pathogens during childhood critical illness. Relevance to clinical practice: Given the frequency of poor oral health during childhood critical illness in this study and the subsequent potential systemic consequences, evidence based oral hygiene practices should be developed and validated to guide clinicians when nursing critically ill children.


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Osteoporosis is not only a disease of the elderly, but is increasingly diagnosed in chronically ill children. Children with severe motor disabilities, such as cerebral palsy (CP), have many risk factors for osteoporosis. Adults with intellectual disability (ID) are also prone to low bone mineral density (BMD) and increased fractures. This study was carried out to identify risk factors for low BMD and osteoporosis in children with severe motor disability and in adults with ID. In this study 59 children with severe motor disability, ranging in age from 5 to 16 years were evaluated. Lumbar spine BMD was measured with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. BMD values were corrected for bone size by calculating bone mineral apparent density (BMAD), and for bone age. The values were transformed into Z-scores by comparison with normative data. Spinal radiographs were assessed for vertebral morphology. Blood samples were obtained for biochemical parameters. Parents were requested to keep a food diary for three days. The median daily energy and nutrient intakes were calculated. Fractures were common; 17% of the children had sustained peripheral fractures and 25% had compression fractures. BMD was low in children; the median spinal BMAD Z-score was -1.0 (range -5.0 – +2.0) and the BMAD Z-score <-2.0 in 20% of the children. Low BMAD Z-score and hypercalciuria were significant risk factors for fractures. In children with motor disability, calcium intakes were sufficient, while total energy and vitamin D intakes were not. In the vitamin D intervention studies, 44 children and adolescents with severe motor disability and 138 adults with ID were studied. After baseline blood samples, the children were divided into two groups; those in the treatment group received 1000 IU peroral vitamin D3 five days a week for 10 weeks, and subjects in the control group continued with their normal diet. Adults with ID were allocated to receive either 800 IU peroral vitamin D3 daily for six months or a single intramuscular injection of 150 000 IU D3. Blood samples were obtained at baseline and after treatment. Serum concentrations of 25-OH-vitamin D (S-25-OHD) were low in all subgroups before vitamin D intervention: in almost 60% of children and in 77% of adults the S-25-OHD concentration was below 50 nmol/L, indicating vitamin D insufficiency. After vitamin D intervention, 19% of children and 42% adults who received vitamin D perorally and 12% of adults who received vitamin D intramuscularly had optimal S-25-OHD (>80 nmol/L). This study demonstrated that low BMD and peripheral and spinal fractures are common in children with severe motor disabilities. Vitamin D status was suboptimal in the majority of children with motor disability and adults with ID. Vitamin D insufficiency can be corrected with vitamin D supplements; the peroral dose should be at least 800 IU per day.


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This thesis assesses clinical differences in patients with low and high vitamin D levels. The factors analyzed included the underlying disease, body size, age, ethnic background, use of vitamin D supplements and the season when the blood sample was taken. Fifty patients with the lowest and 50 patients with the highest vitamin D concentrations were selected from a cohort of 1351 chronically ill children and adolescents who had had their vitamin D status assessed at Children's Hospital. Protective factors appeared to be the usage of vitamin D supplements and young age, especially age <2 years. Predisposing factors included non-Finnish ethnic background and older age, especially age 12-18 years. High vitamin D values were more prevalent in the summer and autumn and low values in the winter and spring. Patients with non-Finnish background were overrepresented in the low value group. No differences regarding the underlying diseases could be detected. Conclusions: In the Northern latitudes UVB-radiation is insufficient for vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D recommendations appear to be inadequate to fulfill the needs of chronically ill patients whose requirements for vitamin D are elevated compared to the general population. New guidelines for vitamin D supplementation are needed particularly for those at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.


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Aims: To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of ranitidine in critically ill children and to determine the influence of various clinical and demographic factors on its disposition. Methods: Data were collected prospectively from 78 paediatric patients (n = 248 plasma samples) who received oral or intravenous ranitidine for prophylaxis against stress ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding or the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux. Plasma samples were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography, and the data were subjected to population pharmacokinetic analysis using nonlinear mixed-effects modelling. Results: A one-compartment model best described the plasma concentration profile, with an exponential structure for interindividual errors and a proportional structure for intra-individual error. After backward stepwise elimination, the final model showed a significant decrease in objective function value (-12.618; P <0.001) compared with the weight-corrected base model. Final parameter estimates for the population were 32.1lh for total clearance and 285l for volume of distribution, both allometrically modelled for a 70kg adult. Final estimates for absorption rate constant and bioavailability were 1.31h and 27.5%, respectively. No significant relationship was found between age and weight-corrected ranitidine pharmacokinetic parameters in the final model, with the covariate for cardiac failure or surgery being shown to reduce clearance significantly by a factor of 0.46. Conclusions: Currently, ranitidine dose recommendations are based on children's weights. However, our findings suggest that a dosing scheme that takes into consideration both weight and cardiac failure/surgery would be more appropriate in order to avoid administration of higher or more frequent doses than necessary.


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Les pédiatres intensivistes ont plusieurs éléments disponibles pour guider leurs décisions par rapport à la ventilation mécanique. Par contre, aucune étude prospective ne décrit les éléments auxquels les intensivistes se réfèrent pour modifier les paramètres du respirateur. Objectifs : Décrire la pratique actuelle de la modification des paramètres du respirateur aux soins intensifs du CHU Sainte-Justine, un hôpital pédiatrique tertiaire. Hypothèse : 80% des modifications des paramètres du respirateur influant sur l’épuration du CO2 sont liées à l’analyse de la PCO2 ou du pH et 80% des modifications des paramètres d’oxygénation sont liés à l’analyse de l’oxymétrie de pouls. Méthodes : En se servant d’un logiciel de recueil de données, les soignants ont enregistré un critère de décision primaire et tous les critères de décision secondaires menant à chaque modification de paramètre du respirateur au moment même de la modification. Résultats : Parmi les 194 modifications des paramètres du respirateur influant sur l’épuration du CO2, faites chez vingts patients, 42.3% ±7.0% avaient pour critère primaire la PCO2 ou le pH sanguin. Parmi les 41 modifications de la pression expiratoire positive et les 813 modifications de la fraction d’oxygène inspirée, 34.1% ±14.5% et 84.5% ±2.5% avaient pour critère primaire l’oxymétrie de pouls, respectivement. Conclusion : Les médecins surestiment le rôle de la PCO2 et du pH sanguins et sousestiment le rôle d’autres critères de décision dans la gestion de la ventilation mécanique. L’amélioration de notre compréhension de la pratique courante devrait aider à l’éboration des systèmes d’aide à la décision clinique en assistance respiratoire.


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Although significant advances have been made in the treatment of serious disease, there remains much scope for assisting young people in adjusting to life with a chronic medical condition. Commonly, chronically ill young people experience lower emotional well being than their healthy peers. Conventional approaches to promoting emotional well being have involved referring young people and their families to an appropriate public mental health service or psychologist/psychiatrist in private practice. However, there is increasing interest in the use of peer support programs. Support groups such as the ChIPS program aim to promote positive adjustment to chronic illness by bring together young people facing similar circumstances. It is maintained that by increasing connections between chronically ill young people, emotional well being can be enhanced.


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Background. According to the WHO 2007 country report, Haiti lags behind the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality and maintains the highest under-5 mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. 3 Overall, few studies exist that seek to better grasp barriers in caring for a seriously ill child in a resource-limited setting and only a handful propose sustainable, effective interventions. ^ Objectives. The objectives of this study are to describe the prevalence of serious illnesses among children hospitalized at 2 children's hospitals in Port au Prince, to determine the barriers faced when caring for seriously ill children, and to report hospital outcomes of children admitted with serious illnesses. ^ Methods. Data were gathered from 2 major children's hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti (Grace Children's Hospital [GCH] and Hopital d l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti [HUEH]) using a triangulated approach of focus group discussions, physician questionnaires, and retrospective chart review. 23 pediatric physicians participated in focus group discussions and completed a self-administered questionnaire evaluating healthcare provider knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers relating to the care of seriously ill children in a resource-limited setting. A sample of 240 patient charts meeting eligibility criteria was abstracted for pertinent elements including sociodemographics, documentation, treatment strategies, and outcomes. Factors associated with mortality were analyzed using χ2 test and Fisher exact test [Minitab v.15]. ^ Results. The most common primary diagnoses at admission were gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration (35.5%), severe malnutrition (25.8%), and pneumonia (19.3%) for GCH, and severe malnutrition (32.6%), sepsis (24.7%), and severe respiratory distress (18%) for HUEH. Overall, 12.9% and 27% of seriously ill patients presented with shock to GCH and HUEH, respectively. ^ Shortage of necessary materials and equipment represented the most commonly reported limitation (18/23 respondents). According to chart data, 9.4% of children presenting with shock did not receive a fluid bolus, and only 8% of patients presenting with altered mental status or seizures received a glucose check. 65% of patients with meningitis did not receive a lumbar puncture due to lack of materials. ^ Hospital mortality rates did not differ by gender or by institution. Children who died were more likely to have a history of prematurity (OR 4.97 [95% CI 1.32-18.80]), an incomplete vaccination record (OR 4.05 [95% CI 1.68-9.74]), or a weight for age ≤3rd percentile (OR 6.1 [95% CI 2.49-14.93]. Case-fatality rates were significantly higher among those who presented with signs of shock compared with those who did not (23.1% vs. 10.7%, RR=2.16, p=0.03). Caregivers did not achieve shock reversal in 21% of patients and did not document shock reversal in 50% of patients. ^ Conclusions. Many challenges face those who seek to optimize care for seriously ill children in resource-limited settings. Specifically, in Haiti, qualitative and quantitative data suggest major issues with lack of supplies, pre-hospital factors, including malnutrition as a comorbidity, and early recognition and management of shock. A tailored intervention designed to address these issues is needed in order to prospectively evaluate improvements in child mortality in a high-risk population.^


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"Supported in part by Maternal and Child Health, Grant No. MCS-000252-16 and by contributions to Friends of Metabolic Research."