1000 resultados para Chinese immigration


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The purpose of this research is to find out whether higher levels of education cause the exodus of Quebec’s Chinese skilled worker immigrants to other provinces. I first examine the history of Chinese immigration in Canada; the federal and Quebec’s immigration policies and selection criteria, as well as statistics regarding Chinese migration to Quebec and their out- migration from the province. My study’s ethnographic findings suggest that higher levels of education are not the main cause of the exodus, nor is the lack of French language competence. Rather, kin ties, age, and marital status play an influential role on interprovincial-migration of Quebec’s Chinese skilled immigrants. While based on a small number of respondents, my study indicates that having personal networks in Quebec before immigration tends to retain immigrants in the province.


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This catalogue essay was written to accompany Eugenia Lim's 2015 exhibition at Metro Arts, Brisbane, 'Yellow Peril'. It discusses Lim's exploration of her identity as a Chinese-Australian, providing contextual information of Chinese immigration during Australia's gold rush years and the work of Hong Kong born American artist, Tseng Kwong Chi. It presents Yellow Peril as an exhibition that speaks critically about art and our cultural history amidst a fine layering of imagery, object and context, with a vitality that is derived from its rich and compelling base in real life moments and connections.


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Contains scrapbooks, correspondence and reports relating to Kohler's extensive activities on behalf of liberal immigration and naturalization laws in the United States, his opposition to the registration of aliens, the problems of Chinese immigration to the United States, his opposition to the use of the term "Hebrew Race" in the classification of immigrants, the drafting of minority clauses at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Jewish and Christian relations in the U.S., and the condition of Jews in Russia, Roumania, Poland and Nazi-Germany with the following institutions: the American Civil Liberties Union, 1926-1934, the American Jewish Committee, 1909-1934, B'nai Brith, 1930-1933, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Board of Delegates on Civil Rights, the Committee on Ellis Island, the Foreign Language Information Service, the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Baltimore, the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, the Jewish Immigrants' Information Bureau in Galveston, Texas, the Industrial Removal Office, the National Conference of Jews and Christians, the National Council of Jewish Women, the National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship, the Bureau of Immigration to the United States Department of Laborm the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, the Department of State and individual United States Congressmen.


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Considerando o aumento do número de imigrantes oriundos da República Popular da China que procuram Portugal como país de destino, propõe-se um estudo sobre a forma como este grupo de imigrantes, em particular, aprende a língua portuguesa como língua de acolhimento. A análise será de natureza histórica, uma vez que irá descrever a história da imigração Chinesa para Portugal, em articulação com a procura e o interesse crescente na República Popular da China de cursos de PLE e do estudo da cultura portuguesa. A esta visão de um ponto de vista histórico irá contrapor-se o estudo da situação atual da forma como os imigrantes chineses fazem a aprendizagem da língua de acolhimento, em Portugal, através de análise de entrevistas realizadas a imigrantes a residir na área de Lisboa. Um outro aspeto importante que irá ser considerado no meu estudo é a questão da diferença geracional. A minha pesquisa procurará averiguar se a pertença a diferentes gerações, contrastando adultos/idosos e jovens, determina motivações, práticas e resultados diferenciados na aprendizagem da língua portuguesa como língua de acolhimento. Será importante considerar-se neste estudo os diferentes contextos em que é feita a aprendizagem da língua de acolhimento: o formal, o não formal e o informal. Além disso, iremos também abordar a questão da integração linguística e cultural dos imigrantes, em Portugal. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada é a da recolha de dados por entrevista.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Socjologii


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Karen studied the ways that objects have mediated relationships between people from culturally diverse backgrounds in Australian history and society. She focused on the ways museums, through their collection and display of particular objects, have played a role in supporting processes of inclusion and exclusion in Australian society over time.


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Chinese have unique perspectives on health and illness, which is mostly umecognized by western medicine. Immigration may contribute to problems with health consultations, inconvenience, and dissatisfaction. As the largest visible minority in Canada, Chinese- Canadians' perspectives on health should be studied in order to help Chinese immigrants adapt to a new health-care and health-promotion system, and keep them healthy. A quantitative questionnaire was designed based on the findings from a pilot study and previous literature. A hundred participants were recruited from Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, and St. Catharines. Descriptive analysis and correlation analysis were used to investigate the structure of the variables. Findings indicated that most oftheir attitudes and corresponding practices to the different health aspects were positive. The relation between dietary practices and attitude was only found in small cities. Their attitudes were impacted by their length of stay in Canada. Their attitudes to regularly timed meals and psychological consultation were related to their acculturation level, as was the regularity of their practice of dental flossing. Their self-evaluated general health levels were also found to be affected by their medical history, education level, feeling to talk about • sexual health, and smoking, particularly in the male subjects of the study. In conclusion, they realized that each health aspect w~s important to their health. However, their practices did not bear a strong relation to their beliefs. Traditional thoughts about health reseeded with time. Acculturation level did not affect most of their attitudes or practices. Under pressure, the priority of the daily health practices decreased. Older persons, those with low incomes, lower education levels or families under stress need to pay more attention to their health level. In-depth future research was recommended.


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Basée sur l’analyse des données officielles, cette recherche propose une étude sur le lien entre les nouveaux flux migratoires internationaux des Chinois, qui se produisent à partir des années 2000, et l’évolution des profils et des performances économiques des immigrants chinois au Canada et au Québec. Le but de ce mémoire est d’observer la quantité et la qualité de ces nouveaux arrivants vis-à-vis leurs performances après l’immigration. Les nouveaux immigrants en provenance de la Chine continentale sont différents des précédents dans la mesure où les riches et les élites sont devenus majoritaires. Ces nouveaux flux sont aussi accompagnés d’une forte croissance du nombre d’étudiants chinois qui font leurs études à l’international et du nombre d’immigrants de retour. Néanmoins, les résultats ne démontrent pas que leurs performances au Canada et au Québec s’améliorent même s’ils ont des profils plus qualifiés et plus jeunes. Évidemment, l’arrivée de ces immigrants chinois récents a des conséquences importantes. À cause des forts changements de la condition économique et sociale interne en Chine, ces flux de personnes ne cesseront pas de croître dans le futur proche. Ainsi, les décideurs du Canada et du Québec doivent porter plus d’attention et réagir au mieux face à cette tendance.


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This ethnographic inquiry examines how family languages policies are planned and developed in ten Chinese immigrant families in Quebec, Canada, with regard to their children’s language and literacy education in three languages, Chinese, English, and French. The focus is on how multilingualism is perceived and valued, and how these three languages are linked to particular linguistic markets. The parental ideology that underpins the family language policy, the invisible language planning, is the central focus of analysis. The results suggest that family language policies are strongly influenced by socio-political and economical factors. In addition, the study confirms that the parents’ educational background, their immigration experiences and their cultural disposition, in this case pervaded by Confucian thinking, contribute significantly to parental expectations and aspirations and thus to the family language policies.


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Understanding factors influencing international students' decision to engage in international education is essential for education providers to better cater for students' educational expectations and enhance their attractiveness to international students. Whilst there has been extensive research on the reasons why international students undertake cross-border higher education, international students' motivations for enrolling in vocational education and associate degree programmes are still under-researched. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 30 international students from China, this research found that pathway to higher education appears to be the most important factor motivating international students to undertake vocational education and associate degree programmes. In addition, prospect of immigration, English language proficiency, previous academic performance, agent's recommendations and relatives' and friends' advice are amongst the important factors that students take into account in their decision to choose vocational education and associate degree programmes. This research also examines why Chinese international students have chosen vocational education programmes in a dual-sector university over vocational education colleges. It found that the flexibility to articulate to higher education, international reputation of the programme, practical training and favourable location are key issues that these students draw on when making their decision to study in a dual-sector university.


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 One consequence of China's marketisation has been the emergence of a 'floating population' - rural Chinese who migrate to China's cities to work. Many urbanites have negative attitudes towards such migrants. To understand how these negative attitudes might be ameliorated, the paper employs Allport's influential contact hypothesis to investigate whether urbanite-migrant friendships affect attitudes. More negative attitudes were observed among males and older urbanites. There was no effect of simply knowing a migrant, supporting Allport's thesis that non-intimate contact is not sufficient to affect attitudes. Friendship alone did not influence attitudes, but interaction effects were detected between having migrant friends and each of age, income and education. Negative attitudes were reduced among urbanites in older, higher-income and higher-education groups if they had a migrant friend. © 2006 The Editors of Urban Studies.


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This article discusses the parenting aspirations of Chinese immigrants, looking in detail at a study in New Zealand. My discussion of the topic centers on the aspirations of educated Chinese immigrants for their preschool children, and their ways of parenting. The “Tiger Mother” practice described in Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, and other research on immigrant parenting, directed my attention to this subject. It is argued that in times of change from one context to another, parenting style is an attempt by Chinese immigrants to realize their immigration aspirations for a better life for themselves and their children.


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A multiple-case study investigation of the experiences of eight Chinese immigrant children in New Zealand early childhood centres suggested that the immigrant children’s learning experiences in their first centre can be understood as a process of negotiating and creating intercultural relations. The children’s use of family cultural tools, such as the Chinese language, was a distinctive feature of their learning experiences, simultaneously revealing and extending their exploration of the intercultural practices and their establishment of a sense of belonging. In the presence of Chinese-speaking peers who acted as ‘bridges’ and ‘boundary objects’, the Chinese language was actively used by the immigrant children in English-speaking early childhood centres and, as a result, they created intercultural relations which: (i) bridged the two cultures; (ii) brought the cultures into convergence; (iii) enabled the children to claim group identity; and (iv) battled intercultural constraints. The absence of Chinese speakers, on the other hand, constrained possibilities for intercultural relations. The focus on intercultural relations in this study is expected to lead to educational initiatives to support the incorporation of diverse cultures in early childhood services.