909 resultados para Children - Nutrition
Background: Nutrition therapy (NT) is essential for the care of critically ill children. Inadequate feeding leads to malnutrition and may increase the patient`s risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to describe the NT used in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Methods: The authors evaluated NT administered to 90 consecutive patients who were hospitalized for 7 days in the PICU of Instituto da Crianca, Hospital das Clinicas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil. NT was established according to the protocol provided by the institution`s NT team. NT provided a balance of fluids and nutrients and was monitored with a weekly anthropometric nutrition assessment and an evaluation of complications. Results: NT was initiated, on average, within 72 hours of hospitalization. Most children (80%) received enteral nutrition (EN) therapy; of these, 35% were fed orally and the rest via nasogastric or postpyloric tube. There were gastrointestinal complications in patients (5%) who needed a postpyloric tube. Parenteral nutrition (PN) was used in only 10% of the cases, and the remaining 10% received mixed NT (EN + PN). The average calorie and protein intake was 82 kcal/kg and 2.7 g/kg per day. Arm circumference and triceps skinfold thickness decreased. Conclusions: The use of EN was prevalent in the tertiary PICU, and few clinical complications occurred. There was no statistically significant change in most anthropometric indicators evaluated during hospitalization, which suggests that NT probably helped patients maintain their nutrition status. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2011;35:523-529)
Recent evidence from animal and adult human subjects has demonstrated potential benefits to cognition from flavonoid supplementation. This study aimed to investigate whether these cognitive benefits extended to a sample of school-aged children. Using a cross-over design, with a wash out of at least seven days between drinks, fourteen 8-10 year old children consumed either a flavonoid-rich blueberry drink or matched vehicle. Two hours after consumption, subjects completed a battery of five cognitive tests comprising the Go-NoGo, Stroop, Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Task, Object Location Task, and a Visual N-back. In comparison to vehicle, the blueberry drink produced significant improvements in the delayed recall of a previously learned list of words, showing for the first time a cognitive benefit for acute flavonoid intervention in children. However, performance on a measure of proactive interference indicated that the blueberry intervention led to a greater negative impact of previously memorised words on the encoding of a set of new words. There was no benefit of our blueberry intervention for measures of attention, response inhibition or visuo-spatial memory. While findings are mixed, the improvements in delayed recall found in this pilot study suggest that, following acute flavonoid-rich blueberry interventions, school aged children encode memory items more effectively.
Includes index.
Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem because of its strong association with adulthood obesity and the related adverse health consequences. The published literature indicates a rising prevalence of childhood obesity in both developed and developing countries. However no data exists on the prevalence in Northeast Thailand, one of the poorest regions of the country and one that has experienced a recent economic transition. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity in seven to nine year old children in urban Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand. A cross-sectional school based survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of obesity in children of urban Khon Kaen, Thailand. Multi-staged cluster sampling was used to select 12 school clusters of 72 children each between the ages of 7 and 9 years, in primary school grades 1, 2 and 3 from government, private and demonstration schools. A total of 864 seven to nine year old school children were studied. Anthropometric measurements of standing height and weight were taken for all subjects to the nearest tenth of a centimetre and tenth of a kilogram respectively. Childhood obesity was defined as a weight-for-height Z-score above 2.0 standard deviations of the National Center for Health Statistics/World Health Organisation reference population median. The prevalence of childhood obesity was 10.8% (95% CI: 7.6, 13.9). Obesity was significantly more prevalent in boys than girls. The biggest difference was observed between the three school types, with the highest prevalence of obesity found at teacher training demonstration schools and the lowest at the government schools. This study provides the first data on childhood obesity prevalence in Northeast Thailand. The prevalence of 10.8 per cent is lower than that found in two other urban areas of Thailand but slightly higher than expected for this relatively poor region. If this prevalence rate increases, as observed in other countries in economic transition, the incidence of non-communicable diseases associated with obesity is also likely to increase, thus raising cause for concern and reason for intervention to both control and prevent obesity during childhood.
This sheet encourages children to eat vegetables and fruits by making it fun. Provide healthy ingredients and let kids help with preparation, based on their age and skills. Kids may try foods they avoided in the past if they helped make them. Recipes are included.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Background: Obesity is epidemic worldwide, and increases in cesarean delivery rates have occurred in parallel. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether cesarean delivery is a risk factor for obesity in adulthood in a birth cohort of Brazilian subjects. Design: We initiated a birth cohort study in Ribeirao Preto, southeastern Brazil, in 1978. A randomly selected sample of 2057 subjects from the original cohort was reassessed in 2002-2004. Type of delivery, birth weight, maternal smoking, and schooling were obtained after birth. The following data from subjects were collected at 23-25 y of age: body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)), physical activity, smoking, and income. Obesity was defined as a BMI >= 30. A Poisson multivariable model was performed to determine the association between cesarean delivery and BMI. Results: The obesity rate in adults born by cesarean delivery was 15.2% and in those born by vaginal delivery was 10.4% (P = 0.002). Adults born by cesarean delivery had an increased risk (prevalence ratio: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.23, 2.02) of obesity at adulthood after adjustments. Conclusion: We hypothesize that increasing rates of cesarean delivery may play a role in the obesity epidemic worldwide. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:1344-7.
Salt iodination and excessive iodine intake among schoolchildren. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the urinary excretion of iodine and relate it to the amount present in salt for human consumption. The study involved 145 children from two schools: a rural one and an urban one. We performed anthropometric measurements and collected a urine sample and a kitchen salt sample from each child. In the rural school, 3.38% of children had iodine deficiency. However, most of the values of urinary iodine were above 300 mu g/L (62.03%) and 59.49% of the kitchen salt samples contained 20 to 60 mg iodine per kilo of salt. In the urban school, 3.03% of the children had urinary iodine excretion of less than 100 mu g/L and 90.91% of the children had urinary iodine values exceeding 300 mu g/L. Of this total, 84.85% of the kitchen salt samples contained 20 to 60 mg iodine per kilo of salt. Iodine deficiency is controlled in this population, with the current reality showing a high prevalence of excess urinary iodine.
Objective: To evaluate the transepithelial transport of sodium, glucose, potassium, and water and the mRNA level of the sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) and the facilitated sugar transporter (GLUT2) in the small intestine of iron-deficient rats. Methods: After 6 wk of receiving diets with low or normal iron content, rats (Wistar-EPM) were subjected to two experiments: 1) evaluation of the transepithelial transport of sodium, glucose, potassium, and water by an ""in vivo"" experimental model of intestinal perfusion and 2) determination of relative SGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA levels in the proximal, intermediate, and distal portions of the small intestine by the northern blotting technique. Results: Hemoglobin and hepatic iron levels were statistically lower in the anemic rats. The mean transepithelial transports of sodium (-33.0 mu Eq . min(-1) . cm(-1)), glucose (426.0 mu M . min(-1) . cm(-1)), and water (0.4 mu L . min(-1) . cm(-1)) in the small intestine of the anemic rats were significantly lower than in the control group (349.1 mu Eq . min(-1) cm(-1), 842.6 mu M . min(-1) . cm(-1), and 4.3 mu l . min(-1) cm(-1), respectively, P < 0.05). The transepithelial transport of potassium was similar for both groups. The relative SGLT1 mRNA levels of the anemic rats in the intermediate (1.796 +/- 0.659 AU) and distal (1.901 +/- 0.766 AU) segments were significantly higher than the values for the control rats (intermediate 1.262 +/- 0.450 AU, distal 1.244 +/- 0.407 AU). No significant difference was observed for the relative SLGT1 mRNA levels in the proximal segment or for the GLUT2 mRNA levels in all segments. Conclusion: Iron deficiency decreases the absorption of glucose, sodium, and water and increases SGLT1 mRNA in the intermediate and distal segments of the small intestine of rats. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre o processo maturacional, a insatisfação corporal e o comportamento alimentar inadequado, de acordo com o sexo, em jovens atletas. Métodos Participaram da pesquisa 580 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a diferentes modalidades esportivas. Foram avaliados a maturação sexual, a maturação somática, a insatisfação corporal e o comportamento alimentar inadequado, por meio dos Critérios de Tanner, banco de Lohman, Body Shape Questionnaire e Eating Attitudes Test, respectivamente. O percentual de gordura foi estimado pela medição das dobras cutâneas, e a aferição de peso e de estatura foi utilizada para calcular o índice de massa corporal. Realizaram-se modelo Univariado de Covariância, regressão logística binária e regressão linear múltipla para análise dos dados. Resultados Os resultados demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05) na insatisfação corporal entre os estágios maturacionais. Além disso, os meninos pré-púberes e púberes apresentaram maior probabilidade de insatisfação corporal em relação aos atletas pós-púberes (p<0,05), e o modelo de regressão logística mostrou associação entre os estágios maturacionais e o comportamento alimentar inadequado apenas no sexo masculino (p<0,05). Nas meninas, o processo maturacional explicou em 9% e 7% a variância da insatisfação corporal (p<0,05) e comportamento alimentar inadequado (p<0,05), respectivamente.
Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by increased accumulation of body fat. We evaluated the socioeconomic aspects, body composition, risk of metabolic complications associated with obesity, eating habits and lifestyle in both women and men adults and elderly with body mass index (BMI) 40 kg/m(2). Among the subjects studied, 79% (n = 32) are female, 5% (n = 2) smokers, 39% (n = 16) use alcohol and only 24% (n = 10) are practitioners of physical exercise. The higher food intake was breads, followed by rice. The daily intake of fruits and vegetables is low. Positive correlation between consumption of sugar and BMI and abdominal circumference (AC) was observed. In summary, was found that morbidly obese patients that looking for nutritional counseling presents increased body fat, poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.
This brochure, printed in Spanish, describes what to feed children ages one to five. Included are tips on how to make mealtimes happy, normal behavior and growth and appetite. A chart of daily recommended amounts from different food groups and a sample menu are included.