1000 resultados para Chemical clarification


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O objetivo do estudo foi verificar ex vivo a penetração de duas substâncias irrigantes hipoclorito de sódio 5% e Chlor-Xtra (Vista Dental Products, Racine, WI) através da adição de corante em canais simulados de dentes clarificados. Sessenta caninos inferiores unirradiculares humanos foram utilizados. As raízes foram seccionados em 16mm e instrumentadas com limas rotatórias do sistema Protaper até a F2 no comprimento de trabalho de 15mm. As amostras foram submetidas ao processo de clarificação para ficarem transparentes e durante o processo foram criados os canais simulados no terço apical. As raízes foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos ( NaOCl 5%, Chlor-Xtra e água) contendo 20 espécime por grupo. As amostras foram irrigadas com 1,5mL de solução contraste( tinta chinesa junto com a solução irrigante do respectivo grupo). E cada amostra foi fotografada e analisada. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes Kruskal-Wallis e Student-Neuman-Keuls. Não houve diferença estatística entre as substâncias irrigantes testadas (p>0,05). A partir da análise dos dados, foi possível concluir que apesar da presença de agentes surfactantes na solução irrigante de Chlor-Xtra não houve uma melhor penetrabilidade nos canais simulados em comparação ao hipoclorito de sódio(NaOCl).


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Fermentation feedstocks in the sugar industry are based on cane juice, B molasses or final molasses. Brazil has been producing ethanol by directing sugarcane juice to fermentation directly or using lower quality juice as a diluent with B molasses to prepare the fermentation broth. One issue that has received only limited interest particularly from outside Brazil is the most appropriate conditions for clarification of the juice going to fermentation. Irrespective of whether the juice supply is the total flow from the milling tandem or a diffuser station or a part of the total flow, removal of the insoluble solids is essential. However, the standard defecation process used by sugar factories around the world to clarify juice can introduce unwanted calcium ions and remove other nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen that are considered essential for the fermentation process. An investigation was undertaken by SRI to assess the effects on the constituents of cane juice when subjected to the typical clarification process in an Australian factory and what conditions would be needed to provide a clarified juice suitable for fermentation. Typical juices from one factory were clarified in laboratory trials under a range of pH conditions and the resulting clarified juices analysed. The results indicated that pH had a major effect on the residual concentrations of key constituents in the clarified juice and that the selected clarification conditions are determined by the nominated quality criteria of clarified juice feedstock for fermentation. Further trials were conducted in overseas factories to confirm the results obtained in Australia. It became apparent that the preferred specifications for clarified juice going to fermentation varied from country to country. Each supplier of fermentation technology had criteria applying to clarified juice feedstock that would have a major impact on the standard of clarification required to achieve compliance with the criteria.


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Problems associated with processing whole sugarcane crop can be minimised by removing impurities during the clarification stage. As a first step, it is important to understand the colloidal chemistry of juice particles on a molecular level to assist development strategies for effective clarification performance. This paper presents the composition and surface characteristics of colloidal particles originating from various juice types by using scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and zeta potential measurements. The composition and surface characteristics of colloidal juice particles are reported. The results indicate that there are three types of colloidal particles present viz., an aluminosilicate compound, silica and iron oxide, with the latter two being abundant. Proteins, polysaccharides and organic acids were identified on the surface of particles in juice. The overall particle charge varies from –2 mV to –6 mV. In comparison to juice expressed from burnt cane, the zeta potential values were more negative with juice particles originating from whole crop. This in part explains why these juices are difficult to clarify.


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Processing of juice expressed from green sugar cane containing all the trash (i.e., tops and leaves, the nonstalk component) of the sugar cane plant during sugar manufacture has been reported to lead to poor clarified juice (CJ) quality. Studies of different liming techniques have been conducted to identify which liming technique gives the best clarification performance from juice expressed from green cane containing half of all trash extracted (GE). Results have shown that lime saccharate addition to juice at 76 °C either continuous or batchwise gives satisfactory settling rates of calcium phosphate flocs(50−70 cm/min) and CJ with low turbidity and minimal amounts of mineral constituents. Surprisingly, the addition of phosphoric acid (≤300 mg/kg as P2O5), prior to liming to reduce juice turbidity (≤80%), increased the Mg (≤101%) and Si(≤148%) contents particularly for clarified GE juices. The increase was not proportional with increasing phosphoric acid dose. The nature of the flocs formed, including the zeta potential of the particles by the different liming techniques, has been used to account for the differences in clarification performance. Differences between the qualities of the CJ obtained with GE juice and that of burnt cane juices with all trash extracted (BE) have been discussed to provide further insights into GE processing.


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It is accepted that the efficiency of sugar cane clarification is closely linked with sugar juice composition (including suspended or insoluble impurities), the inorganic phosphate content, the liming condition and type, and the interactions between the juice components. These interactions are not well understood, particularly those between calcium, phosphate, and sucrose in sugar cane juice. Studies have been conducted on calcium oxide (CaO)/phosphate/sucrose systems in both synthetic and factory juices to provide further information on the defecation process (i.e., simple liming to effect impurity removal) and to identify an effective clarification process that would result in reduced scaling of sugar factory evaporators, pans, and centrifugals. Results have shown that a two-stage process involving the addition of lime saccharate to a set juice pH followed by the addition of sodium hydroxide to a final juice pH or a similar two-stage process where the order of addition of the alkalis is reversed prior to clarification reduces the impurity loading of the clarified juice compared to that of the clarified juice obtained by the conventional defecation process. The treatment process showed reductions in CaO (27% to 50%) and MgO (up to 20%) in clarified juices with no apparent loss in juice clarity or increase in residence time of the mud particles compared to those in the conventional process. There was also a reduction in the SiO2 content. However, the disadvantage of this process is the significant increase in the Na2O content.


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Problems associated with processing whole sugarcane crop can be minimised by removing impurities during the clarification stage. As a first step, it is important to understand the colloidal chemistry of juice particles on a molecular level to assist development of strategies for effective clarification performance. This paper presents the composition and surface characteristics of colloidal particles originating from various juice types by using scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and zeta potential measurements. The composition and surface characteristics of colloidal juice particles are reported. The results indicate that there are three types of colloidal particles present, viz. an aluminosilicatecompound, silica and iron oxide, with the latter two being abundant. Proteins, polysaccharides and organic acids were identified on the surface of particles in juice. The overall particle charge varies from -2 mV to -6 mV. In comparison to juice expressed from burnt cane, the zeta potential values were more negative with juice particles originating from whole crop. This in part explains why these juices are difficult to clarify.


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Sugar cane biomass is one of the most viable feedstocks for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals. Therefore, processing the whole of crop (WC) (i.e., stalk and trash, instead of stalk only) will increase the amount of available biomass for this purpose. However, effective clarification of juice expressed from WC for raw sugar manufacture is a major challenge because of the amounts and types of non-sucrose impurities (e.g., polysaccharides, inorganics, proteins, etc.) present. Calcium phosphate flocs are important during sugar cane juice clarification because they are responsible for the removal of impurities. Therefore, to gain a better understanding of the role of calcium phosphate flocs during the juice clarification process,the effects of impurities on the physicochemical properties of calcium phosphate flocs were examined using small-angle laser light scattering technique, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction. Results on synthetic sugar juice solutions showed that the presence of SiO2 and Na+ ions affected floc size and floc structure. Starch and phosphate ions did not affect the floc structure; however, the former reduced the floc size, whereas the latter increased the floc size. The study revealed that high levels of Na+ ions would negatively affect the clarification process the most, as they would reduce the amount of suspended particles trapped by the flocs. A complementary study on prepared WC juice using cold and cold/intermediate liming techniques was conducted. The study demonstrated that, in comparison to the one-stage (i.e., conventional) clarification process, a two-stage clarification process using cold liming removed more polysaccharides (≤19%),proteins (≤82%), phosphorus (≤53%), and SiO2 (≤23%) in WC juice but increased Ca2+ (≤136%) and sulfur (≤200%)


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Clarification performance and flocculant dosage is strongly linked to the mud solids loading in the feed entering the clarifier. The recycle of filtrate can represent an extra ~10-15% mud solids loading on the clarifier, thereby reducing its effective capacity. Filtrate recycling may cause significant increase in turbidity, complexed calcium ion formation, phosphate, proteins and polysaccharides in mixed juice that impact on evaporator scale formation and molasses exhaustion. The paper details the results obtained from laboratory, pilot scale and factory trials of filtrate clarification using both sedimentation and flotation methods. Clarified filtrate could be produced of similar quality to ESJ. Filtrate clarification was able to significantly remove insoluble solids, turbidity, phosphate, and polysaccharides content with slight reductions in minerals content of the filtrate. On the basis of improved filtrate quality, the clarified filtrate could be directed to ESJ, instead of the normal practice of directing the mud filtrate to mixed juice. The potential impacts of implementing filtrate clarification are discussed in respect to improved performance and throughput of the clarification station.


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Background: In this study, the efficiency of Guar gum as a biopolymer has been compared with two other widely used inorganic coagulants, ferric chloride (FeCl3) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3), for the treatment of effluent collected from the rubber-washing tanks of a rubber concentrate factory. Settling velocity distribution curves were plotted to demonstrate the flocculating effect of FeCl3, AlCl3 and Guar gum. FeCl3 and AlCl3 displayed better turbidity removal than Guar gum at all settling velocities.

Result: FeCl3, AlCl3 and Guar gum removed 92.8%, 88.2% and 88.1% turbidity, respectively, of raw wastewater at a settling velocity of 0.1 cm min-1, respectively. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study conducted on the flocs revealed that Guar gum and FeCl3produced strong intercoiled honeycomb patterned floc structure capable of entrapping suspended particulate matter. Statistical experimental design Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to design all experiments, where the type and dosage of flocculant, pH and mixing speed were taken as control factors and, an optimum operational setting was proposed.

Conclusion: Due to biodegradability issues, the use of Guar gum as a flocculating agent for wastewater treatment in industry is highly recommended.


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A new steroidal saponin, shatavarin V, (3-O-{[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosy](1-2)][beta-D-glucopyranosyl(1 -> 4)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl}-(25S)-5 beta-spirostan-3 beta-ol), was isolated from the roots of Asparagus racemosus by RP-HPLC, and its structure determined by 1D and 2D NMR studies. This data permits clarification of the structures reported for several known saponins: asparinins A and B; asparosides A and B; curillin H; curillosides G and H and shavatarins I and IV. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The specific mechanisms by which selective pressures affect individuals are often difficult to resolve. In tephritid fruit flies, males respond strongly and positively to certain plant derived chemicals. Sexual selection by female choice has been hypothesized as the mechanism driving this behaviour in certain species, as females preferentially mate with males that have fed on these chemicals. This hypothesis is, to date, based on studies of only very few species and its generality is largely untested. We tested the hypothesis on different spatial scales (small cage and seminatural field-cage) using the monophagous fruit fly, Bactrocera cacuminata. This species is known to respond to methyl eugenol (ME), a chemical found in many plant species and one upon which previous studies have focused. Contrary to expectation, no obvious female choice was apparent in selecting ME-fed males over unfed males as measured by the number of matings achieved over time, copulation duration, or time of copulation initiation. However, the number of matings achieved by ME-fed males was significantly greater than unfed males 16 and 32 days after exposure to ME in small cages (but not in a field-cage). This delayed advantage suggests that ME may not influence the pheromone system of B. cacuminata but may have other consequences, acting on some other fitness consequence (e.g., enhancement of physiology or survival) of male exposure to these chemicals. We discuss the ecological and evolutionary implications of our findings to explore alternate hypotheses to explain the patterns of response of dacine fruit flies to specific plant-derived chemicals.