970 resultados para Checking accounts
Lenders can tap into multiple sources of private information to assess consumer credit risk but little is known about the informational synergies between these sources. Using unique panel data on checking accounts and credit card accounts from the same customers during 2007-2014, we find that activity measures from both account types contain information beyond credit scores and other controls. Checking accounts display warning indications earlier and more accurately than credit card accounts. We also investigate the consistency of information, the reasons for defaults, and selection effects. The evidence highlights sizeable informational synergies that lenders can use to manage credit relationships.
Reuse of record except for individual research requires license from Congressional Information Service, Inc.
The relationship between repeated body checking and its impact on body size estimation and body dissatisfaction is of interest for two reasons. First, it has importance in theoretical accounts of the maintenance of eating disorders and, second, body checking is targeted in cognitive-behavioural treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of manipulating body checking on body size estimation and body dissatisfaction. Sixty women were randomly assigned either to repeatedly scrutinize their bodies in a critical way in the mirror ("high body checking") or to refrain from body checking but to examine the whole of their bodies in a neutral way ("low body checking"). Body dissatisfaction, feelings of fatness and the strength of a particular self-critical thought increased immediately after the manipulation among those in the high body checking condition. Feelings of fatness decreased among those in the low body checking condition. These changes were short-lived. The manipulation did not effect estimations of body size or the discrepancy between estimations of body size and desired body size. The implications of these findings for understanding the influence of body checking on the maintenance of body dissatisfaction are considered. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The substantive legislation on which Agricultural Processing Companies is based has some notable gaps with regard to the pertinent accounting system. There are grey areas concerning compulsory accounting records and their legalization, together with the process for drawing up, checking, approving and depositing the annual accounts.Consequently, in this paper, we will look first at the corporate and accounting records for Agricultural Processing Companies, putting forward proposals in the wake of recent legislation on the legalization of generally applied corporate and accounting documents.A critical analysis will also be made of the entire process of drafting, auditing, approving and depositing the annual accounts and other documents that Agricultural Processing Companies must send each year to their respective regional registries. Legal and mercantile registries will be differentiated from administrative ones and, in this last sense, changes will be suggested with regard to the place and objective of the deposit of such documents.After thirty-four years old, the substantive legislation in economic and accounting matters of the SAT is out of step with the current law, so a review is necessary. Recent regional regulations have not been a real breakthrough in this regard. We assert the existence of a gap between the substantive rules of the SAT and general accounting rules on financial statements, which is unsustainable and it needs a quick legislative action to be canceled.
This paper argues in favor of a concord features valuing within the DP in terms of the Agree operation (Chomsky, 1999), with no recourse to any other mechanism. I show that Agree accounts for feature valuing both in the sentence level as well as in the DP, contrary to Chomsky's (1999) suggestion that concord in DP should involve some other checking mechanism.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Common sense tells us that the future is an essential element in any strategy. In addition, there is a good deal of literature on scenario planning, which is an important tool in considering the future in terms of strategy. However, in many organizations there is serious resistance to the development of scenarios, and they are not broadly implemented by companies. But even organizations that do not rely heavily on the development of scenarios do, in fact, construct visions to guide their strategies. But it might be asked, what happens when this vision is not consistent with the future? To address this problem, the present article proposes a method for checking the content and consistency of an organization`s vision of the future, no matter how it was conceived. The proposed method is grounded on theoretical concepts from the field of future studies, which are described in this article. This study was motivated by the search for developing new ways of improving and using scenario techniques as a method for making strategic decisions. The method was then tested on a company in the field of information technology in order to check its operational feasibility. The test showed that the proposed method is, in fact, operationally feasible and was capable of analyzing the vision of the company being studied, indicating both its shortcomings and points of inconsistency. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The acquisition and extinction of affective valence to neutral geometrical shape conditional stimuli was investigated in three experiments. Experiment 1 employed a differential conditioning procedure with aversive shock USs. Differential electrodermal responding was evident during acquisition and lost during extinction. As indexed by verbal ratings, the CS1 acquired negative valence during acquisition,which was reduced after extinction. Affective priming, a reaction time based demand free measure of stimulus valence, failed to provide evidence for affective learning. Experiment 2 employed pictures of happy and angry faces as USs.Valence ratings after acquisitionweremore positive for theCS paired with happy faces (CS-H) and less positive for the CS paired with angry faces (CS-A) than during baseline. Extinction training reduced the extent of acquired valence significantly for both CSs, however, ratings of the CS-A remained different from baseline. Affective priming confirmed these results yielding differences between CS-A and CS-H after acquisition for pleasant and unpleasant targets, but for pleasant targets only after extinction. Experiment 3 replicated the design of Experiment 2, but presented the US pictures backwardly masked. Neither rating nor affective priming measures yielded any evidence for affective learning. The present results confirm across two different experimental procedures that, contrary to predictions from dual process accounts of human learning, affective learning is subject to extinction.
Chronic administration of antidepressants such as fluoxetine and imipramine increases the responsiveness of 5-HT(1A) receptors in dorsal periaqueductal grey matter (DPAG), a midbrain area consistently implicated in the pathogenesis of panic disorder. This effect has been related to the clinically relevant anti-panic action of these drugs. In this study we determined whether long-term administration of fluoxetine also affects 5-HT efflux in DPAG. As a comparison, the effect of chronic treatment with the anxiolytic 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist buspirone on DPAG 5-HT levels was assessed. We also investigated whether the inhibitory effect of chronic fluoxetine on escape behaviour in the rat elevated T-maze, considered as a panicolytic-like effect, is counteracted by intra-DPAG injection of the 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist WAY 100635. Male Wistar rats were treated (1 or 21 d, i.p.) with fluoxetine, buspirone or vehicle, once daily. After treatment, 5-HT in DPAG was measured by in-vivo microdialysis coupled to HPLC. In another study, rats treated (21 d, i.p.) with either fluoxetine or vehicle also received intra-DPAG injection of WAY 100635 or saline 10 min before being tested in the elevated T-maze. Chronic, but not acute, administration of fluoxetine significantly raised extracellular levels of 5-HT in DPAG. Long-term treatment with buspirone was ineffective. In the elevated T-maze, intra-DPAG injection of WAY 100635 fully blocked the anti-escape effect of chronic administration of fluoxetine. Therefore, chronic fluoxetine facilitates 5-HT(1A)-mediated neurotransmission within DPAG and this effect accounts for the panicolytic-like effect of this antidepressant in the elevated T-maze.
Previously, it was demonstrated that the heme/heme oxygenase (HO)/carbon monoxide (CO) pathway inhibits neutrophil recruitment during the inflammatory response. Herein, we addressed whether the inhibitory effect of the HO pathway on neutrophil adhesion and migration involves the reduction of intracellular adhesion molecule type (ICAM)-1 and beta(2)-integrin expression. Mice pretreated with a specific inhibitor of inducible HO (HO-1), zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) IX, exhibit enhanced neutrophil adhesion and migration induced by intraperitoneal injection of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). These findings are associated with an increase in ICAM-1 expression on mesentery venular endothelium. In accordance, HO-1 inhibition did not enhance LPS-induced neutrophil migration and adhesion in ICAM-1-deficient mice. Furthermore, the treatment with a CO donor (dimanganese decacarbonyl, DMDC) that inhibits adhesion and migration of the neutrophils, reduced LPS-induced ICAM-1 expression. Moreover, neither DMDC nor ZnPP IX treatments changed LPS-induced beta(2)-integrin expression on neutrophils. The effect of CO on ICAM-1 expression seems to be dependent on soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activation, since 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo (4,3-a)quinoxalin-1-one (sGC inhibitor) prevented the observed CO effects. Finally, it was observed that the nitric oxide (NO) anti-inflammatory effects on ICAM-1 expression appear to be indirectly mediated by HO-1 activation, since the inhibition of HO-1 prevented the inhibitory effect of the NO donor (S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine) on LPS-induced ICAM-1 expression. Taken together, these results suggest that CO inhibits ICAM-1 expression on endothelium by a mechanism dependent on sGC activation. Thus, our findings identify the HO-1/CO/guanosine 3`5`-cyclic monophosphate pathway as a potential target for the development of novel pharmacotherapy to control neutrophil migration in inflammatory diseases.