948 resultados para Check points


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia muutoksia Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan rautateiden henkilöliikenteessä on tapahtunut neuvostoajan lopun ja tämän päivän välillä. Tarkastelupisteiksi valittiin vuodet 1991, 1997, 2002 ja 2009. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös selvittää muutoksiin vaikuttaneita taustatekijöitä, kuvata nykytilannetta ja tarkastella tulevaisuuden vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rautateiden henkilöliikenteen määrä on supistunut noin puoleen kaikissa kolmessa maassa tarkasteltuna junakilometrien viikoittaisella määrällä. Matkustajamäärät ovat laskeneet kaikissa kolmessa maassa selvästi tarkastelujakson aikana. Syitä rautateiden henkilöliikenteen supistumiseen ovat olleet mm. kireä kilpailu linja-autoliikenteen kanssa ja lisääntynyt henkilöautojen käyttö. 1990-luvun taloudellisesti vaikeina vuosina rautateillä ei ollut mahdollisuuksia uusia kalustoaan. Kansainvälinen talouskriisi ja sen myötä heikentynyt taloudellinen tilanne kaikissa kolmessa maassa muodostaa uuden uhan rautateiden henkilöliikenteelle. Korkeat rataverkon käyttömaksut toimivat tehokkaana esteenä henkilöliikenteen kehittämiselle.


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This thesis discusses adaption of new project management tool at ABB Oy Motors and Generators business unit, Synchronous Machines profit centre. Thesis studies project modeling in general and buries in the Gate Model used at ABB Synchronous Machines. It is essential to understand Gate Model because this new project management tool, called Project Master Document, is created on the base of the existing project model. Thesis also analyzes goals and structure of Project Master Document in order to ease implementation of this new tool. Project Master Document aims to improved customer order fulfillment by clearing order handover interface. Office process, especially responsibilities and target dates, become also clearer after Master Document implementation. The document is built to be frame for whole order fulfillment process including check points for each gate of project model and updated memos from all project meetings. Furthermore, project progress will be clearly stated by status markings and visualized with colors.


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The Central Library of Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) has been automated by proprietary software (Adlib Library) since 2000. After 11 years, in 2011, the university authorities decided to shift to an open source software (OSS), for integrated library management system (ILMS), Koha for automating the library housekeeping operations. In this context, this study attempts to share the experiences in cataloging with both type of software. The features of the cataloging modules of both the software are analysed on the badis of certain check points. It is found that the cataloging module of Koha is almost in par with that of proven proprietary software that has been in market for the past 25 years. Some suggestions made by this study may be incorporated for the further development and perfection of Koha.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of point measurements in images, with subpixel accuracy, and its contribution in the calibration of digital cameras. Also, the effect of subpixel measurements in 3D coordinates of check points in the object space will be evaluated. With this purpose, an algorithm that allows subpixel accuracy was implemented for semi-automatic determination of points of interest, based on Fõrstner operator. Experiments were accomplished with a block of images acquired with the multispectral camera DuncanTech MS3100-CIR. The influence of subpixel measurements in the adjustment by Least Square Method (LSM) was evaluated by the comparison of estimated standard deviation of parameters in both situations, with manual measurement (pixel accuracy) and with subpixel estimation. Additionally, the influence of subpixel measurements in the 3D reconstruction was also analyzed. Based on the obtained results, i.e., on the quantification of the standard deviation reduction in the Inner Orientation Parameters (IOP) and also in the relative error of the 3D reconstruction, it was shown that measurements with subpixel accuracy are relevant for some tasks in Photogrammetry, mainly for those in which the metric quality is of great relevance, as Camera Calibration.


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Several countries have been passed by change processes in their fundamental geodesic structure with the focus on the adoption of geocentric reference systems. In Brazil, the adoption of the SIRGAS2000 evolves the coexistence of two realizations from the COrrego Alegre system, two realizations from the SAD69 system and one realization from the SIRGAS2000 system. To make use of products in the old reference systems, methods of coordinate transformation between the existent reference frames are necessary. So, in this paper one solution for the transformation between coordinates from different reference frames, based on Thin-Plate Splines (TPS), that allows the estimation of parameters from one linear transformation and also one non-linear model is presented. The TPS model was developed to work with tridimensional coordinates and in this paper the results and analysis are performed with simulated data and also with data from the official Brazilian Geodetic System (SGB). In the check points from SAD69 stations (realization of 1996 - SAD69/96), the values of RMSE obtained were of 78,2 mm in latitude and 67,5 mm in longitude, before the transformation to the SIRGAS2000. In the comparison between the TPS model and ProGriD (Brazilian software provided by IBGE), the statistical indicators were reduced in 97%, by using the TPS model. Based in the obtained results from real dataset, the TPS model appears to be promising, since it allows improving the quality of transformation process with simultaneous distortion modeling.


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The aim of this clinical randomized double-blind split-mouth study was to assess the effectiveness of a 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated bleaching agent. 31 patients were treated with: one upper hemiarcade with a 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent and the other hemiarcade with a 6% hydrogen peroxide. Two applications were completed each treatment session and three sessions were appointed, with one week interval between them. Tooth colour was registered each session and 1 week and 1 months after completing the treatment by spectrophotometer, registering parameters L*, a* and b*, and subjectively using VITA Classic guide. Tooth sensitivity was registered by VAS and patient satisfaction and self-perception result was determined using OHIP-14. Tooth colour variation and sensitivity were compared between both bleaching agents. Both treatment showed a change between baseline colour and all check-points with a ΔE=5.57 for 6% and of ΔE=7.98 for the 35% one month after completing the (p<0.05). No statistical differences were seen when subjective evaluations were compared. Also, no differences were seen in tooth sensitivity between bleaching agents. OHIP-14 questionnaire demonstrated a significant change for all patients after bleaching. A 6% hydrogen peroxide with nitrogen-doped titanium dioxide light activated agent is effective for tooth bleaching, reaching a ΔE of 5.57 one month after completing the treatment, with no clinical differences to a 35% agent neither in colour change or in tooth sensitivity. A low concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent may reach good clinical results with less adverse effects.


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Abstract L’utilizzo dei dati satellitari per la gestione dei disastri naturali è fondamentale nei paesi in via di sviluppo, dove raramente esiste un censimento ed è difficile per i governi aggiornare le proprie banche dati con le tecniche di rilevamento e metodi di mappatura tradizionali che sono entrambe lunghe e onerose. A supporto dell’importanza dell’impiego del telerilevamento e per favorirne l’uso nel caso di catastrofi, vi è l’operato di diverse organizzazioni internazionali promosse da enti di ricerca, da agenzie governative o da organismi sopranazionali, le quali svolgono un lavoro di cruciale valore, fornendo sostegno tecnico a chi si occupa di far giungere alle popolazioni colpite gli aiuti umanitari e i soccorsi nel più breve tempo possibile. L’attività di tesi è nata proprio dalla collaborazione con una di esse, ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action), organizzazione no-profit, fondata dal Politecnico di Torino e SiTI (Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione), la quale a sua volta collabora con il WFP (World Food Programme) delle Nazioni Unite, realizzando cartografie speditive necessarie per la valutazione delle conseguenze di un evento catastrofico, attraverso l’impiego di dati acquisiti da satellite. Su questo tema si è inserito il presente lavoro che ha come obiettivo quello di dimostrare la valenza dei dati telerilevati, siano essi di tipo ottico o Radar, nel caso di alcuni dei disastri naturali più catastrofici, le alluvioni. In particolare è stata studiata la vulnerabilità del Bangladesh, il quale annualmente si trova ad affrontare eventi alluvionali, spesso di grave intensità. Preliminarmente allo studio, è stata condotta una ricerca bibliografica al fine di avere una buona conoscenza dell’area sia in termini geografici e fisici che di sviluppo e tipologia di urbanizzazione. E’stata indagata in particolare l’alluvione che ha colpito il paese nel Luglio del 2004, attraverso delle immagini satellitari multispettrali, in particolare Landsat 7, per un inquadramento pre-evento, ed ASTER per studiare la situazione a distanza di tre mesi dall’accaduto (immagine rilevata il 20 Ottobre 2004). Su tali immagini sono state condotte delle classificazioni supervisionate con il metodo della massima verosimiglianza che hanno portato la suddivisione del territorio in quattro classi di destinazione d’uso del suolo: urbano (Build-up), campi e vegetazione (Crops&Vegetation), sabbia e scavi (Sand&Excavation), idrografia e zone alluvionate (Water). Dalla sperimentazione è emerso come tali immagini multispettrali si prestino molto bene per l’analisi delle differenti caratteristiche del territorio, difatti la validazione condotta sulla mappa tematica derivata dall’immagine Landsat 7 ha portato ad un’accuratezza del 93% circa, mentre la validazione dell’immagine ASTER è stata solo di tipo qualitativo, in quanto, considerata l’entità della situazione rilevata, non è stato possibile avere un confronto con dei punti da assumere come verità a terra. Un’interpretazione della mappa tematica derivante dalla classificazione dell’immagine ASTER è stata elaborata incrociandola in ambiente GIS con dati forniti dal CEGIS (Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services) riguardanti il landuse della zona in esame; da ciò è emerso che le zone destinate alla coltivazione del riso sono più vulnerabili alle inondazioni ed in particolare nell’Ottobre 2004 il 95% delle aree esondate ha interessato tali colture. Le immagini ottiche presentano un grosso limite nel caso delle alluvioni: la rilevante copertura nuvolosa che spesso accompagna siffatti eventi impedisce ai sensori satellitari operanti nel campo dell’ottico di rilevare il territorio, e per questo di frequente essi non si prestano ad essere impiegati per un’indagine nella fase di prima emergenza. In questa circostanza, un valido aiuto giunge dall’impiego di immagini Radar, le quali permettono osservazioni ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte, anche in presenza di nuvole, rendendole di fondamentale importanza nelle situazioni descritte. Per dimostrare la validità di questi sensori si sono analizzati due subset derivanti da un mosaico di immagini della nuova costellazione italiana ad alta risoluzione CosmoSkymed: il primo va dalla città di Dhaka al Golfo del Bengala ed il secondo copre la zona più a Nord nel distretto di Sylhet. Dalla sperimentazione condotta su tali immagini radar, che ha comportato come ovvio problematiche del tutto differenti rispetto alle elaborazioni tradizionalmente condotte su immagini nel campo dell’ottico, si è potuto verificare come l’estrazione dei corpi d’acqua e più in generale dell’idrografia risulti valida e di veloce computazione. Sono emersi tuttavia dei problemi, per esempio per quanto riguarda la classificazione dell’acqua in presenza di rilievi montuosi; tali complicazioni sono dovute alla presenza di zone d’ombra che risultano erroneamente assegnate alla classe water, ma è stato possibile correggere tali errori di attribuzione mascherando i rilievi con l’ausilio di una mappa delle pendenze ricavata da modelli di elevazione SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission). La validazione dei risultati della classificazione, condotta con un grande numero di check points, ha fornito risultati molto incoraggianti (ca. 90%). Nonostante le problematiche riscontrate, il Radar, in sé o in accoppiamento con altri dati di diversa origine, si presta dunque a fornire in breve tempo informazioni sull’estensione dell’esondazione, sul grado di devastazione, sulle caratteristiche delle aree esondate, sulle vie di fuga più adatte, diventando un’importante risorsa per chi si occupa di gestire l’emergenza in caso di eventi calamitosi. L’integrazione con i dati di tipo ottico è inoltre essenziale per pervenire ad una migliore caratterizzazione del fenomeno, sia in termini di change detection che di monitoraggio post-evento.


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Background. Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary tumor of central nervous system and it has a poor prognosis. Standard first line treatment, which includes surgery followed by adjuvant radio-chemotherapy,produces only modest benefits to survival. The interest for immunotherapy in this field derives from the development of new drugs and effective therapies as immune-check points inhibitors, adoptive T-cell approaches or dendritic cell (DC) based vaccines or a combinations of these. GBM is described as a typical “immune-deserted” cancer exhibiting a number of systemic and environmental immunosuppressive factors. Considering the role of microenvironment, and above all the lower tumor load and depletion of immunosuppressive cells in GBM, our hypothesis is that DC vaccine may induce an immune response. Main aims and study design. The main aim of this project is to study the role of immune system in GBM, including identification of potential prognostic and predictive markers of outcome and response to dendritic cell vaccine. Firstly, we performed a retrospective analysis on blood samples. Then, we analyzed the immuno-component in tissues samples of enrolled patients; and compared that with blood results. Then, the last part of the project is based on a prospective clinical trial on patients enrolled in DC-based vaccination produced at IRST Cell Factory and actually used for patients with melanoma and other tumors. The enrollment is still ongoing. Expected results. The project will i) develop an immune-panel of prognostic and predictive markers to help clinicians to improve the therapeutic strategy for GBM patients; ii) provide preliminary results on the effectiveness of immunotherapy on GBM patients.


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The energy and hardness profile for a series of inter and intramolecular conformational changes at several levels of calculation were computed. The hardness profiles were found to be calculated as the difference between the vertical ionization potential and electron affinity. The hardness profile shows the correct number of stationary points independently of the basis set and methodology used. It was found that the hardness profiles can be used to check the reliability of the energy profiles for those chemical system


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The energy and hardness profile for a series of inter and intramolecular conformational changes at several levels of calculation were computed. The hardness profiles were found to be calculated as the difference between the vertical ionization potential and electron affinity. The hardness profile shows the correct number of stationary points independently of the basis set and methodology used. It was found that the hardness profiles can be used to check the reliability of the energy profiles for those chemical system


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Ever since Prime Minister David Cameron made his major speech on Europe on 23 January 2013, in which he argued for some kind of new deal between the UK and the EU, the rest of the EU as well as the British public have been wondering what he would actually propose in operational terms. On 15 March 2014, the Prime Minister offered at least an interim reply to these questions in an article in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. This paper extracts from the Daily Telegraph article the main ideas that the Prime Minister advances. In all, 10 propositions are identified, presented in the precise language used, followed by an appraisal. The article has not attracted so much attention, mainly because its content is not particularly sensational, but that is its real importance and quality. It points the way towards resolving what otherwise would mean a huge political crisis for the UK and the EU. The Prime Minister gave the overall impression that he is not now heading towards making an impossibly difficult list of demands. On the contrary, an informed and moderate realism seems to be in the making. The package outlined in this paper could be sold in Brussels. There would then have to be a robust communications campaign to sell it to the British public. This paper is part of a series for a CEPS-EPIN project on “The British Question and the Search for a Fresh European Narrative”, which is pegged to an ambitious ongoing exercise by the British government to review all the competences of the European Union. The intention is that this should provide a basis for informed debate before the referendum on the UK remaining in the EU or not, which is scheduled for 2017.