992 resultados para Centros de Especialidades Odontológicos


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Por um longo período o modelo de assistência em odontologia adotado no país se voltava apenas para um grupo etário da população as crianças e ainda se caracterizava pelo não conservadorismo, com um alto número de extrações, já que não existia uma estrutura que possibilitasse o acesso a outros níveis de atenção. Fato este reverberado pela ausência de políticas específicas de saúde bucal na esfera federal, até que em 2004 surge a Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal - Programa Brasil Sorridente. As diretrizes da política propõem a ampliação do acesso a todas as faixas etárias e o atendimento integral em todos os níveis, incentivando estados e municípios a criarem os Centros de Especialidades Odontológicos (CEO), que funcionariam como unidades de referência de média complexidade para as equipes de saúde bucal, oferecendo procedimentos mais complexos e conclusivos complementares aos realizados na atenção básica. O presente estudo analisa essa política de incentivo financeiro federal procurando identificar os elementos que possam ter contribuído ou dificultado a implantação dos CEO nos municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de outubro de 2004 até dezembro de 2008. A análise foi baseada em documentos oficiais e entrevistas com atores relevantes para a compreensão das disputas deste processo.


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The public dental services in Brazil were limited, practically, to the basic care, so that the specialized services acted, up to 2002, no more than 3,5% of the total of clinical procedures. That lower offer reveals the difficulty of continuity of the attention, that is, the comprehensiveness in the assistance, particulary, the reference and counter-reference system. Brasil Sorridente search to supply those needs when proposing Speciality Dental's Centers(CEOs Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas, Brazil) to compose the services of average complexity. In 2005, Ministry of Health enabled the three CEOs of Natal, located in the North II, East and West Sanitary Districts. This investigation evaluated the implantation of these CEOs, as support of the family health care teams, in the perspective of organization of the services in assistencial nets in Natal/RN. It was a study of evaluation, with qualitative approach and some quantitative data as contribution. Dentists, users and managers were interviewed to identify and to understand their perceptions, relationships and experiences in the daily of the services. The conceptual base that orientated the investigation was the principle of comprehensiveness, in its operational sense of the hierarchization in health attention levels. The collection of data was done with documental research, direct observation and semi-structured interview. The analysis was accomplished by triangulation of the extracted content from the used techniques and sources of interviewed groups depositions, looking for theoretical-conceptual support in specific bibliography. The results pointed aspects that go away from the comprehensiveness like: low resolution of problems in the basic net; little valorization of the space in the health units; traditional models of access to health services, insufficient offer for some specialties, compromising the reference and counter-reference system; practices centered in procedures in the CEO; bureaucratic directions from basic care to the specialized service; disintegrated and disjointed system among levels of attention; disrespect to the municipal protocol. On the other hand, there is an approach of compreensiveness in situations like: increase of the access and covering in the Family Health Strategy (ESF Estratégia Saúde da Família, Brazil); larger approach between professional and user; tendency to the quantitative and qualitative growth of specialized actions; punctual initiatives of relationships among levels; existence of protocol to guide professionals


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The Specialized Dental Care Centers (CEO) were developed to provide specialized dental care to the population, given the accumulated needs of health since the past. They must operate as units of reference for the Oral Health Team of the Primary Care, complementing the dental procedures performed at this level of attention. This study aims to assess the performance of CEOs of the Grande Natal Health Region as a strategy of Secondary Care consolidation in oral health through users, dentists and managers. For this to try to identify factors about access, hosting and satisfaction with the service, the actions developed in these centers, integration between the CEOs and the Basic Health Units (UBS), considering the reference and counter reference. Data were collected through semi-structured interview, conducted in four CEOs, among 253 users, 31 dentists and 4 managers. It was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to content analysis by software ALCESTE 4.5. The results revealed that the specialties of prosthesis, endodontics and surgery were the most sought by 38.2%, 23.7% and 21.7% of respondents, respectively. It was noticed that among users aged 18 to 30 years-old the greatest demand is for the specialty of endodontics (44.4%) and over 50 years for prosthesis (76.4%). There is a weakness in the reference and counter reference between UBS and CEO, because part of users goes directly to the centers without going before to the Primary Care and the majority does not want to return to the dentist of Health Unit. Satisfaction with care was reported by 90.9% of users, because they resolved the problems needed and were welcomed by the team. But the delay in care was the main factor for not satisfaction. For most dentists, some users could solve their problems completely in Primary Care, which shows the existence of unnecessary referrals to the CEOs, however they consider the existence of limiting factors in UBS that compromise the service. Most dentists revealed that some users do not get to CEOs with the basic dental treatment done, and some of them do not counter reference users. It can be concluded that the studied CEOs are being resolutive for those who access them, offering necessary care for the population, and if they don t account with this service, will encounter obstacles to resolution of problems, ranging seek care service in particular, in another public sector, or even giving up treatment. However, it is perceived the need of professionals training to understand the importance of the reference and counter reference, to that they can better serve and guide users. It is also important that cities offer better conditions to UBS and CEOs, so they can work together, with complementary actions of oral health, seeking full care, aiming for better resolution to the users' health problems


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Aim: To evaluate user satisfaction and quality of prosthetic treatments performed in specialized dental clinics (CEOs) of Natal Metropolitan Region - RN. Methods: Cross-sectional study with subjects who underwent prosthetic CEOs in the cities of Natal, Macaíba, Parnamirim and Sao Goncalo do Amarante in the period 2007 to 2009. Data collection was performed by questionnaire, clinical examination of the oral cavity and examination of fabricated denture. This analysis involved the following aspects: retention, stability, aesthetics and prosthesis fixation. The variables are presented by means of absolute numbers and proportions. The determination of the association between the independent and dependent variables was conducted by the association of Chi-square test and Fisher exact test. Results: A total of 149 users, totaling 233 conventional dentures (148 upper and 85 lower). Most patients (56.4%) were rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures. The technical quality of the denture was regarded as satisfactory in the majority (52.7%), whereas the inferior dentures were rated as unsatisfactory in 90.5% of cases. Satisfaction with the prosthesis was 69.1% (N = 103). The average time to begin treatment was 3 months to receive while the prosthesis was 4 months old. The presence of injury from the upper prosthesis occurred in 21.5% of cases (N = 32), candidiasis being the most frequent (N = 18). The technical quality of the upper prosthesis (p=0,041), as well as retention (p=0,002) and stability (p<0,001) were significantly associated with user satisfaction. Conclusions: The specialized Dental clinics has been fulfilling its role of providing treatment of intermediate complexity for low-income population with the majority of satisfield patients, even when their dentures have problems of technical quality


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Objective: To evaluate the degree of users satisfaction and technical quality of endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics (CEO) of Grande Natal / RN between 2006 and 2008. Methodology: evaluated 282 endodontically treated teeth in CEOs through clinical and radiographic examinations. A questionnaire about the clinical condition of the tooth, evaluation of care and satisfaction with treatment was applied. Data on pre-and trans-operative were noted by the patient's clinical record. Endodontically treated teeth were examined by a specialist in endodontics, which compared with previous radiographs and current ones. The collected datas were presented descriptively by absolute numbers, percentages, averages. To determine the association between the independent and dependent variables was carried out through the bivariate association test Chi-square and Fisher exact test. Results: 79.8% presented with radiographic normal and 84.4% without pain symptoms. 8.2% of the teeth were fractured and 3.2% extracted. The persistence of the periapical lesion was associated with initial periapical status (p <0.05). 91.5% of patients are satisfied with the outcome of treatment. Such satisfaction is associated with absence of pain and an adequate esthetic tooth position (p <0.05). Conclusion: endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics have an adequate technical quality, resulting in the success of endodontic therapy performed in these centers and that users are satisfied with the treatment


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Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.


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Objective Based on the system of reference and counter-reference and comprehensiveness in oral health care, we aimed to examine ways of refering users to Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCC) and the interface between them and Primary Care. Methods This is a cross-sectional study carried out with users and dentists of SDCC in a metropolitan region of Northeast of Brazil. Analyses were descriptive, and the association test was done with chi-square. Results Six forms of entry to specialized service were identified: free demand (13.8 %) and reference by the Primary Care dentist (63.2 %) were most frequent. Users referred by the basic health unit dentist had more interest in making a counter-reference than the others (p<0.001, PR=4.65, 95 % CI: 2.74 to 7.91), while individuals without this referral had 1.49 times more difficulty obtaining care (95 % CI: 1.02 to 2.17). Referral procedures are a decisive factor for counter-references. However, the high demand for primary care services and the short supply these services can offer in the face of needs make SDCC performance difficult. Conclusion The analysis of oral health practices from the perspective of network modeling points to the service's need to establish protocols for regulation in a bid to improve access to and the quality of care provided.


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The implement of Specialized’s Dentistry Centers in Brazil is, on present-day, one of the prime faces of Oral Health Brazilian Political, of which is to amplify and to qualify the specialized’s dentistry services proffer. The aim of this study, done with indirect dates, was to analyze the implantation and geographical distribution of these Centers in Brazil and try to make a relationship between this information and social and oral health factors. The results obtained showed the presence of 339 Centers already implanted in Brazil, homogeneously allocated in 283 cities, by a total of 5.560 brazilian cities, presented in the five Greater Regions. The most of the Centers were presented in large load cities. The data showed Southeast, Central West and Northeast regions with the major percentage of cities carrying Specialized’s Dentistry Centers (7,6%; 6,5%; 6,1%, respectively), while North and South regions present the minor covering taxes (4,0% and 4,5%, respectively). Relation to population’s social and buccal needs, North and Northeast Regions have the most adverse conditions, on the contrary to South, Southeast and Central West Regions who show the best one. Although the finded results were not so expressive, reflecting the brazilian geographical and populational characteristics and the essential development of specialized dentistry services, this initiative presents a real progress over the reorganization of dentistry’s practice.


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Esta tese tem por objeto o processo de regionalização das ações de média complexidade e da oferta de próteses dentárias no âmbito da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB). Foram realizadas duas pesquisas fundamentais para o entendimento desse processo: a primeira esteve voltada para o levantamento da descrição da oferta de ações especializadas e de próteses dentárias nos Planos Diretores de Regionalização (PDR) nas 27 unidades federadas do país. A segunda pesquisa verificou a cobertura por Equipes de Saúde Bucal (ESBs) na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) e a distribuição dos 844 Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEOs) e dos 526 Laboratórios Regionais de Próteses Dentárias (LRPDs) implantados até setembro de 2010 nas regiões de saúde do Brasil dos 27 estados da federação. Essas pesquisas permitiram concluir que: os PDRs, na grande maioria dos estados brasileiros, não contribuíram para a organização regionalizada da distribuição de CEOs e LRPDs no Brasil. A cobertura por Equipes de Saúde Bucal é heterogênea, com predominância da Região Nordeste e dos municípios de pequeno porte, em detrimento das capitais e dos estados das regiões Sul e Sudeste. No tocante à distribuição das unidades CEO e LRPD pelas regiões de saúde, a pesquisa mostrou que os critérios normativos para a seleção dos municípios a sediarem essas unidades vêm sendo cumpridos de forma precária na maior parte do país. Além disso, a distribuição dessas unidades não apresenta coerência com os princípios da regionalização prevista pelo Pacto de Gestão do SUS.


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A assistência ortodôntica, que de forma incipiente, já se fazia presente no SUS, foi revigorada com a criação dos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas (CEOs) pela Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB), lançada em 2004. No entanto, as informações acerca dos dados dessa assistência ainda permaneciam desconhecidas. Surgiram então as questões: onde se localizam os centros que englobam esse tipo de atenção? Como se desenvolve a prática ortodôntica nesses locais? Quais são os problemas presentes neste processo? Neste sentido, a descoberta de respostas a essas perguntas, constituiu-se no objeto desta tese. Investigar a localização dos CEOs e outros centros de saúde bucal de todo o país que prestam serviços ortodônticos; lançar um olhar sobre a Saúde Pública dos municípios que os sediam; observar o modus operandi dessas ações ortodônticas. Em seguida, em um exercício prospectivo, discutir os caminhos para incrementá-las tornando-as mais efetivas. Através das Coordenações Estaduais de Saúde Bucal (CESBs), foram localizados todos os serviços ortodônticos públicos do país; em seguida solicitou-se junto aos gestores e/ou gerentes dos mesmos informações relativas ao que acontece em termos de programação ortodôntica intramuros. Foram detectados 42 serviços públicos de Ortodontia presentes em 39 municípios de todo o Brasil. Os dados obtidos referentes ao atendimento ortodôntico foram analisados e mostraram problemas na ordem de recursos humanos, de financiamento, de triagem e referência além da ausência de um protocolo clínico abrangente, norteador dessas ações. Apontou-se assim na direção de se discutir nova idéias acerca dessas questões. A Ortodontia definitivamente está em pauta no SUS e, por ser uma experiência um tanto quanto incipiente, carece de alguns ajustes. Ajustes esses discutidos em um protocolo de conduta adaptável à realidade de cada município. Neste protocolo são apontados elementos indicadores de uma maior eficácia técnica e uma maior viabilidade política e financeira no processo de aproximação Ortodontia -SUS.


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Permanent teeth impaction is highly prevalent among brazilian people. Its etiology is related to local and general factors association. Permanent teeth retention compromises dental occlusion and when anterior teeth are involved, it also brings esthetics impairments which lead to psychological disturbance. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are extremely important to solve not only occlusal problems but also psychological aspects. Orthodontic traction of impacted teeth can be conducted by using fixed or removable appliances. Although it depends on patient compliance the use of removable appliances provides an anchorage based on the teeth and the palate reducing undesirable side effects. This paper describes the case of a fourteen years old female patient whose right maxillary central incisor was adequately tractioned with a removable orthodontic appliance. Removable orthodontic devices were used at first to reposition teeth in maxillary anterior area what provided adequate space to allow the placement of the impacted incisor and after were also used to traction and position this tooth. The procedure described seemed to be effective, non expensive and a viable treatment to be performed even on the scope of public health services, extending orthodontic treatment to a higher number of patients.


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The design of oral health has as its most important to bring knowledge, prevention and treatment for the population of municipalities that have this important means of promoting health in general. These programs are based on socio-educational projects, such as tooth brushing, educational lectures, projects, preventive and, fluoride use, application of sealants in pits and even the prevention of oral cancer. In the area of healing, the centers of dental specialties (CEO) associated with the PSF are responsible for implementing treatment of periodontal diseases, trauma, restoration of teeth affected by dental caries, prosthesis design for functional rehabilitation of the patient, biopsies of oral lesions , among other specialties. This study aims to evaluate the students of the Graduate Program in Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Araçatuba, in order to coordinate a program to promote health in their communities. The result based on parameters in the OMS showed that the majority of graduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry Araçatuba acquired knowledge to a reasonable oral health program in their city as a coordinator.


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RESUMO - Introdução: O presente trabalho, desenvolvido ao longo dos últimos meses, teve como objetivo analisar comparativamente o impacto das Unidades Locais de Saúde e dos Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde no processo de articulação entre cuidados de saúde primários e hospitais. Para tal, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: frequência de contacto entre médicos de família e especialistas; percentagem de informação de retorno recebida pelos médicos de família; percentagem de recusas recebida pelos médicos de família; e tempo de espera entre o pedido das consultas hospitalares e a efetivação das mesmas para as especialidades mais referenciadas. As instituições escolhidas para o estudo foram a Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco e o ACeS Cova da Beira. Metodologia: O instrumento de medida utilizado para este estudo foi um questionário, com questões de resposta aberta e fechada, dirigido a médicos de família da Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco e do ACeS Cova da Beira, pretendendo assim averiguar a perceção que os mesmos têm em relação às variáveis descritas no tópico da Introdução. Resultados: Segundo dados estatísticos, meramente descritivos, os médicos de família da ULSCB apresentaram uma frequência de contacto inferior aos médicos de família do ACeS com os médicos hospitalares, e a percentagem de informação de retorno recebida pelos médicos de família da ULSCB revelou ser também inferior à recebida pelos médicos de família do ACeS. No entanto, as diferenças encontradas não puderam ser confirmadas para a amostra existente, uma vez que o teste Qui-quadrado foi inconclusivo. Quanto à percentagem de recusas recebida pelos médicos de família de ambas as instituições, e aos tempos de espera para a realização das consultas das especialidades mais referenciadas pelo ACeS Cova da Beira e pela ULSCB, a ULSCB não mostrou desvantagem significativa, mas também não revelou superioridade. Conclusão: As principais conclusões extraídas deste estudo vão no sentido de questionar a eficácia do modelo de organização institucional das ULS | Unidades Locais de Saúde no que diz respeito à articulação entre cuidados de saúde primários e cuidados de saúde hospitalares, em particular, no que se refere à partilha de informação clínica e à eficiência do processo de referenciação para consultas hospitalares.


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Evaluar el diseño del modelo de gestión del conocimiento educativo-musical cuyo eje principal está ubicado en el empleo de la herramienta de aprendizaje online utilizado en el modelo pedagógico que se presenta. El segundo objetivo consiste en evaluar el proceso de aplicación de un modelo pedagógico-músical con nuevas tecnologías en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). El tercer objetivo se basa en la evaluación del impacto y la incidencia que tiene la aplicación de un modelo de Educación Musical con nuevas tecnologías para el alumnado de la Educación Secundaria. El diseño de la investigación se divide en tres: la evaluación del diseño del modelo pedagógico, la evaluación del proceso llevado a cabo con el modelo pedagógico y la evaluación del impacto del modelo pedagógico. Se emplea una metodología integrada que abarca técnicas analíticas de corte cualitativo y corte cuantitativo. El centro de investigación es un centro de la ESO ubicado en una zona céntrica de la localidad sevillana de Dos Hermanas, dicho centro recibe alumnado de diferentes niveles socieconómicos, es un centro TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación). Para la evaluación del diseño de la plataforma online la muestra es de 12 expertos de distintas especialidades (pedagogía, psicología, informática, música). En la evaluación del proceso de aprendizaje con el Modelo Bordón (con 250 sujetos), se utiliza una plataforma de teleformación musical, que contiene 200 tablas, 60 variables y 50.000 registros de actividad de los usuarios. Se emplea un grupo de discusión de 10 alumnos-as de diferentes tipologías y características. En relación a la evaluación del impacto, cuenta con una muestra de 136 sujetos que acumulan un total de 676 medidas correctivas en todas las materias del currículo de la ESO, la muestra para el estudio de las ejecuciones musicales es de 15 sujetos que tocan distintos instrumentos musicales, con un nivel medio de competencias musicales y de danza. Las técnicas de recogida de información son tales como técnicas de prueba, técnicas de encuesta, técnicas narrativas, y de técnicas de observación. En cuanto a la evaluación del diseño, después de someter a la herramienta principal de formación online del estudio, Moodle, a un juicio de expertos en Ingeniería Informática, Pedagogía, Psicología y Música, los resultados que arrojan los análisis muestran el alto grado de consenso en las respuestas de los jueces y las juezas, los cuales valoran muy positivamente esta herramienta de aprendizaje. La evaluación del proceso, muestra un mayor grado de trabajo, motivación y mejora de la actitud en el modelo educativo con TIC. En segundo lugar, la mayor frecuencia de uso aparece en los foros (herramientas de comunicación asincrónica), el chat (herramientas de comunicación sincrónica), las lecciones musicales y los test de conocimientos musicales. Respecto a la evaluación del impacto, los resultados del Modelo Bordón, de gestión del conocimiento educativo-musical, reflejan la correlación entre la mejora de la actitud del alumnado, el mayor volumen de trabajo y el mayor aprendizaje musical mediante las TIC.