41 resultados para Casuistry.


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Morishita’s “multiple analysis”of the whaling issue [Morishita J. Multiple analysis of the whaling issue: Understanding the dispute by a matrix. Marine Policy 2006;30:802–8] is essentially a restatement of the Government of Japan’s whaling policy, which confuses the issue through selective use of data, unsubstantiated facts, and the vilification of opposing perspectives. Here, we deconstruct the major problems with Morishita’s article and provide an alternative view of the whaling dispute. For many people in this debate, the issue is not that some whales are not abundant, but that the whaling industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself or to honestly assess the status of potentially exploitable populations. This suspicion has its origin in Japan’s poor use of science, its often implausible stock assessments, its insistence that culling is an appropriate way to manage marine mammal populations, and its relatively recent falsification of whaling and fisheries catch data combined with a refusal to accept true transparency in catch and market monitoring. Japanese policy on whaling cannot be viewed in isolation, but is part of a larger framework involving a perceived right to secure unlimited access to global marine resources. Whaling is inextricably tied to the international fisheries agreements on which Japan is strongly dependent; thus, concessions made at the IWC would have potentially serious ramifications in other fora.


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Who is the patient? A social-ethical study of the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The aim of this study is to examine the Finnish practice of prenatal screening from a social-ethical perspective. Analyzing ethical problems in medicine and medical practice only on a general scale may conceal relevant ethical dilemmas. Previous studies have suggested that many pregnant women view the prenatal screening practices customary in the Finnish maternal care system as intimidating and oppressive. This study analyzes the ethical questions of prenatal screening by focusing on the experiences and decision-making of a pregnant woman. Finnish women s experiences of and decision-making on the most common prenatal screening methods are reflected in the basic principles of biomedical ethics described by Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress in Principles of Biomedical Ethics. To concretize women s experiences I refer to studies of Finnish women s experiences of prenatal screenings. This study shows that the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence and beneficence seem to materialize rather poorly in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. The main ethical problem with prenatal screening is that the likelihood of a foetal cure is very limited and, upon detection of an affected foetus, the choice is usually whether to continue with the pregnancy or to undergo an abortion. Although informed consent should be required, women s participation in prenatal testing is, in many cases at least, not based on their active decision. Many women experience severe anxiety when they receive a positive screening result and must wait for the final results. Medical studies indicate that long- term anxiety may negatively influence the foetus and the mother-child relationship. This study shows that the practice of prenatal screening as such may cause more harm than benefit to many pregnant women and their foetuses. This study examines the decision-making process of a pregnant woman by using the theory of medical casuistry described in Jonsen, Siegler and Winslade s Clinical Ethics. This study focuses on each of the four points of view recommended by the theory. The main problem seems to be the question of whom the patient of prenatal screening is and whom the practice is intended to benefit: the mother, the foetus, the family or society? This study shows that the concepts of health in Finnish maternal care in general, and of the prenatal screening system in particular, differ considerably. It also demonstrates that the purpose and the aims of prenatal screening, aside from the woman s right to choose, has been expressed neither in Finnish public health programmes nor in the public recommendations of prenatal screening. This study suggests that the practice of prenatal screening is a statement, though unexpressed, of public health policy and as such comprises part of the policy of disability. This study further demonstrates that through a single explicit aim (the woman s right to choose) society actually evades its obligation to women by saddling pregnant women with the entire moral responsibility as well as the possible negative consequences of her choice, such as sorrow, regrets and moral balancing. The study reveals several ethical problems in the Finnish practice of prenatal screening. Such problems should be dealt with as the Finnish practice of prenatal screening advances.


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A formal representation is given of the situational structure, and the agents' beliefs about personal identity, in the Smemorato di Collegno amnesia case tried in 1927, in Pollenza, Italy. Another section discusses and formalizes a sample heuristic rule for conjecturing whether an individual identity other than personal, being conveyed by a toponym, was used literally or fictitiously in a given historical corpus of legal casenotes. For example, a landlocked city being named and referred to as though it was a sea port is a fairly good cue for assuming that the toponym is a disguise. Yet, the interpretation is governed by other conventions, when in a play by Shakeaspeare it is stated that a given scene is set on the sea coast of Bohemia. Further discussion of a situational casuistry for identification (especially individual and personal) along with more formal representations will appear in a companion paper "nissanidentifpirandello", also at the disciplinary meet of AI formalisms and legal applications.


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O presente relatório pretende descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo e apresentar a casuística relativa a este período. É apresentado também um estudo de casos sobre uveítes caninas e monografia sobre o tema. A uveíte é uma das afeções oculares mais frequentes nos cães, muitas vezes associada a outras afeções sistémicas. Foi realizado um estudo retrospetivo com 50 cães que se apresentaram neste Hospital nos anos de 2011 e 2012 com diagnóstico primário de uveíte, com o objetivo de caracterizar a distribuição das uveítes na população canina e avaliar as suas causas, em especial a relação com doenças sistémicas. O número de causas oculares identificadas foi igual ao número de causas sistémicas, o que reforça o importante papel de determinadas afeções sistémicas na etiologia da uveíte; ### Abstract Clinic in Small Animals Canine Uveitis: Retrospective Study of 50 cases The present report aims to describe the activities developed during the traineeship in Veterinary Hospital of Restelo and presents the casuistry relating to this period. It also presents a case study about canine uveitis and a monograph about it. Uveitis is one of the most common ocular diseases in dogs, often associated with others systemic diseases. We conducted a retrospective study in 50 dogs presented at the Hospital in 2011 and 2012 with a primary diagnosis of uveitis, with the purpose of characterizing the distribution of uveitis in the dog population and evaluate their causes, in particularly the relationship with systemic diseases. The number of identified ocular causes was equal to the number of systemic causes, which reinforces the important role of certain systemic conditions in the etiology of uveitis.


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From the 1st of January 2011, new conditions have been validated in which surgery for weight loss is borne by the basic insurance. These are very significant changes compared to the old criteria. Indeed, on one hand, patients with BMI > or = 35 kg/m2 may, without age limit and in the absence of comorbidities benefit from surgery without prior request to the medical council health insurance company concerned. On the other hand, the notion of a minimum casuistry is for the first time introduced in centers performing this type of intervention. In addition, certified centers are required to follow standard procedures for the patients' teaching and follow up.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en describir las características de un asesino en serie colombiano desde la perspectiva psicodinámica. En este sentido, el abordaje teórico realizado en este trabajo se compone inicialmente de una concepción de asesinos en serie, posteriormente se hace una revisión acerca de las bases biológicas y los factores sociales del homicida serial, igualmente, se explican tres teorías psicodinámicas a trabajar (Sigmund Freud y Erick Erickson). Finalmente, se hace mención dentro de la investigación a la comparación casuística de los asesinos en serie, teniendo en cuenta a cuatro asesinos en serie mediante el abordaje psicodinámico. Por otra parte, a nivel metodológico, el tipo de estudio realizado es descriptivo con un corte cualitativo y un diseño no experimental, basado en la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas. Como producto se pretende hacer una aproximación al perfil correspondiente de la personalidad de un asesino en serie colombiano mediante las teorías psicodinámicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A infecção pelo Vírus da imunodeficiência humana 1 (HIV -1) em associação com a do Vírus da hepatite C (HCV) representa, atualmente, uma comorbidade que pode interferir principalmente na história natural da hepatite C. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever aspectos demográfico, clínico e laboratorial, incluindo exame histopatológico de pacientes coinfectados HIV/RCV. No período de agosto de 2004 a dezembro de 2006, 36 pacientes coinfectados, foram selecionados para o estudo. Noventa e dois por cento desses pacientes eram procedentes de Belém, com média de idade de 42 anos. Entre as principais informações demográficas da população estudada, foram identificados 72,52% solteiros, 83,5% do sexo masculino e 61,1% relataram ser heterossexuais. Entre os fatores de risco para o HCV o uso de drogas ilícitas injetáveis foi identificado em 41,7% dos casos, o uso de cocaína intranasal foi relatado por 38,9% dos pacientes, e o compartilhamento de seringas e material pessoal, em 38,9% dos casos. A história de etilismo em 77,8% e o uso de TARV foram os possíveis fatores agravantes mais frequentes para a doença hepática. Apenas um paciente apresentou sinais clínicos de insuficiência hepática crônica. Entre os testes bioquímicos hepáticos, a mediana de ALT e AST foi de 68UI/L e 61UI/L, respectivamente. Os níveis de linfócitos T CD4+ apresentaram mediana de 327 células/mm³, a carga viral do HIV com mediana de 2,53 logl0 cópias/mL (ep=0,34), carga viral do HCV com mediana de 5,9 log10UI/mL. O genótipo 1 do HCV foi o mais frequente (58,82%). Cinqüenta e sete por cento dos pacientes submetidos à biópsia hepática apresentavam fibrose de moderada a severa, e 11% não apresentaram fibrose pela classificação MET AVIR. Houve associação entre níveis de linfócitos T CD4+ e níveis de ALT e de AST (p=0,0009 e p=0,0002, respectivamente), assim como associação entre genótipo 1 do HCV e HCV-RNA maior ou igual a 6 log10 UI/mL (p=0.0039). Foi observada também associação entre HCV-RNA e HIV-RNA (p=0,039). Os pacientes apresentam estado geral bom, imunologicamente estáveis, sem sinais de descompensação hepática, mas com alterações estruturais hepáticas importantes, sendo portanto bons candidatos à terapia antiviral para o HCV. Futuros estudos, talvez de caso controle, com casuística maior são necessários para melhor entendimento da co-infecção HIV/HCV.


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A Pseudomonas aeruginosa aparece como um patógeno oportunista na fibrose cística, sendo a maior fonte de infecção pulmonar e é responsável por altas taxas de mortalidade nestes pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho é de mostrar as características espirométricas e clínicas dos pacientes com fibrose cística atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB), no Pará. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo nos prontuários de 44 pacientes acompanhados no HUJBB, no período de 1997-2007, que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão, sendo 14 colonizados por P. aeruginosa, com a ocorrência de 9 óbitos. Com nível de significância de 5%. No grupo colonizado 10 eram do sexo feminino, a idade média dos sintomas iniciais foi de 0.3±0.6 anos, com diferença significativa quando comparado com pacientes não colonizados (p<0.05). A idade média ao diagnóstico foi de 13.1±10.8 nos colonizados todos apresentavam sintomas respiratórios persistentes ao diagnóstico. A média dos valores percentuais preditos das espirometrias, referentes à avaliação inicial e final, do grupo colonizado foi VEF1(60.0± 25.0%) e (47,82±16.1%) e FEF25-75%(42.5± 22.9%) e (26,5±17.9%) e no grupo não colonizado foi VEF1(79.2± 21.0%) e (79,6±18.0%) e FEF25-75%(69.2± 26.7%) e (68,9±26.8%), respectivamente (p<0.005). A média do escore de Shwachman inicial nos colonizados foi de 42.9±13.5 e nos não colonizados foi de 68.4±15.1(p<0.0001) e na avaliação final foi de 36.6±18.7 e 73.6±12.3 (p<0.0001), respectivamente, com diferença significativa entre os grupos. Os fatores relacionados aos óbitos encontrados foram a colonização por P. aeruginosa, estado nutricional deficiente e VEF1 reduzido. Na casuística estudada foi encontrado maior comprometimento da função pulmonar e idade média mais elevada ao diagnóstico do que em outros estados brasileiros. Estes dados reforçam a necessidade de ações para um diagnóstico precoce no estado do Pará, propiciando uma abordagem terapêutica eficaz e direcionada, buscando aumento de sobrevida e melhoria da qualidade de vida destes indivíduos, objetivo principal das ações dos profissionais envolvidos nesta assistência.


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The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate in the casuistry on class and systems frequently diagnosed in wild animals that were sent to the FMVZ-UNESP-Botucatu diagnostic imaging service. The class of birds was the most referred to the centers, followed by the mammals and reptiles. The majority of the requested tests were the radiographs and in a minor scale the tomography and ultrasound. Although the birds were the greatest number of animals sent to the service, mammals were the most radiographed for wound control. The most frequently observed system was the musculoskeletal caused by trauma, especially in birds. The radiograph was the most exam initially indicated, then the animal could be forwarded to other imaging modalities, which in wild animals medicine is still limited to research.


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The canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a neoplasm of round cells that primarily affects the external genitalia of both male and female dogs with high casuistry. Its transmission occurs by the tumor cells’ implementation in the mucous membranes during the coitus or in other body parts through licking, scratching or direct contact with the tumor. The clinical manifestations vary according to the location. Despite being a malignant neoplasm, TVT’s metastatic potential is low. The diagnosis is based on macroscopic characteristics, clinical signs, cytology and/or histopathology exam, among which cytology is considered the best method. There are several treatment protocols for the TVT, among which, surgical excision, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate is the elected treatment. However, more and more new alternatives have been developed, as the usage of natural products, homeopathy and ivermectina. They can be used as a unique treatment to neoplasm or combined to the chemotherapy in order to decrease the dose and the application number of the chemotherapic and its side effects


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)