853 resultados para Cast Lead, Goldstone, Arab- Israeli conflict, CNN, Al Jazeera, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, Gaza, Qualitative Analysis of Content


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The purpose of this article is to analyze the coverage made by CNN and Al Jazeera (in Arabic) to operation Caste Lead and the Goldstone Report during 2008 and 2009. This investigation is based in the theory of Qualitative Analysis of Content, by Wildemuth and Zhang. The methodology follows up with the one proposed by the authors in the main theory, complementing it with the Gamson and Modigliani´s Framing theory. The methodology mention above display the different in the coverage development, determined by the geopolitical influences; being CNN more influenced by a Western pro USA and pro Israeli speech, while Al Jazeera is more prone to support the Palestinian cause, this is the thesis of this article. During the development of the investigation, the thesis was demonstrated to be only partially accurate as CNN was not completely supportive to the Israeli arguments during the coverage, but Al Jazeera did have preferential speech for the Palestinian cause.


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This research provides an institutional explanation of the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system from the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922 to the Arab Spring. My explanation consists of two institutional variables: sovereignty and inter-state borders. I examine the changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and their impact on the practices of external intervention in the Arab state system. I also examine the impact of the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders in the Arab World on the practices of external intervention. I argue that changes in regional and international norms of sovereignty and changes in the level of institutionalization of inter-state borders have constituted the significant variation over time in both the frequency and type of external intervention in the Arab state system from 1922 to the present. My institutional explanation and findings seriously challenge the traditional accounts of sovereignty and intervention in the Arab World, including the cultural perspectives that emphasize the conflict between sovereignty, Arabism, and Islam, the constructivist accounts that emphasize the regional norm of pan-Arabism, the comparative politics explanations that focus on the domestic material power of the Arab state, the post-colonial perspectives that emphasize the artificiality of the Arab state, and the realist accounts that focus on great powers and the regional distribution of power in the Middle East. This research also contributes to International Relations Theory. I construct a new analytical framework to study the relations between sovereignty, borders, and intervention, combining theoretical elements from the fields of Role Theory, Social Constructivism, and Institutionalization. Methodologically, this research includes both quantitative and qualitative analysis. I conduct content analysis of official documents of Arab states and the Arab League, Arabic press documents, and Arab political thought. I also utilize quantitative data sets on international intervention.


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Israeli Organised Crime (IOC) gained prominence in the 1990s for its involvement in the manufacturing and wholesale distribution of MDMA through traditional trafficking networks across Europe. Equipped with astute business acumen and an entrepreneurial spirit, IOC dominated MDMA trafficking in Europe for more than a decade and remains as a major participant in this drug market. The paper analyses the entrepreneurial activities of IOC within the context of the MDMA market in Europe between 1990 and 2005 using the Crime Business Analysis Matrix (CBAM) as proffered by Dean, et al (2010). The study is in two parts. Part A provides a review of the literature as it pertains to IOC and its involvement in the European drug market, while Part B provides a qualitative analysis of their criminal business practices and entrepreneurialism of IOC within this context.


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Discourse is a giant field of research and gender related rights are still a disputed area of thinking. Thus, when Arab transnational satellite televisions produce dialogues, images, stories and narratives about the disputed “universal” gender rights in the Middle East, the big questions remain how and why. According to De Beauvoir (1949), one becomes woman and to Butler (1990) one is not born a gender at all but is “done” and “undone” to become one via discourse. Islamic feminism speaks of a cultural/religious specificity in defending women rights and even gender diversity based on new Quranic interpretations. The gender, “Al-Naw’u”, remains synonym to sex “Al Jins” as gender and queer theories never developed in Arabic in tandem with the European institutions or the theories of the19th century– especially those ideas emerging from studies of the mental asylum. This research tries to understand gender related “rights” and “wrongs” as manifest in the discursive institutions owned by media mogul Prince Al Waleed Ben Talal Al Saud. The trouble of such a study is lexical, ideological and institutional at the same time. Since we lack a critique of the discourses and narratives addressed in the pan-Arab satellite channels, in general it is difficult to understand their significance and influence in everyday life practices. What language is used to speak of gender rights or wrongs? Which ideology is favoured in this practice of legitimisation and/or policing? Using case studies, CDA of social and religious talk shows, narrative analysis of Arabic cinemas, this research adapted triangulation to show the complexity of conversing and narrating gender related content at the micro and macro levels within an institution of power. Using semi-structured interviews from fieldwork in Egypt (2009) and Lebanon (2011), archive research and online ethnography, the research exposes the power structure under which gender discourses evolve. It emerges that gender content is abundant on the Pan Arab satellite space, “manufactured” on talk shows and plotted tactfully in the cinematic “creative-act”. The result is a complex discourse of gender content that scratches the surface calling for interpretation. So how and why do gender rights and wrongs find place on Prince Al Waleed’s Media Empire?


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With increasing rate of shipping traffic, the risk of collisions in busy and congested port waters is likely to rise. However, due to low collision frequencies in port waters, it is difficult to analyze such risk in a sound statistical manner. A convenient approach of investigating navigational collision risk is the application of the traffic conflict techniques, which have potential to overcome the difficulty of obtaining statistical soundness. This study aims at examining port water conflicts in order to understand the characteristics of collision risk with regard to vessels involved, conflict locations, traffic and kinematic conditions. A hierarchical binomial logit model, which considers the potential correlations between observation-units, i.e., vessels, involved in the same conflicts, is employed to evaluate the association of explanatory variables with conflict severity levels. Results show higher likelihood of serious conflicts for vessels of small gross tonnage or small overall length. The probability of serious conflict also increases at locations where vessels have more varied headings, such as traffic intersections and anchorages; becoming more critical at night time. Findings from this research should assist both navigators operating in port waters as well as port authorities overseeing navigational management.


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Vaughan, J. (2005). The Failure of American and British Propaganda in the Arab Middle East, 1945-1957: Unconquerable Minds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. RAE2008


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Se realizaron tres estudios cualitativos que tuvieron como propósito conocer las representaciones que ha construido la población general, los pacientes oncológicos y los profesionales de la salud, sobre el cáncer, la quimioterapia y el trasplante de médula ósea y realizar un análisis sobre las semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos. Se realizó en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) con 55 personas: 20 pacientes con cáncer en proceso de trasplante de médula ósea, 20 personas no diagnosticadas con cáncer y 15 personas que trabajan en la atención de pacientes con cáncer. Se realizó una entrevista en profundidad con todos los participantes y asociaciones libres, clásicas y por sustitución sobre las palabras “cáncer”, “quimioterapia” y “trasplante de médula”. Los datos conseguidos se analizaron a la luz de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales (TRS). El análisis de la información siguió la técnica de análisis cualitativo de contenido para encontrar significados simbólicos y construir, denominar y definir categorías. Para los tres grupos el cáncer es una enfermedad terrible, que puede llevar a la muerte. El personal de salud y la población general creen que la enfermedad genera terror, angustia y miedo. Los pacientes tienen conciencia de la gravedad y del temor consecuente por una enfermedad que lo cambia todo, produce sufrimiento, dolor, obliga a depender de alguien y puede conducir a la muerte. El personal de salud considera que los pacientes lo pueden vivir como un castigo y la población general que puede ser la consecuencia de estilos de vida poco saludables. Para todos, la quimioterapia es un tratamiento para la enfermedad, que por un lado presenta efectos colaterales difíciles y visibles y que producen sentimientos negativos de temor y de angustia y al mismo tiempo constituye una opción y posibilidad de curación. El Trasplante de Médula Ósea representa para todos una oportunidad.


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An approach to the qualitative analysis of quenched microstructures in three dimensions is presented and demonstrated on unmodified and Sr-modified Al-10% Si samples. The samples were repeatedly polished to obtain a series of digital images through the depth of the microstructure. A three-dimensional reconstruction of the microstructure was obtained by assembling the images of the serial sections. Reconstructions were made of unmodified and Sr-modified Al-Si eutectic grains that were quenched during eutectic solidification. The three-dimensional reconstructions show that strontium modification changes the size and morphology of the Al-Si eutectic grains. Sr-modified eutectic grains are large approximately spherical grains and grow with a high interface velocity. In the unmodified alloy, many small eutectic grains grow from the dendrite arm tips. The unmodified eutectic grains appear to grow from the dendrite tips into the undercooled liquid, rather than back-filling the dendrite envelope, possibly continuing to grow in the same manner as the equiaxed dendrites. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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State annihilation is a persistent concern in Israel/Palestine. While the specter of Israel’s destruction increasingly haunts Israeli public political debates, the actual materialization of Palestinian statehood seems to be permanently suspended, caught in an ever-protracted process of state-building. The current paper claims that to understand the unfolding of the discursive formations, as well as the spatial dimensions of conflict and control in Israel/Palestine, we should explicate the workings of the processes of politicide. Politicide, in this regard, denotes the eradication of the political existence of a group and sabotaging the turning of a community of people into a polity. This analysis suggests that the insistence that the State of Israel is under threat of extinction should be understood as a speech act, a performative reiteration, which allows for the securitization of Israeli rule in the occupied Palestinian territory, a securitization which then serves to rationalize the ongoing concrete politicide of the Palestinians. Elaborating on the concept of politicide, and diverging from defining it solely through the use of brute violence, this examination suggests that what is often overlooked in discussions of politicide are the seemingly more benign means of its implementation, the micro-power mechanisms of spatial control, prohibitions and regulations.


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Increased globalisation within the British AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) sector has increased the need for companies to transfer staff to manage their overseas operations. To be able to perform abroad, expatriates must harmonise themselves to the conditions prevailing in the host country. These include getting accustomed to living, working and interacting with the host country nationals. The process is commonly referred to as 'cross-cultural adjustment'. Various factors influence the process of adjustment. In order to identify these issues, a qualitative study was undertaken, which mainly comprised of comprehensive literature review, individual interviews and focus group discussion with British expatriates working on international AEC assignments in Middle Eastern countries. Through interpretative approach, the current study aims to understand the concept of cross-cultural adjustment of British Expatriates based in Middle East and their influencing factors.

The findings suggest that success of expatriation does not entirely rest on an expatriate's ability but also on organisational support and assistance that expatriates receive prior to and during the assignment. Organisational factors such as selection mechanisms, job design, training, logistical and social support, mentoring, etc., influence various facets of expatriate adjustment. Striking cultural contrasts between British and Arab culture both in work and non work situations also dictate the level of support required by the expatriate, suggesting that relocation to less developed, remote or politically unstable regions, demands additional support and consideration by the parent company. This study is relevant to the AEC companies employing British expatriates, who need to be cognisant of the issues highlighted above to make rational and informed decisions when handling international assignments in the Middle East.


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A comunicação proxêmica, dentre outros aspectos, compreende o estudo social dos espaços, das relações interpessoais e de todas as variáveis que dizem respeito à interação entre os seres humanos. É importante o estudo e a aplicação da comunicação proxêmica no cotidiano do trabalho de enfermeiros, para que esta seja compreendida e empregada de maneira producente no processo relacional dos trabalhadores em todos os momentos de sua prática, em especial, do cuidado. Estudo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (CEPAS), sob o número 23116.003684/2012-4, com o objetivo de analisar a comunicação proxêmica no trabalho de enfermeiros hospitalares. Estudo de abordagem qualitativa, de cunho descritivo, onde a coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de observações não participantes e entrevistas semipadronizadas com 10 enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva e serviço de pronto atendimento de um hospital universitário no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, mediante assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os dados foram analisados através da Análise Qualitativa de Conteúdo estabelecida por Mayring, de onde emergiram categorias apriorísticas provenientes dos fatores proxêmicos preconizados por Edward Hall: Postura-sexo, Eixo Sociofugo-Sociopeto, Fatores Cinestésicos ou Cinésicos, Comportamento de Contato, Código Visual, Código Térmico, Código Olfativo e Volume da Voz. Os dados foram interpretados a partir das concepções de Hall ( 16 de maio de 1914 – 20 de julho de 2009 †) e as ideias de diversos autores do universo científico. Este processo resultou em dois artigos. No primeiro artigo “A prática da comunicação proxêmica no manejo do cuidado no trabalho de enfermeiros hospitalares” percebeu-se que, embora os enfermeiros reconheçam a importância do toque, do contato físico, para a prestação de um cuidado holístico e humanizado, os fatores cinésicos/cinestésicos e comportamento de contato, estão associados à avaliação e ao diagnóstico. Com relação às questões térmicas e olfativas os profissionais omitem em suas reações os constrangimentos oriundos das sensações desagradáveis que o toque na pele ou os odores dos pacientes podem causar. Já no segundo artigo intitulado “A comunicação proxêmica na prática de enfermeiros hospitalares”, verificou-se que apenas um dos sujeitos do estudo não estabeleceu contato visual com o paciente. A maioria dos sujeitos empregou um tom de voz normal nas interações com os pacientes. O sexo não influenciou na postura dos interlocutores, como demonstrou o fator postura-sexo e as posições dos enfermeiros ao executar as tarefas diárias, entre face a face e lateralizada, e nenhum dos sujeitos posicionou-se de costas durante as interações, como pode-se perceber através do estudo do eixo sociofugo-sociopeto. O estudo também promoveu reflexões a respeito da comunicação proxêmica e da importância de sua incorporação ao trabalho dos enfermeiros.