144 resultados para Cartoons


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This research investigates the graphic humor, in particular the political cartoon and the cartoon, texts characterized by mixing visual-oral language, and its contribution in the formation of the reader. Recovers the main theories about the comicality in general and verifies the presence of these concepts into the texts of graphic humor and how they articulate themselves within the process of seducing the reader. Grounded in the studies of Umberto Eco about the cultural industry products and its relations with the literary theories and the aesthetics reception. After analysing texts of graphic humor, the study concludes that the triad, image-word-humor reveal a sophisticated arrangement which allows the reader to practice effectively the political cartoons and cartoons of production, of sense, cooperating in such a singular manner to the formation of a reflexive reader


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Our research has as goal to describe and analyze the main processes related to the activation of conceptual domains underlying the comprehension in the discourse pattern cartoons by the students of third grades of high school, at Professor Antonio Basílio Filho School. Theoretically, we are grounded on assumptions of Conceptual Linguistics, whose interest analyzes our cognitive apparatus in correlation with our socio-cultural and bodies experiences. We intend to check how is the process of meaning construction and integration of various cognitive domains that are activated during the reading activity. That s why, we take the concept of cognitive domains as equivalent to the structures that are stored in our memory from our sociocultural and corporeal experiences and they are stabilized, respectively, through the frames and schemas. The activation of these conceptual domains, as evidenced by our data, supports the assumption that previous knowledge from our inclusion in specific sociocultural contexts, concurrently with the functioning of our sensory-motor system are essential during the construction activity direction. With this research, we still intend to present a proposal confront the expectations of responses produced by students from the activation of frames and schemas with our predictions


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In this dissertation, we analyze the constitution and functioning of the humorous discourse in discursive genre cartoon from the recognition and analysis of the techniques of humor used to get the desired effects of meaning. We used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis henceforth (AD) for the research. Specifically on the techniques of humor, we rely on authors like Possenti (1998) and Propp (1992) to see how these procedures are present in the cartoons and make the discourse of humor. To achieve this goal, ten (10) cartoons were analyzed dealing with episodes relating to the management of the mayor Micarla de Souza in the city of Natal, RN. These cartoons were published in the newspaper Tribuna do Norte during the year 2012. The research falls within the field of study of Applied Linguistics and is qualitative, interpretive nature. In the first part, we did a rescue of the foundations of discourse analysis, discussing the concept of interdiscourse, then we carry on about the notion of gender discourse from the perspective of AD, and the genre itself cartoon as we work with the cartoon as a discourse genre, and finally, we deal with this humor discourse in cartoons. We then developed some analyzes to illustrate the postulate that all text is founded upon certain conditions of enunciation; that the relationship between the cartoons and interdiscourse is a constitutive relationship that brings out certain cartoons/ discourses and not others, and especially what humor techniques are used strategically by the cartoonist, whose discursive decisions cause certain effects of meaning. The results of this paper find that discursive relations are relations of subjects and meanings, that the discourse of cartoon is built from other sayings and discourses, and that certain textual and discursive procedures/techniques, as parody, irony, lowering the other, the ambiguity and displacement are mobilized in the text to generate the possible effect of the comic, thus building the humor discourse of the cartoons analyzed


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This research aimed to understand how children mean the right to play. For that, assumes that the children composed a social category generational, with children experiencing their own skills, the result of the mediated relationship with the social and its transformative capacity. Adding to that, they are subject of duties with competence to means your own condition. After a long history of repression and an intense political struggle, the Doctrine of Integral Protection is inaugurated in Brazil and the Citizen (1889), which regulates the fundamental rights of all children and adolescents. Among these rights is the right to play. However, it is sufficient to provide by law, it is necessary to break with the diminishment of the play activity, still present in our society, watching it as a structuring activity of the subject and ensuring the enforcement of this right. Considering the child as the central focus of research, the research was conducted in a public school education. The subjects were six children of six years old, enrolled in 1st year of elementary school. The procedures employed for constituting the corpus of the research were: observation of children at school meetings and dialogue, monitoring of play resources such as drawings, cartoons and representative images of child rights. Also, the parents were interviewed with the goal to enlarge the understanding the context of the child. With the thematic content analysis, we raise two areas: play and children's rights. The results showed that children, however don‟t have a systematized knowledge about child rights , they understand that any elements are important for the children and your development, being the play the most recurrent, followed by education and family. The right to play configure as a necessity of the child, that even if she does not understand conceptually as a right, she feels the importance of living of the play activity


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Esta pesquisa aborda processos comunicacionais em uma comunidade amazônica, denominada Cajazeirinha, situada no Lago da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí, no estado do Pará. O objetivo central da investigação foi identificar e analisar os processos comunicacionais das crianças no cotidiano da Cajazeirinha. Esta comunidade tem a especificidade de localizar-se a poucos metros da usina hidrelétrica e, contraditoriamente, não ter acesso ao fornecimento de energia elétrica, o que faz com que a população busque fontes alternativas de eletricidade (bateria de carro, placa solar ou gerador) para, entre outras coisas, utilizar meios de comunicação, como a televisão, o rádio e o celular. Inicialmente, partiu-se do pressuposto de que, para se analisar a comunicação de uma comunidade ou grupo de pessoas é necessário compreender o seu campo de ação e sua constituição, e então observar a realidade de maneira contextualizada, não dissociada no tempo e no espaço. Assim, procurou-se compreender os processos comunicacionais da comunidade, baseando-se nos conceitos teóricos de processos comunicativos de Vera França, processos comunicacionais de José Luiz Braga, no conceito de mediações de Jesús Martín-Barbero e nas bases teóricas dos Estudos de Recepção Latino Americano, a partir das autoras Ana Carolina Escosteguy e Nilda Jacks, além da noção de interação social, de John Thompson. O caminho metodológico trilhado tem como perspectiva a pesquisa exploratória com análise de dados qualitativos, a partir de pesquisas bibliográficas, de entrevistas em profundidade (com crianças, mães e formadores de opinião), da observação não participante sistemática e do diário de campo. O intuito foi identificar e analisar os processos comunicacionais da comunidade Cajazeirinha e mapear os meios de comunicação massivos existentes em Tucuruí e nas ilhas dessa comunidade. Nessa pesquisa, verificou-se que na Cajazeirinha os processos comunicacionais são constituídos a partir de mediações socioculturais, com destaque para a família, a igreja e a escola. Também foram observadas as interações comunicacionais que ocorrem em momentos de lazer e a presença dos meios de comunicação no cotidiano da comunidade, principalmente no que concerne a conteúdos como telenovelas, telejornais e desenhos animados. Por fim, verificou-se que os modos de recepção na Cajazeirinha são permeados por características espaço-temporais locais, por conta do ritmo do rio que determina a vida da comunidade.


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O objetivo deste artigo é demonstrar as origens do processo do que pode se chamar de americanização da sociedade brasileira. Através de programas de rádio, do cinema, dos cartoons e outras manifestações culturais, o Office of the Coordinator of Inter American Affairs tratou de disseminar uma imagem favorável dos Estados Unidos no Brasil para garantir a unidade pan-americana na luta contra o Eixo.


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Posto à venda em Portugal, em fevereiro de 1878, o romance O Primo Basílio, de Eça de Queirós, não demorou muito para chegar às livrarias do Rio de Janeiro. O sucesso quase instantâneo da obra despertou a reação dos meios intelectuais brasileiros, em particular dos críticos literários, divididos entre a acusação e a defesa da obra quanto à moralidade. A recepção do livro de Eça também repercutiu na imprensa brasileira de caricaturas da época, embora aqui, em lugar das charges, tenha prevalecido a sátira verbal, na forma das piadas, poemas e pequenas histórias picantes, sob o influxo da crítica literária, questão discutida no presente artigo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article discusses the import o clock work and child sexuality for the overall development of children. To them as individuals socially and historically constitutional. Of that uses this instrument to express vivences and sensation. Es often unnoticed by adults look. We seek to ensnare a set of reflex. It’s fundamental about the multiples management possibilities you Rich and practical knowledge of the obvious sexuality analyzing brands present in the cartoons that are part of everyday life and education. The child to speak about the body of knowledge that the child to have, and what their relations with the same body, weaving some notes on sexuality and space the discovery, demonstrating the sensitivity surrounding the object of our study. During the course of this research, we remain based on studies of the reference you? Rich presented by: Freud (1997), Camargo and Ribeiro (1999), La Taille (2002) and Souza (1997). Where the main purpose for analyze the educational development of children having as a basis for an Dialysis cartoon that can serve as subside s difficulties in practice teacher, immersing ourselves in the gap left by the way deficit of educators regarding spec. I now proposed to issue, contributing, at least in part, to the improvement of Education and the professionals who work in it.