981 resultados para Carregamento horizontal cíclico
Neste trabalho apresenta-se o estudo experimental desenvolvido com o intuito de analisar o comportamento de lajes fungiformes maciças com armadura específica de punçoamento solicitadas por carregamentos horizontais cíclicos. Foram analisados três modelos de laje fungiforme correspondentes a uma ligação lajepilar interior. Em dois dos modelos foram instaladas armaduras de punçoamento na forma de estribos fechados e o restante modelo foi utilizado como modelo de referência, não incluindo qualquer armadura de punçoamento. Todos os modelos foram sujeitos a uma carga gravítica que corresponde a 50% da carga de rotura prevista pelo EC2 e a um carregamento horizontal cíclico com intensidade crescente até se atingir a rotura por punçoamento do modelo. A armadura específica de punçoamento utilizada é do tipo estribo fechado, com pormenorização semelhante entre modelos, sendo o parâmetro diferenciador a quantidade de armadura específica instalada. Os resultados experimentais são analisados quanto à carga e modo de rotura, deformação dos modelos, extensões verificadas nas armaduras (longitudinal e específica) e comportamento histerético dos modelos. Os valores das cargas de rotura obtidos são comparados com os previstos pelo EC2, ACI318M-11 e MC2010. A capacidade de deformação lateral dos modelos é comparada com os requisitos impostos pelo SEI/ASCE 7-10.
This work presents the results, analyses and conclusions about a study carried out with objective of minimizing the thermal cracks formation on cemented carbide inserts during face milling. The main focus of investigation was based on the observation that milling process is an interrupted machining process, which imposes cyclic thermal loads to the cutting tool, causing frequent stresses changes in its superficial and sub-superficial layers. These characteristics cause the formation of perpendicular cracks from cutting edge which aid the cutting tool wear, reducing its life. Several works on this subject emphasizing the thermal cyclic behavior imposed by the milling process as the main responsible for thermal cracks formation have been published. In these cases, the phenomenon appears as a consequence of the difference in temperature experienced by the cutting tool with each rotation of the cutter, usually defined as the difference between the temperatures in the cutting tool wedge at the end of the cutting and idle periods (T factor). Thus, a technique to minimize this cyclic behavior with objective of transforming the milling in an almost-continuous process in terms of temperature was proposed. In this case, a hot air stream was applied into the idle period, during the machining process. This procedure aimed to minimize the T factor. This technique was applied using three values of temperature from the hot air stream (100, 350 e 580 oC) with no cutting fluid (dry condition) and with cutting fluid mist (wet condition) using the hot air stream at 580oC. Besides, trials at room temperature were carried out. Afterwards the inserts were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope, where the quantity of thermal cracks generated in each condition, the wear and others damages was analyzed. In a general way, it was found that the heating of the idle period was positive for reducing the number of thermal cracks during face milling with cemented carbide inserts. Further, the cutting fluid mist application was effective in reducing the wear of the cutting tools.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e implementar, computacionalmente, procedimentos numéricos eficientes, aplicados à determinacão do diagrama momento-curvatura, correspondentes à: -uma seção tipica, em vigas de concreto armado, submetida à carga monotônica ou cíclica de curta duração; - um ponto genérico da superficie média em placas de concreto armado, submetidas à carga monotônica de curta duração. Ainda à luz dos resultados obtidos, visa também propôr um modelo simplificado em termos de resultantes de tensões e deformações generalizadas. Inicialmente, é descrito um modelo laminar para vigas, no qual a carga é aplicada de forma incremental sendo que para cada etapa, as equaçães de equilibrio não-lineares são resolvidas de maneira iterativa. Como consequência é proposta uma relação momento-curvatura em termos de resultantes. A fim de verificar a validade e aplicabilidade dos métodos e dos algorítmos estudados e comparar-se os resultados com dados experimentais e respostas obtidas por outros pesquisadores, é apresentada uma série de exemplos numéricos. A continuação, é aplicado o procedimento anterior para modelos de laje, livres de solicitações de membrana. Finalmente através de um estudo paramétrico dos diversos fatores que afetam o diagrama momento-curvatura, propõe-se uma relação simplificada.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Objetivou-se estudar o efeito da taxa de carregamento sobre a eficiência de sistemas alagados, construídos de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial (SAC-EHSS), em remover poluentes de esgoto sanitário. Os SAC-EHSS foram alimentados com efluente proveniente de tanque séptico, sob taxas de carregamento orgânico volumétrico (TCO V) de 53 a 231 g m-3d-1 de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO total) e as associadas taxas de carregamento (TC V) de demanda química de oxigênio solúvel, sólidos suspensos totais (SST), nitrogênio total (N-Total) e fósforo total (P-Total). Para avaliação de desempenho dos SAC-EHSS, as mesmas variáveis foram quantificadas em seu efluente. Relação linear e positiva foi obtida entre as taxas de remoção de DQO total, DQO solúvel e SST, e as TC V, nas faixas em que foram aplicadas, além de não terem sido observados efeitos negativos desta variável sobre a eficiência na remoção desses poluentes. As taxas de remoção de N-Total e P-Total não apresentaram, entretanto, tendência de aumento com a TC V aplicada nos SAC- EHSS, cultivados com taboa e utilizados no tratamento de efluente sanitário. As cargas aplicadas desses nutrientes devem ser consideradas referenciais no dimensionamento desses sistemas, caso se queira maximizar a remoção global de poluentes da água residuária.
An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the behavior of continuous flight auger (cfa) bored piles and metalic driven H-section piles under lateral loading in cohesionless soils. The piles were tested in two different areas at the same site. Both areas consisted of a 3-m thick compacted superficial fill of pure fine sand, underlain by layers of naturally occurring pure fine-thick sand. Fills are differentiated by the relative densities which were compressed, 45% e 70%, respectively. Each area received one identical pair of cfa piles and two identical pairs of H-piles. A static lateral loading test was performed in each pair of piles. In this work, the pile load test results are reported and interpreted. The horizontal coefficient of subgrade reaction was determined from the results of the loading tests and compared with values determined by correlations based on penetration resistance index of SPT tests (NSPT). p-y formulations describing the static behavior of the piles were applied to the problem under evaluation. Back Analyses were made through theoretical and experimental p-y curves for obtaining input parameters for the analytic models, among which the coefficient of horizontal reaction. The soil pile system horizontal loading at rupture was determined by the theoretical methods and the results were compared with the experimental results, checking its validity
Searches for field horizontal-branch (FHB) stars in the halo of the Galaxy in the past have been carried out by several techniques, such as objective-prism surveys and visual or infrared photometric surveys. By choosing adequate color criteria, it is possible to improve the efficiency of identifying bona fide FHB stars among the other objects that exhibit similar characteristics, such as main-sequence A-stars, blue stragglers, subdwarfs, etc. In this work, we report the results of a spectroscopic survey carried out near the south Galactic pole intended to validate FHB stars originally selected from the HK objective-prism survey of Beers and colleagues, based on near-infrared color indices. A comparison between the stellar spectra obtained in this survey with theoretical stellar atmosphere models allows us to determine T(eff), log g, and [Fe/H] for 13 stars in the sample. Stellar temperatures were calculated from measured (B-V)(o), when this measurement was available (16 stars). The color index criteria adopted in this work are shown to correctly classify 30% of the sample as FHB, 25% as non-FHB (main-sequence stars and subdwarfes), whereas 40% could not be distinguished between FHB and main-sequence stars. We compare the efficacy of different color criteria in the literature intended to select FHB stars, and discuss the use of the Mg II 4481 line to estimate the metallicity.
The feasibility of using constructed wetlands (CWs) for the mitigation of pesticide runoff has been studied in the last decade. However, a lack of related data was verified when subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSF CWs) are considered for this purpose. In the present work, SSF CWs were submitted to continuous ametryn addition and evaluated during an I I-week period, with the aim of determining the feasibility of these systems for mitigation of contaminated water. Ametryn was not added to one CW cell in order to provide a control for the experiments. Monitoring of treatment performance was executed by standard water quality parameters, ametryn chromatography quantification and macrophyte (Typha latifolia L) nutritional and agronomic property analysis. Results indicated that 39% of the total initially added amount of ametryn was removed, transferred or transformed. Herbicide metabolism and mineralisation were carried out by chemical and biological mechanisms. No statistic differences were observed in nutritional contents found in the T. latifolia crops of the CWs after the experimental period. Moreover, the biomass production (one valuable source of renewable energy) was equal to 3.3 t.ha(-1) (dry matter) in wetland cells. It was concluded that constructed wetland systems are capable of mitigating water contaminated with ametryn, acting as buffer filters between the emission sources and the downstream superficial water bodies.
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) is an anionic surfactant widely used to manufacture detergents and found in domestic and industrial wastewater. LAS removal was evaluated in a horizontal anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor. The system was filled with polyurethane foam and inoculated with sludge that was withdrawn from an up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor that is used to treat swine wastewater. The reactor was fed with easily degradable substrates and a solution of commercial LAS for 313 days. The hydraulic retention time applied was 12 h. The system was initially operated without detergent and resulted to 94% reduction of demand. The mass balance in the system indicated that the LAS removal efficiency was 45% after 180 days. From the 109th day to the 254th day, a removal efficiency of 32% was observed. The removal of LAS was approximately 40% when 1500 mg of LAS were applied in the absence of co-substrates suggesting that the LAS molecules were used selectively. Microscopic analyses of the biofilm revealed diverse microbial morphologies and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling showed variations in the total bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria populations. 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that members of the order Clostridiales were the major components of the bacterial community in the last step of the reactor operation. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study verifies the potential applicability of horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactors to pentachlorophenol (PCP) dechlorination. Two bench-scale HAIB reactors (R1 and R2) were filled with cubic polyurethane foam matrices containing immobilized anaerobic sludge. The reactors were then continuously fed with synthetic wastewater consisting of PCP, glucose, acetic acid, and formic acid as co-substrates for PCP anaerobic degradation. Before being immobilized in polyurethane foam matrices, the biomass was exposed to wastewater containing PCP in reactors fed at a semi-continuous rate of 2.0 mu g PCP g(-1) VS. The applied PCP loading rate was increased from 0.05 to 2.59 mg PCP l(-1) day(-1) for RI, and from 0.06 to 4.15 mg PCP l(-1) day(-1) for R2. The organic loading rates (OLR) were 1.1 and 1.7 kg COD m(-3) day(-1) at hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 24 h for R1 and 18 In for R2. Under such conditions, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies of up to 98% were achieved in the HAIB reactors. Both reactors exhibited the ability to remove 97% of the loaded PCP. Dichlorophenol (DCP) was the primary chlorophenol detected in the effluent. The adsorption of PCP and metabolites formed during PCP degradation in the packed bed was negligible for PCP removal efficiency. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two bench-scale horizontal anaerobic fixed bed reactors were tested to remove both sulfate and organic matter from wastewater. First, the reactors (R1 and R2) were supplied with synthetic wastewater containing sulfate and a solution of ethanol and volatile fatty acids. Subsequently, RI and R2 were fed with only ethanol or acetate, respectively. The substitution to ethanol in R1 increased the sulfate reduction efficiency from 83% to nearly 100% for a chemical oxygen demand to sulfate (COD/sulfate) ratio of 3.0. In contrast, in R2, the switch in carbon source to acetate strongly decreased sulfidogenesis and the maximum sulfate reduction achieved was 47%. Process stability in long-term experiments and high removal efficiencies of both organic matter and sulfate were achieved with ethanol as the sole carbon source. The results allow concluding that syntrophism instead of competition between the sulfate reducing bacteria and acetoclastic methanogenic archaeal populations prevailed in the reactor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The anaerobic biological treatment of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and methanol as the main carbon source was investigated in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor at 30 +/- 1 degrees C, during a 220-day trial period. The reactor biomass was developed as an attached biofilm on polyurethane foam particles, with 24 h of hydraulic retention time. The PCP concentrations, which ranged from 2.0 to 13.0 mg/L, were controlled by adding synthetic substrate. The HAIB reactor reduced 97% of COD and removed 99% of PCP. The microbial biofilm communities of the HAIB reactor amended with PCP, without previous acclimatization, were characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) with specific Archaea oligonucleotide primers. The ARDRA technique provided an adequate analysis of the community, revealing the profile of the selected population along the reactor. The biomass activities in the HAIB reactor at the end of the experiments indicated the development of PCP degraders and the maintenance of the population of methanogenic Archaea, ensuring the high efficiency of the system treating PCP with added methanol as the cosubstrate. The use of the simplified ARDRA method enabled us to monitor the microbial population with the addition of high concentrations of toxic compounds and highlighting a selection of microorganisms in the biofilm. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.