985 resultados para Career Transition
Lavallee, D. (2005). The effect of a life development intervention on sports career transition adjustment. The Sport Psychologist. 19(2), pp.193-202 RAE2008
North, J., Lavallee, D., An investigation of potential users of career transition services in the United Kingdom, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 5, No. 1. (January 2004), pp. 77-84. RAE2008
The existent body of athletic career retirement literature is scant in studies of career transition programs. In an effort to attend to this analytical gap, the present study set out to examine the transitions of National Hockey League (NHL; ice hockey) alumni, as well as the effect ~and effectiveness of their respective career transition program, the Life After Hockey program. Interviews with 17 NHL/program alumni revealed that quality of transition (to post-playing life) was affected by: the continuity between pre- and postretirement environments; athletic identity; physical/psychological health (particularly with respect to post-concussion syndrome); selective coping strategies (e.g., preretirement planning (e.g., financial planning, continued education), positive reinterpretation, alcohol/substance abuse); and social support. Also affecting quality of transition, and found to be highly effective (particularly in generating new occupational opportunities, assisting in the acquisition of new skills, and providing a system of continuous support), was the Life After Hockey program.
Formal mentoring programs are accepted as a valuable strategy for developing young and emerging artists. This thesis presents the results of an evaluation of the SPARK National Young Artists Mentoring Program (SPARK). SPARK was a ten-month formal mentoring program managed by Youth Arts Queensland (YAQ) on behalf of the Australia Council for the Arts from 2003-2009. The program aimed to assist young and emerging Australian artists between the ages of 18-26 to establish a professional career in the arts. It was a highly successful formal arts mentoring program that facilitated 58 mentorships between young and emerging artists and professional artists from across Australia in five program rounds over its seven year lifespan. Interest from other cultural organisations looking to develop their own formal mentoring programs encouraged YAQ to commission this research to determine how the program works to achieve its effects. This study was conducted with young and emerging artists who participated in SPARK from 2003 to 2008. It took a theory-driven evaluation approach to examine SPARK as an example of what makes formal arts mentoring programs effective. It focused on understanding the program’s theory or how the program worked to achieve its desired outcomes. The program activities and assumed responses to program activities were mapped out in a theories of change model. This theoretical framework was then used to plan the points for data collection. Through the process of data collection, actual program developments were compared to the theoretical framework to see what occurred as expected and what did not. The findings were then generalised for knowledge and wider application. The findings demonstrated that SPARK was a successful and effective program and an exemplar model of a formal mentoring program preparing young and emerging artists for professional careers in the arts. They also indicate several ways in which this already strong program could be further improved, including: looking at the way mentoring relationships are set up and how the mentoring process is managed; considering the balance between artistic and professional development; developing career development competencies and networking skills; taking into account the needs of young and emerging artists to develop their professional identity and build confidence; and giving more thought to the desired program outcomes and considering the issue of timeliness and readiness for career transition. From these findings, together with principles outlined in the mentoring and career development literature, a number of necessary conditions have been identified for developing effective mentoring programs in the career development of young and emerging artists.
Wylleman, P., Alfermann, D., Lavallee, D. (2004). Career transitions in sport: European perspectives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5 (1), 7-20 RAE2008
Objet : Au Québec, comme dans le reste du Canada, le nombre de professionnels en reprise d’étude est en nette augmentation. Parmi ces professionnels, un certain nombre se trouve en situation de transition professionnelle après plusieurs années de travail. L'objectif de cette recherche est de déterminer quels facteurs influent sur les retours aux études de ces professionnels. Méthode : au total, 625 étudiants adultes de la faculté d’éducation permanente de l’Université de Montréal ont reçu une invitation à répondre à un sondage en ligne après avoir informé de leur intérêt pour notre étude. Le sondage en ligne a rendu possible la collection de 170 réponses (taux de réponses de 27,2%) à notre questionnaire de 64 questions. Les informations collectées ont permis la création de diverses variables ainsi que d’indices de confiance, de volonté, de temps, d’information qui ont par la suite été recoupés avec les informations dispositionnelles, situationnelles, institutionnelles et démographiques de notre échantillon. Découvertes : Il apparaît que la confiance, la motivation et le temps sont les facteurs ayant le plus d’impact sur le retour aux études de notre échantillon. Implication : Maintenir la motivation et la confiance semble être la clé pour minimiser l'impact de facteurs défavorables sur les professionnels qui décident de retourner à l'école après leur début de carrière. Originalité et intérêt : Peu d'études ont été réalisées sur la participation de ces professionnels en transition à des programmes de formation universitaire, cette étude exploratoire est un premier pas dans la collecte d’information sur une population méconnue.
From Introduction: Career transition issues have become of increasing interest in the field of sport psychology. Confronting the end of an athletic career is an inevitable reality that every athlete will confront in his or her lifetime (Baillie, 1993), regardless of level of competition (Kerr & Dacyshyn, 2000) or the amount of free choice related to the transition. Many athletes are able to cope with the effects of the transition process effectively, and see retirement as an opportunity to pursue new ventures and identity roles in life. However, retirement from sport can be an event that often results in various adjustment difficulties for an athlete involving emotional, social, financial, and vocational conflicts. Some athletes have reported experiencing effects such as depression, eating disorders, decreased self-esteem, increased suicidality, and substance abuse (Kerr and Dacyshyn, 2000). These types of distress can be exacerbated by the fact that many athletes fail to adequately anticipate and prepare for their impending transition (Baillie, 1993), and often embark on the retirement process without any formalized support (Stier, 2007).Typically, the role of a sport psychologist has been to assist in maximizing an athlete's competitive performance during the course of their career. However, as a sport psychologist's primary responsibility is to serve active competitors and athletic organizations, this tends to come at the expense of failing to provide follow-up care for the athlete as he or she retires from sport (Taylor, Ogilvie, and Lavallee, 2006). Since the 1970's, when the efforts of professionals in European sports organizations first received attention, there has been growing interest in academic circles about career transition
The ISSP Position Stand on Career Development and Transitions of Athletes draws attention to viewing athletes from the perspective of their career development and their broader historical and socio‐cultural contexts. The particular focus of this paper is on career transitions as turning phases in career development. Successfully coping with transitions both within and outside of sport allows greater opportunity for an athlete to live a long and successful life in sport as well as being able to adjust effectively to the post‐career. Alternatively, failure in coping with a transition is often followed by negative consequences (e.g., premature dropout from sport, neuroses, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.). Therefore, helping athletes prepare for and/or cope with career transitions should be of primary concern for coaches, managers, athletes’ parents, and sport psychology consultants. In this paper we emphasize the role of contextual factors in career development/transition research and practice. Based on the literature review, we propose six statements and related recommendations for athletes and their significant others, as well as for researchers and consultants
This paper presents a case study of an elite female coach and her career termination from a 20+ year career following a critical life incident. A novel autobiographical approach was adopted whereby the participant undertook expressive writing to describe her experiences prior to, during, and following coaching an athlete at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Thematic analysis indicated seven phases related to the participant’s experiences of the critical incident: Build up to the event, the event, the aftermath, recovery and reflection on the event, sampling of new avenues, enlightenment, and career re-birth. The findings reinforce the high demands placed upon elite coaches, the subsequent threats to physical and mental well-being, and the importance of having robust psychological skills and suitable social support to cope with these demands. Implications for preparing and supporting coaches for successful career transition are discussed.
A falta de profissionais com perfil e qualificação em tecnologia da informação (TI) é uma dificuldade enfrentada pelas empresas em geral, as quais investem crescentemente em TI e cada vez mais são dependentes e influenciadas pela tecnologia. Além dessa questão, observa-se que apesar das boas oportunidades de emprego no setor, a evasão nos cursos superiores de TI tem atingido patamares altíssimos, agravando ainda mais o problema da escassez por talentos qualificados. Assim, esta pesquisa estuda a migração dos profissionais de TI para outras áreas, fenômeno denominado turnaway, problema que agrava ainda mais a situação em que se encontra o setor de tecnologia da informação no mercado brasileiro, requerendo uma solução a curto prazo e merecendo uma exploração e discussão em profundidade. O objetivo principal deste estudo é, portanto, identificar as principais razões que explicam a intenção dos profissionais de TI em abandonar a área. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa explanatória, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e investigação empírica, aplicando-se questionários disponibilizados eletronicamente a profissionais de TI de diferentes empresas e áreas de atuação. A amostra utilizada teve 323 respondentes e os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente via modelagem de equações estruturais. Como resultado, esta pesquisa mostrou que a transição de carreira na área de tecnologia da informação está intimamente associada ao dinamismo natural da área, às condições de trabalho que geram fadiga física e mental, e às restrições de crescimento profissional na área técnica, levando os profissionais de TI a uma insatisfação com a área que os faz buscar capacitação gerencial e novas experiências de trabalho, de modo a ampliar sua rede de relacionamento interpessoal e abrir oportunidades em diferentes campos de trabalho, possibilitando, desta forma, a migração dos mesmos para outras áreas que oferecem melhores condições de trabalho, maior reconhecimento e possibilidade de crescimento profissional.
[ES] Afrontar con éxito el proceso de transición a la élite del deporte es fundamental para adaptarse al más alto nivel y lograr una estabilidad en la carrera deportiva profesional. A través del modelo de desarrollo de la carrera deportiva y el modelo de afrontamiento de la carrera deportiva se exploran de manera retrospectiva las estrategias de afrontamiento de 16 jugadores y jugadoras de fútbol que realizaron dicha transición.
ABSTRACT: With this article, we aim to offer a conceptual synthesis of some of the most important developments in past decades on the subject of talent in sport, while also helping sports stakeholders, particularly managers and coaches, to recognize and apply these conclusions in their practices. The article starts with a brief historical review, which explores how there has been a shift from a talent detection perspective to a talent development perspective and to a holistic vision of athletes and their background context. Secondly, the article presents an overview of the main theoretical models put forward in literature on sport psychology, including career-transition-based models and talent-and-expertise-based models. Finally, as the conceptual model most widely referred to in literature, a detailed analysis of the Development Model of Sports Participation (Côté, Baker & Abernethy, 2007), is made, especially with regard to development processes relating to standards of practice (e.g. diversification and specialization) and psychosocial influences, aspects that form the basis of all-round athlete development.
ABSTRACT: With this article, we aim to offer a conceptual synthesis of some of the most important developments in past decades on the subject of talent in sport, while also helping sports stakeholders, particularly managers and coaches, to recognize and apply these conclusions in their practices. The article starts with a brief historical review, which explores how there has been a shift from a talent detection perspective to a talent development perspective and to a holistic vision of athletes and their background context. Secondly, the article presents an overview of the main theoretical models put forward in literature on sport psychology, including career-transition-based models and talent-and-expertise-based models. Finally, as the conceptual model most widely referred to in literature, a detailed analysis of the Development Model of Sports Participation (Côté, Baker & Abernethy, 2007), is made, especially with regard to development processes relating to standards of practice (e.g. diversification and specialization) and psychosocial influences, aspects that form the basis of all-round athlete development.
A compreensão do desenvolvimento da carreira atlética e, em particular, das estratégias de ajustamento dos desportistas aos momentos de mudança no seu percurso de envolvimento no desporto, é fundamental para desenhar as facetas dos contextos promotores do talento, às quais a investigação tem vindo a destacar uma atenção especial nas últimas décadas. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o processo de desenvolvimento e transições da carreira de futebolista de elite, esclarecendo as principais características e vivências ao longo do seu percurso desportivo. Para o efeito, foram realizados três estudos onde se incluem uma revisão sistemática de literatura e dois estudos de caso, com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas a 11 atletas de elite retirados que exercem funções nas seleções nacionais de futebol. Os resultados esclarecem o papel da prática precoce e diversificada, do suporte parental e da relação com o treinador como determinantes da carreira atlética. A participação em atividades desportivas informais e diversificadas é percecionada como promotora do desenvolvimento de competências técnicas e de relacionamento com pares, enquanto a especialização é observada como potenciadora, sobretudo, das competências de nível motor. Ao contrário de outros estudos realizados, as transições de júnior para sénior e do término da carreira foram identificadas como processos que não constituíram uma ameaça para os futebolistas. Finalmente, conclui-se que os atletas de elite vivenciam grandes dificuldades em conciliar as atividades académicas com a prática do futebol e o risco de abandono dos estudos surge regularmente associado à aproximação da subida ao escalão sénior pelo aumento da exigência e do investimento numa carreira profissional.