237 resultados para Cardboard carton


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica


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Tässä opinnäytetyössä on toteutettu ja arvioitu virtuaalitodellisuuteen soveltuvaa käyttöliittymää. Motivaationa työlle oli Google Cardboardin mahdollistama todentuntuinen virtuaalikokemus älypuhelimen hinnalla. Cardboard-ympäristöön ei kuitenkaan ollut olemassa kattavaa käyttöliittymää ja tämän työn tavoitteena olikin selvittää, onko älypuhelimen kameraa mahdollista käyttää eleohjauksen toteuttamiseen niin että ohjaus on käytettävyydeltään kelvollinen ja se tukee läsnäolon tunteen syntymistä. Asian selvittämiseksi kehitettiin testipeli, jolla eleohjausta verrattiin Cardboardin oletuskäyttöliittymään. Koehenkilöt saavuttivat ehdotetulla käyttöliittymällä testipelissä keskimäärin 45-% korkeampia pistemääriä ja lisäksi he arvioivat sen olleen toimiva ja sen synnyttämän läsnäolon tunteen olleen voimakkaampaa.


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The box contained the chocolate elephant.


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Cardboard tube in which the scroll was sent. The scroll was sent to relatives within a cardboard tube which was 7 1/4 inches long. The wording on the cardboard tube is "O.H.M.S. Valuable Document - with card. If not delivered return to Secretary, Militia Council (Director of Records), Militia Headquarter, Ottawa, Ontario.". It was sent to Alfred S. Woodruff at 137 Ontario St., St. Catharines.


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This degree project aim to evaluate if variations of the STFI thickness can be used to assess bumpiness on cardboard. During the project cardboard samples were measured using Bendtsen, PPS, a L&W formation tester, OptiTopo, Ambertec formation, the STFI thickness tester and a visual comparison. The different methods were then compared to see if there is any correlations between them. The results showed that the visual comparison and OptiTopo correlates. The STFI thickness tester shows however no correlation with the OptiTopo and visual comparison, thus aren't suitable measuring bumpiness.


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This research explores the downstream perceptions of liquid carton board versus competing materials in packaging applications for juice. The methodology used is focus groups. The context is sustainability and functional performance, and related potential implications for the beverage industry value chain. The purpose is to get a deeper insight and understanding of functionality in relation to juice beverage packaging. The results confirm that there is no optimal packaging for every juice product, but a multitude, depending on the distribution channel, retail outlet, customer preferences, and context of consumption. There are some general packaging preferences, but the main deciding criteria for purchase seem to be the product characteristics in terms of quality, taste, brand, price and shelf life. For marketing reasons, packaging has to be adopted to the product and its positioning, liquid carton board packaging seem to have some functional advantages in distribution and is considered as sustainable and functional among many consumers. Major drawbacks seem to be shape limitations, lack of transparency, and lack of a “premium look”. To improve packaging performance and avoid sub-optimization, actors in the beverage industry value chain need to be integrated in development processes.