1000 resultados para Canarias Sea


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[ES]Las aguas de Canarias, gracias a sus condiciones físicas de temperatura y su abundancia de peces, están habitadas por una gran diversidad de estas especies. Se han documentado hasta 86 especies de tiburones y rayas,diferentes, como el angelote ('Squatina squatina'), en Peligro Crítico según la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN), o el pez martillo ('Sphyrna mokarran'), considerado En Peligro. "Debido a la enorme diversidad de especies que posee, el archipiélago canario debe adquirir un papel importante en la protección de especies marinas. Las características de sus fondos marinos hacen que sus aguas sin duda escondan muchas más especies por descubrir, y no debemos permitir que lleguen a la situación de riesgo de los elasmobranquios, de los que Canarias podría convertirse en refugio" Un tercio de los ingresos que genera el turismo de buceo en Canarias se debe a la regular presencia en sus aguas de tiburones y rayas, según un reciente estudio, en el que se defiende la protección y recuperación de estas especies para potenciar el turismo sostenible. En el mundo existen ocho santuarios se encuentran en Las Bahamas, las Maldivas, las islas Marshall, Palao, Dominica, Tokelau, las Islas Vírgenes Británicas y en Honduras Los santuarios están destinados a proteger a los tiburones porque son animales muy vulnerables, son animales que no son como cualquier otro pez, tienen larga vid y pocas crías. Se reproducen a los 18 años y apenas llegan a tener tres crías. Llegan tardíamente a la madurez. Todas esas características hacen que sean vulnerables a la sobrepesca y eso es lo que está pasando ahora, los tiburones en el mundo están desapareciendo. Más del 30 por ciento se encuentra en un estado de conservación cerca o al borde de la extinción y necesitamos medidas para proteger a estas especies que han estado por más de 400 millones de años nadando en los océanos.


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Acto celebrado en el Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, el 16 de de mayo de 2014 y seguido en directo desde el canal del Museo Elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGFSvs05bWI&list=UUeRcLTpyOAvfRULCIAWQvIQ


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We studied magnesium:calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios in shells of the deep-sea ostracode genus Krithe from a short interval in the middle Pliocene between 3.29 and 2.97 Ma using deep-sea drilling sites in the North and South Atlantic in order to estimate bottom water temperatures (BWT) during a period of climatic warmth. Results from DSDP and ODP Sites 552A, 610A, 607, 658A, 659A, 661A and 704 for the period Ma reveal both depth and latitudinal gradients of mean Mg/Ca values. Shallower sites (552A, 610A and 607) have higher mean Mg/Ca ratios (10.3, 9.7, 10.1 mmol/mol) than deeper sites (661A, 6.3 mmol/mol), and high latitude North Atlantic sites (552A, 610 and 607) have higher Mg/Ca ratios than low latitude (658A: 9.8 mmol/mol, 659A: 7.7 mmol/mol, 661A: 6.3 mmol/mol) and Southern Ocean (704: 8.0 mmol/mol) sites. Converting Mg/Ca ratios into estimated temperatures using the calibration of Dwyer et al. (1995) [Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Raymo, M.E., Buzas, J.S., Corrège, T., 1995. North Atlantic deepwater temperature change during late Pliocene and late Quaternary climatic cycles. Science 270, 1347-1351] suggests that mean middle Pliocene bottom water temperatures at the study sites in the deep Atlantic were about the same as modern temperatures. However, brief pulses of elevated BWT occurred several times between 3.29 and 2.97 Ma in both the North and South Atlantic Ocean suggesting short-term changes in deep ocean circulation.


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Accumulation rate of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by natural populations varies over a wide range. In the surface layer of the Black Sea accumulation rate of glucose is 0.6-4.82 mg C/m**3 per day, and in the Atlantic Ocean 1.15-12.38 mg C/m**3 per day. This rate is 2-17 times higher when hydrolysate is added to the medium. Accumulation rate of glucose and hydrolysate in the aphotic layer of the Black Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is 1.5-6 times lower than at the surface. The organotrophic coefficient also varied within wide range. Relative amount of DOM used by microorganisms for growth in total production is much less (0.6-39.9%) in areas of intensive photosynthesis than in waters poor in DOM (83.7-99.2%).


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During the fourth Antarctic voyage ANT-IV of the research icebreaker POLARSTERN standard meteorological measurements have been performed. The measurements include 3-hourly synoptic observations as well as daily upper air soundings. The measurements started on September 6 1985 at Bremerhaven and were terminated at April 28 1986 in Punta Arenas. The 3-hourly synoptic observations are performed following the instructions of the FM 13 ships code defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The datasets include automatic measurements such as mean ship's speed, wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, water temperature as well as visual observations such as total cloud amount, present weather, clouds, height and period of swell waves, ice classification. The visual observation are not performed during night time. For the upper air soundings VAISALA RS80 radiosondes, carried by helium-filled balloons (TOTEX 350 - 1500) were used. Data reception and evaluation were carried out by a MicroCora System (VAISALA). The upper air soundings include profile measurements of pressure, temperature, relative humidity and wind vector. Usually the soundings started at the heliport (10 m above sea level) and terminated between 15 and 37 km. The height of the measurements was calculated by applying the barometric formula. The wind vector was determined with the aid of the OMEGA navigation system.


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The molecular stratigraphy of Biogeochemical Oceanic Flux Study core 31K (19°N, 20°10'W) and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 658C (20°45'N, 18°35'W) has been studied for C37 alkenone abundances over the past 80 ka at high resolution (~circa 200-500 years). The derived Uk 37' sea surface temperature record for both cores shows a range of temperatures from about 18°C during the last glacial to 21.5°C during the early Holocene. Both records also reveal changes in sea surface temperature as much as 2°-4°C over a few hundred years, which correlate well with similar abrupt climatic changes observed in cores from elsewhere in the NE Atlantic, associated with 'Heinrich events'. Our results indicate that meltwater produced by these ice-rafting events was transmitted southward by the Canary Current, where it had considerable impact on sea surface temperatures in the subtropical eastern Atlantic.