Sea surface temperatures calculated for today from planktic foraminifera

Autoria(s): Schulz, Hartmut

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 22.465030 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 20.410407 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: -55.010000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -177.988330 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 77.460000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 163.520000 * DATE/TIME START: 1954-08-08T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-08-28T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 272 data points








Schulz, Hartmut (1995): Meeresoberflächentemperaturen vor 10.000 Jahren - Auswirkungen des frühholozänen Insolationsmaximums. Berichte-Reports, Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Kiel, 73, 156 pp, doi:10.2312/reports-gpi.1995.73


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #108-658A; 108-659A; 121-758A; 74KL; A150/180; A180-39; A180-73; AGE; Angola Basin; ANT-IV/1c; APSARA2; Arabian Sea; Arctic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; BC; BCR; Biscaya; BOFS11882#4; BOFS11886#2; BOFS11891#4; BOFS11896#1; BOFS11905#1; BOFS11K; BOFS14K; BOFS17K; BOFS5K; BOFS8K; Bounty Trough, Southwest Pacific; Box corer; Box corer (Reineck); Canarias Sea; CEPAG; CH82-24; CH8X; D184; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Discovery (1962); DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; East Atlantic; Eastern Arabian Sea; eastern Romanche Fracture Zone; Elevation of event; ELT45; ELT45.029-PC; ELT45.074-PC; ELT48; ELT48.022-PC; ELT49; ELT49.021-PC; ELT49.023-PC; Eltanin; Equatorial Atlantic; Event label; FGGE-Equator ´79 - First GARP Global Experiment; GC; GEMINO I; GeoB1008-3; GeoB1113-4; GEOTROPEX 83, NOAMP I; Giant box corer; GIK/IfG; GIK11944-2; GIK12309-2; GIK12310-4; GIK12328-5; GIK12329-6; GIK12337-5; GIK12345-5; GIK12347-2; GIK12379-3; GIK12392-1; GIK13289-1; GIK13289-3; GIK13519-1; GIK13521-1; GIK14807-2; GIK15627-3; GIK15637-1; GIK15663-2; GIK16017-2; GIK16396-1; GIK16415-2; GIK16458-2; GIK16772-1; GIK16773-1; GIK16776-1; GIK16867-1; GIK17045-3; GIK17049-6; GIK17050-1; GIK17051-3; GIK17054-1; GIK17724-1; GIK17725-1; GIK17730-4; GIK17732-1; GIK23041-1; GIK23043-3; GIK23055-2; GIK23056-2; GIK23059-2; GIK23065-2; GIK23066-2; GIK23068-2; GIK23071-2; GIK23074-3; GIK23243-2; GIK23246-2; GIK23256-1; GIK23419-8; GKG; Gravity corer; Gravity corer (Kiel type); IIOE - International Indian Ocean Expedition; Indian Ocean; Institute for Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel; Jean Charcot; Joides Resolution; K-12; K708-001; KAL; Kasten corer; KL; KL-15, AS-03; KL-26, AS-02; KL-36, AS-04; KL-57, AS-08; KN_USA; Knorr; KNR31GPC5; KOL; Latitude of event; Leg108; Leg121; Le Suroît; Longitude of event; M1; M1_105; M1_105KK; M1_114; M1_114KK; M1_143; M1_143KK; M1_182; M1_182SK; M1_223; M1_223SK; M1_232; M1_232SK; M11/1; M12392-1; M13/2; M17/2; M2/1; M2/2; M23; M23_099; M25; M39; M51; M53; M6/5; M6/6; M60; M65; M7/2; M9/4; Marion Dufresne; MD10; MD13; MD38; MD76-135; MD77-181; MD77-202; MD77-203; MD84-527; MD84-551; Meteor (1964); Meteor (1986); MUC; MultiCorer; NA87-22; Nordost-Atlantik-Expedition 1971; North Atlantic; North Atlantic Ocean; Northeast Atlantic; Norwegian Sea; off Gabun; off Iceland; off Liberia; OSIRIS II; OSIRIS III; PALEOCINAT; PC; Piston corer; Piston corer (BGR type); Piston corer (Kiel type); PO158/B; Polarstern; POS158/2; Poseidon; PS08; PS1243-2; Q208; RC09; RC09-150; RC09-161; RC09-49; RC10; RC10-131; RC11; RC11-120; RC12; RC12-113; RC12-294; RC12-339; RC12-340; RC12-343; RC12-350; RC13; RC13-228; RC14; RC14-35; RC14-37; RC14-39; RC14-85; RC17; RC17-69; RC24; RC24-16; RE5-034; Robert Conrad; Sea surface temperature, summer; Sea surface temperature, winter; Sierra Leone Basin/Guinea Basin; SL; SO07; SO27; SO27-74KL; SO28; SO28-11KL; SO28-18KL; SO42; SO42-15KL; SO42-26KL; SO42-36KL; SO42-57KL; SO49; SO49-8KL; Sonne; South China Sea; South Indian Ocean; SPC; Sphincter corer; SU81-14; SU81-18; SU81-32; SU90-08; SU90-I02; SU90-I03; SU90-I06; SU90-I08; SU92; SU92-21; SUBTROPEX 82; Südost-Asien-Fahrt 78; Transfer function (Imbrie & Kipp, 1971, in Turekian, Yale Univ Press); V04; V04-32; V15; V15-168; V17; V17-165; V22; V22-174; V23; V23-100; V23-81; V25; V25-56; V25-59; V27; V27-137; V27-86; V28; V28-14; V28-238; V28-239; V28-304; V28-56; V29; V29-172; V30; V30-40; V30-49; V34; V34-101; V34-109; V34-111; V34-87; V34-88; V34-89; V34-91; V34-92; V36; V36-603; VA-10/3; Valdivia (1961); Vema; Western Arabian Sea
