906 resultados para Calcium Pump
Significant progress has been achieved in elucidating the role of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and physiology since the enzyme was first purified and physiology since the enzyme was first purified and cloned a number of years ago. The simple notion that the PM Ca2+-ATPase controls resting levels of [Ca2+](CYT) has been challenged by the complexity arising from the finding of four major isoforms and splice variants of the Ca2+ pump, and the finding that these are differentially localized in various organs and subcellular regions. Furthermore, the isoforms exhibit differential sensitivities to Ca2+, calmodulin, ATP, and kinase-mediated phosphorylation. The latter pathways of regulation can give rise to activation or inhibition of the Ca2+ pump activity, depending on the kinase and the particular Ca2+ pump isoform. Significant progress is being made in elucidating subtle and more profound roles of the PM Ca2+-ATPase in the control of cellular function. Further understanding of these roles awaits new studies in both transfected cells and intact organelles, a process that will be greatly aided by the development of new and selective Ca2+ pump inhibitors. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump is a key regulator of cytosolic free Ca2+. Recent studies have demonstrated the dynamic expression of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in a variety of cell types. Furthermore, alterations in plasma membrane calcium pump activity have now been implicated in human disease. In this study, the development of a technique to quantitatively assess mRNA expression of the human plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA1) isoform of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, using a real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay in a human breast epithelial cell line (MCF-7) is described. The sequences of the PMCA1 primers and probe for real-time RT-PCR are presented. The results also indicate that PMCA1 mRNA can be normalized to both 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) and human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (hGAPDH) in MCF-7 cells. Real-time RT-PCR will be most useful in assessing PMCA1 mRNA expression in cases where only low amounts of RNA are available and/or when numerous samples must be assessed simultaneously. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Inorg Chem. 2008 Jul 7;47(13):5677-84. doi: 10.1021/ic702405d
The plasmalemmal Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (PMCA) is a key regulator of Ca2+ efflux in vascular smooth muscle. In these studies are developed a realtime reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay for assessing PMCA1 mRNA levels in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes. This assay detected fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA (relative to 18S rRNA) 4, 8, and 24 h after stimulation. Early fetal bovine serum-induced increases in PMCA1 mRNA were insensitive to the Ca2+ channel blockers nifedipine, flunarizine, and SKF-96365. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of real-time RT-PCR to assess mRNA levels of PMCA1 and illustrate dynamic regulation of this Ca2+ pump isoform in rat primary cultured aortic myocytes, (C) 2000 Academic Press.
An Adobe (R) animation is presented for use in undergraduate Biochemistry courses, illustrating the mechanism of Na(+) and K(+) translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis by the (Na, K)-ATPase, a P(2c)-type ATPase, or ATP-powered ion pump that actively translocates cations across plasma membranes. The enzyme is also known as an E(1)/E(2)-ATPase as it undergoes conformational changes between the E(1) and E(2) forms during the pumping cycle, altering the affinity and accessibility of the transmembrane ion-binding sites. The animation is based on Horisberger`s scheme that incorporates the most recent significant findings to have improved our understanding of the (Na, K)-ATPase structure function relationship. The movements of the various domains within the (Na, K)-ATPase alpha-subunit illustrate the conformational changes that occur during Na(+) and K(+) translocation across the membrane and emphasize involvement of the actuator, nucleotide, and phosphorylation domains, that is, the ""core engine"" of the pump, with respect to ATP binding, cation transport, and ADP and P(i) release.
Background: The activation of the beta-adrenergic system promotes G protein stimulation that, via cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), alters the structure of protein kinase A (PKA) and leads to phospholamban (PLB) phosphorylation. This protein participates in the system that controls intracellular calcium in muscle cells, and it is the primary regulator of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump activity. In obesity, the beta-adrenergic system is activated by the influence of increased leptin, therefore, resulting in higher myocardial phospholamban phosphorylation via cAMP-PKA. Objective: To investigate the involvement of proteins which regulate the degree of PLB phosphorylation due to beta-adrenergic activation in obesity. In the present study, we hypothesized that there is an imbalance between phospholamban phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, with prevalence of protein phosphorylation. Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into two groups: control (n = 14), fed with normocaloric diet; and obese (n = 13), fed with a cycle of four unsaturated high-fat diets. Obesity was determined by the adiposity index, and protein expressions of phosphatase 1 (PP-1), PKA, PLB, phosphorylated phospholamban at serine16 (PPLB-Ser16) were assessed by Western blot. Results: Obesity caused glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperleptinemia and did not alter the protein expression of PKA, PP-1, PLB, PPLB-Ser16. Conclusion: Obesity does not promote an imbalance between myocardial PLB phosphorylation and dephosphorylation via beta-adrenergic system.
An Adobe (R) animation is presented for use in undergraduate Biochemistry courses, illustrating the mechanism of Na+ and K+ translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis by the (Na, K)-ATPase, a P-2c-type ATPase, or ATP-powered ion pump that actively translocates cations across plasma membranes. The enzyme is also known as an E-1/E-2-ATPase as it undergoes conformational changes between the E-1 and E-2 forms during the pumping cycle, altering the affinity and accessibility of the transmembrane ion-binding sites. The animation is based on Horisberger's scheme that incorporates the most recent significant findings to have improved our understanding of the (Na, K)-ATPase structure function relationship. The movements of the various domains within the (Na, K)-ATPase alpha-subunit illustrate the conformational changes that occur during Na+ and K+ translocation across the membrane and emphasize involvement of the actuator, nucleotide, and phosphorylation domains, that is, the "core engine" of the pump, with respect to ATP binding, cation transport, and ADP and P-i release.
Exercício e restrição alimentar aumentam o RNAm de proteínas do trânsito de Ca2+ miocárdico em ratos
FUNDAMENTO: Treinamento físico (TF) aumenta a sensibilidade dos hormônios tireoidianos (HT) e a expressão gênica de estruturas moleculares envolvidas no movimento intracelular de cálcio do miocárdio, enquanto a restrição alimentar (RIA) promove efeitos contrários ao TF. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da associação TF e RIA sobre os níveis plasmáticos dos HT e a produção de mRNA dos receptores HT e estruturas moleculares do movimento de cálcio do miocárdio de ratos. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se ratos Wistar Kyoto divididos em: controle (C, n = 7), RIA (R50, n = 7), exercício físico (EX, n = 7) e exercício físico + RIA (EX50, n = 7). A RIA foi de 50% e o TF foi natação (1 hora/dia, cinco sessões/semana, 12 semanas consecutivas). Avaliaram-se as concentrações séricas de triiodotironina (T3), tiroxina (T4) e hormônio tireotrófico (TSH). O mRNA da bomba de cálcio do retículo sarcoplasmático (SERCA2a), fosfolamban (PLB), trocador Na+/Ca+2 (NCX), canal lento de cálcio (canal-L), rianodina (RYR), calsequestrina (CQS) e receptor de HT (TRα1 e TRβ1) do miocárdio foram avaliados por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) em tempo real. RESULTADOS: RIA reduziu o T4, TSH e mRNA do TRα1 e aumentou a expressão da PLB, NCX e canal-L. TF aumentou a expressão do TRβ1, canal-L e NCX. A associação TF e RIA reduziu T4 e TSH e aumentou o mRNA do TRβ1, SERCA2a, NCX, PLB e correlação do TRβ1 com a CQS e NCX. CONCLUSÃO: Associação TF e RIA aumentou o mRNA das estruturas moleculares cálcio transiente, porém o eixo HT-receptor não parece participar da transcrição gênica dessas estruturas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Transporters of Ca2+ are potential drug targets and Ca2+ is a useful signal in the assessment of G-protein-coupled receptor activation. Assays involving the assessment of intracellular Ca2+ using microplate readers most often use Ca2+ indicators which do not exhibit a spectra shift on Ca2+ binding (e.g. fluo-3). Indicators that do exhibit a spectral shift upon Ca2+ binding (e.g. fura-2) offer potential advantages for the calibration of intracellular Ca2+ levels. However, experimental limitations may limit the use of ratiometric dyes in microplate readers capable of screening. In this study, we compared the assessment of intracellular Ca2+ in adherent breast cancer cells using ratiometric and nonratiometric Ca2+ indicators. Our results demonstrate that both fluo-3 and fura-2 detect ATP dose-dependent increases in intracellular Ca2+ in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and that some of the limitations in the use of fura-2 appear to be overcome by the use of glass bottom microplates. The calibrated intracellular Ca2+ levels derived using fura-2 are consistent with those from microscopy and cuvette-based studies. Fura-2 may be useful in microplate studies, where cell lines with different properties are compared or where screening treatments lead to differences in the number of cells or dye loading. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.