El control de convencionalidad entendido como un mecanismo que debe ser ejercitado por jueces y tribunales nacionales, a través de la confrontación entre las normas de derecho nacional y de derecho internacional, con el objetivo de garantizar los derechos garantizados en instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos, ha sido aplicado vagamente por los diferentes administradores de justicia nacionales. Existe una vaga difusión de esta garantía que tiene su origen primigenio en el desarrollo jurisprudencia que ha venido desarrollando la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. En ese sentido, en el desarrollo del presente trabajo de investigación se va estudiar la aplicación del citado control en el marco jurídico ecuatoriano, con el objetivo de contribuir con el desarrollo y sobre todo, comprensión, de dicha garantía y realizar un análisis crítico de cómo se ha venido entendiendo y aplicando el control de convencionalidad por parte de los administradores de justicia nacional. Y posteriormente, proponer diferentes mecanismos que permitan, a jueces y tribunales nacionales, ejercitar dicho control de una manera efectiva.
The contents of this article analyze the right to private property after the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case “Salvador Chiriboga vs. Ecuador”. The author´s concern is the fact that this case represents the most expensive sentence inside the Inter-American protection system due to the violation of the right to private property (art. 21.2 AC); judicial guarantees (art. 8.1 AC) and judicial protection (art. 25.1 CA). This subject has special relevance since Ecuador is facing a judicial reform process and it is necessary to consider that the diffusion of this decision among judges could prevent the commission of the same mistakes; specially, those related to denial of justice as it occurred in the present case study.
92 p.
33 p.
23 p.
Incluye bibliografía
La presente investigación pretende demostrar que existe responsabilidad del Estado en los casos en que se produce la muerte o la lesión de miembros de la fuerza pública constitucional, cuando se cumplen los requisitos Constitucionales y Convencionales, por prestar el servicio militar obligatorio, o el servicio de seguridad del Estado. Así mismo se analizará la política pública de seguridad integral para la prosperidad para verificar si en ella se incluyeron elementos suficientes para prevenir la violación de derechos humanos de los miembros de las Fuerzas Militares y la Policía Nacional, como consecuencia de los actos de guerra o de terrorismo, teniendo como antecedentes la revisión de la existencia o no de un conflicto armado interno y, determinando, en que casos se está frente a actos de guerra en virtud del conflicto o si, por el contrario, se trata de actos terroristas. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar si existe responsabilidad del Estado como consecuencia de la guerra, con relación a los miembros de la fuerza pública constitucional, teniendo en cuenta la evolución de la responsabilidad del Estado al incorporar en la Constitución Política de Colombia el control de Convencionalidad. Determinar si existe una política pública preventiva para evitar la violación de derechos humanos de los miembros de las Fuerzas Militares como consecuencia de los hechos de guerra y terrorismo, dada la obligación convencional de implementar políticas públicas...
Esta monografía busca analizar la figura de la soberanía estatal en el marco del Régimen Internacional de DDHH a través del caso de derogación de Leyes de Amnistía en Perú por parte de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Así, se pretende identificar la afectación de la soberanía del Estado peruano como consecuencia de la declaración de incompatibilidad y carencia de efectos jurídicos de las leyes de amnistía por parte de la Corte Interamericana, en la sentencia Barrios Altos c. Perú. En ese sentido, estudiando el concepto de soberanía estatal, en particular en la rama del poder legislativo, y su relación con las instituciones internacionales de carácter interestatal como la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, podremos señalar cómo las decisiones de la Corte limitan el poder soberano de los Estados.
ResumenEste artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar una nueva tesis introducida recientemente en Brasil llamada control de convencionalidad, paralela y simultánea a la del control de constitucionalidad, y cómo podrían los jueces y las juezas y abogados y abogadas hacer un buen uso de ellos en sus actividades diarias. Como este nuevo “poder” surgió en el sistema jurídico brasileño a partir de la enmienda constitucional número 45 de 2004, haremos unaretrospectiva histórica, a través de un análisis de la jerarquía de los tratados de derechos humanos, al tener como base la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo y la doctrina portuguesadel bloque de constitucionalidad.Palabras clave: Control de convencionalidad, bloque de constitucionalidad, Derechos Humanos, tratados internacionales. ResumoO presente artigo tem por escopo a análise da possibilidade de utilização, por parte dos magistrados brasileiros, do chamado “Controle de Convencionalidade”, paralelo e concomitante ao controle de constitucionalidade. Tendo tal prerrogativa surgido a partir da Emenda Constitucional Nº 45, far-se-á um retrospecto histórico da hierarquia dos tratados internacionais de Direitos Humanos no ordenamento pátrio, analisando a jurisprudência do SupremoTribunal Federal, bem como a utilização do Bloco de Constitucionalidade como paradigma de controle da constitucionalidade-convencionalidade das leis.Palavras chave: controle de convencionalidade, Bloco de Constitucionalidade, Direitos Humanos, tratados internacionais.
The control of energy homeostasis relies on robust neuronal circuits that regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Although the physiology of these circuits is well understood, the molecular and cellular response of this program to chronic diseases is still largely unclear. Hypothalamic inflammation has emerged as a major driver of energy homeostasis dysfunction in both obesity and anorexia. Importantly, this inflammation disrupts the action of metabolic signals promoting anabolism or supporting catabolism. In this review, we address the evidence that favors hypothalamic inflammation as a factor that resets energy homeostasis in pathological states.
Paraquat is a fast acting nonselective contact herbicide that is extensively used worldwide. However, the aqueous solubility and soil sorption of this compound can cause problems of toxicity in nontarget organisms. This work investigates the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles composed of chitosan and sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) to produce an efficient herbicidal formulation that was less toxic and could be used for safer control of weeds in agriculture. The toxicities of the formulations were evaluated using cell culture viability assays and the Allium cepa chromosome aberration test. The herbicidal activity was investigated in cultivations of maize (Zea mays) and mustard (Brassica sp.), and soil sorption of the nanoencapsulated herbicide was measured. The efficiency association of paraquat with the nanoparticles was 62.6 ± 0.7%. Encapsulation of the herbicide resulted in changes in its diffusion and release as well as its sorption by soil. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that the nanoencapsulated herbicide was less toxic than the pure compound, indicating its potential to control weeds while at the same time reducing environmental impacts. Measurements of herbicidal activity showed that the effectiveness of paraquat was preserved after encapsulation. It was concluded that the encapsulation of paraquat in nanoparticles can provide a useful means of reducing adverse impacts on human health and the environment, and that the formulation therefore has potential for use in agriculture.
The maintenance of glucose homeostasis is complex and involves, besides the secretion and action of insulin and glucagon, a hormonal and neural mechanism, regulating the rate of gastric emptying. This mechanism depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion regulates the speed of gastric emptying, contributing to the control of postprandial glycemia. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of various agents of this class can explain the effects more relevant in fasting or postprandial glucose, and can thus guide the individualized treatment, according to the clinical and pathophysiological features of each patient.
The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of diabetes in older people and the adopted control measures. Data regarding older diabetic individuals who participated in the Health Surveys conducted in the Municipality of Sao Paulo, SP, ISA-Capital, in 2003 and 2008, which were cross-sectional studies, were analyzed. Prevalences and confidence intervals were compared between 2003 and 2008, according to sociodemographic variables. The combination of the databases was performed when the confidence intervals overlapped. The Chi-square (level of significance of 5%) and the Pearson's Chi-square (Rao-Scott) tests were performed. The variables without overlap between the confidence intervals were not tested. The age of the older adults was 60-69 years. The majority were women, Caucasian, with an income of between > 0.5 and 2.5 times the minimum salary and low levels of schooling. The prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% (95%CI 14.9;20.6) in 2003 and 20.1% (95%CI 17.3;23.1) in 2008, which indicates a growth over this period (p at the limit of significance). The most prevalent measure adopted by the older adults to control diabetes was hypoglycemic agents, followed by diet. Physical activity was not frequent, despite the significant differences observed between 2003 and 2008 results. The use of public health services to control diabetes was significantly higher in older individuals with lower income and lower levels of education. Diabetes is a complex and challenging disease for patients and the health systems. Measures that encourage health promotion practices are necessary because they presented a smaller proportion than the use of hypoglycemic agents. Public health policies should be implemented, and aimed mainly at older individuals with low income and schooling levels. These changes are essential to improve the health condition of older diabetic patients.
A retrospective case-control study based on craniometrical evaluation was performed to evaluate the incidence of basilar invagination (BI). Patients with symptomatic tonsillar herniation treated surgically had craniometrical parameters evaluated based on CT scan reconstructions before surgery. BI was diagnosed when the tip of the odontoid trespassed the Chamberlain's line in three different thresholds found in the literature: 2, 5 or 6.6 mm. In the surgical group (SU), the mean distance of the tip of the odontoid process above the Chamberlain's line was 12 mm versus 1.2 mm in the control (CO) group (p<0.0001). The number of patients with BI according to the threshold used (2, 5 or 6.6 mm) in the SU group was respectively 19 (95%), 16 (80%) and 15 (75%) and in the CO group it was 15 (37%), 4 (10%) and 2 (5%).