992 resultados para CO2 corrosion
The main problem on the exploration activity on petroleum industry is the formation water resulted on the fields producing. The aggravating of this problem is correlated with the advancing technologies used on the petroleum extractions and on its secondary approach objecting the reobtainment of this oil. Among the main contaminants of the water formation are corrosives gases such as: O2, CO2 and H2S, some solids in suspension and dissolved salts. Concerning to those gases the CO2 is the one that produce significant damage for carbon steel on corrosion process of the petroleum and gas industries. Corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in formation water is one of the most used agents in control of those damages. In this context, the poor investigations of carbon steel corrosion proceeding from solids in suspension is an opened field for studies. On this work the inhibitor effect of the commercial CORRTREAT 703 was evaluated on some specific solids in suspension at saline medium containing 10.000 ppm of de-aerated chloride using CO2 until non oxygen atmosphere been present. For that, quartz, calcium carbonate, magnetite and iron sulphide were subjected to this investigation as the selected solids. The effect of this inhibitor on corrosion process correlated with those specific solids, was measured using electrochemical (resistance of linear polarization and galvanic pair) and gravimetrical techniques. During all the experimental work important parameters were monitored such as: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, instantaneous corrosion rate and galvanic current. According to the obtained results it was proved that the suspension solids calcium carbonate and iron sulphide decrease the corrosion process in higher pH medium. Meanwhile the quartz and magnetite been hardness increase corrosion by broking of the passive layer for erosion. In the other hand, the tested inhibitor in concentration of 50 ppm, showed to be effective (91%) in this corrosion process
The main problem on the exploration activity on petroleum industry is the formation water resulted on the fields producing. The aggravating of this problem is correlated with the advancing technologies used on the petroleum extractions and on its secondary approach objecting the reobtainment of this oil. Among the main contaminants of the water formation are corrosives gases such as: O2, CO2 and H2S, some solids in suspension and dissolved salts. Concerning to those gases the CO2 is the one that produce significant damage for carbon steel on corrosion process of the petroleum and gas industries. Corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in formation water is one of the most used agents in control of those damages. In this context, the poor investigations of carbon steel corrosion proceeding from solids in suspension is an opened field for studies. On this work the inhibitor effect of the commercial CORRTREAT 703 was evaluated on some specific solids in suspension at saline medium containing 10.000 ppm of de-aerated chloride using CO2 until non oxygen atmosphere been present. For that, quartz, calcium carbonate, magnetite and iron sulphide were subjected to this investigation as the selected solids. The effect of this inhibitor on corrosion process correlated with those specific solids, was measured using electrochemical (resistance of linear polarization and galvanic pair) and gravimetrical techniques. During all the experimental work important parameters were monitored such as: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, instantaneous corrosion rate and galvanic current. According to the obtained results it was proved that the suspension solids calcium carbonate and iron sulphide decrease the corrosion process in higher pH medium. Meanwhile the quartz and magnetite been hardness increase corrosion by broking of the passive layer for erosion. In the other hand, the tested inhibitor in concentration of 50 ppm, showed to be effective (91%) in this corrosion process
Plasma-sprayed 8YSZ (zirconia stabilized with 8 wt% yttria)/NiCoCrAlYTa thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) were laser-glazed using a continuous-wave CO2 laser. Open pores within the coating surface were eliminated and an external densified layer was generated by laser-glazing. The hot corrosion resistances of the plasma-sprayed and laser-glazed coatings were investigated. The two specimens were exposed for the same period of 100 h at 900 degrees C to a salt mixture of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Serious crack and spallation occurred in the as-sprayed coating, while the as-glazed coating exhibited good hot corrosion behavior and consequently achieved a prolonged lifetime. The results showed that the as-sprayed 8YSZ coating achieved remarkably improved hot corrosion resistance by laser-glazing.
A batch of eighty-four coupons of low carbon steel were investigated at laboratory conditions under a corrosive, cavitative-corrosive (CO2) and corrosive-erosive (SiO2 + CO2) in an aqueous salt solution and two levels of temperature. The following measurements were made on Vickers (HV0,05, HV0,10, HV0,20) Microhardness tests at three levels of subsurface layer. A turbulent flow collided on the cylindrical sample, with and without mechanical stirring and gas bubbling, with and without fluid contamination by solid particles of SiO2, at two temperatures. Surface Roughness and Waviness, under two conditions "as received, after machining" and "after worn out", as well as gravimetric and electrochemical parameter were measured on the two opposite generatrices of each cylindrical sample, on the flow upstream (0°) and downstream (180°) by Profilometry, Mass Variation and Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR). The results of the Microhardness and Surface Texture of all coupons were subjected to statistical comparison, using the software Statgraphics® Centurion XVI, 95% statistical certainty, and significant differences were observed in some arrays of measurements. The corrosive wear rate measured by LPR and mass variation shown to be sensitive to the presence of bubbles and hydrodynamic fluctuations inside the cell, considering the temperature and contamination of corrosive fluid by solid particles. The main results of visual inspection relative to some topologies of the surface damages involving different mechanisms that were seen to give explanation for some fluctuations in wear rates of the steel experimentally investigated
In der vorliegenden Studie wurden verschiedene Techniken eingesetzt um drei Proben (4, 7, and 8) die aus denrnKorrosionsprodukten von aus dem Kosovo Krieg stammenden Munitionskugeln, bestehend aus abgereichertem Uranrn(Depleted Uranium - DU), zu untersuchen. Als erstes Verfahren wurde die Raman-Spektroskopie eingesetzt. Hierbeirnzeigte sichin den Proben, charakterisiert durch einen Doppelpeak, die Anwesenheit von Schoepitrn(UO2)8O2(OH)12(H2O)12. Der erste und zweite Peakzeigte sich im Spektralbereich von 840,3-842,5 cm-1rnbeziehungsweise 853,6-855,8 cm-1. Diese Werte stimmen mit den Literaturwerten für Raman-Peaks für Schoepitrnüberein. Des Weiteren wurde bei dieser Untersuchungsmethode Becquerelite Ca(UO2)6O4(OH)6(H2O)8 mit einemrnPeak im Bereich zwischen 829 to 836 cm-1 gefunden. Aufgrund des Fehlens des Becquerelitespektrums in derrnSpektralbibliothek wurde eine in der Natur vorkommende Variante analysiert und deren Peak bei 829 cm-1 bestimmt,rnwas mit den Ergebnissen in den Proben korrespondiert. Mittels Röntgenbeugung (X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) zeigtenrnsich in allen Proben ähnliche Spektren. Das lässt darauf schließen, dass das pulverisierte Material in allen Probenrndas gleiche ist. Hierbei zeigte sich eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit Schoepit und/oder meta-rnSchoepit(UO2)8O2(OH)12(H2O)10, sowie Becquerelite. Weiterhin war weder Autunit, Sabugalit noch Uranylphosphatrnanwesend, was die Ergebnisse einer anderen Studie, durchgeführt an denselben Proben, wiederlegt. DiernAnwesenheit von P, C oder Ca im Probenmaterial konnte ausgeschlossen werden. Im Falle von Calciumkann diesrnmit der Anwesenheit von Uran erklärt werden, welches aufgrund seines Atomradius bevorzugt in Becquerelite (1:6)rneingebaut wird. Die beiden Hauptpeaks für Uran lagen im Falle von U 4f 7/2 bei 382.0 eV und im Falle von U 4f 5/2rnbei 392 eV. Diese Werte mit den Literaturwerten für Schoepit und meta-Schoepitüberein. Die Ergebnissernelektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchung zeigen U, O, Ca, Ti als dominante Komponenten in allen Messungen.rnElemente wie Si, Al, Fe, S, Na, und C wurden ebenfalls detektiert; allerdings kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden,rndass diese Elemente aus dem Boden in der unmittelbaren Umgebung der Munitionsgeschosse stammen. Gold wurdernebenfalls gemessen, was aber auf die Goldarmierung in den Probenaufbereitungsbehältern zurückgeführt werdenrnkann. Die Elektronenmikroskopie zeigte außerdem einige Stellen in denen elementares Uran und Bodenmineralernsowie sekundäre Uranminerale auftraten. Die Elementübersicht zeigt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen U andrnCa und gleichzeitig keine Korrelation zwischen U und Si, oder Mg. Auf der anderen Seite zeigte sich aber einrnZusammenhang zwischen Si und Al da beide Konstituenten von Bodenmineralen darstellen. Eine mit Hilfe derrnElektronenstrahlmikroanalyse durchgeführte quantitative Analyse zeigte den Massenanteil von Uran bei ca. 78 - 80%,rnwas mit den 78,2% and 79,47% für Becquerelite beziehungsweise Schoepit aufgrund ihrer Summenformelrnkorrespondiert. Zusätzlich zeigt sich für Calcium ein Massenanteil von 2% was mit dem Wert in Becquerelite (2.19%)rnrecht gut übereinstimmt. Der Massenanteil von Ti lag in einigen Fällen bei 0,77%, was auf eine noch nicht korrodierternDU-Legierung zurückzuführen ist. Ein Lösungsexperiment wurde weiterhin durchgeführt, wobei eine 0,01 M NaClO4-rnLösung zum Einsatz kam in der die verbliebene Probensubstanz der Korrosionsprodukte gelöst wurde;rnNatriumperchlorate wurde hierbei genutzt um die Ionenstärke bei 0,01 zu halten. Um Verunreinigungen durchrnatmosphärisches CO2 zu vermeiden wurden die im Versuch für die drei Hauptproben genutzten 15 Probenbehälterrnmit Stickstoffgas gespült. Eine Modelkalkulation für den beschriebenen Versuchsaufbau wurde mit Visual MINTEQrnv.3.0 für die mittels vorgenannten Analysemethoden beschriebenen Mineralphasen im pH-Bereich von 6 – 10 imrnFalle von Becquerelite, und Schoepit berechnet. Die modellierten Lösungskurven wurden unter An- und Abwesenheitrnvon atmosphärischem CO2 kalkuliert. Nach dem Ende des Lösungsexperiments (Dauer ca. 6 Monate) zeigten diernKonzentrationen des gelösten Urans, gemessen mittels ICP-OES, gute Übereinstimmung mit den modelliertenrnSchoepit und Becquerelite Kurven. Auf Grund des ähnlichen Löslichkeitverhaltens war es nicht möglich zwichen denrnbeiden Mineralen zu unterscheiden. Schoepit kontrolliert im sauren Bereich die Löslichkeit des Urans, währendrnbecquerelit im basichen am wenigsten gelöst wird. Des Weiteren bleibt festzuhalten, dass ein Anteil an CO2 in diernverschlossenen Probenbehälter eingedrungen ist, was sich mit der Vorhersage der Modeldaten deckt. Die Löslichkeitrnvon Uran in der Lösung als Funktion des pH-Wertes zeigte die niedrigsten Konzentrationen im Falle einer Zunahmerndes pH-Wertes von 5 auf 7 (ungefähr 5,1 x 10-6 mol/l) und einer Zunahme des pH-Wertes auf 8 (ungefähr 1,5 x 10-6rnmol/l bei). Oberhalb dieses Bereichs resultiert jeder weitere Anstieg des pH-Wertes in einer Zunahme gelösten Uransrnin der Lösung. Der ph-Wert der Lösung wie auch deren pCO2-Wert kontrollieren hier die Menge des gelösten Urans.rnAuf der anderen Seite zeigten im Falle von Becquerelite die Ca-Konzentrationen höhere Werte als erwartet, wobeirnwahrscheinlich auf eine Vermischung der Proben mit Bodensubstanz zurückgeführt werden kann. Abschließendrnwurde, unter Berücksichtigung der oben genannten Ergebnisse, eine Fallstudie aus Basrah (Irak) diskutiert, wo inrnzwei militärischen Konflikten Uranmunition in zwei Regionen unter verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen eingesetztrnwurden.
Specimens of the patellogastropod limpet Patella caerulea were collected within (pHlow-shells) and outside (pHn-shells) a CO2 vent site at Ischia, Italy. Four pHlow-shells and four pHn-shells were sectioned transversally and scanned for polymorph distribution by means of confocal Raman microscopy. The pHlow-shells displayed a twofold increase in aragonite area fraction and size-normalised aragonite area. Size-normalised calcite area was halved in pHlow-shells. Taken together with the increased apical and the decreased flank size-normalised thickness of the pHlow-shells, these data led us to conclude that low-pH-exposed P. caerulea specimens counteract shell dissolution by enhanced shell production. This is different from normal elongation growth and proceeds through addition of aragonitic parts only, while the production of calcitic parts is confined to elongation growth. Therefore, aragonite cannot be regarded as a disadvantageous polymorph per se under ocean acidification conditions.
Presently monoethanolamine (MEA) remains the industrial standard solvent for CO2 capture processes. Operating issues relating to corrosion and degradation of MEA at high temperatures and concentrations, and in the presence of oxygen, in a traditional PCC process, have introduced the requisite for higher quality and costly stainless steels in the construction of capture equipment and the use of oxygen scavengers and corrosion inhibitors. While capture processes employing MEA have improved significantly in recent times there is a continued attraction towards alternative solvents systems which offer even more improvements. This movement includes aqueous amine blends which are gaining momentum as new generation solvents for CO2 capture processes. Given the exhaustive array of amines available to date endless opportunities exist to tune and tailor a solvent to deliver specific performance and physical properties in line with a desired capture process. The current work is focussed on the rationalisation of CO2 absorption behaviour in a series of aqueous amine blends incorporating monoethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine (DMEA), N,N-diethylethanolamine (DEEA) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) as solvent components. Mass transfer/kinetic measurements have been performed using a wetted wall column (WWC) contactor at 40°C for a series of blends in which the blend properties including amine concentration, blend ratio, and CO2 loadings from 0.0-0.4 (moles CO2/total moles amine) were systematically varied and assessed. Equilibrium CO2 solubility in each of the blends has been estimated using a software tool developed in Matlab for the prediction of vapour liquid equilibrium using a combination of the known chemical equilibrium reactions and constants for the individual amine components which have been combined into a blend.From the CO2 mass transfer data the largest absorption rates were observed in blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 while the selection of the Am2 component had only a marginal impact on mass transfer rates. Overall, CO2 mass transfer in the fastest blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 was found to be only slightly lower than a 5M MEA solution at similar temperatures and CO2 loadings. In terms of equilibrium behaviour a slight decrease in the absorption capacity (moles CO2/mole amine) with increasing Am2 concentration in the blends with MEA was observed while cyclic capacity followed the opposite trend. Significant increases in cyclic capacity (26-111%) were observed in all blends when compared to MEA solutions at similar temperatures and total amine concentrations. In view of the reasonable compromise between CO2 absorption rate and capacity a blend containing 3M MEA and 3M AMP as blend components would represent a reasonable alternative in replacement of 5M MEA as a standalone solvent.
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The application of Raman spectroscopy to the study of the copper chloride minerals nantokite, eriochalcite and claringbullite has enabled the vibrational modes for the CuCl, CuOH and CuOH2 to be determined. Nantokite is characterised by bands at 205 and 155 cm-1 attributed to the transverse and longitudinal optic vibrations. Nantokite also has an intense band at 463 cm-1, eriochalcite at 405 and 390 cm-1 and claringbullite at 511 cm-1. These bands are attributed to CuO stretching modes. Water librational bands at around 672 cm-1 for eriochalcite have been identified and hydroxyl deformation modes of claringbullite at 970, 906 and 815 cm-1 are observed. Spectra of the three minerals are so characteristically different that the minerals are readily identified by Raman spectroscopy. The minerals are often determined in copper corrosion products by X-ray diffraction. Raman spectroscopy offers a rapid, in-situ technique for the identification of these corrosion products.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to report the resistance of plasma-sprayed titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructured coatings in a corrosive environment.----- Design/methodology/approach: Weight loss studies are performed according to ASTM G31 specifications in 3.5?wt% NaCl. Electrochemical polarization resistance measurements are made according to ASTM G59-91 specifications. Corrosion resistance in a humid and corrosive environment is determined by exposing the samples in a salt spray chamber for 100?h. Microstructural studies are carried out using an atomic force microscope and scanning electron microscope.----- Findings: The nanostructured TiO2 coatings offer good resistance to corrosion, as shown by the results of immersion, electrochemical and salt spray studies. The corrosion resistance of the coating is dictated primarily by the geometry of splat lamellae, density of unmelted nanoparticles, magnitude of porosity and surface homogeneity.----- Practical implications: The TiO2 nanostructured coatings show promising potential for use as abrasion, wear-resistant and thermal barrier coatings for service in harsh environments.----- Originality/value: The paper relates the corrosion resistance of nanostructured TiO2 coatings to their structure and surface morphology.
Australian climate, soils and agricultural management practices are significantly different from those of the northern hemisphere nations. Consequently, experimental data on greenhouse gas production from European and North American agricultural soils and its interpretation are unlikely to be directly applicable to Australian systems.