861 resultados para CLEF-QA
This paper presents the evaluation of a QA system for the treatment of complex temporal questions. The system was implemented in a multilayered architecture where complex temporal questions are first decomposed into simple questions, according to the temporal relations expressed in the original question. These simple questions are then processed independently by our standard Question Answering engine and their respective answers are filtered to satisfy the temporal restrictions of each simple question. The answers to the simple decomposed questions are then combined, according to the temporal relations extracted from the original complex question, to give the final answer. This evaluation was performed as a pilot task in the Spanish QA Track of the Cross Language Evaluation Forum 2004.
The Answer Validation Exercise (AVE) is a pilot track within the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) 2006. The AVE competition provides an evaluation frame- work for answer validations in Question Answering (QA). In our participation in AVE, we propose a system that has been initially used for other task as Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE). The aim of our participation is to evaluate the improvement our system brings to QA. Moreover, due to the fact that these two task (AVE and RTE) have the same main idea, which is to find semantic implications between two fragments of text, our system has been able to be directly applied to the AVE competition. Our system is based on the representation of the texts by means of logic forms and the computation of semantic comparison between them. This comparison is carried out using two different approaches. The first one managed by a deeper study of the Word- Net relations, and the second uses the measure defined by Lin in order to compute the semantic similarity between the logic form predicates. Moreover, we have also designed a voting strategy between our system and the MLEnt system, also presented by the University of Alicante, with the aim of obtaining a joint execution of the two systems developed at the University of Alicante. Although the results obtained have not been very high, we consider that they are quite promising and this supports the fact that there is still a lot of work on researching in any kind of textual entailment.
Comunicación presentada en Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2008), Aarhus, Denmark, September 17-19, 2008.
Marc présente l'identité divine de Jésus comme se dévoilant malgré lui. Jésus fait taire ceux qui la révèlent, qu'il s'agisse des démons ou de ses disciples. William Wrede a tenté d'expliquer cet état de fait à l'aide de la théorie du "secret messianique". Marc attribuerait à Jésus une stratégie de voilement intentionnel de sa filiation divine. L'auteur s'oppose à Wrede à l'aide de catégories empruntées à l'anthropologie culturelle: dans l'Antiquité, l'identité est attribuée par une instance ayant statut d'autorité. Par conséquent, le comportement manifesté par Jésus dans l'Evangile de Marc n'est pas l'expression d'une stratégie particulière mais le comportement attendu d'un individu qui respecte les règles d'attribution de l'honneur. De plus, Marc est méfiant à l'égard du titre "Christ" attribué à Jésus et préfère le titre "Fils de Dieu" compris au sens prophétique. Enfin, la raison qui pousse l'évangéliste à écrire résiderait dans la nécessité de défendre la légitimité de la tradition de sa communauté face à d'autres groupes chrétiens plus apostoliques.
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 241
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 30
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 493
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 584
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 583