1000 resultados para CK-MB mass


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The creatine kinase-isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) mass assay is one of the laboratory tests used for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. It is recommended, however, that reference limits should take gender and race into account. In the present study, we analyzed the plasma CK-MB mass and troponin levels of 244 healthy volunteers without a personal history of coronary artery disease and with no chronic diseases, muscular trauma or hypothyroidism, and not taking statins. The tests were performed with commercial kits, CK-MB mass turbo kit and Troponin I turbo kit, using the Immulite 1000 analyzer from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostic. The values were separated according to gender and showed significant differences by the Mann-Whitney test. Mean (± SD) CK-MB mass values were 2.55 ± 1.09 for women (N = 121; age = 41.20 ± 10.13 years) and 3.49 ± 1.41 ng/mL for men (N = 123; age = 38.16 ± 11.12 years). Gender-specific reference values at the 99th percentile level, according to the Medicalc statistical software, were 5.40 ng/mL for women and 7.13 ng/mL for men. The influence of race was not considered because of the high miscegenation of the Brazilian population. The CK-MB values obtained were higher than the 5.10 mg/mL proposed by the manufacturer of the laboratory kit. Therefore, decision limits should be related to population and gender in order to improve the specificity of this diagnostic tool, avoiding misclassification of patients


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Serum levels of troponin and heart-related fraction of creatine kinase (CK-MB) mass are used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria in myocardial infarction, but the relation between those levels and-the necropsy-determined size of necrosis has not been tested in human beings. In this retrospective study, 1-cm-thick transverse sections of the ventricles were cut from the base to the apex in the necropsy hearts of 27 patients aged 47 to 86 years (mean 66, median 69; 19 men). Total and necrotic areas were measured using a computer-linked image analysis system. The weights of the necrotic areas were also calculated. The correlations of the areas and weights of necrotic myocardium with the highest serum values of CK-MB mass and troponin 1, which had been quantified during life by chemiluminescence immunoassays, were verified by Pearson`s test; results were considered significant at p <= 50.05. Significant correlations were detected between CK-MB mass peak and infarct size (r = 0.63, p < 0.01) and weight (r = 0.69, p < 0.01) and between CK-MB mass and highest troponin level (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); however, the correlations between highest troponin level and myocardial infarct size (r = 0.31, p = 0.11) and weight (r = 0.35, p = 0.07) were small and nonsignificant. In conclusion, despite the well-established role of serum levels of troponin as a diagnostic tool for myocardial infarction, their highest values showed poor correlations with the extent of infarct. In contrast, the highest serum level of CK-MB mass was well correlated with myocardial infarct size. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the absence of heart failure or cardiogenic shock, cardiac involvement diagnosis in icteric leptospirosis is possible on the basis of abnormal electrocardiograms. As metabolic and electrolytic disorders are frequently seen during acute leptospirosis infection, they may be responsible for some electrocardiograms changes. We conducted a study to assess if creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme determinations are useful in selecting patients with a high cardiac involvement suspicion. Sixty-nine patients were studied prospectively. Ten patients out of 16 with cardiac involvement and 25 without had high CK-MB levels (p>0.05), although mean values of abnormal CK-MB levels were higher in the group with cardiac involvement (p<0.05). Our analysis indicates that serum CK-MB determination does not provide a specific indicator of myocardial involvement in the course of icteric leptospirosis.


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FUNDAMENTO: Há incertezas do valor prognóstico comparativo entre troponina I cardíaca (cTnI) e CK-MB em síndrome coronariana aguda (SCA). OBJETIVO: Comparar o valor prognóstico entre a cTnI e a CK-MB massa em pacientes com SCA sem supradesnível do segmento ST. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 1.027 pacientes, de modo prospectivo, em um centro terciário de cardiologia. Combinações dos biomarcadores foram examinadas: cTnI normal, CK-MB massa normal (65,5%); cTnI normal, CK-MB massa elevada (3,9%); cTnI elevada, CK-MB massa normal (8,8%); cTnI elevada, CK-MB massa elevada (20,7%). Análise multivariada de variáveis clínicas, eletrocardiográficas e laboratoriais determinou o valor prognóstico independente dos biomarcadores para o evento de morte ou (re)infarto em 30 dias. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com pelo menos um biomarcador elevado foram mais idosos (p = 0,02) e do sexo masculino (p < 0,001). Uso prévio de aspirina (p = 0,001), betabloqueador (p = 0,003) ou estatina (p = 0,013) foi mais frequente naqueles sem elevação da cTnI. Pacientes com elevação de ambos os biomarcadores tinham mais depressão do segmento ST (p < 0,001) ou creatinina elevada (p < 0,001). Em análise multivariada com a inclusão da cTnI, a CK-MB massa não foi variável independente para o evento de morte ou (re)infarto em 30 dias (odds ratio [OR] 1,16; p = 0,71). Quando não se incluiu a cTnI, teve-se: idade (OR 1,07; p < 0,001); sexo masculino (OR 1,09; p = 0,77); diabete melito (OR 1,95; p = 0,02); acidente vascular cerebral prévio (OR 3,21; p = 0,008); creatinina elevada (OR 1,63; p = 0,002); elevação da CK-MB massa (OR 1,96; p = 0,03); estatística-C 0,77 (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Com dosagem da cTnI, a CK-MB massa pode ser dispensável para avaliação prognóstica. Na indisponibilidade da cTnI, a CK-MB massa é aceitável para decisão terapêutica.


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Dentre os sinais sistêmicos causados pelo envenenamento por veneno de sapo (bufotoxina) em cães, os efeitos cardiotóxicos são um dos mais importantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as potenciais alterações no músculo cardíaco de cães envenenados experimentalmente por veneno de sapo e observar as alterações eletrolíticas que podem ocorrer nesse tipo de envenenamento. Utilizaram-se 20 cães divididos em grupo controle (n=5) e grupo envenenado (n=15). O veneno de sapo foi extraído por meio de compressão manual das glândulas paratóides. Após anestesia geral, os cães do grupo controle receberam placebo (solução fisiológica) e os do grupo envenenado uma alíquota do veneno por sonda orogástrica. As colheitas de sangue para dosagem dos marcadores cardíacos foram realizadas seis e 24 horas após o envenenamento. As colheitas de sangue para dosagem dos eletrólitos foram realizadas antes e duas, quatro, seis e 12 horas após o envenenamento. A análise estatística empregada foi o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Withney (P<0,05). Os cães envenenados por veneno de sapo apresentaram elevação dos níveis dos marcadores cardíacos CK-MB e TnIc, confirmando a cardiotoxicidade do veneno. Hipocalemia e hipocalcemia foram também observadas nos cães envenenados.


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Dentre os sinais sistêmicos causados pelo envenenamento por veneno de sapo (bufotoxina) em cães, os efeitos cardiotóxicos são um dos mais importantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as potenciais alterações no músculo cardíaco de cães envenenados experimentalmente por veneno de sapo e observar as alterações eletrolíticas que podem ocorrer nesse tipo de envenenamento. Utilizaram-se 20 cães divididos em grupo controle (n=5) e grupo envenenado (n=15). O veneno de sapo foi extraído por meio de compressão manual das glândulas paratóides. Após anestesia geral, os cães do grupo controle receberam placebo (solução fisiológica) e os do grupo envenenado uma alíquota do veneno por sonda orogástrica. As colheitas de sangue para dosagem dos marcadores cardíacos foram realizadas seis e 24 horas após o envenenamento. As colheitas de sangue para dosagem dos eletrólitos foram realizadas antes e duas, quatro, seis e 12 horas após o envenenamento. A análise estatística empregada foi o teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Withney (P<0,05). Os cães envenenados por veneno de sapo apresentaram elevação dos níveis dos marcadores cardíacos CK-MB e TnIc, confirmando a cardiotoxicidade do veneno. Hipocalemia e hipocalcemia foram também observadas nos cães envenenados.


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Avaliou-se o perfil da creatinoquinase-MB em pacientes com leptospirose internados no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, na cidade de Belém-PA, no período de janeiro de 2002 a junho de 2003, através de um estudo transversal, no qual foi caracterizado os achados clínicos e o perfil do referido marcador bioquímico de lesão miocárdica. Foram relacionados os perfis séricos de creatinoquinase-MB, creatinoquinase, potássio, aspartatoaminotransferase e alaninaaminotransferase com os achados clínicos do processo inflamatório do músculo cardíaco. Os resultados demonstraram que, apesar da maioria dos pacientes serem sintomáticos, apenas 12,76% apresentaram elevação da creatinoquinase-MB. Portanto, o referido marcador bioquímico não pode ser utilizado com indicador de lesão miocárdica na leptospirose humana.


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Background: Although the release of cardiac biomarkers after percutaneous (PCI) or surgical revascularization (CABG) is common, its prognostic significance is not known. Questions remain about the mechanisms and degree of correlation between the release, the volume of myocardial tissue loss, and the long-term significance. Delayed-enhancement of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) consistently quantifies areas of irreversible myocardial injury. To investigate the quantitative relationship between irreversible injury and cardiac biomarkers, we will evaluate the extent of irreversible injury in patients undergoing PCI and CABG and relate it to postprocedural modifications in cardiac biomarkers and long-term prognosis. Methods/Design: The study will include 150 patients with multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) with left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and a formal indication for CABG; 50 patients will undergo CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB); 50 patients with the same arterial and ventricular condition indicated for myocardial revascularization will undergo CABG without CPB; and another 50 patients with CAD and preserved ventricular function will undergo PCI using stents. All patients will undergo CMR before and after surgery or PCI. We will also evaluate the release of cardiac markers of necrosis immediately before and after each procedure. Primary outcome considered is overall death in a 5-year follow-up. Secondary outcomes are levels of CK-MB isoenzyme and I-Troponin in association with presence of myocardial fibrosis and systolic left ventricle dysfunction assessed by CMR. Discussion: The MASS-V Trial aims to establish reliable values for parameters of enzyme markers of myocardial necrosis in the absence of manifest myocardial infarction after mechanical interventions. The establishments of these indices have diagnostic value and clinical prognosis and therefore require relevant and different therapeutic measures. In daily practice, the inappropriate use of these necrosis markers has led to misdiagnosis and therefore wrong treatment. The appearance of a more sensitive tool such as CMR provides an unprecedented diagnostic accuracy of myocardial damage when correlated with necrosis enzyme markers. We aim to correlate laboratory data with imaging, thereby establishing more refined data on the presence or absence of irreversible myocardial injury after the procedure, either percutaneous or surgical, and this, with or without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar o desempenho, em termos de teste diagnóstico, da dosagem sérica de mioglobina (Mgb) com a creatinofosfoquinase (CK) e a sua fração MB (CK-MB), para o diagnóstico de infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, contemporâneo e não controlado de 64 pacientes, admitidos entre setembro/94 e fevereiro/95, em uma emergência especializada em cardiologia, com dor torácica não traumática. Excluíram-se pacientes com sintomas há mais de 6h, trauma muscular, ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e insuficiência renal. O diagnóstico de IAM foi estabelecido quando ao menos dois dos seguintes critérios estavam presentes: dor torácica típica há mais de 20min, alterações eletrocardiográficas compatíveis com necrose (ondas Q), ou elevações tardias de CK e CK-MB. RESULTADOS: Na amostra estudada, 18 tiveram diagnóstico de IAM. A sensibilidade (S) encontrada para CK, CK-MB e Mgb foi de 33%, 22% e 61% e a especificidade (E) de 85%, 96% e 98%, respectivamente. A diferença entre a S de Mgb e a de CK foi de 28%, com um intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) de -4% a 59%, e a diferença entre a S de Mgb e a de CK-MB foi de 39%, IC 95% de 9% a 69%. A diferença entre a E de Mgb e a de CK foi de 13%, IC 95% de 12% a 14%, e a diferença entre a E de Mgb e a de CK-MB foi de 2%, IC 95% de -5% a 9%. CONCLUSÃO: A mioglobina mostrou ser um marcador mais sensível e tão específico quanto a CK-MB, para o diagnóstico de IAM na população estudada. Em relação a CK, a Mgb foi mais específica e com igual sensibilidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR


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BACKGROUND: The relevance of left ventricular (LV) geometric pattern after myocardial infarction is not known. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the presence of different LV geometric patterns and teir impact as a predictor of remodeling in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS: Patients with anterior acute myocardial infarction (n = 80) were divided according to the geometric pattern: normal (normal left ventricular mass index [LVMI] and normal relative wall thickness [RWT]), concentric remodeling (normal LVMI and increased RWT), concentric hypertrophy (increased LVMI and RWT) and eccentric hypertrophy (increased LVMI and normal RWT). After six months, echocardiographic assessment was repeated. RESULTS: Four patients died. Of the survivors, 41 showed remodeling (R +), whereas 39 did not (R-). Considering the geometric pattern, the cases were distributed as follows: 24 patients with normal pattern, 13 with concentric remodeling, 29 with concentric hypertrophy and 14 with eccentric hypertrophy. Patients who showed remodeling had larger infarction sizes analyzed by peak CPK (R + = 4,610 (1,688-7,970), R- = 1,442 (775-4247), p <0.001) and CK-MB (R + = 441 (246 - 666), R- = 183 (101-465), p <0.001), trend towards higher prevalence of concentric remodeling (R+ = 10, R- = 3, p = 0.08) and lower prevalence of eccentric hypertrophy (R + = 2 R- = 12, p = 0.006). In the multivariate regression analysis, infarction size was a predictor (OR = 1.01, p = 0.020) and eccentric hypertrophy was a protective factor (OR = 0.189, p = 0.046) of ventricular remodeling after coronary occlusion. CONCLUSION: The LV geometric pattern of can have an impact on the remodeling process in patients with myocardial infarction.


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AIMS: Intravascular inflammatory events during ischaemia/reperfusion injury following coronary angioplasty alter and denudate the endothelium of its natural anticoagulant heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) layer, contributing to myocardial tissue damage. We propose that locally targeted cytoprotection of ischaemic myocardium with the glycosaminoglycan analogue dextran sulfate (DXS, MW 5000) may protect damaged tissue from reperfusion injury by functional restoration of HSPG. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a closed chest porcine model of acute myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury (60 min ischaemia, 120 min reperfusion), DXS was administered intracoronarily into the area at risk 5 min prior to reperfusion. Despite similar areas at risk in both groups (39+/-8% and 42+/-9% of left ventricular mass), DXS significantly decreased myocardial infarct size from 61+/-12% of the area at risk for vehicle controls to 39+/-14%. Cardioprotection correlated with reduced cardiac enzyme release creatine kinase (CK-MB, troponin-I). DXS abrogated myocardial complement deposition and substantially decreased vascular expression of pro-coagulant tissue factor in ischaemic myocardium. DXS binding, detected using fluorescein-labelled agent, localized to ischaemically damaged blood vessels/myocardium and correlated with reduced vascular staining of HSPG. CONCLUSION: The significant cardioprotection obtained through targeted cytoprotection of ischaemic tissue prior to reperfusion in this model of acute myocardial infarction suggests a possible role for the local modulation of vascular inflammation by glycosaminoglycan analogues as a novel therapy to reduce reperfusion injury.


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Envenoming by the pitviper Bothrops jararacussu produces cardiovascular alterations, including coagulopathy, systemic hemorrhage, hypotension, circulatory shock and renal failure. In this work, we examined the activity of this venom in rat isolated right atria. Incubation with venom (0.025, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2mg/ml) caused concentration-dependent muscle contracture that was not reversed by washing. Muscle damage was seen histologically and confirmed by quantification of creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) release. Heating and preincubation of venom with p-bromophenacyl bromide (a phospholipase A2 inhibitor) abolished the venom-induced contracture and muscle damage. In contrast, indomethacin, a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, and verapamil, a voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel blocker, did not affect the responses to venom. Preincubation of venom with Bothrops or Bothrops/Crotalus antivenom or the addition of antivenom soon after venom attenuated the venom-induced changes in atrial function and tissue damage. These results indicate that B. jararacussu venom adversely affected rat atrial contractile activity and muscle organization through the action of venom PLA2; these venom-induced alterations were attenuated by antivenom.


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Scorpion stings account for most envenomations by venomous animals in Brazil. A retrospective study (1994-2011) of the clinical consequences of Tityus scorpion stings in 1327 patients treated at a university hospital in Campinas, southeastern Brazil, is reported. The clinical classification, based on outcome, was: dry sting (no envenoming), class I (only local manifestations), class II (systemic manifestations), class III (life-threatening manifestations, such as shock and/or cardiac failure requiring inotropic/vasopressor agents, and/or respiratory failure), and fatal. The median patient age was 27 years (interquartile interval = 15-42 years). Scorpions were brought for identification in 47.2% of cases (Tityus bahiensis 27.7%; Tityus serrulatus 19.5%). Sting severity was classified and each accounted for the following percentage of cases: dry stings - 3.4%, class I - 79.6%, class II - 15.1%, class III - 1.8% and fatal - 0.1%. Pain was the primary local manifestation (95.5%). Systemic manifestations such as vomiting, agitation, sweating, dyspnea, bradycardia, tachycardia, tachypnea, somnolence/lethargy, cutaneous paleness, hypothermia and hypotension were detected in class II or class III + fatal groups, but were significantly more frequent in the latter group. Class III and fatal cases occurred only in children <15 years old, with scorpions being identified in 13/25 cases (T. serrulatus, n = 12; T. bahiensis, n = 1). Laboratory blood abnormalities (hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, leukocytosis, elevations in serum total CK, CK-MB and troponin T, bicarbonate consumption and an increase in base deficit and blood lactate), electrocardiographic changes (ST segment) and echocardiographic alterations (ventricular ejected fraction <54%) were frequently detected in class III patients. Seventeen patients developed pulmonary edema, 16 had cardiac failure and seven had cardiogenic shock. These results indicate that most scorpion stings involved only local manifestations, mainly pain; the greatest severity was associated with stings by T. serrulatus and in children <15 years old.