57 resultados para CIMO
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo de investigaci?n se llev? acabo en el Colegio Biling?e Montessori de la ciudad de Cali, espec?ficamente en la clase de ingl?s de los grados d?cimos, con el prop?sito de mejorar la comprensi?n de lectura de los estudiantes. Esto se debe a que se logr? percibir que en la clase de ingl?s no se usaban textos literarios y al momento de leer los estudiantes presentaban un bajo nivel de comprensi?n de lectura, ya que no estaban familiarizados con estos escritos. Es por esto que naci? la necesidad de dise?ar, aplicar y evaluar una secuencia did?ctica para mejorar la comprensi?n de lectura a trav?s de historias cortas. El tipo de investigaci?n usado para este trabajo fue el estudio de caso y es a partir de ?ste que se tomaron las fases para realizar el proceso. En primer lugar, se realiz? un estudio de campo en el que se analizaron las necesidades de los estudiantes y se identific? la problem?tica objeto de estudio. Una vez identificados los elementos principales para llevar a cabo la investigaci?n, se procedi? a seguir con el dise?o, aplicaci?n y evaluaci?n de la secuencia. En este paso se tuvieron en cuenta algunos conceptos necesarios que conciernen esta investigaci?n para lograr as? un desarrollo completo y sustentado a partir de la teor?a. A trav?s de la aplicaci?n y desarrollo adecuado del proceso, fue posible comprobar que la implementaci?n de la secuencia did?ctica con historias cortas benefici? el mejoramiento de la comprensi?n de lectura en ingl?s en los estudiantes.
Se incorpor? un texto expositivo refutacional (TER), en el programa de un curso de f?sica durante los primeros dos periodos acad?micos a finales del a?o 2012, en cuatro grupos de d?cimo grado de un colegio del sur de Cali. Aplicando la propuesta de Uribe (2010), para ense?ar el modelo newtoniano del movimiento de la part?cula, haciendo ?nfasis en la comprensi?n de los conceptos, trascendiendo de la ense?anza de la mera resoluci?n de problemas t?picos con el andamiaje matem?tico que implican, propuesta materializada en un texto expositivo refutacional (TER). Se identific? el modelo que predomina en la mente de los estudiantes a trav?s del FCI analizando la informaci?n con la metodolog?a de an?lisis del estado de conocimiento de un grupo-clase respecto a un concepto cient?fico denominada Model Analysis (Bao & Redish, 2006). Los resultados de la intervenci?n se compararon con un quinto grupo de la misma instituci?n que sigui? un programa de ense?anza tradicional.
O est??gio probat??rio de dois anos dos servidores p??blicos federais representa, ao mesmo tempo, uma fase complementar ao processo de sele????o e um per??odo de adapta????o do servidor rec??m-admitido ?? institui????o. Uma das dificuldades existentes ?? operacionalizar um processo de acompanhamento compat??vel com a finalidade do est??gio probat??rio e que promova o ajustamento do servidor de modo a aumentar a sua produtividade e o seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. O processo de avalia????o ?? conduzido pela Pr??-Reitoria de Recursos Humanos e Assuntos Estudantis (PRHAE) e realizado por comiss??o espec??fica, obedecendo a duas etapas. A primeira, que assume o car??ter de ???Avalia????o de Acompanhamento???, ocorre no sexto m??s de admiss??o do servidor, visa identificar os fatores que estejam interferindo no seu desempenho ??? mediante aprecia????o da comiss??o e do pr??prio servidor ??? e colher propostas de treinamento, acompanhamentos, assist??ncia psicol??gica ou social, remanejamentos, etc., conforme o caso, a serem adotadas, diante da necessidade de reabilita????o do servidor, at?? a ??ltima etapa da avalia????o. A segunda e ??ltima etapa ocorrem no d??cimo oitavo m??s de exerc??cio, e tem como finalidade determinar, atrav??s da pontua????o m??nima exigida, a aprova????o ou n??o do servidor, assumindo o car??ter de ???Avalia????o Final???. A iniciativa alcan??ou a conscientiza????o da chefia imediata da import??ncia de proporcionar ao avaliando condi????es de adapta????o ao grupo e ao ambiente de trabalho, mediante a????es de recursos humanos, a participa????o mais efetiva do avaliando no processo de avalia????o, discernindo seus direitos e deveres e imparcialidade e justi??a das avalia????es, realizadas em etapas distintas, conforme instrumentos adequados e por comiss??o avaliativa composta de servidores treinados e comprometidos com o processo de avalia????o
A presente investigação aborda o estudo do Castro do Jarmelo (Guarda) em época medieval. Trata-se de um povoado fortificado que se formou no cimo de um hilseberg o que lhe confere um amplo domínio visual e controlo do planalto mesetanho para além de óptimas condições naturais de defesa. O período cronológico analisado estende-se entre o século IX/X até aos meados do século XV, período que em termos macro-espaciais engloba o avanço e consolidação da fronteira cristã para sul, a criação e desenvolvimento do reino de Portugal e a crise dinástica que levaria à instalação da dinastia joanina no trono de Portugal. A investigação desenvolvida assentou em diferentes mas complementares abordagens. Inicialmente compilaram-se os dados proporcionados pelas fontes históricas medievais já estudadas por outros autores. De seguida procedeu-se ao estudo exaustivo dos materiais exumados das duas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas neste sítio. Igualmente se efectuaram visitas ao local e suas imediações de forma a se aprofundar o conhecimento das estruturas militares, civis e religiosas presentes neste povoado. Por fim, foram realizadas prospecções circunscritas a alguns locais que referências bibliográficas, toponímicas, ou fornecidas pela população local indiciavam a presença de eventuais vestígios de época medieval. A conjugação dos diferentes dados obtidos permitiu, embora ainda num estado embrionário, atestarem-se as diferentes valências do sítio, ou seja, o seu caracter habitacional, militar e religioso. Quanto à relação entre o Castro e os territórios envolventes os resultados alcançados são ainda muito limitados. Todavia tanto na Alta Idade Média como na Baixa Idade Média é perceptível reconhecerem-se matrizes de povoamento, em que se denota um papel de destaque e primazia do Castro do Jarmelo sobre o território envolvente.
Situado em pleno coração da cidade de Lisboa, no cimo de uma colina, junto ao Miradouro de S. Pedro de Alcântara, um dos mais apreciados da capital, erguese o Palácio Maçónico, cujo museu permanece até hoje. A sua história prende-se também com a das mulheres, pois terá sido nesse templo que se deu a iniciação das feministas republicanas. Mas, detenhamo-nos um pouco na história mais recuada a que remonta o Professor Oliveira Marques. Este eminente historiador, ao relembrar os primórdios da entrada feminina na Maçonaria em Vénus Maçona, apontara meados do século XVIII para este evento.
The present work aims to characterize and quantify the phenolic composition and to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (commonly known as licorice) rhizomes and roots. The antioxidant potential of its methanol/water extract could be related with flavones (mainly apigenin derivatives), flavanones (mainly liquirintin derivatives), a methylated isoflavone and a chalcone, identified in the extract. Lipid peroxidation inhibition was the most pronounced antioxidant effect (EC50=0.24±0.01 µg/mL and 22.74±2.42 µg/mL in TBARS and -carotene/linoleate assays, respectively), followed by free radicals scavenging activity (EC50=111.54±6.04 µg/mL) and, finally, reducing power (EC50=128.63±0.21 µg/mL). In this sense, licorice extract could be used as a source of antioxidants for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and/or food industries.
The present study aimed to characterize the extracts prepared from Pimpinella anisum L. (anise) and Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander) (Apiaceae plants) seeds in terms of phenolic composition, and to correlate the obtained profiles with the antioxidant activity. Anise gave the highest abundance in phenolic compounds (42.09± 0.11 mg/g extract), mainly flavonoids (28.08±0.17 mg/g extract) and phenolic acids (14.01±0.06 mg/g extract), and also the highest antioxidant potential, accessed for the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation and -carotene bleaching, reducing power and free radical scavenger activity. Apigenin and luteolin derivatives, as also caffeoylquinic acid derivatives appear to be directly related with the higher in vitro antioxidant potential of the anise extract.. In contrast, the weak antioxidant potential of coriander seems to be due to their lower abundance in phenolic compounds (2.24±0.01 mg/g extract). Further studies are necessary to evaluate the in vivo antioxidant potential of the tested extracts, but the performed in vitro experiments highlight them as potential health promoters.
The severity and frequency of opportunistic fungal infections still growing, concomitantly to the increasing rates of antimicrobial drugs resistance. Natural matrices have been used over years due to its multitude of health benefits, including antifungal potential. Thus, the present work aims to evaluate the anti-Candida potential of the phenolic extract and individual phenolic compounds of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice), by disc diffusion assay, followed by determination of the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) for both planktonic cells and biofilms. Licorice extract evidenced inhibitory potential against the nineteen tested Candida strains, but no pronounced effect was observed by testing the most abundant individual phenolic compounds. Candida tropicalis strains were the most sensible, followed by Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis and, then, Candida albicans. Lower MIC and MFC values were achieved to C. glabrata and C. tropicalis, which confirms its susceptibility to licorice extract; however, for C. tropicalis strains a higher variability was observed. Anti-biofilm potential was also achieved, being most evident in some C. glabrata and C. tropicalis strains. In general, a twice concentration of the MIC was necessary for planktonic cells to obtain a similar potential to that one observed for biofilms. Thus, an upcoming approach for new antifungal agents, more effective and safer than the current ones, is stablished; notwithstanding, further studies are necessary in order to understand its mechanism of action, as also to assess kinetic parameters.
The aim of this study was to characterize sweet cherry regarding nutritional composition of the fruits, and individual phytochemicals and bioactive properties of fruits and stems. The chromatographic profiles in sugars, organic acids, fatty acids, tocopherols and phenolic compounds were established. All the preparations (extracts, infusions and decoctions) obtained using stems revealed higher antioxidant potential than the fruits extract, which is certainly related with its higher phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) concentration. The fruits extract was the only one showing antitumor potential, revealing selectivity against HCT-15 (colon carcinoma) (GI50~74 μg/mL). This could be related with anthocyanins that were only found in fruits and not in stems. None of the preparations have shown hepatotoxicity against normal primary cells. Overall, this study reports innovative results regarding chemical and bioactive properties of sweet cherry stems, and confirmed the nutritional and antioxidant characteristics of their fruits.
The Euterpe oleracea Mart. (açaí) is a plant from the Amazon region, classified as "super fruit" because of its various functional properties. However, limited investigation has been performed on açaí by-products, such as seeds. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterized the phenolic compounds of the aqueous extract of açaí seeds and further evaluate its bioactivity (antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. Only proanthocyanidins were detected, being a B-type (epi)catechin tetramer the most abundant; however, procyanidin trimmers were the most predominant form. Açaí seeds extract revealed a high antioxidant (EC50 ranging from 3.6 to 19.4 μg/mL) and cytotoxic activity, being more effective in the cervical carcinoma cell line (HeLa; GI50 = 18 μg/mL); it did not show toxicity for non-tumor cells. Açaí seeds are considered a waste and could have an added economic benefit, through the extraction of natural antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, that could find applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.
Mushrooms are rich sources of bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids. When ingested, these molecules have to be released from the matrix to be transformed/absorbed by the organism, so that they can exert their bioactivity. Several in vitro methodologies have been developed in order to evaluate the bioavailability of bioactive compounds. Herein, two Hericium species were analyzed for their chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Furthermore, an in vitro digestion of the mushrooms and mushroom phenolic extracts was performed, and the digested samples were also submitted to antioxidant activity evaluation in order to evaluate the bioaccessibility of the phenolic acids identified in the samples. Hericium species showed similar chemical profiles (except for tocopherols), varying only in the concentration of the compounds. The phenolic extracts revealed higher antioxidant activity than the in vitro digested samples, meaning that this process decrease the antioxidant properties of the extract/mushroom. Nevertheless, phenolic acids were found in the digested samples, meaning that those molecules are bioaccessible.
Mushrooms contain a multitude of biomolecules with nutritional and/or biological activity. Among the bioactive molecules, phenolic compounds and tocopherols are the most responsible for their antioxidant activity. In the present work, Boletus edulis, Lentinus edodes and Xerocomus badius, three edible mushroom species originated from Poland, were analyzed for their chemical composition and antioxidant activity. Carbohydrates were the most abundant macronutrients, followed by proteins and ash. Fructose, mannitol and trehalose were the prevalent sugars, but glucose was only found in B. edulis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids predominated over mono and saturated fatty acids. Palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids were abundant in the three samples. α- and β- Tocopherols were quantified in all the samples, but γ-tocopherol was only identified in X. badius. Oxalic and fumaric acids were quantified in the three samples; quinic acid was only present in L. edodes, and malic and citric acids were only found in X. badius. p-Hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic and cinnamic acids were quantified in all the species, while p-coumaric acid was only found in B. edulis. This species and X. badius revealed the highest antioxidant properties, being B. edulis more effective in radicals scavenging activity and reducing power, and X. badius in lipid peroxidation inhibition, which is related with the highest amounts in phenolic compounds and tocopherols, respectively.
Due to the enormous variety of phytochemicals present in plants, their extracts have been used for centuries in the treatment of innumerous diseases, being perceived as an invaluable source of medicines for humans. Furthermore, the combination of different plants was reported as inducing an improved effect (synergism) in comparison to the additive activity of the plants present in those mixtures. Nevertheless, information regarding the effects of plant infusions added with honey is still rather scarce. Accordingly, the aim of this study was evaluating the interaction between chestnut honey, a natural product with well-reported beneficial properties, and three medicinal plants (either as single plant or as combinations of two and three plants), with regard to their antioxidant activity and hepatotoxicity. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by comparing the results from four different assays; the hepatotoxicity was assessed in two different cell lines. Results were compared by analysis of variance and linear discriminant analysis. The addition of honey to the infusions had a beneficial result in both cases, producing a synergistic effect in all samples, except beta-carotene bleaching inhibition for artichoke+milk thistle+honey preparation and also preparations with lower hepatotoxicity, except in the case of artichoke+honey. Moreover, from discriminant linear analysis output, it became obvious that the effect of honey addition overcame that resulting from using single plant or mixed plants based infusions. Also, the enhanced antioxidant activity of infusions containing honey was convoyed by a lower hepatotoxicity.