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[ES] La hermenéutica es un movimiento filosófico que se va desarrollando a lo largo de todo el siglo XX en torno al problema de la interpretación, a la reflexión sobre el lenguaje y al descubrimiento del simbolismo como el fundamento de ambos.


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La Escuela de Ciencias Humanas (ECH) tiene un importante compromiso con la Extensión mediante cinco pilares: la creación de productos de Educación Continuada ligada a la experticia propia de la ECH; proyección curricular hacia afuera y más, conózcalos en este artículo.


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En el vídeo se describen las distintas carreras dentro de filosofía y letras, bellas artes, técnicas de la moda, profesor de EGB, educación física, idiomas y otras opciones, como orden público, defensa, marina civil y aviación civil.


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Resumen tomado de la revista


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Contiene T.I libro guía del maestro.-- T.II cuaderno de trabajo


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Expone el estudio de los problemas que, en la comunicación internacional, presentan los lenguajes de la filosofía y las ciencias, en concreto, cuando se materializan a través de la lengua alemana y española. Se acomete el estudio del grupo nominal alemán y la distribución de sus componentes en torno al núcleo nominal, atendiendo a las funciones semánticas que los modificadores asumen en el discurso filosófico y científico. Asimismo, se describen y analizan las resoluciones españolas típicas de los complejos nominales alemanes, ofreciendo pautas de actuación traslativa. El estudio se realiza siguiendo una metodología contrastiva y observando las exigencias metodológicas de la lingüística de corpus. Junto al propio estudio microdiscursivo de la caracterización nominal, se tienen en consideración los diferentes factores macro y mediodiscursivos que intervienen en la comunicación filosófica y científica hispano germánica en el ámbito de la traducción. El material que utiliza para establecer el corpus de referencia está formado por artículos filosóficos y científicos de procedencia alemana publicados en la Revista de Occidente, fundada por José Ortega y Gasset en 1923, y sus originales alemanes. El corpus paralelo FIALES (Filosofía Alemán-Español) reúne 77 binomios textuales y en torno a un millón de palabras. Los análisis realizados permiten llegar a una serie de conclusiones sobre la manera de conceptualizar y precisar términos en los textos filosóficos y científicos alemanes y sobre la manera de trasladarlos al español. Se constata que los sintagmas que contienen los conceptos analizados, solo caracterizados en un 60 por ciento de los casos. Se observa que los recursos lingüísticos especializados en alemán para la explicación de la función semántica de clase no se centran exclusivamente en el adjetivo, sino que incluyen la construcción de genitivo y los compuestos nominales. En cambio, en español si cabe contemplar al adjetivo como un recurso lingüístico especializado en la función de clase, probablemente a causa de la doble capacidad de posicionamiento respecto al núcleo. Por último, el uso reiterado de ciertas construcciones en la traducción de los recursos lingüísticos alemanes, permite postular el uso central de un recurso español frente a otros concurrentes en la traducción. En definitiva, se puede constatar que las traducciones españolas han dado respuesta a la creación incesante del lenguaje filosófico y científico alemán en campos tan dispares como la física, la psicología y la filosofía.


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Este trabajo consta de cuatro capítulos. El primero, “Crisis política, diversificación económica y cambio social”, ofrece una visión de conjunto del período objeto de nuestro estudio. El repaso de las condiciones sociales, económicas y políticas que le caracterizaron permite entender los desplazamientos de los fines de la educación primaria y el marco de las condiciones dentro de las cuales se configuraron los sujetos: maestros y niños escolarizados. El segundo, “Deconstrucción y construcción de identidades: los maestros entre 1925 – 1948”, se arma sobre la base de una serie de preguntas tendientes a dilucidar en última instancia si el sujeto maestro fue capaz de gestionar respuestas a los “regímenes de verdad” establecidos y adoptar posiciones discursivas anti-hegemónicas, en un momento de irrupción de las ideas socialistas que convocaron acciones políticas contestatarias. El tercero, “Niños e imaginarios: los nuevos saberes subjetivizantes”, se introduce en la manera cómo los niños fueron objeto de estudio e intervención. En medio de la enorme influencia que sobre los intelectuales ejercieron las modernas ciencias humanas y los saberes que se desarrollaron sobre el niño, este capítulo analiza sobre todo los dispositivos que se pusieron en marcha para intervenir sobre la mente y el cuerpo de los niños con fines de regeneración racial. El cuarto, “La ‘Escuela Nueva’ y las otras miradas en torno a lo escolar”, refiere a las nuevas pedagogías desde finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX y a la manera cómo éstas operaron sobre los niños rurales y urbanos institucionalizados. En este capítulo se debate en torno a la formación del individuo y a los fines económicos, sociales, morales y políticos vinculados con lo educativo. Cierra el capítulo una mirada sobre la centralización y tecnificación del Ministerio de Educación, que bajo la influencia de la Escuela Nueva armó una organización administrativa escolar fuertemente inspirada en sus planteamientos pedagógicos.


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This study investigated how the process of the constitution of the subject is interpreted in the formulations of the founders of socio-historical psychology (Lev S. Vigotski, Alexei N. Leontiev and Alexander R. Luria) and in the sociology of knowledge of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. These two theoretical perspectives, despite having different philosophical formulations as ontological and epistemological intentions (socio-historical psychology, historical dialectical materialism; the sociology of Berger and Luckmann and phenomenology) arrive, however, at the same basic conclusion about the social nature of the subject. The objective of the study, therefore, was that of identifying the differences and convergences between the two perspectives and then, try to determine the possibility of a theoretical synthesis between them in relation to the constitution of the subject. At the same time, we intended to analyse the implications of this possible synthesis in order to comprehend the manner in which the ideology functions in human societies as thought by Louis Althusser and Alípio de Sousa Filho. We arrived at the conclusion that, despite being incompatible from the ontological and epistemological points of view, a synthesis is possible between socio-historical psychology and the sociology of knowledge of Berger and Luckmann in relation to the conception of society and the comprehension of the process of the constitution of the subject. Starting from the philosophical intentions of socio-historical psychology, it is possible to incorporate, enriching points such as: Berger s and Luckmann sconception of society and the interpretation of the process of constitution of the subject. This possible synthesis, when interpreted in light of the reflections of Althusser and Sousa Filho on the phenomenon of ideology in human societies, is constituted in a real unveiling of the concrete provisos by which the ideology acts in human societies in order to transform biological examples of the human species in specific social subjects


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Among a variety of learning conceptions, David Kolb´s Experiential Learning Theory proposes four different learning styles: diverging, characterized by orientation towards people and multi-perspective vision; assimilating, concerned with ideas and abstract concepts as well as theory formulation; converging, expert in dealing with technical tasks and problem solving; and accommodating, risk taker and good at getting things done. Interesting correlations have been pointed out between Kolb s learning styles, professional careers and genders. With respect to behaviors, specific cognitive skills and interests, sex differences are widely known, and explained by Evolutionary Psychology as the result of distinct selective pressures acting on each gender. The aim of this research was to assess adolescents learning styles and their relation with interests on school and career choices, analyzing possible gender differences. We distributed questionnaires to 221 senior high school students to research their preferences for school disciplines, professional activities and career choices. The Learning Style Inventory specified the learning style of each individual. Our results showed a high frequency of reflective styles, with predominance of females as diverging and males as assimilating. Concerning school and professional interests, there were correlations between styles oriented towards the abstract and technical interests. Moreover, females preferred disciplines related to languages and interpersonal activities while males preferred disciplines related to science and technical activities. There were more males in exact science and engineering careers, and more females in social science and applied social science. Correlations found between learning styles, school and professional interests corroborate Kolb´s propositions, and the findings about gender differences are supported by Evolutionary Psychology theories


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Criticism done to the undergraduate training process of the psychologist in Brazil raised debates known as "dilemmas of training". In recent years the classic training model, based on the Minimum Curriculum has undergone a series of changes after the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN), modifying the context of courses. Thus, this paper aimed to investigate, in a post- DCN context how undergraduate courses in Psychology in Brazil have been dealing with the dilemmas of training. So, we decided to analyze the Course Pedagogical Projects (CPPs) of Psychology in the country. Forty CPPs, selected by region, academic organization and legal status were collected. The data was grouped into three blocks of discussions: theoretical, philosophical and pedagogical foundations; curriculum emphases and disciplines; and professional practices. The results were grouped into four sets of dilemmas: a) ethical and political; b) theoreticalepistemological; c) professional practice of the psychologist and d) academic-scientific. Courses claim a socially committed, generalist, pluralistic training, focusing on research, non-dissociation of teaching-research-extension, interdisciplinary training and defending a vision of man and of critical and reflective and non-individualistic psychology. The curriculum keeps the almost exclusive teaching of the classical areas of traditional fields of applied Psychology. Training is content based. The clinic is hegemonic, both in theory and in application fields. The historical debate is scarce and themes linked to the Brazilian reality are missing, despite having social policies present in the curricula. Currently, DCNs have a much greater impact on courses due to the influence of the control agencies, fruit of current educational policy, and the result is felt in the homogenization of curriculum discourses


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Considering the necessary approaches with the quotidian of the pedagogical field mentioned in the recent productions in Psychology about the insertion of psychologists in the school field, the objective of this work was to know and to understand the dynamics of functioning of a team of pedagogical coordination, intending to produce reflections on the possibilities of action in school psychology with these professionals. Our field of research was the Municipal School Teacher Emília Ramos (EMPER), considering its peculiar history, distinguished by a constant effort of achievement of the school success by its pupils. As subject of the study, six pedagogical coordinators participated, who worked at the school in the diurne turns, where regular classrooms of 1º cycle of basic education functioned. As procedures, we use participant observations and open interviews, focusing the activities performed by the coordinators and its possible demands to psychology. We use the analysis of content for the production of results. These results evidenced a work of coordination realized on a structured routine, but flexible, centered around the activity of conduction of groups of studies with the teachers. We grouped the demands to psychology in four thematic groups: diagnosis and attending the pupils; orientation to the families, contribution in the formation of the professionals and clinical listening of the professionals of the school. In this way, it is made clear that, in a context where happens a well articulated and consistent pedagogical work, the possible performance in school psychology is not scrumbled or confused with social and pedagogical practical others which many times takes attendance. With these information, we expect to contribute for the theoretical and practical elaborations, in Psychology and the Pedagogy, compromised with the success of the educative work realized in the public schools


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Recently, Brazilian scientific production has increased greatly, due to demands for productivity from scientific agencies. However, this high increases requires a more qualified production, since it s essential that publications are relevant and original. In the psychological field, the assessment scientific journals of the CAPES/ANPEPP Commission had a strong effect on the scientific community and raised questions about the chosen evaluation method. Considering this impact, the aim of this research is a meta-analysis on the assessment of Psychological journals by CAPES to update the Qualis database. For this research, Psychology scientific editors (38 questionnaires were applied by e-mail) were consulted, also 5 librarians who work with scientific journals assessment (semi-structured interviews) and 8 members who acted as referees in the CAPES/ANPEPP Commission (open questions were sent by e-mail). The results are shown through 3 analysis: general evaluation of the Qualis process (including the Assessment Committee constitution), evaluation criteria used in the process and the effect of the evaluation on the scientific community (changes on the editing scene included). Some important points emerged: disagreement among different actors about the suitability of this evaluation model; the recognition of the improvement of scientific journals, mainly toward normalization and diffusion; the verification that the model does not point the quality of the journal, i.e., the content of the scientific articles published in the journal; the disagreement with the criteria used, seemed necessary and useful but needed to be discussed and cleared between the scientific community. Despite these points, the scientific journals evaluation still is the main method to assure quality for Psychology publications


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The model of attention to health has been suffering alterations due to the difficulty faced to put into practice its universal, democratic and institutional layout. Since the movement of Sanitary Reform, which focused in the demands of a new health context and the process of work in the area of health, one seeks uninterruptedly, to find a way which leads to the execution of the principles of SUS. Despite having tried, the model of Sanitary Vigilance centered within the work of a multi-professional team has shown fragmentation and little adequacy to the necessity of health in the population. Whilst inserting himself in the field of health, the psychology professional has taken with him his clinic way of attending to individuals being one more in the team to act in a de-contextualised and little critical way. In virtue of this framework, the Ministry of Health invests in the Family Health Program as a new guide in the health system, restructuring the basic attention at a new logic of action. In this way, the municipality of Natal-RN implants, in the year 2002, the PSF in the Northern Sanitary District, a context in which professional teams are created where there is not an inclusion of a psychologist. Consequently, this professional is excluded of his work space in the previous Basic Unities of Health. This piece of work constitutes in the investigation of the implementation and instrumentalization of the Northern Sanitary District PSF of Natal-RN, having as its objective to analyze the implications of this execution for the structuring of the health network services and more specifically the alterations that this implementation could be making to the practice of the Psychology Professionals, emphasizing its advances, obstacles and limitations. To make this work feasible it was necessary to search for data and information from the implementation and execution of the PSF in the DSN, carrying interviews from a semi-structured guide, with 21 institutional actors (members of the team, coordinators and directors of the unities and psychologists)