14 resultados para CHOLESTEATOMA


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Middle ear cholesteatoma is a relevant and relatively common disease that may have severe consequences. In the present pictorial essay, the authors have selected illustrative examples of multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging depicting the main presentations of cholesteatomas, and describing their characteristics, locations, and major complications.


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This paper discusses a study examining a new model of cholesteatoma induced bone resorption in mice using autologous implantation of pinna dermis to the surface of the skull and the role of glutamate receptors in reducing the number of osteoclasts.


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This study demonstrates that the expression profile of cholesteatoma is similar to a metastatic tumour and chronically inflamed tissue. Based on the investigated profiles we present novel protein-protein interaction and signal transduction networks, which include cholesteatoma-regulated transcripts and may be of great value for drug targeting and therapy development.


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We present an update on clinical evaluation, staging, classification and treatment of canal cholesteatoma, including a meta-analysis of clinical data of the last 30 years.


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Clinical and radiologic outcome analysis after petrous bone cholesteatoma (PBC) removal with simultaneous functional reconstruction.


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OBJECTIVE: External auditory canal cholesteatoma (EACC) is a rarity. Although there have been numerous case reports, there are only few systematic analyses of case series, and the pathogenesis of idiopathic EACC remains enigmatic. STUDY DESIGN: In a tertiary referral center for a population of 1.5 million inhabitants, 34 patients with 35 EACC (13 idiopathic [1 bilateral] and 22 secondary) who were treated between 1994 and 2006 were included in the study. RESULTS: EACC cardinal symptoms were longstanding otorrhea (65%) and dull otalgia (12%). Focal bone destruction in the external auditory canal with retained squamous debris and an intact tympanic membrane were characteristic. Only 27% of the patients showed conductive hearing loss exceeding 20 dB. Patients with idiopathic EACC had lesions typically located on the floor of the external auditory canal and were older, and the mean smoking intensity was also greater (p < 0.05) compared with patients with secondary EACC. The secondary lesions were assigned to categories (poststenotic [n = 6], postoperative [n = 6], and posttraumatic EACC [n = 4]) and rare categories (radiogenic [n = 2], postinflammatory [n = 1], and postobstructive EACC [n = 1]). In addition, we describe 2 patients with EACC secondary to the complete remission of a Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the external auditory canal. Thirty of 34 patients were treated surgically and became all free of recurrence, even after extensive disease. DISCUSSION: For the development of idiopathic EACC, repeated microtrauma (e.g., microtrauma resulting from cotton-tipped applicator abuse or from hearing aids) and diminished microcirculation (e.g., from smoking) might be risk factors. A location other than in the inferior portion of the external auditory canal indicates a secondary form of the disease, as in the case of 2 patients with atypically located EACC after years of complete remission of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, which we consider as a new posttumorous category and specific late complication of this rare disease.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to report a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the petrous part of the temporal bone associated with a long history of secondary acquired cholesteatoma in a 71-year-old man. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We present the case of a 71-year-old man diagnosed with secondary acquired cholesteatoma in 1950. Treatments consisted of repetitive surgery owing to several relapses. In 2004, he presented with progressive fetid otorrhea. Clinical and computed tomography findings were indicative for relapsing cholesteatoma and a subtotal petrosectomy was performed. RESULTS: Histologic work-up demonstrated a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The staging revealed stadium pT3 cN0 cM0. Postoperative treatment consisted of local radiation therapy with intensity-modulated beam geometry with a total of 64.2 Gy in 30 fractions using a simultaneous integrated boost. CONCLUSION: Middle ear carcinoma can arise from acquired cholesteatoma. The pathogenesis of squamous cell carcinoma associated with cholesteatoma has not been elucidated satisfactorily. Due to the complex anatomic features, intensity-modulated radiation therapy is the technique of choice for postoperative radiotherapy.


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OBJECTIVE To present the anatomical and functional results of the inside-out technique applied in pediatric cholestetaoma surgery and to evaluate functionality with good hearing results against radicality with lower recurrence rate. METHODS Retrospective analysis and evaluation of the postoperative outcome in a consecutive series of 126 children or 130 ears operated between 1992 and 2008. With the inside-out technique, cholesteatoma is eradicated from the epitympanum toward the mastoid and, as a single stage procedure, functional reconstruction of the middle ear is achieved by tympanoossiculoplasty. RESULTS In 89.2% of all cases, the ear was dry postoperatively. 80.9% of the ears reached a postoperative air-bone gap of 30 dB or less and the median air conduction hearing threshold was 29 dB; in 60.9% of all cases, hearing was postoperatively improved. The recurrence rate was 16.2% in a mean postoperative follow-up 8.5 years. Altogether, 48 ears (36.9%) underwent revision surgery. The complication rate was 3.1% and involved only minor complications. CONCLUSION The inside-out technique allows a safe removal of cholesteatoma from the epitympanum toward the mastoid with a single-stage reconstruction of the ossicular chain. For this reason we support our individual approach, which allows creation of the smallest possible cavity for the size of the cholesteatoma. Our results confirm that the inside-out technique is effective in the treatment of pediatric cholesteatoma.


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Hypothesis: This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility of alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement in the obliteration of the mastoid cavity in guinea pigs. Background: Treatment with open cavity mastoidectomy can present poor functional results in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma, especially if the cavity is large. Partial or total obliteration of the cavity can overcome these problems. Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement has physicochemical characteristics that suggest its potential in mastoid cavity obliteration. Materials and Methods: Twenty guinea pigs were studied. All animals underwent surgery involving the dorsal tympanic bulla. In the study group animals (n = 10), mastoid cavity obliteration was performed with alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement. In the control group animals (n = 10), the cavity was left unfilled. On postoperative day 60, the animals were sacrificed and studied for signs of rejection of the material and other complications. Temporal bones were removed for histopathological study, in which the type and degree of inflammatory response, as well as the degree of ossification, were analyzed. Results: The mortality rate was the same in both groups. Deaths were attributed to anesthetic complications in the initial postoperative period. In the animals that survived, there were no complications, and there was good healing of the incision in both groups. There were no clinical signs of rejection of the material, and the histopathological analysis of the cement group revealed no signs of foreign body reaction (inflammatory response). Conclusion: Alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement is biocompatible in the mastoid cavity of guinea pigs.


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Objectivo: revisão de casos de colesteatoma em idade pediátrica do HFF durante um período de 12 anos. Desenho do estudo: retrospectivo. Material e métodos: análise de 30 casos de cirurgia para colesteatoma em doentes dos 0 - 18 anos de Janeiro de 2000 a Dezembro de 2011. Resultados: o colesteatoma inicial foi extenso na maioria dos casos. Realizou-se mastoidectomia com técnica aberta (66,7%), mastoidectomia com técnica fechada (26,7%), aticomia transmeática (3,3%) e remoção de colesteatoma da membrana timpânica (3,3%). O GAP pós-operatório médio foi de 22,5 dB, com GAP 0-10dB em 16,7%, GAP 11-20dB em 10%, GAP 21-30 dB em 30%, mais de 30dB em 16,7% e desconhecido em 26,7%. A taxa de recorrência de colesteatoma foi de 23,3% Conclusões: Na nossa amostra o colesteatoma foi extenso e agressivo. Realizámos mastoidectomia com técnica aberta na maioria dos casos. Para obter bons resultados a abordagem deverá ser individualizada, atendendo a factores clínicos, anatómicos e capacidade de adesão à terapêutica.


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Introdução: Os colesteatomas podem ocorrer tanto em crianças como em adultos, porém nas crianças pareceriam ter um crescimento mais agressivo e extenso. A atividade das colagenases poderia explicar este perfil. Objetivo: Comparar, histologicamente, a perimatriz de colesteatomas adquiridos de crianças com os de adultos. Métodos: Foram estudados 74 colesteatomas, 35 pediátricos, coletados em cirurgias otológicas, fixados em formol 10% e processados pelas técnicas histológicas habituais. Foram preparadas uma lâmina em Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE) e outra em Picrossírios, de cada amostra, e analisadas ao microscópio óptico. A leitura foi “cega”, efetuada por meio de imagens digitais, no software ImagePro Plus. A análise estatística foi realizada através dos coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e Spearman e dos testes t e χ2, sendo considerados como estatisticamente significativos os valores de P<0,05. Resultados: Dos 74 colesteatomas coletados, 17 - sete do grupo pediátrico e dez do adulto - foram excluídos por não terem presença de matriz e perimatriz nas lâminas processadas. A média±dp da idade, no grupo pediátrico, foi de 12,85±3,63; e no adulto, 33,69±13,10. Na análise histológica, o número médio de camadas de células epiteliais da matriz foi igual a oito, nos dois grupos, 60% das amostras apresentavam inflamação, de moderada a acentuada; quanto à fibrose, nas crianças, 71,4% e nos adultos, 62,1%; o granuloma apareceu em 10,7% e 13,8%, respectivamente; a presença de epitélio cubóide simples delimitando a perimatriz foi encontrada em 29% dos infantis e 14% dos adultos, entretanto, nenhuma dessas variáveis apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativas quando comparadas por faixa etária (P>0,05). Quanto à espessura da perimatriz, no grupo pediátrico, as medianas (intervalo interquartil) dos parâmetros foram: média=79 (41 a 259); mediana=77 (40 a 265); soma=1.588 (831 a 5.185); delta=82 (44 a 248); mínimo=53 (16 a 165) e máximo=127 (64 a 398); já no grupo de adultos foram: média=83 (26 a 174); mediana=68 (30 a 181); soma=1.801 (558 a 3.867); delta=92 (45 a 190); mínimo=27 (12 a 100) e máximo=136 (53 a 280). O coeficiente de Spearman mostrou correlação inversa, moderada, entre a espessura da perimatriz e a idade; também houve correlação, forte, entre a espessura da perimatriz e o número de camadas da matriz, porém não houve correlação entre essa com a idade. Conclusão: Histologicamente, a perimatriz de colesteatomas adquiridos, de crianças e adultos, vista à microscopia óptica, apresenta-se como um tecido conjuntivo denso de espessura variável (intra e interpacientes), que, por vezes, exibe infiltrado inflamatório linfoplasmocitário e/ou tecido de granulação e reação de corpo estranho; em alguns casos é delimitada em plano profundo por epitélio cubóide simples. Há correlação inversa, de fraca a moderada, entre o tamanho da perimatriz, medida em micrômetros e a idade do paciente na data da cirurgia. O grau de inflamação da perimatriz apresenta correlação, de moderada a forte, com a espessura da perimatriz. As espessuras da matriz e da perimatriz estão fortemente correlacionadas.


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This paper presents a case of a 28-year-old male with a seizure episode and a 4-year history of intermittent tinnitus on the left ear. On computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, a density with rim enhancement was found at the temporal lobe, associated with mastoid tegmen destruction and middle ear mass, indicating cholesteatoma with complicating brain abscess. Evacuation of the brain abscess was performed with a combined otolaryngologic and neurosurgical procedures (canal wall-down mastoidectomy and temporal craniotomy). The pathology turned out to be infestation with Echinococcus granulosus.


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OBJECTIVE: To record with video-otoscopy the appearance of the tympanic membranes of a cross section of children aged 9 to 10 years. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study nested within an established longitudinal study of childhood development, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. SETTING: South West England, U.K. PARTICIPANTS: Approximately 6908 of 7261 children with ages ranging from 105 to 140 months born between April 1, 1991, and December 31, 1992, were examined by trained technicians with video-otoscopy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Two photographs were taken of each child's tympanic membranes to show the features of the pars tensa and the pars flaccida. RESULTS: In just less than three quarters of the children, both ears were normal. Retraction of the pars flaccida was present in 9.6% of children, and that of the pars tensa was present in 7.9%. Most of these changes were mild with few severe retractions. There were 15 cases of overt or suspected cholesteatoma. CONCLUSION: The tympanic membrane changes reflect most of the middle ear disease seen in 9- to 10-year-old children. The prevalence is low, and few children have serious disease at this stage.