The outer plastid envelope protein OEP16-1 was previously identified as an amino acid-selective channel protein and translocation pore for NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA). Reverse genetic approaches used to dissect these mutually not exclusive functions of OEP16-1 in planta have led to descriptions of different phenotypes resulting from the presence of several mutant lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock. In addition to the T-DNA insertion in the AtOEP16-1 gene, lines were purified that contain two additional T-DNA insertions and as yet unidentified point mutations. In a first attempt to resolve the genetic basis of four different lines in the SALK_024018 seed stock, we used genetic transformation with the OEP16-1 cDNA and segregation analyses after crossing out presumed point mutations. We show that AtOEP16-1 is involved in PORA precursor import and by virtue of this activity confers photoprotection onto etiolated seedlings during greening
Cells of several major algal groups are evolutionary chimeras of two radically different eukaryotic cells. Most of these “cells within cells” lost the nucleus of the former algal endosymbiont. But after hundreds of millions of years cryptomonads still retain the nucleus of their former red algal endosymbiont as a tiny relict organelle, the nucleomorph, which has three minute linear chromosomes, but their function and the nature of their ends have been unclear. We report extensive cryptomonad nucleomorph sequences (68.5 kb), from one end of each of the three chromosomes of Guillardia theta. Telomeres of the nucleomorph chromosomes differ dramatically from those of other eukaryotes, being repeats of the 23-mer sequence (AG)7AAG6A, not a typical hexamer (commonly TTAGGG). The subterminal regions comprising the rRNA cistrons and one protein-coding gene are exactly repeated at all three chromosome ends. Gene density (one per 0.8 kb) is the highest for any cellular genome. None of the 38 protein-coding genes has spliceosomal introns, in marked contrast to the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph. Most identified nucleomorph genes are for gene expression or protein degradation; histone, tubulin, and putatively centrosomal ranbpm genes are probably important for chromosome segregation. No genes for primary or secondary metabolism have been found. Two of the three tRNA genes have introns, one in a hitherto undescribed location. Intergenic regions are exceptionally short; three genes transcribed by two different RNA polymerases overlap their neighbors. The reported sequences encode two essential chloroplast proteins, FtsZ and rubredoxin, thus explaining why cryptomonad nucleomorphs persist.
The availaibilty of chloroplast genome (cpDNA) sequences of Atropa belladonna, Nicotiana sylvestris, N tabacum, N tomentosiformis, Solanum bulbocastanum, S lycopersicum and S tuberosum, which are Solanaceae species, allowed us to analyze the organization of cpSSRs in their genic and intergenic regions In general, the number of cpSSRs in cpDNA ranged from 161 in S tuberosum to 226 in N tabacum, and the number of intergenic cpSSRs was higher than genic cpSSRs The mononucleotide repeats were the most frequent in studied species, but we also identified di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexanucleotide repeats Multiple alignments of all cpSSRs sequence from Solanaceae species made the identification of nucleotide variability possible and the phylogeny was estimated by maximum parsimony Our study showed that the plastome database can be exploited for phylogenetic analyses and biotechnological approaches
We have found that MLC-dependent activation of myosin IIB in migrating cells is required to form an extended rear, which coincides with increased directional migration. Activated myosin IIB localizes prominently at the cell rear and produces large, stable actin. lament bundles and adhesions, which locally inhibit protrusion and de. ne the morphology of the tail. Myosin IIA forms de novo. laments away from the myosin IIB-enriched center and back to form regions that support protrusion. The positioning and dynamics of myosin IIA and IIB depend on the self-assembly regions in their coiled-coil C terminus. COS7 and B16 melanoma cells lack myosin IIA and IIB, respectively; and show isoform-specific front-back polarity in migrating cells. These studies demonstrate the role of MLC activation and myosin isoforms in creating a cell rear, the segregation of isoforms during. lament assembly and their differential effects on adhesion and protrusion, and a key role for the noncontractile region of the isoforms in determining their localization and function.
In the case of quantum wells, the indium segregation leads to complex potential profiles that are hardly considered in the majority of the theoretical models. The authors demonstrated that the split-operator method is useful tool for obtaining the electronic properties in these cases. Particularly, they studied the influence of the indium surface segregation in optical properties of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells. Photoluminescence measurements were carried out for a set of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and compared to the results obtained theoretically via split-operator method, showing a good agreement.
Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles, promising for gas-sensing applications, have been synthesized by a polymer precursor method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data analyses indicate the exclusive formation of nanosized particles with rutile-type phase (tetragonal SnO(2)) for Ni contents below 10 mol%. The mean crystallite size shows a progressive reduction with the Ni content. Room-temperature Raman spectra of Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles show the presence of Raman active modes and modes activated by size effects. From the evolution of the A(1g) mode with the Ni content, a solubility limit at similar to 2 mol% was estimated. Below that content, Raman results are consistent with the occurrence of solid solution (ss) and surface segregation (seg.) of Ni ions. Above similar to 2 mol% Ni, the redshift of A(1g) mode suggests that the surface segregation of Ni ions takes place. Disorder-activated bands were determined and their integrated intensity evolution with the Ni content suggest that the solid-solution regime favors the increase of disorder; meanwhile, that disorder becomes weaker as the Ni content is increased. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Controlling the surface properties of nanoparticles using ionic dopants prone to be surface segregated has emerged as an interesting tool for obtaining highly selective and sensitive sensors. In this work, the surface segregation of Cd cations on SnO2 nanopowders prepared by the Pechini`s method was studied by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and specific surface area analysis. We observed that the surface chemistry modifications caused by the surface segregation of Cd and the large specific surface area were closely responsible for a rapid and regular electrical response of 5 mol% Cd-doped SnO2 films to 100 ppm propane and NO, diluted in dry air at relatively low temperature (100 degrees C). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of chloroplast DNA markers (cpDNA) helps to elucidate questions related to ecology, evolution and genetic structure. The knowledge of inter-and intra-population genetic structure allows to design effective conservation and management strategies for tropical tree species. With the aim to help the conservation of Hymenaea stigonocarpa of the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) in Sao Paulo State, an analysis of the spatial genetic structure (SGS) was conducted in two populations using five universal chloroplast microsatellite loci (cpSSR). The population of 68 trees of H. stigonocarpa in the Ecological Station of Itirapina (ESI) had a single haplotype, indicating a strong founder effect. In turn, the population of 47 trees of H. stigonocarpa in a contiguous area that includes the Ecological Station of Assis and the Assis State Forest (ESA), showed six haplotypes ((n) over cap (h) = 6) with a moderate haplotype diversity ((h) over cap = 0667 + 0094), revealing that it was founded by a small number of maternal lineages. The SGS analysis for the population ESA/ASF, using Moran`s I index, indicated limited seed dispersal. Considering SGS, for ex situ conservation strategies in the population ESA/ASF, seed harvesting should require a minimum distance of 750 m among seed-trees.
Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to assess the stress conditions in water hyacinth along the Paraiba do Sul River (PSR), an important River in southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained at the end of the dry season of 2005 and at the end of the wet season of 2006. Changes in F-o and F-m parameters were observed as differentiated responses, depending on the season. Non-photochemical dissipation (qN and NPQ) from plants was greater in the most industrialized region of the PSR in both seasons. However, F-v/F-m for all samples ranged between 0.77 and 0.81, showing that high maximum quantum yield was maintained. Although the F-v/F-m suggests that the plants were exhibiting normal photochemical activities, ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts showed thylakoids disorganization. Plants from the most industrialized region showed non-stacking grana thylakoids disposition. In spite of these alterations, the membrane integrity was maintained, suggesting an adaptation to adjustment to adverse environmental conditions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Few marine hybrid zones have been studied extensively, the major exception being the hybrid zone between the mussels Mytilus edulis and M. galloprovincialis in southwestern Europe. Here, we focus on two less studied hybrid zones that also involve Mytilus spp.; M. edulis and M. trossulus are sympatric and hybridize on both western and eastern coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. We review the dynamics of hybridization in these two hybrid zones and evaluate the role of local adaptation for maintaining species boundaries. In Scandinavia, hybridization and gene introgression is so extensive that no individuals with pure M. trossulus genotypes have been found. However, M. trossulus alleles are maintained at high frequencies in the extremely low salinity Baltic Sea for some allozyme genes. A synthesis of reciprocal transplantation experiments between different salinity regimes shows that unlinked Gpi and Pgm alleles change frequency following transplantation, such that post-transplantation allelic composition resembles native populations found in the same salinity. These experiments provide strong evidence for salinity adaptation at Gpi and Pgm (or genes linked to them). In the Canadian Maritimes, pure M. edulis and M. trossulus individuals are abundant, and limited data suggest that M. edulis predominates in low salinity and sheltered conditions, whereas M. trossulus are more abundant on the wave-exposed open coasts. We suggest that these conflicting patterns of species segregation are, in part, caused by local adaptation of Scandinavian M. trossulus to the extremely low salinity Baltic Sea environment.
We have previously demonstrated that or-smooth muscle (alpha -SM) actin is predominantly distributed in the central region and beta -non-muscle (beta -NM) actin in the periphery of cultured rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To determine whether this reflects a special form of segregation of contractile and cytoskeletal components in SMCs, this study systematically investigated the distribution relationship of structural proteins using high-resolution confocal laser scanning fluorescent microscopy. Not only isoactins but also smooth muscle myosin heavy chain, alpha -actinin, vinculin, and vimentin were heterogeneously distributed in the cultured SMCs. The predominant distribution of beta -NM actin in the cell periphery was associated with densely distributed vinculin plaques and disrupted or striated myosin and ol-actinin aggregates, which may reflect a process of stress fiber assembly during cell spreading and focal adhesion formation. The high-level labeling of alpha -SM actin in the central portion of stress fibers was related to continuous myosin and punctate alpha -actinin distribution, which may represent the maturation of the fibrillar structures. The findings also suggest that the stress fibers, in which actin and myosin filaments organize into sar-comere-like units with alpha -actinin-rich dense bodies analogous to Z-lines, are the contractile vimentin structures of cultured SMCs that link to the network of vimentin-containing intermediate alpha -actinin filaments through the dense bodies and dense plaques.
While it has been reported that individuals with psychosis are at increased or decreased risk of various physical disorders such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, there has been less research on the co-segregation of physical disorders within the first-degree relatives of those with psychosis compared to relatives of well controls. The aim of this study was to examine these issues in an epidemiologically informed catchment-area based case-control study. Patients with psychosis were drawn from a prevalence study undertaken as part of the Australian National Mental Health Survey. In addition, we recruited well controls who resided in the same catchment area. For each subject, we drew pedigrees and used a structured checklist to assess the presence of selected psychiatric disorders, and selected disorders such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, spina bifida, thyroid disorders, diabetes, asthma and eczema. Data based on pedigrees from 293 individuals with psychosis and 292 well controls was available. As expected, the odds of havingschizophrenia and affective disorders were significantly increased in the families of cases versus controls. The odds of havingeczema were significantly reduced in the relatives of those with psychosis. All other disorders occurred with equal frequency in cases versus control pedigrees. Current theories of eczema suggest that an absence of early life exposure to antigens and infectious agents may fail to prime the na¨ıve immune system, and leave the person at increased risk of eczema. The results of this study suggest that genetic andror environmental factors that facilitate psychosis may protect against eczema. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Objective: To evaluate effects of pre- and/or postnatal exposure to ambient fine particulate matter on fertilization, embryo development, and cell lineage segregation in preimplantation blastocysts using the IVF mouse model. Design: Animal model. Setting: Academic institution. Animal(S): Six-week-old, superovulated mice. Intervention(s): Pre- and postnatal exposure to filtered air (FA-FA), filtered-ambient air (FA-AA), or ambient air (AA-AA) in exposure chambers 24 hours a day for 9 weeks. Main Outcome Measure(S): Gestation length, litter size, sex ratio, ovarian response to superovulation, fertilization rate, embryo development, blastocyst and hatching rates, total cell count, and proportion of cell allocation to inner-cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE). Result(S): Gestation length, litter size and birth weight, live-birth index, and sex ratio were similar among exposure groups. Ovarian response was not affected by the exposure protocol. A multivariate effect for pre- and/or postnatal exposure to ambient fine particulate matter on IVF, embryo development, and blastocyst differential staining was found. Cell counts in ICM and ICM/TE ratios in blastocysts produced in the FA-FA protocol were significantly higher than in blastocysts produced in the FA-AA and AA-AA protocols. No difference in total cell count was observed among groups. Conclusion(S): Our study suggests that exposure to ambient fine particulate matter may negatively affect female reproductive health by disrupting the lineage specification at the blastocyst stage without interfering in early development of the mouse embryo. (Fertil Steril (R) 2009;92:1725-35. (C) 2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
We present the first comprehensive study, to our knowledge, on genomic chromosomal analysis in syndromic craniosynostosis. In total, 45 patients with craniosynostotic disorders were screened with a variety of methods including conventional karyotype, microsatellite segregation analysis, subtelomeric multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification) and whole-genome array-based comparative genome hybridisation. Causative abnormalities were present in 42.2% (19/45) of the samples, and 27.8% (10/36) of the patients with normal conventional karyotype carried submicroscopic imbalances. Our results include a wide variety of imbalances and point to novel chromosomal regions associated with craniosynostosis. The high incidence of pure duplications or trisomies suggests that these are important mechanisms in craniosynostosis, particularly in cases involving the metopic suture.
Different sites of plasma membrane attachment may underlie functional differences between isoforms of Ras. Here we show that palmitoylation and farnesylation targets H-ras to lipid rafts and caveolae, but that the interaction of H-ras with these membrane subdomains is dynamic. GTP-loading redistributes H-ras from rafts into bulk plasma membrane by a mechanism that requires the adjacent hypervariable region of H-ras. Release of H-ras-GTP from rafts is necessary for efficient activation of Raf. By contrast, K-ras is located outside rafts irrespective of bound nucleotide. Our studies identify a novel protein determinant that is required for H-ras function, and show that the GTP/GDP state of H-ras determines its lateral segregation on the plasma membrane.