989 resultados para CHEMICAL MOLECULES


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During fracture healing, many complex and cryptic interactions occur between cells and bio-chemical molecules to bring about repair of damaged bone. In this thesis two mathematical models were developed, concerning the cellular differentiation of osteoblasts (bone forming cells) and the mineralisation of new bone tissue, allowing new insights into these processes. These models were mathematically analysed and simulated numerically, yielding results consistent with experimental data and highlighting the underlying pattern formation structure in these aspects of fracture healing.


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A mathematical model on computation of molecular similarity was suggested, The algorithmic techniques for measuring the degree of similarity between pairs of three-dimensional chemical molecules was represented by modified interatomic distance matrices. Current work was carried out on Indigo 2 work station with Sybyl software. Four groups of molecules were used to compute the molecules similarity to testing the mathematical model with satisfactory results.


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Les molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe II (CMH II) sont exprimées exclusivement à la surface des cellules présentatrices d'antigènes et servent à stimuler les cellules CD4+ initiant une réponse immunitaire. Le chargement peptidique sur HLA-DR se produit dans les endosomes tardifs et les lysosomes sous l'action de HLA-DM. Cette molécule de classe II non-classique enlève les fragments peptidiques de la chaîne invariante (Ii) restés associés aux molécules de classe II (CLIP) et édite leur répertoire d'antigènes présentés. En utilisant une forme mutante de HLA-DM (HLA-DMy) qui s'accumule à la surface plasmique, nous avons observé que HLA-DMy augmente les chargements de peptides exogènes et aussi la réponse des cellules T en comparaison avec HLA-DM sauvage. Il a été démontré que des molécules chimiques, comme le n-propanol, pouvait avoir le même effet que HLA-DM en remplaçant les peptides associés aux molécules de classe II de la surface cellulaire. De plus, HLA-DMy et le n-propanol ont présenté un effet additif sur la présentation de peptides exogènes. Certaines protéines de la voie endocytique, comme HLA-DR, HLA-DM, HLA-DO et Ii sont ciblés aux compartiments multivésiculaires (MVB) et peuvent être ciblées aux exosomes. Suite à une fusion entre les MVB et la membrane plasmique, les exosomes sont relâchés dans le milieu extracellulaire. Nous avons déterminé que le motif tyrosine de HLA-DMβ et son interaction avec HLA-DR n'affectaient pas le ciblage aux exosomes, sauf la molécule HLA-DO. Cette étude nous a permis de démontrer que HLA-DMy augmente la quantité de peptides exogènes chargés sur les CPA et que HLA-DM et HLA-DMy sont incorporés dans les exosomes.


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The addition of lithium salts to ionic liquids causes an increase in viscosity and a decrease in ionic mobility that hinders their possible application as an alternative solvent in lithium ion batteries. Optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy was used to study the change in dynamics, principally orientational relaxation, caused by the addition of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide to the ionic liquid 1-buty1-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide. Over the time scales studied (1 ps-16 ns) for the pure ionic liquid, two temperature-independent power laws were observed: the intermediate power law (1 ps to similar to 1 ns), followed by the von Schweidler power law. The von Schweidler power law is followed by the final complete exponential relaxation, which is highly sensitive to temperature. The lithium salt concentration, however, was found to affect both power laws, and a discontinuity could be found in the trend observed for the intermediate power law when the concentration (mole fraction) of lithium salt is close to chi(LiTf(2)N) = 0.2. A mode coupling theory (MCT) schematic model was also used to fit the data for both the pure ionic liquid and the different salt concentration mixtures. It was found that dynamics in both types of liquids are described very well by MCT.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Functional disruption of dendritic cells (DC) is an important strategy for viral pathogens to evade host defences. In this context, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), a single-stranded DNA virus, impairs plasmacytoid DC (pDC) and conventional DC activation by certain viruses or Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. This inhibitory capacity is associated with the viral DNA, but the impairment does not affect all signalling cascades; TLR7 ligation by small chemical molecules will still induce interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α secretion, but not interferon-α or IL-12. In this study, the molecular mechanisms by which silencing occurs were investigated. PP2, a potent inhibitor of the Lyn and Hck kinases, produced a similar profile to the PCV2 DNA interference with cytokine secretion by pDC, efficiently inhibiting cell activation induced through TLR9, but not TLR7, ligation. Confocal microscopy and cytometry analysis strongly suggested that PCV2 DNA impairs actin polymerization and endocytosis in pDC and monocyte-derived DC, respectively. Altogether, this study delineates for the first time particular molecular mechanisms involved in PCV2 interference with DC danger recognition, which may be responsible for the virus-induced immunosuppression observed in infected pigs.


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This thesis is split into three sections based on three different areas of research. In the first section, investigations into the α-alkylation of ketones using a novel chiral auxiliary is reported. This chiral auxiliary was synthesised containing a pyrrolidine ring in the chiral arm and was applied in the preparation of α-alkylated ketones which were obtained in up to 92% ee and up to 63% yield over two steps. Both 3-pentanone and propiophenone based ketones were used in the investigation with a variety of both alkyl and benzyl based electrophiles. The novel chiral auxiliary was also successful when applied to Michael and aldol reactions. A diamine precursor en route to the chiral auxiliary was also applied as an organocatalyst in a Michael reaction, with the product obtained in excellent enantioselectivity. In the second section, investigations into potential anti-quorum sensing molecules are reported. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an antibiotic-resistant pathogen that demonstrates cooperative behaviours and communicates using small chemical molecules in a process termed quorum sensing. A variety of C-3 analogues of the quorum sensing molecules used by P. aeruginosa were synthesised. Expanding upon previous research within the group, investigations were carried out into alternative protecting group strategies of 2-heptyl-4-(1H)- quinolone with the aim of improving the yields of products of cross-coupling reactions. In the third section, investigations into fluorination and trifluoromethylation of 2-pyrones, pyridones and quinolones is reported. The incorporation of a fluorine atom or a trifluoromethyl group into a molecule is important in pharmaceutical drug discovery programmes as it can lead to increased lipophilicity and bioavailability, however late-stage incorporation is rarely reported. Both direct fluorination and trifluoromethylation were attempted. Eight trifluoromethylated 2-pyrones, five trifluoromethylated 2-pyridones and a trifluoromethylated 2-quinolone were obtained in a late-stage synthesis from their respective iodinated precursors using methyl fluorosulfonyldifluoroacetate as a trifluoromethylating reagent.


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A simulation scheme is proposed for determining the excess chemical potential of a substance in solution. First, a Monte Carlo simulation is performed with classical models for solute and solvent molecules. A representative sample of these configurations is then used in a hybrid quantum/classical (QM/MM) calculation, where the solute is treated quantum-mechanically, and the average electronic structure is used to construct an improved classical model. This procedure is iterated to self-consistency in the classical model, which in practice is attained in one or two steps, depending on the quality of the initial guess. The excess free energy of the molecule within the QM/MM approach is determined relative to the classical model using thermodynamic perturbation theory with a cumulant expansion. The procedure provides a method of constructing classical point charge models appropriate for the solution and gives a measure of the importance of solvent fluctuations.


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AND logic gate behaviour can be recognized in chemical-responsive luminescence phenomena concerning small molecules. Though initial developments concerned separate and distinguishable chemical species as inputs, consideration of other types of input sets allows substantial expansion of the sub-field. Dissection of these molecular devices into modules, where possible, enables analysis of their logic behaviour according to supramolecular photochemical mechanisms.


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As is now well established, a first order expansion of the Hohenberg-Kohn total energy density functional about a trial input density, namely, the Harris-Foulkes functional, can be used to rationalize a non self consistent tight binding model. If the expansion is taken to second order then the energy and electron density matrix need to be calculated self consistently and from this functional one can derive a charge self consistent tight binding theory. In this paper we have used this to describe a polarizable ion tight binding model which has the benefit of treating charge transfer in point multipoles. This admits a ready description of ionic polarizability and crystal field splitting. It is necessary in constructing such a model to find a number of parameters that mimic their more exact counterparts in the density functional theory. We describe in detail how this is done using a combination of intuition, exact analytical fitting, and a genetic optimization algorithm. Having obtained model parameters we show that this constitutes a transferable scheme that can be applied rather universally to small and medium sized organic molecules. We have shown that the model gives a good account of static structural and dynamic vibrational properties of a library of molecules, and finally we demonstrate the model's capability by showing a real time simulation of an enolization reaction in aqueous solution. In two subsequent papers, we show that the model is a great deal more general in that it will describe solvents and solid substrates and that therefore we have created a self consistent quantum mechanical scheme that may be applied to simulations in heterogeneous catalysis.


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Molecular orbital calculations were carried out on a set of 28 non-imidazole H(3) antihistamine compounds using the Hartree-Fock method in order to investigate the possible relationships between electronic structural properties and binding affinity for H3 receptors (pK(i)). It was observed that the frontier effective-for-reaction molecular orbital (FERMO) energies were better correlated with pK(i) values than highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy values. Exploratory data analysis through hierarchical cluster (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) showed a separation of the compounds in two sets, one grouping the molecules with high pK(i) values, the other gathering low pK(i) value compounds. This separation was obtained with the use of the following descriptors: FERMO energies (epsilon(FERMO)), charges derived from the electrostatic potential on the nitrogen atom (N(1)), electronic density indexes for FERMO on the N(1) atom (Sigma((FERMO))c(i)(2)). and electrophilicity (omega`). These electronic descriptors were used to construct a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model through the partial least-squares (PLS) method with three principal components. This model generated Q(2) = 0.88 and R(2) = 0.927 values obtained from a training set and external validation of 23 and 5 molecules, respectively. After the analysis of the PLS regression equation and the values for the selected electronic descriptors, it is suggested that high values of FERMO energies and of Sigma((FERMO))c(i)(2), together with low values of electrophilicity and pronounced negative charges on N(1) appear as desirable properties for the conception of new molecules which might have high binding affinity. 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.