993 resultados para CHARACTER THEORY


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The study of codes, classically motivated by the need to communicate information reliably in the presence of error, has found new life in fields as diverse as network communication, distributed storage of data, and even has connections to the design of linear measurements used in compressive sensing. But in all contexts, a code typically involves exploiting the algebraic or geometric structure underlying an application. In this thesis, we examine several problems in coding theory, and try to gain some insight into the algebraic structure behind them.

The first is the study of the entropy region - the space of all possible vectors of joint entropies which can arise from a set of discrete random variables. Understanding this region is essentially the key to optimizing network codes for a given network. To this end, we employ a group-theoretic method of constructing random variables producing so-called "group-characterizable" entropy vectors, which are capable of approximating any point in the entropy region. We show how small groups can be used to produce entropy vectors which violate the Ingleton inequality, a fundamental bound on entropy vectors arising from the random variables involved in linear network codes. We discuss the suitability of these groups to design codes for networks which could potentially outperform linear coding.

The second topic we discuss is the design of frames with low coherence, closely related to finding spherical codes in which the codewords are unit vectors spaced out around the unit sphere so as to minimize the magnitudes of their mutual inner products. We show how to build frames by selecting a cleverly chosen set of representations of a finite group to produce a "group code" as described by Slepian decades ago. We go on to reinterpret our method as selecting a subset of rows of a group Fourier matrix, allowing us to study and bound our frames' coherences using character theory. We discuss the usefulness of our frames in sparse signal recovery using linear measurements.

The final problem we investigate is that of coding with constraints, most recently motivated by the demand for ways to encode large amounts of data using error-correcting codes so that any small loss can be recovered from a small set of surviving data. Most often, this involves using a systematic linear error-correcting code in which each parity symbol is constrained to be a function of some subset of the message symbols. We derive bounds on the minimum distance of such a code based on its constraints, and characterize when these bounds can be achieved using subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes.


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Topics include: Free groups and presentations; Automorphism groups; Semidirect products; Classification of groups of small order; Normal series: composition, derived, and solvable series; Algebraic field extensions, splitting fields, algebraic closures; Separable algebraic extensions, the Primitive Element Theorem; Inseparability, purely inseparable extensions; Finite fields; Cyclotomic field extensions; Galois theory; Norm and trace maps of an algebraic field extension; Solvability by radicals, Galois' theorem; Transcendence degree; Rings and modules: Examples and basic properties; Exact sequences, split short exact sequences; Free modules, projective modules; Localization of (commutative) rings and modules; The prime spectrum of a ring; Nakayama's lemma; Basic category theory; The Hom functors; Tensor products, adjointness; Left/right Noetherian and Artinian modules; Composition series, the Jordan-Holder Theorem; Semisimple rings; The Artin-Wedderburn Theorem; The Density Theorem; The Jacobson radical; Artinian rings; von Neumann regular rings; Wedderburn's theorem on finite division rings; Group representations, character theory; Integral ring extensions; Burnside's paqb Theorem; Injective modules.


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This work is concerned with dynamical systems in presence of symmetries and reversing symmetries. We describe a construction process of subspaces that are invariant by linear Gamma-reversible-equivariant mappings, where Gamma is the compact Lie group of all the symmetries and reversing symmetries of such systems. These subspaces are the sigma-isotypic components, first introduced by Lamb and Roberts in (1999) [10] and that correspond to the isotypic components for purely equivariant systems. In addition, by representation theory methods derived from the topological structure of the group Gamma, two algebraic formulae are established for the computation of the sigma-index of a closed subgroup of Gamma. The results obtained here are to be applied to general reversible-equivariant systems, but are of particular interest for the more subtle of the two possible cases, namely the non-self-dual case. Some examples are presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Amorphous drug-polymer solid dispersions have been found to result in improved drug dissolution rates when compared to their crystalline counterparts. However, when the drug exists in the amorphous form it will possess a higher Gibb’s free energy than its associated crystalline state and can recrystallize. Drug-polymer phase diagrams constructed through the application of the Flory Huggins (F-H) theory contain a wealth of information regarding thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the amorphous drug-polymer system. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of various experimental conditions on the solubility and miscibility detections of drug-polymer binary system. Methods: Felodipine (FD)-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K15 (PVPK15) and FD-Polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP/VA64) were the selected systems for this research. Physical mixtures with different drug loadings were mixed and ball milled. These samples were then processed using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and measurements of melting point (Tend) and glass transition (Tg) were detected using heating rates of 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0°C/min. Results: The melting point depression data was then used to calculate the F-H interaction parameter (χ) and extrapolated to lower temperatures to complete the liquid–solid transition curves. The theoretical binodal and spinodal curves were also constructed which were used to identify regions within the phase diagram. The effects of polymer selection, DSC heating rate, time above parent polymer Tg and polymer molecular weight were investigated by identifying amorphous drug miscibility limits at pharmaceutically relevant temperatures. Conclusion: The potential implications of these findings when applied to a non-ambient processing method such as Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) are also discussed.


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To determine the size dependence of the bonding in divalent-metal clusters we use a many-electron Hamiltonian describing the interplay between van der Waals (vdW) and covalent interactions. Using a saddle-point slave-boson method and taking into account the size-dependent screening of charge fluctuations, we obtain for Hg_n a sharp transition from vdW to covalent bonding for increasing n. We show also, by solving the model Hamiltonian exactly, that for divalent metals vdW and covalent bonding coexist already in the dimers.


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by Adam Smith, LL.D., fellow of the royal societies of London and Edinburgh, one of the commissioners of his majesty's customs in Scotland, and formerly professor of moral philosophy in the University of Glasgow


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Several approaches have been proposed to recognize handwritten Bengali characters using different curve fitting algorithms and curvature analysis. In this paper, a new algorithm (Curve-fitting Algorithm) to identify various strokes of a handwritten character is developed. The curve-fitting algorithm helps recognizing various strokes of different patterns (line, quadratic curve) precisely. This reduces the error elimination burden heavily. Implementation of this Modified Syntactic Method demonstrates significant improvement in the recognition of Bengali handwritten characters.


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This paper combines experimental data with simple mathematical models to investigate the influence of spray formulation type and leaf character (wettability) on shatter, bounce and adhesion of droplets impacting with cotton, rice and wheat leaves. Impaction criteria that allow for different angles of the leaf surface and the droplet impact trajectory are presented; their predictions are based on whether combinations of droplet size and velocity lie above or below bounce and shatter boundaries. In the experimental component, real leaves are used, with all their inherent natural variability. Further, commercial agricultural spray nozzles are employed, resulting in a range of droplet characteristics. Given this natural variability, there is broad agreement between the data and predictions. As predicted, the shatter of droplets was found to increase as droplet size and velocity increased, and the surface became harder to wet. Bouncing of droplets occurred most frequently on hard to wet surfaces with high surface tension mixtures. On the other hand, a number of small droplets with low impact velocity were observed to bounce when predicted to lie well within the adhering regime. We believe this discrepancy between the predictions and experimental data could be due to air layer effects that were not taken into account in the current bounce equations. Other discrepancies between experiment and theory are thought to be due to the current assumption of a dry impact surface, whereas, in practice, the leaf surfaces became increasingly covered with fluid throughout the spray test runs.


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The density-wave theory of Ramakrishnan and Yussouff is extended to provide a scheme for describing dislocations and other topological defects in crystals. Quantitative calculations are presented for the order-parameter profiles, the atomic configuration, and the free energy of a screw dislocation with Burgers vector b=(a/2, a/2, a/2) in a bcc solid. These calculations are done using a simple parametrization of the direct correlation function and a gradient expansion. It is conventional to express the free energy of the dislocation in a crystal of size R as (λb2/4π)ln(αR/‖b‖), where λ is the shear elastic constant, and α is a measure of the core energy. Our results yield for Na the value α≃1.94a/(‖c1’’‖)1/2 (≃1.85) at the freezing temperature (371 K) and α≃2.48a/(‖c1’’‖)1/2 at 271 K, where c1’’ is the curvature of the first peak of the direct correlation function c(q). Detailed results for the density distribution in the dislocation, particularly the core region, are also presented. These show that the dislocation core has a columnar character. To our knowledge, this study represents the first calculation of dislocation structure, including the core, within the framework of an order-parameter theory and incorporating thermal effects.


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Pragmatism has sometimes been taken as a catchphrase for epistemological stances in which anything goes. However, other authors argue that the real novelty and contribution of this tradition has to do with its view of action as the context in which all things human take place. Thus, it is action rather than, for example, discourses that should be our starting point in social theory. The introductory section of the book situates pragmatism (especially the ideas of G. H. Mead and John Dewey) within the field and tradition of social theory. This introductory also contextualizes the main core of the book which consists of four chapters. Two of these chapters have been published as articles in scientific journals and one in an edited book. All of them discuss the core problem of social theory: how is action related to social structures (and vice versa)? The argument is that habitual action is the explanation for the emergence of social structures from our action. Action produces structures and social reproduction takes place when action is habitualized; that is, when we develop social dispositions to act in a certain manner in familiar environments. This also means that even though the physical environment is the same for all of us, our habits structure it into different kinds of action possibilities. Each chapter highlights these general insights from different angles. Practice theory has gained momentum in recent years and it has many commonalities with pragmatism because both highlight the situated and corporeal character of human activity. One famous proponent of practice theory is Margaret Archer who has argued that the pragmatism of G. H. Mead leads to an oversocialized conception of selfhood. Mead does indeed present a socialized view of selfhood but this is a meta-sociological argument rather than a substantial sociological claim. Accordingly, one can argue that in this general sense intersubjectivity precedes subjectivity and not the other way around. Such a view does not indicate that our social relation would necessarily "colonize" individual action because there is a place for internal conversations (in Archer s terminology); it is especially in those phases of action where it meets obstacles due to the changes of the environment. The second issue discussed has the background assumption that social structures can fruitfully be conceptualized as institutions. A general classification of different institution theories is presented and it is argued that there is a need for a habitual theory of institutions due to the problems associated with these other theories. So-called habitual institutionalism accounts for institutions in terms of established and prevalent social dispositions that structure our social interactions. The germs of this institution theory can be found in the work of Thorstein Veblen. Since Veblen s times, these ideas have been discussed for example, by the economist Geoffrey M. Hodgson. His ideas on the evolution of institutions are presented but a critical stance is taken towards his tendency of defining institutions with the help of rules because rules are not always present in institutions. Accordingly, habitual action is the most basic but by no means the only aspect of institutional reproduction. The third chapter deals with theme of action and structures in the context of Pierre Bourdieu s thought. Bourdieu s term habitus refers to a system of dispositions which structure social fields. It is argued that habits come close to the concept of habitus in the sense that the latter consists of particular kinds of habits; those that are related to the reproduction of socioeconomic positions. Habits are thus constituents of a general theory of societal reproduction whereas habitus is a systematic combination of socioeconomic habits. The fourth theme relates to issues of social change and development. The capabilities approach has been associated with the name of Amartya Sen, for example, and it underscores problems inhering in economistic ways of evaluating social development. However, Sen s argument has some theoretical problems. For example, his theory cannot adequately confront the problem of relativism. In addition, Sen s discussion lacks also a theory of the role of the public. With the help of arguments derived from pragmatism, one gets an action-based, socially constituted view of freedom in which the role of the public is essential. In general, it is argued that a socially constituted view of agency does not necessarily to lead to pessimistic conclusions about the freedom of action.


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A new approach for describing dislocations and other topological defects in crystals, based on the density wave theory of Ramakrishnan and Yussouff is presented. Quantitative calculations are discussed in brief for the order parameter profiles, the atomic configuration and the free energy of a screw dislocation with Burgers vector b = (a/2, a/2,a/2 ) in a bcc solid. Our results for the free energy of the dislocation in a crystal of sizeR, when expressed as (λb 2/4π) ln (αR/|b|) whereλ is the shear elastic constant, yield, for example, the valueα ⋍ 1·85 for sodium at its freezing temperature (371°K). The density distribution in the presence of the dislocation shows that the dislocation core has a columnar character. To our knowledge, this study represents the first calculation of dislocation structure, including the core, within the framework of an order parameter theory incorporating thermal effects.