103 resultados para CEPHALOMETRY


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs are comparable with 3D measurements on 3D models of human skulls, derived from cone beam CT (CBCT) data. A CBCT scan and a conventional cephalometric radiograph were made of 40 dry skulls. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks on both the 2D images and the 3D models. The same operator identified 17 landmarks on the cephalometric radiographs and on the 3D models. All images and 3D models were traced five times with a time-interval of 1 week and the mean value of repeated measurements was used for further statistical analysis. Distances and angles were calculated. Intra-observer reliability was good for all measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements on the conventional cephalometric radiographs was higher compared with the reproducibility of measurements on the 3D models. For a few measurements a clinically relevant difference between measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs and 3D models was found. Measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs can differ significantly from measurements on 3D models of the same skull. The authors recommend that 3D tracings for longitudinal research are not used in cases were there are only 2D records from the past.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate whether measurements performed on conventional frontal radiographs are comparable to measurements performed on three-dimensional (3D) models of human skulls derived from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans and if the latter can be used in longitudinal studies. Cone beam computed tomography scans and conventional frontal cephalometric radiographs were made of 40 dry human skulls. From the CBCT scan a 3D model was constructed. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks and to calculate ratios and angles. The same operator identified 10 landmarks on both types of cephalometric radiographs, and on all images, five times with a time interval of 1 wk. Intra-observer reliability was acceptable for all measurements. There was a statistically significant and clinically relevant difference between measurements performed on conventional frontal radiographs and on 3D CBCT-derived models of the same skull. There was a clinically relevant difference between angular measurements performed on conventional frontal cephalometric radiographs, compared with measurements performed on 3D models constructed from CBCT scans. We therefore recommend that 3D models should not be used for longitudinal research in cases where there are only two-dimensional (2D) records from the past.


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Snoring is a primary and major clinical symptom of upper airway obstruction during sleep. Sleep-disordered breathing ranges from primary snoring to significant partial upper airway obstruction, and obstructive sleep apnea. Adult snoring and obstructive sleep apnea have been extensively studied, whereas less is known about these disorders in children. Snoring and more severe obstructive sleep apnea have been shown to have a harmful effect on the neurobehavioral development of children, but the mechanisms of this effect remains unknown. Furthermore, the correlation of this effect to objective sleep study parameters remains poor. This study evaluated the prevalence of snoring in preschool-aged children in Finland. Host and environmental risk factors, and neurobehavioral and neurocognitive symptoms of children suffering from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea were also investigated. The feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children was assessed. The prevalence and risk factors of snoring (I) were evaluated by a questionnaire. The random sample included 2100 children aged 1-6 years living in Helsinki. All 3- to 6-year-old children whose parents reported their child to snore always, often, or sometimes were categorized as snorers, and invited to participate to the clinical study (II-IV). Non-snoring children whose parents were willing to participate in the clinical study were invited to serve as controls. Children underwent a clinical ear-nose-throat examination. Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive performances were evaluated by Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-R) and NEPSY-A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY). Nasal volume was measured by acoustic rhinometry, and nasal resistance by rhinomanometry. Lateral and posteroanterior cephalometry were performed. A standard overnight ambulatory polysomnography was performed in the home environment. Twenty-six healthy children were tested in order to assess the feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children (V). Snoring was common in children; 6.3% of children snored always or often, whereas 81.3% snored never or occasionally. No differences were apparent between snorers and non-snorers regarding age, or gender. Pediatric snoring was associated with recurrent upper respiratory infections, otitis media, and allergic rhinitis. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke, especially maternal smoking, was more common among snorers. Rhinitis was more common among children who exposured to tobacco smoke. Overnight polysomnography (PSG) was performed on 87 children; 74% showed no signs of significant upper airway obstruction during sleep. Three children had obstructive apnea/hypopnea index (OAHI) greater than 5/h. Age, gender, or a previous adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy did not correlate with OAHI, whereas tonsillar size did correlate with OAHI. Relative body weight and obesity correlated with none of the PSG parameters. In cephalometry, no clear differences or correlations were found in PSG parameters or between snorers and non-snorers. No correlations were observed between acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, and PSG parameters. Psychiatric symptoms were more frequent in the snoring group than in the nonsnoring group. In particular, anxious and depressed symptoms were more prevalent in the snoring group. Snoring children frequently scored lower in language functions. However, PSG parameters correlated poorly with neurocognitive test results in these children. This study and previous studies indicate that snoring without episodes of obstructive apnea or SpO2 desaturations may cause impairment in behavioral and neurocognitive functions. The mechanism of action remains unknown. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke is more common among snorers than non-snorers, emphasizing the importance of a smoke-free environment. Children tolerated acoustic rhinometry measurements well.


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Objetivo: determinar parámetros biométricos para evaluación y diagnóstico de pacientes con SAHOS por medio de Cefalometría Tridimensional y reconstrucción Multiplanar escanográfica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó estudio observacional tipo cross-sectional, con 25 pacientes diagnosticados con SAHOS, a los cuales se les hizo TAC simple de cara con reconstrucción multiplanar y tridimensional, evaluando volumen de vía aérea, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área reglosal, espacio retrogloso lateral y anteroposterior. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes y realizaron medidas de volumen, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área retroglosal y espacios regloso lateral y anteroposterior, realizando análisis estadístico mediante el programa SPSS 17.0 reportando medidas de tendencia central como promedio, media, moda, rango, desviación estándar, y concordancia inter e intra observador. Conclusión: la Cefalometría tridimensional con reconstrucción multiplanar ha mostrado ser un excelente método de evaluación de vía aérea en pacientes con SAHOS, obteniendo propias clasificaciones dentro del estudio de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, ante la escasa literatura y difícil obtención de parámetros de referencia es necesario promover el estudio y la investigación de este método diagnostico en pacientes con SAHOS.


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Objective. This study was designed to determine the precision and accuracy of angular measurements using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) volume rendering by computer systems. Study design. The study population consisted of 28 dried skulls that were scanned with a 64-row multislice CT, and 3D-CT images were generated. Angular measurements, (n = 6) based upon conventional craniometric anatomical landmarks (n = 9), were identified independently in 3D-CT images by 2 radiologists, twice each, and were then performed by 3D-CT imaging. Subsequently, physical measurements were made by a third examiner using a Beyond Crysta-C9168 series 900 device. Results. The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between interexaminer and intraexaminer analysis. The mean difference between the physical and 3-D-based angular measurements was -1.18% and -0.89%, respectively, for both examiners, demonstrating high accuracy. Conclusion. Maxillofacial analysis of angular measurements using 3D-CT volume rendering by 64-row multislice CT is established and can be used for orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic applications.


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The purpose of this study was to quantify cephalometric and three-dimensional alterations of the posterior airway space of patients who underwent maxillomandibular advancement surgery. 20 patients treated by maxillomandibular advancement were selected. The minimal postoperative period was 6 months. The treated patients underwent cone-beam computed tomography at 3 distinct time intervals, preoperative (T1), immediate postoperative period up to 15 days after surgery (T2), and late postoperative period at least 6 months after surgery. The results showed that the maxillomandibular advancement promoted an increase in the posterior airway space in each patient in all the analyses performed, with a statistically significant difference between T2 and T1, and between T3 and T1, p < 0.05. There was a statistical difference between T2 and T3 in the analysis of area and volume, which means that the airway space became narrower after 6 months compared with the immediate postoperative period. The maxillomandibular advancement procedure allowed great linear area and volume increase in posterior airway space in the immediate and late postoperative periods, but there was partial loss of the increased space after 6 months. The linear analysis of airway space has limited results when compared with analysis of area and volume.


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OBJETIVO: a proposta desse trabalho foi analisar a fidelidade dos traçados predictivos realizados para cirurgias ortognáticas, por meio de análise cefalométrica do pré e pós-operatório de sete dias, em pacientes submetidos à correção de deformidade mandibular. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas telerradiografias cefalométricas de perfil de 17 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática de mandíbula. Foram realizados traçados cefalométricos do pré e do pós-operatório de 7 dias com marcação dos pontos côndilo (Co), pogônio (Pog), goníaco (Go), mento (Me), ponto B (B) e incisivo (I). A análise foi baseada na diferença obtida pela sobreposição dos traçados pré-operatório, predictivo e pós-operatório. Os pontos foram projetados em um plano cartesiano para medição das suas distâncias em milímetros. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística por meio do teste t de Student pareado (± = 0,05). RESULTADOS: no eixo horizontal, foi observada diferença média, entre a mudança planejada e a obtida nos traçados cefalométricos pós-operatórios, estatisticamente significativa nos pontos Pog (p = 0,014) e I (p = 0,008). No eixo vertical, não verificou-se diferença estatística significativa para os pontos cefalométricos marcados (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: o traçado predictivo contribuiu para a avaliação pré-operatória do paciente e, consequentemente, para a otimização do tratamento. Entretanto, ele não se mostrou totalmente fiel nos casos analisados, com leve subestimação das alterações esqueléticas horizontais. Essas alterações devem ser consideradas no planejamento e acompanhamento pós-operatório dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática em mandíbula.


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A distalização dos molares superiores constitui um desafio na correção da má oclusão de Classe II em tratamentos sem extrações dentárias e sem avanço mandibular. Há uma procura por dispositivos que substituam a tração extrabucal (AEB) e que não exijam demasiada colaboração do paciente, o que estimula os ortodontistas a testarem métodos alternativos aos relatados na literatura. Dentre estes, destacam-se os aparelhos Pêndulo e Pendex de Hilgers. OBJETIVO: a realização desta pesquisa teve o intuito de avaliar, mediante a cefalometria, os efeitos do aparelho Pendex aplicado no final da dentadura mista e na dentadura permanente. METODOLOGIA: a amostra constou de 14 pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II bilateral, com média de idade de 11 anos e 3 meses. Foram tomadas duas telerradiografias em norma lateral, uma correspondente ao início do tratamento e outra aproximadamente 5 meses após sua finalização, quando a relação dos molares encontrava-se sobrecorrigida. RESULTADOS: após a determinação e mensuração das grandezas cefalométricas lineares e angulares e análise estatística (Teste t de Student), pode-se concluir que os efeitos do aparelho Pendex foram predominantemente ortodônticos: distalização da coroa dos primeiros molares permanentes numa velocidade média de 0,8 mm/mês e vestibularização dos incisivos superiores com aumento do trespasse horizontal. CONCLUSÃO: assim sendo, quando há indicação para distalização dos molares, cumpre-se fazer uma análise dos fatores envolvidos, a fim de eleger, com prudência, a solução terapêutica mais adequada às exigências individuais e profissionais.


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OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho propôs-se a comparar o perfil tegumentar pós-operatório de pacientes Classe II, Padrão Face Longa, submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico, com os parâmetros descritos na análise cefalométrica de Legan e Burstone. METODOLOGIA: 32 telerradiografias pós-cirúrgicas, com um mínimo de 6 meses de acompanhamento, foram submetidas a traçado manual (repetido 4 vezes) e digitalização (também repetida 4 vezes) no programa DFPlus para análise cefalométrica. RESULTADOS: os resultados permitiram verificar que 9 das 11 medidas avaliadas encontravam-se estatisticamente diferentes da norma avaliada; contudo, ao se verificar o desvio padrão permitido na norma, os achados deste trabalho situam-se dentro da mesma, com exceção do ângulo mentocervical. CONCLUSÃO: as condições experimentais deste estudo permitiram concluir que, embora a população estudada tenha obtido resultados estéticos-funcionais satisfatórios, não se enquadrou nas normas da análise de Legan e Burstone, o que indica que a avaliação após a cirurgia ortognática deve ser principalmente clínica e que a estética facial não está totalmente relacionada com as medidas préestabelecidas na análise cefalométrica.


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Este estudo determinou as características cefalométricas dos indivíduos portadores de Padrão Face Longa em comparação com indivíduos Padrão I. Um total de 73 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 34 Padrão Face Longa e 39 Padrão I, foram selecionadas com base na morfologia facial, não considerando as relações oclusais e sagitais. Foram avaliados: padrão de crescimento facial, alturas faciais anteriores e posterior, relação maxilo-mandibular, além das relações dentárias com suas bases apicais. de uma forma geral, os indivíduos Padrão Face Longa apresentaram grandes desvios em relação aos indivíduos Padrão I, sendo a doença decorrente de um desequilíbrio entre os componentes verticais. Pôde-se observar que os valores das grandezas AFAT, AFAI, AFATperp, AFAIperp, 1-PP, 6-PP, 1-PM, SNB, ANB, ângulo goníaco, ângulo plano mandibular, além das proporções AFAI/AFAT e AFAIperp/AFATperp, estavam significantemente alterados para os indivíduos Padrão Face Longa. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste estudo, verificou-se que esses indivíduos caracterizavam-se pelo padrão de crescimento vertical e por um aumento da altura facial anterior inferior - conseqüentemente, da altura facial anterior total - estando a deformidade localizada abaixo do plano palatino. Foram observados ainda um retrognatismo maxilar e mandibular, além da presença de extrusão dentária anterior (superior e inferior) e póstero-superior, com os incisivos superiores bem posicionados em suas bases e os inferiores lingualizados.


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OBJETIVO: o presente estudo avaliou a hipótese de variação das características cefalométricas de acordo com o gênero para portadores de Padrão Face Longa. METODOLOGIA: foi analisado um total de 73 telerradiografias em norma lateral, sendo 34 Padrão Face Longa e 39 Padrão I (grupo controle), selecionadas com base na morfologia facial, sem considerar as relações oclusais. Foram avaliados: padrão de crescimento facial, alturas faciais anteriores e posterior, relação maxilomandibular, além das relações dentárias com suas bases apicais. RESULTADOS: o grupo controle (Padrão I) apresentou dimorfismo (p<0,001) no comprimento efetivo da maxila e da mandíbula, além das alturas faciais avaliadas. Foram significantes também (p<0,05) as proporções entre as alturas faciais e as distâncias entre os incisivos e molares em relação aos planos palatino e mandibular. Para os portadores de Padrão Face Longa, as mesmas variáveis cefalométricas não mostraram diferenças significantes entre os gêneros (p>0,05), exceto os comprimentos efetivos da maxila e da mandíbula, além da altura facial anterior inferior e posterior (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se que enquanto ocorreu dimorfismo nos indivíduos Padrão I, para as estruturas influenciadas pela diferença no tamanho esquelético entre os gêneros, isso não aconteceu nos portadores de Padrão Face Longa. Essa maior similaridade entre os gêneros provavelmente ocorreu porque a deformidade, mais grave no gênero feminino, foi suficiente para anular o menor tamanho esquelético esperado para estes indivíduos.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a estabilidade de cirurgias bimaxilares com fixação interna rígida, na qual promoveu-se uma rotação anti-horária da mandíbula e conseqüente redução do ângulo do plano oclusal. METODOLOGIA: foram estudados 15 pacientes com padrão facial de Classe II e deficiência mandibular. Os movimentos cirúrgicos foram avaliados por meio de medidas lineares e angulares realizadas no programa CefX, obtidas de telerradiografias cefalométricas em norma lateral em três diferentes tempos: (T0) pré-operatório, (T1) pós-operatório imediato e (T2) pós-operatório de no mínimo 6 meses. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados demonstraram que a cirurgia bimaxilar promove mudanças faciais significativas e, principalmente, que a rotação anti-horária da mandíbula com redução do ângulo do plano oclusal mostrou-se estatisticamente estável, sendo uma opção confiável em cirurgias de pacientes com padrão facial de Classe II com deficiência mandibular.


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OBJECTIVE: This prospective clinical study was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the influence of the banded Herbst appliance on dental changes during the early treatment of Class II malocclusion. METHOD: The sample consisted of 15 prepubertal subjects (12 boys and 3 girls, initial age: 9 years and 6 months) who were treated with the Herbst appliance. Treatment effects were compared with those of a Class II Division 1 group of 15 subjects (8 boys and 7 girls, mean initial age 9 years and 1 month), not treated orthodontically. Statistical analysis was performed using Student t-test with 5% significance level. RESULTS: The results showed that treatment with the banded Herbst appliance in the mixed dentition stage tended to upright maxillary incisors (mean: 4.14°). The maxillary molars were distalized and intruded significantly (mean 2.65 mm and 1.24 mm, respectively), the lower incisors slightly protruded anteriorly (mean 1.64 mm) and the molars showed no significant changes in the horizontal and vertical directions. Furthermore, significant improvements were noted in overbite (1.26 mm), overjet (4.8 mm) and molar relationship (12.08 mm). CONCLUSIONS: Changes in the upper dental arch were found to be greater than changes in the lower arch. Furthermore, mandibular anchorage loss was reduced due to the anchorage system used in the study.


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OBJECTIVE: Early identification of craniofacial morphological characteristics allows orthopedic segmented interventions to attenuate dentoskeletal discrepancies, which may be partially disguised by natural dental compensation. To investigate the morphological characteristics of Brazilian children with Class III malocclusion, in stages I and II of cervical vertebrae maturation and compare them with the characteristics of Class I control patients. METHODS: Pre-orthodontic treatment records of 20 patients with Class III malocclusion and 20 control Class I patients, matched by the same skeletal maturity index and sex, were selected. The craniofacial structures and their relationships were divided into different categories for analysis. Angular and linear measures were adopted from the analyses previously described by Downs, Jarabak, Jacobson and McNamara. The differences found between the groups of Class III patients and Class I control group, both subdivided according to the stage of cervical vertebrae maturation (I or II), were assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), complemented by Bonferroni's multiple mean comparisons test. RESULTS: The analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences in the different studied groups, between the mean values found for some angular (SNA, SNB, ANB) and linear variables (Co - Gn, N - Perp Pog, Go - Me, Wits, S - Go, Ar - Go). CONCLUSION: Assessed children displaying Class III malocclusion show normal anterior base of skull and maxilla, and anterior positioning of the mandible partially related to increased posterior facial height with consequent mandibular counterclockwise rotation.