995 resultados para CENTRAL TOLERANCE


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Ever since it was discovered that central tolerance to self is imposed on developing T cells in the thymus through their interaction with self-peptide major histocompatibility complexes on thymic antigen-presenting cells, immunologists have speculated about the nature of these peptides, particularly in humans. Here, to shed light on the so-far unknown human thymic peptide repertoire, we analyse peptides eluted from isolated thymic dendritic cells, dendritic cell-depleted antigen-presenting cells and whole thymus. Bioinformatic analysis of the 842 identified natural major histocompatibility complex I and II ligands reveals significant cross-talk between major histocompatibility complex-class I and II pathways and differences in source protein representation between individuals as well as different antigen-presenting cells. Furthermore, several autoimmune- and tumour-related peptides, from enolase and vimentin for example, are presented in the healthy thymus. 302 peptides are directly derived from negatively selecting dendritic cells, thus providing the first global view of the peptide matrix in the human thymus that imposes self-tolerance in vivo.


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Autoimmune regulator (AIRE) is the gene mutated in the human polyglandular autoimmune disease called Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) that belongs to the Finnish disease heritage. Murine Aire has been shown to be important in the generation of the T cell central tolerance in the thymus by promoting the expression of ectopic tissue-specific antigens in the thymic medulla. Aire is also involved in the thymus tissue organization during organogenesis. In addition to the thymus, AIRE/Aire is expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs. Accordingly, a role for AIRE/Aire in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been suggested. Peripheral tolerance involves mechanisms that suppress immune responses in secondary lymphoid organs. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are an important suppressive T cell population mediating the peripheral tolerance. Tregs are generated in the thymus but also in the peripheral immune system T cells can acquire the Treg-phenotype. The aim of this study was to characterize Tregs in APECED patients and in the APECED mouse model (Aire-deficient mice). In the mouse model, it was possible to separate Aire expression in the thymus and in the secondary lymphoid organs. The relative importance of thymic and peripheral Aire expression in the maintenance of immunological tolerance was studied in an experimental model that was strongly biased towards autoimmunity, i.e. lymphopenia-induced proliferation (LIP) of lymphocytes. This experimental model was also utilised to study the behaviour of T cells with dual-specific T cell receptors (TCR) during the proliferation. The Treg phenotype was studied by flow cytometry and relative gene expression with real-time polymerase chain reaction. TCR repertoires of the Tregs isolated from APECED patients and healthy controls were also compared. The dual-specific TCRs were studied with the TCR repertoire analysis that was followed with sequencing of the chosen TCR genes in order to estimate changes in the dual-specific TCR diversity. The Treg function was tested with an in vitro suppression assay. The APECED patients had normal numbers of Tregs but the phenotype and suppressive functions of the Tregs were impaired. In order to separate Aire functions in the thymus from its yet unknown role in the secondary lymphoid organs, the phenomenon of LIP was utilised. In this setting, the lymphocytes that are adoptively transferred to a lymphopenic recipient proliferate to stimuli from self-originating antigens. This proliferation can result in autoimmunity if peripheral tolerance is not fully functional. When lymphocytes that had matured without Aire in the thymus were transferred to lymphopenic Aire-sufficient recipients, no clinical autoimmunity followed. The Aire-deficient donor-originating lymphocytes hyperproliferated, and other signs of immune dysregulation were also found in the recipients. Overt autoimmunity, however, was prevented by the Aire-deficient donor-originating Tregs that hyperproliferated in the recipients. Aire-deficient lymphopenic mice were used to study whether peripheral loss of Aire had an impact on the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. When normal lymphocytes were transferred to these Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients, the majority of recipients developed a clinically symptomatic colitis. The colitis was confirmed also by histological analysis of the colon tissue sections. In the Aire-deficient lymphopenic recipients Tregs were proliferating significantly less than in the control group s recipients that had normal Aire expression in their secondary lymphoid organs. This study shows that Aire is not only important in the central tolerance but is also has a significant role in the maintenance of the peripheral tolerance both in mice and men. Aire expressed in the secondary lymphoid organs is involved in the functions of Tregs during an immune response. This peripheral expression appears to be relatively more important in some situations since only those lymphopenic recipients that had lost peripheral expression of Aire developed a symptomatic autoimmune disease. This AIRE-related Treg defect could be clinically important in understanding the pathogenesis of APECED.


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Immunotherapy is emerging as a promising anti-cancer curative modality. However, in contrast to recent advances obtained employing checkpoint blockade agents and T cell therapies, clinical efficacy of therapeutic cancer vaccines is still limited. Most vaccination attempts in the clinic represent "off-the shelf" approaches since they target common "self" tumor antigens, shared among different patients. In contrast, personalized approaches of vaccination are tailor-made for each patient and in spite being laborious, hold great potential. Recent technical advancement enabled the first steps in the clinic of personalized vaccines that target patient-specific mutated neo-antigens. Such vaccines could induce enhanced tumor-specific immune response since neo-antigens are mutation-derived antigens that can be recognized by high affinity T cells, not limited by central tolerance. Alternatively, the use of personalized vaccines based on whole autologous tumor cells, overcome the need for the identification of specific tumor antigens. Whole autologous tumor cells could be administered alone, pulsed on dendritic cells as lysate, DNA, RNA or delivered to dendritic cells in-vivo through encapsulation in nanoparticle vehicles. Such vaccines may provide a source for the full repertoire of the patient-specific tumor antigens, including its private neo-antigens. Furthermore, combining next-generation personalized vaccination with other immunotherapy modalities might be the key for achieving significant therapeutic outcome.


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L’hépatite autoimmune (HAI) résulte d’une perte de tolérance du système immunitaire envers des antigènes de l’hépatocyte. Elle peut se présenter sous forme d’hépatite aiguë, parfois fulminante, ou comme une maladie chronique menant progressivement à une cirrhose hépatique. En absence de traitement, cette maladie est fatale. La pathogenèse de l’HAI et les mécanismes responsables de sa progression restent inconnus à ce jour. L’objectif global de ce projet est d’examiner les facteurs prédisposants et les mécanismes immunologiques responsables de l’apparition et de la progression de l’HAI. Pour permettre l’étude de la pathogenèse de l’HAI, nous avons développé un modèle murin expérimental d’hépatite autoimmune de type 2. Celui-ci est basé sur la xénoimmunisation de souris C57BL/6 avec les deux antigènes ciblés dans l’HAI de type 2 chez l’homme (CYP2D6 et FTCD). Par mimétisme moléculaire, le système immunitaire de ces souris réagit contre les protéines murines homologues et une HAI s’ensuit. Ce modèle expérimental présente la plupart des caractéristiques histologiques, biochimiques et sérologiques d’une HAI de type 2. Les souris développent une inflammation autoimmune chronique avec présence d’hépatite d’interface et d’infiltrations intralobulaires, un infiltrat composé majoritairement de lymphocytes T CD4+ mais aussi de lymphocytes T CD8+ et B, d’une élévation des ALT sériques, des niveaux d’immunoglobulines G circulantes augmentés ainsi que d’autoanticorps anti-LKM1 et anti-LC1. L’étude de l’influence du bagage génétique a permis de définir l’importance relative des gènes du CMH et des gènes non-CMH sur le développement d’une HAI. Les gènes du locus CMH sont essentiels mais insuffisants pour mener au développement d’une HAI et donc, la susceptibilité génétique à l’HAI est comme chez l’homme, multigénique. Les patients atteints d’HAI de type 2 sont généralement des jeunes filles. L’étude des influences de l’âge et du sexe dans ce modèle a permis de montrer que les souris femelles avant et au début de leur maturité sexuelle sont plus susceptibles au développement d’une HAI de type 2. De plus, les femelles ont un nombre réduit de lymphocytes T régulateurs, ce qui leur confère une susceptibilité accrue comparé aux mâles. L’ensemble de ces travaux nous a conduits à proposer un mécanisme où le développement d’une HAI chez les femelles d’un âge particulier résulterait de l’activation de cellules T CD4+ autoréactives ayant échappé aux mécanismes de tolérance centrale, via un mécanisme de mimétisme moléculaire avec un antigène exogène. En présence d’une tolérance périphérique réduite due à un faible nombre de cellules T régulatrices, les cellules T autoréactives proliféreraient et activeraient des cellules B autoréactives entraînant la sécrétion d’autoanticorps. L’activation subséquente de cellules T CD8+ cytotoxiques spécifiques amènerait la lyse des hépatocytes et la relâche d’autoantigènes permettant la perpétuation de l’autoimmunité.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by T cell-mediated destruction of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in insulin deficiency and hyperglycaemia. Recent studies have described that apoptosis impairment during central and peripheral tolerance is involved in T1D pathogenesis. In this study, the apoptosis-related gene expression in T1D patients was evaluated before and after treatment with high-dose immunosuppression followed by autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HDI-AHSCT). We also correlated gene expression results with clinical response to HDI-AHSCT. We observed a decreased expression of bad, bax and fasL pro-apoptotic genes and an increased expression of a1, bcl-xL and cIAP-2 anti-apoptotic genes in patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to controls. After HDI-AHSCT, we found an up-regulation of fas and fasL and a down-regulation of anti-apoptotic bcl-xL genes expression in post-HDI-AHSCT periods compared to pre-transplantation. Additionally, the levels of bad, bax, bok, fasL, bcl-xL and cIAP-1 genes expression were found similar to controls 2 years after HDI-AHSCT. Furthermore, over-expression of pro-apoptotic noxa at 540 days post-HDI-AHSCT correlated positively with insulin-free patients and conversely with glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies (GAD65) autoantibody levels. Taken together, the results suggest that apoptosis-related genes deregulation in patients' PBMCs might be involved in breakdown of immune tolerance and consequently contribute to T1D pathogenesis. Furthermore, HDI-AHSCT modulated the expression of some apoptotic genes towards the levels similar to controls. Possibly, the expression of these apoptotic molecules could be applied as biomarkers of clinical remission of T1D patients treated with HDI-AHSCT therapy.


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Positive selection (PS) in the thymus involves the presentation of self-peptides that are bound to MHC class II on the surface of cortical thymus epithelial cells (cTECs). Prss16 gene corresponds to one important element regulating the PS of CD4(+) T lymphocytes, which encodes Thymus-specific serine protease (Tssp), a cTEC serine-type peptidase involved in the proteolytic generation of self-peptides. Nevertheless, additional peptidase genes participating in the generation of self-peptides need to be found. Because of its role in the mechanism of PS and its expression in cTECs, the Prss16 gene might be used as a transcriptional marker to identify new genes that share the same expression profile and that encode peptidases in the thymus. To test this hypothesis, we compared the differential thymic expression of 4,500 mRNAs of wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice with their respective Prss16-knockout (KO) mutants by using microarrays. From these, 223 genes were differentially expressed, of which 115 had known molecular/biological functions. Four endopeptidase genes (Casp1, Casp2, Psmb3 and Tpp2) share the same expression profile as the Prss16 gene; i.e., induced in WT and repressed in KO while one endopeptidase gene, Capns1, features opposite expression profile. The Tpp2 gene is highlighted because it encodes a serine-type endopeptidase functionally similar to the Tssp enzyme. Profiling of the KO mice featured down-regulation of Prss16, as expected, along with the genes mentioned above. Considering that the Prss16-KO mice featured impaired PS, the shared regulation of the four endopeptidase genes suggested their participation in the mechanism of self-peptide generation and PS.


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CD4+CD25+ regulatorische T-Zellen (CD4+CD25+ Tregs) sind in der Lage die Proliferation und Cytokin-Produktion konventioneller T-Zellen zu supprimieren. Obwohl ein entscheidender Mechanismus dieses Prozesses die Inhibition der Interleukin-2 Produktion ist, sind die beteiligten Moleküle weitestgehend unbekannt. Interessanterweise entwickeln NFATc2-, NFATc3-doppeldefiziente Mäuse (DKO Mäuse) schwerste Autoimmunerkrankungen, so dass im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 bei der Entstehung von CD4+CD25+ Tregs und der CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelten Suppression konventioneller T-Zellen untersucht wurde. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwar die Gesamtheit der peripheren CD4+CD25+ T-Zellen keinerlei suppressives Potential besitzt, eine Subpopulation dieser Zellpopulation, die sehr stark CD25 und GITR exprimiert (CD4+CD25++GITR++ T-Zellen), jedoch in der Lage ist kokultivierte konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen in ihren Effektorfunktionen zu inhibieren. Allerdings ließen sich die konventionellen CD4+ T-Zellen aus DKO Mäusen nicht von CD4+CD25+ Tregs in ihrer Proliferation und Zytokinproduktion inhibieren. Es kann also abschließend gesagt werden, dass das Fehlen der Transkriptionsfaktoren NFATc2 und NFATc3 die Entstehung und Funktion von CD4+CD25+ Tregs nicht beeinflusst, jedoch konventionelle CD4+ T-Zellen resistent gegen eine CD4+CD25+ Treg-vermittelte Suppression werden lässt.


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The presentation of MHC class I (MHC-I)/peptide complexes by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the maintenance of central tolerance to self and for the regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)-mediated adaptive immune responses against pathogens and cancer cells. Interestingly, several findings have suggested that the cytoplasmic tail of MHC class I plays a functional role in the regulation of CTL immune responses. For example, our previous studies demonstrated that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules not only showed extended DC cell surface half-lives but also induced significantly increased CTL responses to viral challange invivo. Although exon 7-deleted variant of MHC-I does not occur naturally in humans, the animal studies prompted us to examine whether exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules could generate augmented CTL responses in a therapeutic DC-based vaccine setting. To examine the stimulatory capacity of exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, we generated a lentivirus-mediated gene transfer system to induce the expression of different MHC-I cytoplasmic tail isoforms in both mouse and human DCs. These DCs were then used as vaccines in a melanoma mouse tumor model and in a human invitro co-culture system. In this thesis, we show that DCs expressing exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules, stimulated remarkably higher levels of T-cell cytokine production and significantly increased the proliferation of meanoma-specific (Pmel-1) T cells compared with DCs expressing wild type MHC-I. We also demonstrate that, in combination with adoptive transfer of Pmel-1 T-cell, DCs expressing exon 7-deleted Db molecules induced greater anti-tumor responses against established B16 melanoma tumors, significantly extending mouse survival as compared to DCs expressing wild-type Db molecules. Moreover, we also observed that human DCs expressing exon 7-deleted HLA-A2 molecules showed similarly augmented CTL stimulatory ability. Mechanistic studies suggest that exon 7-deleted MHC-I molecules showed impaired lateral membrane movement and extended cell surface half-lives within the DC/T-cell interface, leading to increased spatial availability of MHC-I/peptide complexes for recognition by CD8+ T cells. Collectively, these results suggesr that targeting exon 7 within the cytoplasmic tail of MHC-I molecules in DC vaccines has the potential to enhance CD8+ T cell stimulatory capacity and improve clinical outcomes in patients with cancer or viral infections.


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The efficient in vitro expansion of antigen-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) for use in adoptive immunotherapy represents an important clinical goal. Furthermore, the avidity of expanded CTL populations often correlates closely with clinical outcome. In our study, high-avidity CTL lines could be expanded ex vivo from an antigen-primed animal using low peptide concentration, and intermediate peptide concentrations favored the generation of lower avidity CTL. Further increases in peptide concentration during culture inhibited the expansion of all peptide-specific CD8(+) cells. In contrast, a single amino acid variant peptide efficiently generated functional CTL populations at high or low peptide concentration, which responded to wild-type epitope with the lowest average avidity seen in this study. We propose that for some peptides, the efficient generation of low-avidity CTL responses will be favored by stimulation with altered peptide rather than high concentrations of wild-type epitope. In addition, some variant peptides designed to have improved binding to major histocompatibility complex class I may reduce rather than enhance the functional avidity for the wild-type peptide of ex vivo-expanded CTL. These observations are relevant to in vitro expansion of CTL for immunotherapy and strategies to elicit regulatory or therapeutic immunity to neo-self-antigen when central tolerance has eliminated high-avidity, cognate T cells.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while switched reluctance motor (SRM) is one of the promising motor for such applications. This paper presents a novel SRM fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance operation solution. Based on the traditional asymmetric half-bridge topology for the SRM driving, the central tapped winding of the SRM in modular half-bridge configuration are introduced to provide fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance functions, which are set idle in normal conditions. The fault diagnosis can be achieved by detecting the characteristic of the excitation and demagnetization currents. An SRM fault-tolerance operation strategy is also realized by the proposed topology, which compensates for the missing phase torque under the open-circuit fault, and reduces the unbalanced phase current under the short-circuit fault due to the uncontrolled faulty phase. Furthermore, the current sensor placement strategy is also discussed to give two placement methods for low cost or modular structure. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 750-W SRM validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, which may have significant implications and improve the reliability of EVs/HEVs.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while switched reluctance motor (SRM) is one of the promising motor for such applications. This paper presents a novel SRM fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance operation solution. Based on the traditional asymmetric half-bridge topology for the SRM driving, the central tapped winding of the SRM in modular half-bridge configuration are introduced to provide fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance functions, which are set idle in normal conditions. The fault diagnosis can be achieved by detecting the characteristic of the excitation and demagnetization currents. An SRM fault-tolerance operation strategy is also realized by the proposed topology, which compensates for the missing phase torque under the open-circuit fault, and reduces the unbalanced phase current under the short-circuit fault due to the uncontrolled faulty phase. Furthermore, the current sensor placement strategy is also discussed to give two placement methods for low cost or modular structure. Simulation results in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 750-W SRM validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, which may have significant implications and improve the reliability of EVs/HEVs.


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Objective: To document change in prevalence of obesity, diabetes and other cardiovascular diease (CVD) risk factors, and trends in dietary macronutrient intake, over an eight-year period in a rural Aboriginal community in central Australia. Design: Sequential cross-sectional community surveys in 1987, 1991 and 1995. Subjects: All adults (15 years and over) in the community were invited to participate. In 1987, 1991 and 1995, 335 (87% of eligible adults), 331 (76%) and 304 (68%), respectively, were surveyed. Main outcome measures: Body mass index and waist : hip ratio; blood glucose level and glucose tolerance; fasting total and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels; and apparent dietary intake (estimated by the store turnover method). Intervention: A community-based nutrition awareness and healthy lifestyle program, 1988-1990. Results: At the eight-year follow-up, the odds ratios (95% CIs) for CVD risk factors relative to baseline were obesity, 1.84 (1.28-2.66); diabetes, 1.83 (1.11-3.03); hypercholesterolaemia, 0.29 (0.20-0.42); and dyslipidaemia (high triglyceride plus low HDL cholesterol level), 4.54 (2.84-7.29). In younger women (15-24 years), there was a trebling in obesity prevalence and a four- to fivefold increase in diabetes prevalence. Store turnover data suggested a relative reduction in the consumption of refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Conclusion: Interventions targeting nutritional factors alone are unlikely to greatly alter trends towards increasing prevalences of obesity and diabetes. In communities where healthy food choices are limited, the role of regular physical activity in improving metabolic fitness may also need to be emphasised.


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Carbonatites are known to contain the highest concentrations of rare-earth elements (REE) among all igneous rocks. The REE distribution of carbonatites is commonly believed to be controlled by that of the rock forming Ca minerals (i.e., calcite, dolomite, and ankerite) and apatite because of their high modal content and tolerance for the substitution of Ca by light REE (LREE). Contrary to this conjecture, calcite from the Miaoya carbonatite (China), analyzed in situ by laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry, is characterized by low REE contents (100–260 ppm) and relatively !at chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns [average (La/Yb)CN=1.6]. The carbonatite contains abundant REE-rich minerals, including monazite and !uorapatite, both precipitated earlier than the REE-poor calcite, and REE-fluorocarbonates that postdated the calcite. Hydrothermal REE-bearing !uorite and barite veins are not observed at Miaoya. The textural and analytical evidence indicates that the initially high concentrations of REE and P in the carbonatitic magma facilitated early precipitation of REE-rich phosphates. Subsequent crystallization of REE-poor calcite led to enrichment of the residual liquid in REE, particularly LREE. This implies that REE are generally incompatible with respect to calcite and the calcite/melt partition coefficients for heavy REE (HREE) are significantly greater than those for LREE. Precipitation of REE-fluorocarbonates late in the evolutionary history resulted in depletion of the residual liquid in LREE, as manifested by the development of HREE-enriched late-stage calcite [(La/Yb)CN=0.7] in syenites associated with the carbonatite. The observed variations of REE distribution between calcite and whole rocks are interpreted to arise from multistage fractional crystallization (phosphates!calcite!REE-!uorocarbonates) from an initially REE-rich carbonatitic liquid.