13 resultados para CD147
Background: The aim of this study is to seek an association between markers of metastatic potential, drug resistance-related protein and monocarboxylate transporters in prostate cancer (CaP). Methods: We evaluated the expression of invasive markers (CD147, CD44v3-10), drug-resistance protein (MDR1) and monocarboxylate transporters (MCT1 and MCT4) in CaP metastatic cell lines and CaP tissue microarrays (n=140) by immunostaining. The co-expression of CD147 and CD44v3-10 with that of MDR1, MCT1 and MCT4 in CaP cell lines was evaluated using confocal microscopy. The relationship between the expression of CD147 and CD44v3-10 and the sensitivity (IC50) to docetaxel in CaP cell lines was assessed using MTT assay. The relationship between expression of CD44v3-10, MDR1 and MCT4 and various clinicopathological CaP progression parameters was examined. Results: CD147 and CD44v3-10 were co-expressed with MDR1, MCT1 and MCT4 in primary and metastatic CaP cells. Both CD147 and CD44v3-10 expression levels were inversely related to docetaxel sensitivity (IC50) in metastatic CaP cell lines. Overexpression of CD44v3-10, MDR1 and MCT4 was found in most primary CaP tissues, and was significantly associated with CaP progression. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the overexpression of CD147, CD44v3-10, MDR1 and MCT4 is associated with CaP progression. Expression of both CD147 and CD44v3-10 is correlated with drug resistance during CaP metastasis and could be a useful potential therapeutic target in advanced disease.
Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) transport lactate and protons across cell membranes. During intense exercise, lactate and protons accumulate in the exercising muscle and are transported to the plasma. In the horse, MCTs are responsible for the majority of lactate and proton removal from exercising muscle, and are therefore also the main mechanism to hinder the decline in pH in muscle cells. Two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT4, which need an ancillary protein CD147, are expressed in equine muscle. In the horse, as in other species, MCT1 is predominantly expressed in oxidative fibres, where its likely role is to transport lactate into the fibre to be used as a fuel at rest and during light work, and to remove lactate during intensive exercise when anaerobic energy production is needed. The expression of CD147 follows the fibre type distribution of MCT1. These proteins were detected in both the cytoplasm and sarcolemma of muscle cells in the horse breeds studied: Standardbred and Coldblood trotters. In humans, training increases the expression of both MCT1 and MCT4. In this study, the proportion of oxidative fibres in the muscle of Norwegian-Swedish Coldblood trotters increased with training. Simultaneously, the expression of MCT1 and CD147, measured immunohistochemically, seemed to increase more in the cytoplasm of oxidative fibres than in the fast fibre type IIB. Horse MCT4 antibody failed to work in immunohistochemistry. In the future, a quantitative method should be introduced to examine the effect of training on muscle MCT expression in the horse. Lactate can be taken up from plasma by red blood cells (RBCs). In horses, two isoforms, MCT1 and MCT2, and the ancillary protein CD147 are expressed in RBC membranes. The horse is the only species studied in which RBCs have been found to express MCT2, and the physiological role of this protein in RBCs is unknown. The majority of horses express all three proteins, but 10-20% of horses express little or no MCT1 or CD147. This leads to large interindividual variation in the capacity to transport lactate into RBCs. Here, the expression level of MCT1 and CD147 was bimodally distributed in three studied horse breeds: Finnhorse, Standardbred and Thoroughbred. The level of MCT2 expression was distributed unimodally. The expression level of lactate transporters could not be linked to performance markers in Thoroughbred racehorses. In the future, better performance indexes should be developed to better enable the assessment of whether the level of MCT expression affects athletic performance. In human subjects, several mutations in MCT1 have been shown to cause decreased lactate transport activity in muscle and signs of myopathy. In the horse, two amino acid sequence variations, one of which was novel, were detected in MCT1 (V432I and K457Q). The mutations found in horses were in different areas compared to mutations found in humans. One mutation (M125V) was detected in CD147. The mutations found could not be linked with exercise-induced myopathy. MCT4 cDNA was sequenced for the first time in the horse, but no mutations could be detected in this protein.
Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs), especially the isoforms MCT1 - MCT4, cotransport lactate and protons across the cell membranes. They are thus essential for pH regulation and homeostasis in glycolytic cells such as red blood cells (RBCs), and skeletal muscle cells during intense exercise. In 70% of the Standardbred horses the lactate transport activity (TA) in RBCs is high and transport is mediated mainly by MCTs. In the rest 30% of the Standardbreds MCT mediated transport route is not active and the TA is low. MCTs need an ancillary protein for their proper localization and functioning in the plasma membrane. The ancillary protein for MCT1 and MCT4 is a member of immunoglobulin superfamily, CD147. Here we determined the expression of MCT isoforms and CD147 in equine RBCs and gluteal muscle. We sequenced the cDNA of horse MCT1 and CD147 to achieve horse-specific antibodies and to reveal sequence variations that may affect the TA of RBCs. The amount of MCT1 and CD147 mRNA in muscle were also studied. ---- In all, 73 horses representing different breeds were used. Blood samples were drawn from the jugular vein and muscle samples were taken either from gluteal muscle using biopsy needle or during castration from expendable cremaster muscle. The TA of RBCs was studied using radiolabeled lactate and the amount of MCT isoforms and CD147 in the plasma membranes using Western blotting. The level of mRNA in muscle cells was determined using qPCR. Isoforms MCT1 and MCT2 were found in the RBCs and isoforms MCT1 and MCT4 in the muscle cells of horses. The TA of RBCs was dependent on the expression of CD147 and MCT1 in the plasma membrane. Sequence variations were found in the cDNA of both MCT1 and CD147, but they did not explain the inactivity of MCT1 mediated transport route. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) Met125Val in CD147 that existed parallel with an SNP in 3´-untranslated region explained, however, attenuation in CD147 expression in Standardbreds. A single mutation Ile51Val also decreased the expression of CD147 in one Warmblood. The MCT1 and CD147 mRNA concentrations in the gluteal muscle were higher in horses with higher MCT1 and CD147 expression in RBCs and lower in horses with minor expression of CD147 and MCT1. This suggests that the bimodal distribution of TA is due to differences in transcriptional regulation that is functioning in parallel in MCT1 and CD147 gene.
Nuoren märehtijän alkaessa syödä kiinteää ravintoa, etumahojen suhteellinen osuus mahoista kasvaa ja niiden seinämän epiteeli alkaa kehittyä mahdollistaakseen ravintoaineiden tehokkaan imeytymisen. Märehtijöillä rehun hiilihydraatit hajoavat pötsissä haihtuviksi rasvahapoiksi, ja monokarboksylaattikuljettajien uskotaan avustavan haihtuvien rasvahappojen imeytymisessä pötsin seinämän läpi. Pötsin seinämässä on todettu olevan ainakin MCT1- ja MCT4 –isoformeja. Nämä tarvitsevat toimiakseen CD147 -proteiinin (myös OX-47, EMMPRIN, HT7 ja basigin), joka on on glykosyloitu integraalinen membraaniproteiini. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää MCT1-, MCT4- ja CD147 –proteiinien muutoksia pötsin toiminnan kehittymisen aikana. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko näytteenä käyttää solukalvojen sijasta pötsin seinämästä tehtyä homogenaattia. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin eri ikäisinä lopetetuista kileistä kerättyjä näytteitä. Kilejä oli yhteensä 31, joista 7 oli 3-21 tunnin ikäisiä, 7 viikon ikäisiä, 7 kahden viikon ikäisiä, 1 kolmen viikon ikäinen, 2 neljän viikon ikäistä, sekä 7 kahdeksan viikon ikäistä. Pötsin seinämästä otettiin näyte, josta valmistettiin homogenaatti ja eristettiin solukalvot eli membraanit. Pötsinäytteistä löydettiin MCT1- ja CD147 –proteiineja, mutta MCT4- isoformia ei ollut havaittavissa. Membraaninäytteissä havaittiin MCT1 -isoformin pitoisuuksien kasvavan iän mukana, paitsi kahdeksan viikon ikäisillä kileillä, joilla MCT1 –isoformin määrät vähenivät merkitsevästi. CD147 –proteiinia oli havaittavissa jo vastasyntyneiden kilien pötsinäytteissä. Membraaninäytteissä CD147 -proteiinin määrä kasvoi lineaarisesti iän mukana ja CD147- proteiinin ja MCT1 –isoformin välillä havaittiin tilastollisesti merkitsevä korrelaatio. Homogenaattinäytteissä MCT1 -isoformin määrissä ei havaittu korrelaatiota iän kanssa. MCT1- ja MCT4 -isoformien solukalvolle siirtymisessä avustavan CD147 –proteiinin ei myöskään havaittu korreloivan koe-eläinten iän tai MCT1 -isoformin kanssa. Membraani- ja homogenaattinäytteistä mitattujen MCT1- ja CD147 -määrien välillä ei ollut korrelaatiota. Haihtuvien rasvahappojen muodostus alkaa, kun eläin aloittaa kiinteän ravinnon syömisen. Tästä seuraa, että haihtuvia rasvahappoja kuljettavia proteiineja tarvitaan epiteelisolujen pinnalle. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin haihtuvia rasvahappoja kuljettavan MCT1 –proteiinin ja sen apuproteiinien määrän lisääntyminen iän myötä. N. 8-11 viikon iässä, jolloin pötsin toiminta on kehittynyt aikuisen eläimen tasolle, MCT1 –proteiinin määrä oli merkitsevästi vähäisempi kuin 4 viikon iässä. Tulosten perusteella homogenaatti ei ole hyvä tapa mitata membraaniproteiinien määrää.
Objective-Inflammation and proteolysis crucially contribute to myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury. The extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer EMMPRIN (CD147) and its ligand cyclophilin A (CyPA) may be involved in both processes. The aim of the study was to characterize the role of the CD147 and CyPA interplay in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury.Methods and Results-Immunohistochemistry showed enhanced expression of CD147 and CyPA in myocardial sections from human autopsies of patients who had died from acute myocardial infarction and from mice at 24 hours after I/R. At 24 hours and 7 days after I/R, the infarct size was reduced in CD147(+/-) mice vs CD147(+/+) mice (C57Bl/6), in mice (C57Bl/6) treated with monoclonal antibody anti-CD147 vs control monoclonal antibody, and in CyPA(-/-) mice vs CyPA(+/+) mice (129S6/SvEv), all of which are associated with reduced monocyte and neutrophil recruitment at 24 hours and with a preserved systolic function at 7 days. The combination of CyPA(-/-) mice with anti-CD147 treatment did not yield further protection compared with either inhibition strategy alone. In vitro, treatment with CyPA induced monocyte chemotaxis in a CD147-and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner and induced monocyte rolling and adhesion to endothelium (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) under flow in a CD147-dependent manner.Conclusion-CD147 and its ligand CyPA are inflammatory mediators after myocardial ischemia and reperfusion and represent potential targets to prevent myocardial I/R injury.
Background: Urothelial bladder carcinoma (UBC) is a chemo-sensitive tumour, but the response to treatment is heterogeneous. CD 147 has been associated with chemotherapy resistance. We aimed to define tumours with an aggressive phenotype by the combined analysis of clinicopathological and biological parameters.Methods: 77 patients with T1G3 or muscle-invasive UBC treated by radical cystectomy were studied. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect CD147, heparanase, CD31 (blood vessels identification) and D2-40 (lymphatic vessels identification) expressions. The immunohistochemical reactions were correlated with the clinicopathological and the outcome parameters. 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) rates were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Multivariate analysis was performed by Cox proportional hazards analysis.Results: The 5-year DFS and OS rates were significantly influenced by the classical clinicopathological parameters, and by the occurrence of lymphovascular invasion. CD 147 and heparanase immunoexpression did not affect patients' outcome. However, patients with pT3/pT4 tumours had a median OS time of 14.7 months (95% CI 7.1-22.3, p = 0.003), which was reduced to 9.2 months (95% CI 1.5-17.0, p = 0.008) if the tumours were CD147 positive. We developed a model of tumour aggressiveness using parameters as stage, grade, lymphovascular invasion and CD147 immunoexpression, which separated a low aggressiveness from a high aggressiveness group, remaining as an independent prognostic factor of DFS (HR 3.746; 95% CI 1.244-11.285; p = 0.019) and OS (HR 3.247; 95% CI 1.015-10.388, p = 0.047).Conclusion: CD 147 overexpression, included in a model of UBC aggressiveness, may help surgeons to identify patients who could benefit from a personalized therapeutic regimen. Additional validation is needed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) have been described to play an important role in cancer, but to date there are no reports on the significance of MCT expression in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). The aim of the present work was to assess the value of MCT expression, as well as co-expression with the MCT chaperone CD147 in GISTs and evaluate their clinical-pathological significance. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of MCT1, MCT2, MCT4 and CD147 in a series of 64 GISTs molecularly characterized for KIT, PDGFRA and BRAF mutations. MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4 were highly expressed in GISTs. CD147 expression was associated with mutated KIT (p = 0.039), as well as a progressive increase in Fletcher's Risk of Malignancy (p = 0.020). Importantly, co-expression of MCT1 with CD147 was associated with low patient's overall survival (p = 0.037). These findings suggest that co-expression of MCT1 with its chaperone CD147 is involved in GISTs aggressiveness, pointing to a contribution of cancer cell metabolic adaptations in GIST development and/or progression.
Cyclophilin A (CyPA) is specifically incorporated into the virions of HIV-1 and has been shown to enhance significantly an early step of cellular HIV-1 infection. Our preliminary studies implicated CD147 as a receptor for extracellular CyPA. Here, we demonstrate a role for CyPA–CD147 interaction during the early steps of HIV-1 infection. Expression of human CD147 increased infection by HIV-1 under one-cycle conditions. However, susceptibility to infection by viruses lacking CyPA (simian immunodeficiency virus or HIV-1 produced in the presence of cyclosporin A) was unaffected by CD147. Virus-associated CyPA coimmunoprecipitated with CD147 from infected cells. Antibody to CD147 inhibited HIV-1 entry as evidenced by the delay in translocation of the HIV-1 core proteins from the membrane and inhibition of viral reverse transcription. Viruses whose replication did not require CyPA (SIV or mutant HIV-1) were resistant to the inhibitory effect of anti-CD147 antibody. These results suggest that HIV-1 entry depends on an interaction between virus-associated CyPA and CD147 on a target cell.
The main regulators of leukocyte trafficking during inflammatory responses are chemokines. However, another class of recently identified chemotactic agents is extracellular cyclophilins, the proteins mostly known as receptors for the immunosuppressive drug, cyclosporine A. Cyclophilins can induce leukocyte chemotaxis in vitro and have been detected at elevated levels in inflamed tissues, suggesting that they might contribute to inflammatory responses. We recently identified CD147 as the main signaling receptor for cyclophilin A. In the current study we examined the contribution of cyclophilin-CD147 interactions to inflammatory responses in vivo using a mouse model of acute lung injury. Blocking cyclophilin-CD147 interactions by targeting CD147 (using anti-CD147 Ab) or cyclophilin (using nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporine A analog) reduced tissue neutrophilia by up to 50%, with a concurrent decrease in tissue pathology. These findings are the first to demonstrate the significant contribution of cyclophilins to inflammatory responses and provide a potentially novel approach for reducing inflammation-mediated diseases.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Soft tissue sarcomas (STSs) are a group of neoplasms, which, despite current therapeutic advances, still confer a poor outcome to half of the patients. As other solid tumors, STSs exhibit high glucose consumption rates, associated with worse prognosis and therapeutic response. As highly glycolytic tumors, we hypothesized that sarcomas should present an increased expression of lactate transporters (MCTs).Methods: Immunohistochemical expression of MCT1, MCT2, MCT4 and CD147 was assessed in a series of 86 STSs and the expression profiles were associated with patients' clinical-pathological parameters.Results: MCT1, MCT4 and CD147 were mainly observed in the plasma membrane of cancer cells (around 60% for MCTs and 40% for CD147), while MCT2 was conspicuously found in the cytoplasm (94.2%). Importantly, we observed MCT1 nuclear expression (32.6%). MCT1 and MCT4, alone or co-expressed with CD147 in the plasma membrane, were associated with poor prognostic variables including high tumor grade, disease progression and shorter overall survival. Conversely, we found MCT1 nuclear expression to be associated with low grade tumors and longer overall survival.Conclusions: The present work represents the first report of MCTs characterization in STSs. We showed the original finding of MCT1 expression in the nucleus. Importantly, opposite biological roles should be behind the dual sub-cellular localization of MCT1, as plasma membrane expression of MCT1 is associated with worse patients' prognosis, while nuclear expression is associated with better prognosis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)