4 resultados para CCSDT


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We have analysed the effect of spin contamination in the wavefunction of HOOO. At least, two solutions can be found for the HF wavefunction. One, lower in energy, presents a high spin contamination and gives qualitatively incorrect structural parameters. On the other hand, the less contaminated HF reference gives structural parameters that are in better agreement with experiment, and positive spin densities on all atoms. Some of the problems described during previous investigations of HOOO can now be traced to problems in the HF reference. For the first time we report a CCSD(T) estimation of the structure of HOOO cis employing a HF reference with small spin contamination. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we report the construction of potential energy surfaces for the (3)A '' and (3)A' states of the system O(P-3) + HBr. These surfaces are based on extensive ab initio calculations employing the MRCI+Q/CBS+SO level of theory. The complete basis set energies were estimated from extrapolation of MRCI+Q/aug-cc-VnZ(-PP) (n = Q, 5) results and corrections due to spin-orbit effects obtained at the CASSCF/aug-cc-pVTZ(-PP) level of theory. These energies, calculated over a region of the configuration space relevant to the study of the reaction O(P-3) + HBr -> OH + Br, were used to generate functions based on the many-body expansion. The three-body potentials were interpolated using the reproducing kernel Hilbert space method. The resulting surface for the (3)A '' electronic state contains van der Waals minima on the entrance and exit channels and a transition state 6.55 kcal/mol higher than the reactants. This barrier height was then scaled to reproduce the value of 5.01 kcal/mol, which was estimated from coupled cluster benchmark calculations performed to include high-order and core-valence correlation, as well as scalar relativistic effects. The (3)A' surface was also scaled, based on the fact that in the collinear saddle point geometry these two electronic states are degenerate. The vibrationally adiabatic barrier heights are 3.44 kcal/mol for the (3)A '' and 4.16 kcal/mol for the (3)A' state. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4705428]


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Coupled-Cluster-Berechnungen von Parametern derKernspin-Resonanz-Spektroskopie Dissertationsschrift von Alexander A.Auer, Mainz 2002 Im Rahmen einer Studie der Berechnung von 13C-Verschiebungenwerdendie Einfluesse von Elektronenkorrelation, Basissatz,Gleichgewichtsgeometrie sowie Schwingungs- und Rotationseffekten separat betrachtet.Dabei zeigt sich, dass dieCoupled-Cluster-Singles-Doubles-Methode mitstoerungstheoretischer Behandlung der Dreifachanregungen(CCSD(T)) mit entsprechend grossen Basissaetzen bei Beruecksichtigung derNullpunktsschwingungseffekte Ergebnisse mit ca. 1 ppm Abweichung zum Experiment liefert. Eine Analyse der Elektronenkorrelationseffekte beiCoupled-Cluster- (CC-) Berechnungen von indirekten Spin-Spin-Kopplungskonstanten zeigt, dassCC-Methoden mit Hartree-Fock-Orbitalrelaxation zur Berechnung derKopplungskonstanten ungeeignet sind. Eine Loesung ist die Verwendung unrelaxierter CC-Methoden,in denendie HF-Orbitalrelaxation aus der Berechnung der gestoertenWellenfunktion ausgeschlossen wird. Full-Configuration-Interaction-Berechnungen fuer Borhydridzeigen,dass auf CC-Singles-Doubles-Niveau (CCSD) 94% und aufCC-Singles-Doubles-Triples-Niveau (CCSDT) 99% der Korrelationseffekte beschrieben werden. Weiterhin istdie Beruecksichtigung der Nullpunktsschwingung sowie die Wahl eines ausreichend grossen Basissatzes wichtig. Auf Grundlage der vorangegangenen Studien werden im letztenTeil zwei Beispiele zur Anwendung hochgenauer Berechnungen vonNMR-Parametern vorgestellt.Im Rahmen einer Studie der Spin-Spin-Kopplungskonstanten vonCyclopentan wird eine Karplus-Beziehungzwischen den Kopplungskonstanten und der Konformation desMolekuels aufgestellt, desweiteren werden die NMR-Parameter von Methylidinphosphanuntersucht.


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Coupled-cluster theory in its single-reference formulation represents one of the most successful approaches in quantum chemistry for the description of atoms and molecules. To extend the applicability of single-reference coupled-cluster theory to systems with degenerate or near-degenerate electronic configurations, multireference coupled-cluster methods have been suggested. One of the most promising formulations of multireference coupled cluster theory is the state-specific variant suggested by Mukherjee and co-workers (Mk-MRCC). Unlike other multireference coupled-cluster approaches, Mk-MRCC is a size-extensive theory and results obtained so far indicate that it has the potential to develop to a standard tool for high-accuracy quantum-chemical treatments. This work deals with developments to overcome the limitations in the applicability of the Mk-MRCC method. Therefore, an efficient Mk-MRCC algorithm has been implemented in the CFOUR program package to perform energy calculations within the singles and doubles (Mk-MRCCSD) and singles, doubles, and triples (Mk-MRCCSDT) approximations. This implementation exploits the special structure of the Mk-MRCC working equations that allows to adapt existing efficient single-reference coupled-cluster codes. The algorithm has the correct computational scaling of d*N^6 for Mk-MRCCSD and d*N^8 for Mk-MRCCSDT, where N denotes the system size and d the number of reference determinants. For the determination of molecular properties as the equilibrium geometry, the theory of analytic first derivatives of the energy for the Mk-MRCC method has been developed using a Lagrange formalism. The Mk-MRCC gradients within the CCSD and CCSDT approximation have been implemented and their applicability has been demonstrated for various compounds such as 2,6-pyridyne, the 2,6-pyridyne cation, m-benzyne, ozone and cyclobutadiene. The development of analytic gradients for Mk-MRCC offers the possibility of routinely locating minima and transition states on the potential energy surface. It can be considered as a key step towards routine investigation of multireference systems and calculation of their properties. As the full inclusion of triple excitations in Mk-MRCC energy calculations is computational demanding, a parallel implementation is presented in order to circumvent limitations due to the required execution time. The proposed scheme is based on the adaption of a highly efficient serial Mk-MRCCSDT code by parallelizing the time-determining steps. A first application to 2,6-pyridyne is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the current implementation.