983 resultados para CC


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This guide explains how copyright law applies to Australian government material, how copyright can be managed to facilitate beneficial open access practices by government, how CC licences can be used to achieve open access to government material, and provides practical step-by-step guidance for agencies and their officers on licensing and use of government copyright materials under CC 2.5 Australia licences.


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This guide explains how copyright law applies to Australian government material, how copyright can be managed to facilitate beneficial open access practices by government, how CC licenses can be used to achieve open access to government material, and provides practical step-by-step guidance for agencies and their officers on licensing and use of government copyright materials under CC 3.0 Australia licences.


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Learner and first year probationary motorcyclists are over-represented in traffic accidents, being involved about four times as often as full motorcycle licence holders in relation to their numbers. In an attempt to reduce this over-involvement, the Victorian Government amended the law in 1979 to restrict learner and first year probationary motorcyclists to motorcycles with engine capacities of less than 260 cc. This paper reports an evaluation which showed that casualty rates for learner and first year probationers began to decrease from mid 1979 and continued to do so until the end of 1980. A further analysis indicated that compared to full licence holder casualties, learner permit casualties were about 40% less than expected while first year probationary casualties were about 39% lower.


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X-Ray structural data, as well as semiempirical and ab initio molecular orbital calculations, reveal no systematic and substantial difference between the C–C bond lengths of cis and trans 1,2-diketones. Additional results on various conformations of 1,2-diimines and 1,2-dithiones follow the same pattern. Therefore, lone-pair repulsions cannot be implicated in the observed lengthening of C–C bonds in isatin and several related molecules. Conjugation in these systems occurs peripherally avoiding the participation of the central C–C bond. Negative hyperconjugative interaction between the oxygen lone pairs and the adjacent C–C σ* orbital is suggested to be the principal reason for the relatively long C–C bond in diketones. This effect is found in both the cis and trans conformations.


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Una atenta lectura del “Título Preliminar” del Anteproyecto del Código Civil y Comercial y sus Fundamentos presentado por la Comisión integrada por los Dres. Ricardo Lorenzetti, Elena Highton de Nolasco y Aída Kemelmajer de Carlucci, en cumplimiento del Decreto presidencial Nº 191/2011, muestra una cuestión relevante para la Teoría general del derecho desde el punto de vista ius-filosófico: que tal reforma integral colocará a nuestro ordenamiento jurídico privado en la vía de la llamada “constitucionalización del derecho”...


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De inegável relevância na vida humana, a posse se configura como um dos temas mais controvertidos no âmbito do Direito Civil. Em todos os seus contornos e características, incluindo sua natureza jurídica, terminologia, efeitos e classificações, observamos um debate acirrado e polêmico a seu respeito, o que demonstra o firme interesse dos estudiosos sobre a possessio através dos séculos. Ademais, compete ao aplicador do Direito compreender o fenômeno possessório a partir das premissas e valores constitucionais fundamentais, em especial o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, levando em consideração as mutações sociais e a realidade dos fatos, para que seja possível extrair do ordenamento caminhos efetivos à concretização de uma sociedade justa e solidária, a fim de erradicar a pobreza e diminuir as desigualdades sociais. Neste contexto, de forma prospectiva e adequando os conceitos civilistas à Carta da República, defendemos a aplicação do artigo 1276 do Código Civil também em benefício do ocupante qualificado de imóvel abandonado, de modo a consolidar o domínio em seu favor no mesmo triênio conferido à Administração Pública, garantindo-se então aos menos favorecidos o legítimo acesso à moradia e ao trabalho. Na medida em que o ser humano se constitui no foco de atenção, preocupação e proteção do ordenamento jurídico acreditamos que as exegeses normativas devem concretizar o disposto no artigo 1, inciso III, da Constituição da República, razão pela qual a posse de outrem exercida ininterruptamente sobre bem abandonado merece funcionar como forma de aquisição originária da propriedade imóvel privada no lapso de tempo estatuído no artigo 1276 do Código Civil.


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通用标准(Common Criteria)提供了衡量系统安全性的流行准则。本文主要提出通过各类保证措施,如何构建符合CC标准的高保证安全信息系统。文中首先给出了CC的评估模型、评估过程和安全保证的具体要求。然后以开发安全审计系统为例,分析了系统安全功能和保证要求的产生、审计系统的实现框架以及为达到标准要求而在系统开发过程中使用的各种保证证据和保证措施。最后,又分析了审计系统对整个系统的性能影响因素,并提出了改进办法。本文通过深入剖析通用标准中各个保证要求的内涵,为开发具有高保证要求的信息系统提供了理论指导和实现方法。


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NMR was used to study the semiconductor photocatalytic (SPC) CC coupling of phenoxyacetic acid (PAA) with acrylamide (ACM) in an NMR tube photoreactor. Using an NMR tube with a sol-gel titania inner coating as a photoreactor, this reaction is relatively clean, forming only 1 product, 4-phenoxybutanamide (4-PB), in yields up to 78%. This SPC reaction is used to assess the activity of the sol-gel titania coating as a function of their annealing temperature, which alters the surface area and phase of the titania, and the general reusability of the TiO coated NMR tubes. The optimum temperature range for annealing the sol-gel titania films is between 450 °C and 800 °C, with the maximum yield and rate attained at 450 °C. Despite a decrease in the initial rates of formation of 4-PB above an annealing temperature of 450 °C, the final product yields remained similar, giving maximum yields within 60 min of irradiation. The reusability study reveals that the activity of the sol-gel titania can quickly deteriorate with repeated use due to the adsorption of yellow/brown coloured, insoluble, most likely organic polymeric, material and its screening effect on the underlying photocatalyst. The titania can, however, be restored to its original activity by a simple heat treatment at 450 °C for 30 min.


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