965 resultados para CATIONIC PORPHYRINS


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) was used to study a series of synthetic cationic porphyrins as the perchlorate and bromide salts. This work presents the analytical results for the porphyrins obtained using 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and 1,8,9-anthratriol as matrices. The selective use of matrix affects ion formation from these porphyrins. By using DHB as the matrix, we not only observed [M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 1-4) ions, but also obtained [2M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 2-7) ions from the synthetic cationic porphyrins. The space volume of the side chains (R groups) and the nature of the anions (Br- or CIO4-) affected the relative importance of monomeric and dimeric ions of the porphyrin. The possible mechanisms of desorption and ionization of these cationic porphyrins were also considered in this study. MALDI-TOFMS proved to be a very useful method for obtaining structural information on these synthetic cationic porphyrins. Copyright (C) 1999 John Whey & Sons, Ltd.


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Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) is defined as the process of cell destruction by oxidative stress resulting from the interaction between light and a photosensitizer (PS), in the presence of molecular oxygen. PDI of bacteria has been extensively studied in recent years, proving to be a promising alternative to conventional antimicrobial agents for the treatment of superficial and localized infections. Moreover, the applicability of PDI goes far beyond the clinical field, as its potential use in water disinfection, using PS immobilized on solid supports, is currently under study. The aim of the first part of this work was to study the oxidative modifications in phospholipids, nucleic acids and proteins of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus warneri, subjected to photodynamic treatment with cationic porphyrins. The aims of the second part of the work were to study the efficiency of PDI in aquaculture water and the influence of different physicalchemical parameters in this process, using the Gram-negative bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, and to evaluate the possibility of recycling cationic PS immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles. To study the oxidative changes in membrane phospholipids, a lipidomic approach has been used, combining chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry. The FOX2 assay was used to determine the concentration of lipid hydroperoxides generated after treatment. The oxidative modifications in the proteins were analyzed by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Changes in the intracellular nucleic acids were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and the concentration of doublestranded DNA was determined by fluorimetry. The oxidative changes of bacterial PDI at the molecular level were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. In laboratory tests, bacteria (108 CFU mL-1) were irradiated with white light (4.0 mW cm-2) after incubation with the PS (Tri-Py+-Me-PF or Tetra-Py+-Me) at concentrations of 0.5 and 5.0 μM for S. warneri and E. coli, respectively. Bacteria were irradiated with different light doses (up to 9.6 J cm-2 for S. warneri and up to 64.8 J cm-2 for E. coli) and the changes were evaluated throughout the irradiation time. In the study of phospholipids, only the porphyrin Tri-Py+-Me-PF and a light dose of 64.8 J cm-2 were tested. The efficiency of PDI in aquaculture has been evaluated in two different conditions: in buffer solution, varying temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen concentration, and in aquaculture water samples, to reproduce the conditions of PDI in situ. The kinetics of the process was determined in realtime during the experiments by measuring the bioluminescence of V. fischeri (107 CFU mL-1, corresponding to a level of bioluminescence of 105 relative light units). A concentration of 5.0 μM of Tri-Py+-Me-PF was used in the experiments with buffer solution, and 10 to 50 μM in the experiments with aquaculture water. Artificial white light (4.0 mW cm-2) and solar irradiation (40 mW cm-2) were used as light sources.


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The heteroaggregation behavior between a new class of nonplanar cationic beta-octabrominated meso-alkylpyridinium zinc(II)-porphyrins (beta-Br(8)(ZnP)) and anionic tetrasulfonated metallophthalocyanines (MTSPc, M = Ni(II) and Cu(II)) has been studied by UV-Vis electronic spectroscopy, in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solution. The heteroaggregate stoichiometry and the association constants were determined by means of Job plots. Dimers and unexpected trimers, taking into account the existence of axially coordinated DMSO molecules to the central metal in both beta-Br(8)(ZnP) and MTSPc complexes, are formed in solution. The spectroscopic properties of the heteroaggregates are markedly different from those observed in the correspondent planar cationic derivatives, the heteroaggregates showing major changes predominantly in the beta-Br(8)(ZnP) Soret band region and minor effects in the MTSPc Q bands. The observed changes in the Soret band region (red/blue shifts, decrease in the absorption intensities) depend on the nature of the alkyl substituent attached to the meso-pyridinium group. The greater versatility of the nonplanar porphyrins accommodating the meso-substituents in out-of-plane and in-plane conformations is proposed to explain the observed stoichiometries and the differences on the heteroaggregates spectroscopic properties for each beta-Br(8)(ZnP) compound. The likely conformations assumed by the meso-substituents in these beta-Br(8)(ZnP) compounds and its spectroscopic characteristics are in accordance with the participation of the substituents as the main factor on the extent of the observed red-shifted spectra in nonplanar porphyrins. The obtained association constants (K(IP)) for the dimers and trimers are lower than those previously found for the similar planar cationic porphyrin systems, due to the lack of extensive pi-pi interactions and to the less effective approximation between the ionic groups, resulting in loosened heteroaggregates, particularly for the trimeric systems. Furthermore, the experimental results suggest that the NiTSPc is more distorted in DMSO solution than the CuTSPc derivative, favoring the interaction with the nonplanar beta-Br(8)(ZnP) compounds. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Manganese(III) complexes of tetra-anionic and tetra-cationic porphyrins have been immobilised on counter-charged, surface-modified silica supports and on organic ion-exchange resins. The reactions of these supported manganese(III) porphyrin systems and analogous uncharged homogeneous systems have been examined using cyclooctene and (E)- and (Z)-4- methylpent-2-ene epoxidations, with iodosylbenzene (PhIO) as the oxygen donor.Comparisons using the manganese porphyrin systems as catalysts for the epoxidation of cyclooctene in acetonitrile reveal that, in low turnover reactions (maximum 136 turnovers), they all give an essentially quantitative yield of epoxide although the heterogeneous reactions are significantly slower than the homogeneous analogues. In large scale repeat-use experiments, however, the supported catalysts are clearly superior, giving markedly better yields.The epoxidations of (E)- and (Z)-4- methylpent-2-ene with all the catalysts show a very high stereoretention, with the (Z)-alkene reacting faster than the (E)-isomer. The sterically hindered manganese(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2,6-dichloro-3-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (MnTDCSPP) shows the highest selectivity for the (Z)-isomer; by contrast the supported manganese(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis[2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-(trimethylammonio)phenyl]porphyrin on Dowex (MnTF(4)TMAPP-Dowex) reacts with the two alkenes at effectively the same rate.The mechanism of the epoxidations and the influence of the porphyrin ligand and support on the substrate selectivity are discussed.


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The photodynamic properties of eight hydrophobic monocationic methyl and ruthenium polypyridine complex derivatives of free-base and zinc(II) meso-triphenyl-monopyridylporphyrin series were evaluated and compared using HeLa cells as model. The cream-like polymeric nanocapsule formulations of marine atelocollagen/xanthan gum, prepared by the coacervation method, exhibited high phototoxicity but negligible cytotoxicity in the dark. Interestingly, the formulations of a given series presented similar photodynamic activities but the methylated free-base derivatives were significantly more phototoxic than the respective ruthenated photosensitizers, reflecting the higher photoinduced singlet oxygen quantum yields of those monocationic porphyrin dyes.


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Two significant G-quadruplex aptamers named AGRO100 and T30695 are identified as multi functional aptamers that can bind the protein ligands nucleolin or HIV-1 integrase and hemin. Besides their strong binding to target proteins, both AGRO100 and T30695 exhibit high hemin-binding affinities comparable to that of the known aptamer (termed PS2M) selected by the in vitro evolution process. Most importantly, their corresponding hemin-DNA complexes reveal excellent peroxidase-like activities. higher than that of the reported hemin-PS2M DNAzyme. This enables these multifunctional aptamers to be applied to the sensitive detection of proteins. which is demonstrated by applying AGRO100 to the chemiluminescence detection of nucleolin expressed at the surface of HeLa cells. Based on the specific AGRO100-nucleolin interaction, the surface-expressed nucleolin of HeLa cells is labeled in situ with the hemin-AGRO100 DNAzyme, and then determined in the luminol-H2O2 system.


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Some G-quadruplex DNA aptamers have been found to strongly bind hemin to form DNAzymes with peroxidase-like activity. To help determine the most suitable DNAzymes and to understand how they work, five previously reported G-quadruplex aptamers were compared for their binding affinity and then the potential catalytic mechanism of their corresponding hemin-G-quadruplex DNAzymes was explored. Among these aptamers, a G-quadruplex named AGRO100 was shown to possess the highest hemin-binding affinity and the best DNAzyme function. This means that AGRO100 is the most ideal candidate for DNAzyme-based analysis. Furthermore, we found the peroxidase-like activity of DNAzyme to be primarily dependent on the concentration of H2O2 and independent of that of the peroxidase substrate (that is, 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethytbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)diammonium salt). Accordingly, a reaction mechanism for DNAzyme-catalyzed peroxidation is proposed. This study provides new insights into the G-quadruplex-based DNAzymes and will help us to further extend their applications in the analytical field.


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Neutral red (NR) is used as a probe to study the temperature and concentration dependent interaction of a cationic dye with nucleic acid. A temperature-dependent interaction of NR with calf thymus DNA (CT DNA) has been studied by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), UV-Visible absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The experimental results of increasing peak current, changes in the UV-Visible absorption and fluorescence spectra of NR and decreasing the induced circular dichroism (ICD) intensity show that (i) the binding mode of NR molecules is changed from intercalating into DNA base pairs to aggregating along the DNA double helix and (ii) the orientation of NR chromophore in DNA double helix is also changed with the temperature.


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O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido teve como objectivo o estudo por espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray de compostos tetrapirrólicos (porfirinas e corróis) e das suas interacções com G-quadruplexes (estruturas de ADN de ordem superior, ricas em guanina). A química em fase gasosa de porfirinas catiónicas e neutras, e de corróis, foi investigada, tendo-se verificado a ocorrência de processos inesperados que foram objecto de um estudo aprofundado: redução das porfirinas catiónicas durante o processo global de electrospray e formação, na câmara de colisões, de aductos dos corróis com moléculas de água, ambos os processos detectados no modo de iões positivos. A redução das porfirinas ocorre através da formação de agregados catião-anião-solvente e catião-solvente-anião e os diferentes tipos de agregados conduzem a diferentes espécies reduzidas. A formação de aductos com água, bem como de outros iões-diagnóstico, permitiu a diferenciação dos isómeros posicionais dos corróis. Este último grupo de compostos foi igualmente estudado no modo de iões negativos. A espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray no modo de iões negativos foi também usada no estudo de aductos quadruplex-porfirina. Foi observada a formação de aductos do tipo [Q + nNH4+ + Pp+ -(z+n+p)H+ ]z- (Q=quadruplex, P=porfirina, p=0,1,2,3,4) para todas as porfirinas seleccionadas. A caracterização destes aductos foi efectuada através das suas decomposições induzidas por colisões. Verificou-se que o número de cargas presente nas porfirinas é um factor muito importante na estabilidade dos aductos formados, que aumenta com o aumento do número de cargas. O tipo e tamanho dos grupos substituintes presentes na porfirina não mostraram ter uma influência significativa nos processos de fragmentação. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma ligação externa porfirina - G-quadruplex, com as porfirinas empilhadas nas extremidades dos quadruplexes.


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Cationic porphyrins have been widely used as photosensitizers (PSs) in the inactivation of microorganisms, both in biofilms and in planktonic forms. However, the application of curcumin, a natural PS, in the inactivation of biofilms, is poorly studied. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate and compare the efficiency of a cationic porphyrin tetra (Tetra-Py+-Me) and curcumin in the photodynamic inactivation of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp and the corresponding planktonic form; (2) to evaluate the effect of these PSs in cell adhesion and biofilm maturation. In eradication assays, biofilms of Pseudomonas spp adherent to silicone tubes were subjected to irradiation with white light (180 J cm-2) in presence of different concentrations (5 and 10 μM) of PS. In colonization experiments, solid supports were immersed in cell suspensions, PS was added and the mixture experimental setup was irradiated (864 J cm-2) during the adhesion phase. After transference solid supports to new PS-containing medium, irradiation (2592 J cm-2) was resumed during biofilm maturation. The assays of inactivation of planktonic cells were conducted in cell suspensions added of PS concentrations equivalent to those used in experiments with biofilms. The inactivation of planktonic cells and biofilms (eradication and colonization assays) was assessed by quantification of viable cells after plating in solid medium, at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. The results show that porphyrin Tetra-Py+-Me effectively inactivated planktonic cells (3.7 and 3.0 log) and biofilms of Pseudomonas spp (3.2 and 3.6 log). In colonization assays, the adhesion of cells was attenuated in 2.2 log, and during the maturation phase, a 5.2 log reduction in the concentration of viable cells was observed. Curcumin failed to cause significant inactivation in planktonic cells (0.7 and 0.9 log) and for that reason it was not tested in biofilm eradication assays. In colonization assays, curcumin did not affect the adhesion of cells to the solid support and caused a very modest reduction (1.0 log) in the concentration of viable cells during the maturation phase. The results confirm that the photodynamic inactivation is a promising strategy to control installed biofilms and in preventing colonization. Curcumin, however, does not represent an advantageous alternative to porphyrins in the case of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp.


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The interaction of the cationic meso-tetrakis 4-N-methylpyridyl porphyrin (TMPyP) with large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) was investigated in the present study. LUVs were formed by mixtures of the zwitterionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and anionic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (DPPG) phospholipids, at different DPPG molar percentages. All investigations were carried out above (50 degrees C) and below (25 degrees C) the main phase transition temperature of the LUVs (similar to 41 degrees C). The binding constant values, K-b, estimated from the time-resolved fluorescence study, showed a significant increase of the porphyrin affinity at higher mol% DPPG. This affinity is markedly increased when the LUVs are in the liquid crystalline state. For both situations, the increase of the K-b value was also followed by a higher porphyrin fraction bound to the LUVs. The displacement of the vesicle-bound porphyrins toward the aqueous medium, upon titration with the salt potassium chloride (KCl), was also studied. Altogether, our steady-state and frequency-domain fluorescence quenching data results indicate that the TMPyP is preferentially located at the LUVs Stern layer. This is supported by the zeta potential studies, where a partial neutralization of the LUVs surface charge, upon porphyrin titration, was observed. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) results showed that, for some phospholipid systems, this partial neutralization leads to the LUVs flocculation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A series of meso-substituted tetra-cationic porphyrins, which have methyl and octyl substituents, was studied in order to understand the effect of zinc chelation and photosensitizer subcellular localization in the mechanism of cell death. Zinc chelation does not change the photophysical properties of the photosensitizers (all molecules studied are type II photosensitizers) but affects considerably the interaction of the porphyrins with membranes, reducing mitochondrial accumulation. The total amount of intracellular reactive species induced by treating cells with photosensitizer and light is similar for zinc-chelated and free-base porphyrins that have the same alkyl substituent. Zinc-chelated porphyrins, which are poorly accumulated in mitochondria, show higher efficiency of cell death with features of apoptosis (higher MTT response compared with trypan blue staining, specific acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, stronger cytochrome c release and larger sub-G1 cell population), whereas nonchelated porphyrins, which are considerably more concentrated in mitochondria, triggered mainly necrotic cell death. We hypothesized that zinc-chelation protects the photoinduced properties of the porphyrins in the mitochondrial environment.


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A cavidade oral é um habitat favorável ao desenvolvimento de microrganismos, alguns dos quais podem causar doenças, sendo Enterococcus faecalis uma bactéria frequentemente encontrada em biofilmes instalados em diferentes nichos da cavidade oral. Este trabalho teve como objetivo testar a aplicabilidade da inativação fotodinâmica (PDI), usando porfirinas como fotossensibilizadores, como estratégia de controlo de biofilmes da cavidade oral, tomando E. faecalis como microrganismo modelo. Como fotossensibilizadores, foram testadas as porfirinas catiónicas Tetra-Py+-Me, Tri-Py+-Me-PF, PCat 2, PCat 3, PCat 4 e o corante azul de toluidina O (TBO), incluído como fotossensibilizador de referência. Os biofilmes de E. faecalis foram irradiados com luz branca (270 J.cm-2) a uma intensidade de 150 mW.cm-2, na presença de até 50 µM de porfirina ou até 20 µM de TBO. A cinética de inativação foi caracterizada pela variação da concentração de células viáveis ao longo da experiência. Foi também testada a inativação de células na forma livre, em condições equivalentes. Os biofilmes de E. faecalis mostraram-se muito resistentes à PDI com qualquer dos PS testados, não tendo sido conseguidos fatores de inativação superiores a 2 log com a concentração máxima de PS (50 µM) e a dose máxima de luz (270 J.cm-2). Na forma livre as células foram inativadas até ao limite de quantificação com concentrações de PS de 0,5 µM e doses de luz até 108 J.cm-2, com uma intensidade de 10 mW.cm-2. No entanto, a eficiência de ligação dos PS às células livres não foi maior do que aos biofilmes. Embora os fatores de inativação obtidos não permitam ainda considerar que a PDI com os compostos testados seja uma abordagem antimicrobiana eficiente contra biofilmes de E. faecalis, o facto de se confirmar uma relação entre as propriedades químicas e físicas do PS e a sua eficiência, bem como os resultados muito promissores obtidos com uma das famílias de porfirinas testadas apenas em células livres, justifica a prossecução do desenvolvimento de novos PS para o controle de biofilmes bacterianos na cavidade oral.


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Porphyrin derivatives have applications as photoactive drugs in photodynamic therapy. However, little is known about their interactions with phospholipid membranes at the molecular level. We employed molecular dynamics simulations to model the binding between a series of cationic meso-(N-methyl-4-pyridinium)phenylporphyrins and anionic phosphatidylglycerol lipid bilayers. This was done in the presence of molecular oxygen within the membrane. The ability of various porphyrins to cause photodamage was quantified in terms of their immersion depth and degree of exposition to a higher oxygen concentration inside the membrane. Simulations showed that the photodynamic efficiency could be improved as the number of hydrophobic phenyl substituents attached to the porphyrinic ring increased. In the specific case of porphyrins containing two hydrophobic and two charged substituents, the cis isomer was significantly more efficient than the trans. These results correlate well with previous experimental observations. They highlight the importance of both the total charge and amphiphilicity of the photosensitizer for its performance in photodynamic therapy.


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Recent studies have focused on the structural features of DNA-lipid assemblies. In this paper we take nile blue A (NBA) as a probe molecule to study the influence of the conformational transition of DNA induced by didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) cationic vesicles to the interaction between DNA and the probe molecules. We find that upon binding to DNA, a secondary conformational transition of DNA induced by the cationic liposome from the native B-form to the C-form resulted in the change of binding modes of NBA to DNA and different complexes are formed between DNA, DDAB and NBA.