58 resultados para CANDIDOSIS


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Candida yeast species are widespread opportunistic microbes, which are usually innocent opportunists unless the systemic or local defense system of the host becomes compromised. When they adhere on a fertile substrate such as moist and warm, protein-rich human mucosal membrane or biomaterial surface, they become activated and start to grow pseudo and real hyphae. Their growth is intricately guided by their ability to detect surface defects (providing secure hiding , thigmotropism) and nutrients (source of energy, chemotropism). The hypothesis of this work was that body mobilizes both non-specific and specific host defense against invading candidal cells and that these interactions involve resident epithelial cells, rapidly responding non-specific protector neutrophils and mast cells as well as the antigen presenting and responding den-dritic cell lymphocyte plasma cell system. It is supposed that Candida albicans, as a result of dar-winistic pressure, has developed or is utilizing strategies to evade these host defense reactions by e.g. adhering to biomaterial surfaces and biofilms. The aim of the study was to assess the host defense by taking such key molecules of the anti-candidal defense into focus, which are also more or less characteristic for the main cellular players in candida-host cell interactions. As a model for candidal-host interaction, sections of chronic hyperplastic candidosis were used and compared with sections of non-infected leukoplakia and healthy tissue. In this thesis work, neutrophil-derived anti-candidal α-defensin was found in the epithelium, not only diffusely all over in the epithelium, but as a strong α-defensin-rich superficial front probably able to slow down or prevent penetration of candida into the epithelium. Neutrophil represents the main host defence cell in the epithelium, to which it can rapidly transmigrate from the circulation and where it forms organized multicellular units known as microabscesses (study I). Neutrophil chemotactic inter-leukin-8 (IL-8) and its receptor (IL-8R) were studied and were surprisingly also found in the candidal cells, probably helping the candida to keep away from IL-8- and neutrophil-rich danger zones (study IV). Both leukocytes and resident epithelial cells contained TLR2, TLR4 and TLR6 receptors able to recognize candidal structures via utilization of receptors similar to the Toll of the banana fly. It seems that candida can avoid host defence via stimulation of the candida permissive TLR2 instead of the can-dida injurious TLR4 (study V). TLR also provides the danger signal to the immune system without which it will not be activated to specifically respond against candidal antigens. Indeed, diseased sites contained receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL; II study), which is important for the antigen capturing, processing and presenting dendritic cells and for the T lymphocyte activation (study III). Chronic hyperplastic candidosis provides a disease model that is very useful to study local and sys-temic host factors, which under normal circumstances restrain C. albicans to a harmless commensal state, but failure of which in e.g. HIV infection, cancer and aging may lead to chronic infection.


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Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED, APS1) is an autoimmune disease caused by a loss-of function mutation in the autoregulator gene (AIRE). Patients with APECED suffer from chronic mucocutaneous candidosis (CMC) of the oral cavity and oesophagus often since early childhood. The patients are mainly colonized with Candida albicans and decades of exposure to antifungal agents have lead to the development of clinical and microbiological resistance in the treatment of CMC in the APECED patient population in Finland. A high incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma is associated with oral CMC lesions in the APECED patients over the age of 25. The overall aim of this study was firstly, to investigate the effect of long-term azole exposure on the metabolism of oral C. albicans isolates from APECED patients with CMC and secondly, to analyse the specific molecular mechanisms that are responsible for these changes. The aim of the first study was to examine C. albicans strains from APECED patients and the level of cross-resistance to miconazole, the recommended topical compound for the treatment of oral candidosis. A total of 16% of the strains had decreased susceptibility to miconazole and all of these isolates had decreased susceptibility to fluconazole. Miconazole MICs also correlated with MICs to voriconazole and posaconazole. A significant positive correlation between the years of miconazole exposure and the MICs to azole antifungal agents was also found. These included azoles the patients had not been exposed to. The aim of our second study was to determine if the APECED patients are continuously colonized with the same C. albicans strains despite extensive antifungal treatment and to gain a deeper insight into the genetic changes leading to azole resistance. The strains were typed using MLST and our results confirmed that all patients were persistently colonized with the same or a genetically related strain despite antifungal treatment between isolations. No epidemic strains were found. mRNA expression was analysed by Northern blotting, protein level by western blotting, and TAC1 and ERG11 genes were sequenced. The main molecular mechanisms resulting in azole resistance were gain-of-function mutations in TAC1 leading to over expression of CDR1 and CDR2, genes linked to azole resistance. Several strains had also developed point mutations in ERG11, another gene linked to azole resistance. In the third study we used gas chromatography to test whether the level of carcinogenic acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans strains isolated from APECED patients were different from the levels produced by strains isolated from healthy controls and oral carcinoma patients. Acetaldehyde is a carcinogenic product of alcohol fermentation and metabolism in microbes associated with cancers of the upper digestive tract. In yeast, acetaldehyde is a by-product of the pyruvate bypass that converts pyruvate into acetyl-CoA during fermentation. Our results showed that strains isolated from APECED patients produced mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of glucose (100mM, 18g/l) and the levels produced were significantly higher than those from strains isolated from controls and oral carcinoma patients. All strains in the study, however, were found to produce mutagenic levels of acetaldehyde in the presence of ethanol (11mM). The glucose and ethanol levels used in this study are equivalent to those found in food and beverages and our results highlight the role of dietary sugars and ethanol on carcinogenesis. The aims of our fourth study were to research the effect of growth conditions in the levels of acetaldehyde produced by C. albicans and to gain deeper insight into the role of different genes in the pyruvate-bypass in the production of high acetaldehyde levels. Acetaldehyde production in the presence of glucose increased by 17-fold under moderately hypoxic conditions compared to the levels produced under normoxic conditions. Under moderately hypoxic conditions acetaldehyde levels did not correlate with the expression of ADH1 and ADH2, genes catalyzing the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde, or PDC11, the gene catalyzing the oxidation of pyruvate to acetaldehyde but correlated with the expression of down-stream genes ALD6 and ACS1. Our results highlight a problem where indiscriminate use of azoles may influence azole susceptibility and lead to the development of cross-resistance. Despite clinically successful treatment leading to relief of symptoms, colonization by C. albicans strains is persistent within APECED patients. Microevolution and point mutations that occur in strains may lead to the development of azole-resistant isolates and metabolic changes leading to increased production of carcinogenic acetaldehyde.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to analyze the development of candidosis and the recovery of C. albicans from the oral cavity of ovariectomized and sham-ovariectomized rats. One hundred aiid twenty-four rats originally negative for Candida spp. in the oral cavity were divided into two groups: ovariectomized and sham-ovariectomized. Fifty-eight ovariectomized and the same quantity of sham-ovariectomized rats were inoculated with C. albicans for the study of candidosis development and recovery of yeast. Four animals from each group were not inoculated with yeast suspension and were submitted to tongue dorsum morphologic analysis by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The development of candidosis in the tongue dorsum was observed by optical and scanning electron microscopy in the periods of 6 hr, 24 hr, 7 days and 15 days after the last inoculation. Recovery of C. albicans was performed by oral samples plating on Sabouraud agar after 1,2, 5 and 7 days and progressively at each 15-day interval until negative cultures for yeasts were obtained. The results were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Student's t tests. The tongue dorsum of sham-ovariectomized and ovariectomized rats, not infected by Candida, presented normal aspect. Among the infected rats, the ovariectomized group showed less occurrence of candidosis lesions and lower recovery of C. albicans from the oral cavity in relation to the sham-ovariectomized group. It could be concluded that candidosis was less frequent from the oral cavities of ovariectomized rats in relation to sham-ovariectomized.


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This paper reviews the current concepts of mycology and candidal infections as they relate to the oral cavity. Proposed classification for the presentation of oral candidosis is outlined as are examples of these topical infections, such as erythematous, pseudomembranous and hyperplastic candidosis, as well as angular chelitis and median rhomboid glossitis. The diagnosis and principles of management of oral candidosis are discussed, the therapeutic agents available for the management of these infections are presented and a treatment protocol for the management of patients with oral candidosis is given.


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To study the physical properties of two experimental dentifrices for complete denture hygiene, their effect on denture biofilm removal and antimicrobial properties by means of a clinical trial. The experimental dentifrices comprised two compositions. One was based on the addition of 1% chloramine T (D1) and the other on the presence of 0.01% fluorosurfactant (D2). Measurements of density, pH, consistency, rheological features and abrasiveness were conducted. Sixty complete denture wearers were randomly assigned to three groups and were instructed to brush their dentures with a specific toothbrush: (1) Water (control); (2) D1; or (3) D2. Each method was used for 21 days. Denture biofilm was disclosed by a 1% neutral red solution and quantified by means of digital photos taken from the internal surface. Microbiological assessment was conducted to quantify Candida sp. and mutans streptococci. Data were evaluated by one-way anova and Tukey HSD, or Kruskal-Wallis (alpha = 0.05). Both dentifrices decreased biofilm coverage when compared with the control group. D1 was the most efficacious treatment to reduce mutans streptococci, whereas D2 showed an intermediate outcome (anova, p < 0.040). No treatment influenced Candida albicans or non-albicans species (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.163 and 0.746, respectively). It can be concluded that brushing complete dentures with the experimental dentifrices tested could be effective for the removal of denture biofilm.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of factors associated with oral colonization by Candida spp. in pediatric patients with AIDS. The sample comprised of 117 children. Clinical status, medicines in use, and laboratory findings were obtained from hospital records; sociodemographic data were given by relatives. A dental examination assessed the prevalence of dental caries. The prevalence of oral colonization by Candida was 62%. Only seven children presented clinical manifestation of oral candidosis despite their high viral load index and low-for-age CD4 count. Candida colonization was directly associated with frequent use of antibiotics (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.44), sulfa drugs (PR = 1.23), alteration in the oral mucosa (PR = 1.55), and untreated dental caries (PR = 1.93). It was inversely associated with the use of antiretroviral therapies (PR = 0.65). Candida albicans was the most frequently detected species (80%); phenotypic tests did not detect C. dubliniensis strains. This study observed a low prevalence of Candida-related oral lesions in these patients, which is compatible with the hypothesis that antiretroviral medicines may have contributed to reducing oral manifestations from Candida infection. The high prevalence of Candida colonization in HIV+/AIDS children with untreated dental caries reinforces the importance of oral health care in interdisciplinary health units that assist these patients.


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In order to consider the photodynamic therapy (PDT) as a clinical treatment for candidosis, it is necessary to know its cytotoxic effect on normal cells and tissues. Therefore, this study evaluated the toxicity of PDT with PhotogemA (R) associated with red light-emitting diode (LED) on L929 and MDPC-23 cell cultures and healthy rat palatal mucosa. In the in vitro experiment, the cells (30000 cells/cm(2)) were seeded in 24-well plates for 48 h, incubated with PhotogemA (R) (50, 100, or 150 mg/l) and either irradiated or not with a red LED source (630 +/- 3 nm; 75 or 100 J/cm(2); 22 mW/cm(2)). Cell metabolism was evaluated by the MTT assay (ANOVA and Dunnet`s post hoc tests; p < 0.05) and cell morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In the in vivo evaluation, PhotogemA (R) (500 mg/l) was applied to the palatal mucosa of Wistar rats during 30 min and exposed to red LED (630 nm) during 20 min (306 J/cm(2)). The palatal mucosa was photographed for macroscopic analysis at 0, 1, 3, and 7 days posttreatment and subjected to histological analysis after sacrifice of the rats. For both cell lines, there was a statistically significant decrease of the mitochondrial activity (90-97%) for all PhotogemA (R) concentrations associated with red LED regardless of the energy density. However, in the in vivo evaluation, the PDT-treated groups presented intact mucosa with normal characteristics both macroscopically and histologically. From these results, it may be concluded that the association of PhotogemA (R) and red LED caused severe toxic effects on normal cell cultures, characterized by the reduction of mitochondrial activity and morphological alterations, but did not cause damage to the rat palatal mucosa in vivo.


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Background: To evaluate associations between alterations in vaginal flora and clinical symptoms in low-risk pregnant women. Methods: Vaginal specimens from 245 pregnant women were analyzed by microscopy for vaginal flora. Signs and symptoms of vaginal infection were determined by patient interviews and gynecologic examinations. Results: Abnormal vaginal flora was identified in 45.7% of the subjects. The final clinical diagnoses were bacterial vaginosis (21.6%), vaginal candidosis (10.2%), intermediate vaginal flora (5.2%), aerobic vaginitis (2.9%), mixed flora (2.9%) and other abnormal findings (2.9%). The percentage of women with or without clinical signs or symptoms was not significantly different between these categories. The presence of vaginal odor or vaginal discharge characteristics was not diagnostic of any specific flora alteration; pruritus was highly associated with candidosis (p < 0.0001). Compared to women with normal flora, pruritus was more prevalent in women with candidosis (p < 0.0001), while vaginal odor was associated with bacterial vaginosis (p = 0.0026). Conclusion: The prevalence of atypical vaginal flora is common in our low-risk pregnant population and is not always associated with pathology. The occurrence of specific signs or symptoms does not always discriminate between women with different types of atypical vaginal flora or between those with abnormal and normal vaginal flora. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a freqüência da infecção por Candida sp. em biópsias de lesões da mucosa bucal, assim como associar a presença de Candida sp. com lesões malignas e lesões com vários graus de displasia. Foram utilizadas 832 biópsias da mucosa bucal, previamente incluídas em parafinas, cujos blocos foram obtidos dos arquivos da Disciplina de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara da UNESP, no período entre 1990-2001. Três cortes seqüenciais foram corados pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). do total de biópsias 27,2% foram PAS positivas, dessas 83,25% eram provenientes de pacientes do sexo masculino. Houve associação positiva entre infecção com displasia epitelial leve, moderada, severa, carcinoma espinocelular e hiperqueratose (p < 0,05). Não houve associação entre hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, líquen plano, granuloma piogênico (p < 0,05) com infecções fúngicas. A língua foi o sítio mais acometido por infecções em relação a outros sítios (p < 0,05). A partir dos dados quantitativos, concluiu-se que houve correlação positiva de infecção por fungos, lesões displásicas e carcinoma, sendo mais freqüente no sexo masculino. Estes dados não permitem inferir se o fungo causa displasia epitelial e carcinoma, mas confirmam a maior presença de Candida nessas lesões.