1000 resultados para C-POD
The inactivation kinetics of enzymes polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) was studied for the batch (discontinuous) microwave treatment of green coconut water. Inactivation of commercial PPO and POD added to sterile coconut water was also investigated. The complete time-temperature profiles of the experimental runs were used for determination of the kinetic parameters D-value and z-value: PPO (D(92.20 degrees C) = 52 s and z = 17.6 degrees C); POD (D(92.92 degrees C) = 16 s and z = 11.5 degrees C); PPO/sterile coconut water: (D(84.45 degrees C) = 43 s and z = 39.5 degrees C) and POD/sterile coconut water: (D(86.54 degrees C) = 20 s and z = 19.3 degrees C). All data were well fitted by a first order kinetic model. The enzymes naturally present in coconut water showed a higher resistance when compared to those added to the sterilized medium or other simulated solutions reported in the literature. The thermal inactivation of PPO and POD during microwave processing of green coconut water was significantly faster in comparison with conventional processes reported in the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Erik Rexstad and Rob Williams for useful reviews of this manuscript. The collection of visual and acoustic data was funded by the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change, the Scottish Government, Collaborative Offshore Wind Research into the Environment (COWRIE) and Oil & Gas UK. Digital aerial surveys were funded by Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd and additional funding for analysis of the combined datasets was provided by Marine Scotland. Collaboration between the University of Aberdeen and Marine Scotland was supported by MarCRF. We thank colleagues at the University of Aberdeen, Moray First Marine, NERI, Hi-Def Aerial Surveying Ltd and Ravenair for essential support in the field, particularly Tim Barton, Bill Ruck, Rasmus Nielson and Dave Rutter. Thanks also to Andy Webb, David Borchers, Len Thomas, Kelly McLeod, David L. Miller, Dinara Sadykova and Thomas Cornulier for advice on survey design and statistical approache. Data Accessibility Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.cf04g
The use of waters around Lundy by dolphins and porpoises was measured using summer shore-based watches and passive acoustic surveillance between July 2011 and July 2012. Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) were the only cetacean species observed during shore-based surveys. C-PODs moored on the Ethel and MV Robert wrecks close to the Lundy coast showed a peak in delphinid vocal activity during August 2011. Passive acoustic detections of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were highest during ebb tidal phases and most often associated with the tidal rip at the south of the island. These findings show tidal and monthly influences on odontocete behaviour and highlight the value of continuous, passive acoustic monitoring for these highly mobile marine predators around Lundy.
Wydział Biologii
Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Środowiska, Pracownia Aeropalinologii
Artykul dostepny na http://www.marketingirynek.pl/archiwum/marketing_i_rynek_nr_11_2014,p1525939542
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
W artykule autorzy podejmują się dokonania analizy zagadnienia dotyczącego możliwości naruszenia umowy spółki lub statutu przez członków zarządu oraz wpływu takiego naruszenia na ważność podjętej czynności prawnej. Zagadnienie to wywołuje liczne problemy praktyczne, chociażby z uwagi na obowiązek każdorazowej weryfikacji przed zawarciem umowy listy czynności, na dokonanie których statut lub umowa spółki zastrzega sobie taki wymóg. Nie ma tu znaczenia dobra czy zła wiara kontrahenta, który ma świadomość o istnieniu takiego zapisu dla ważności danej czynności prawnej. Zgoła odmienna jest sytuacja członka zarządu, dla którego uzyskanie takiej zgody jest ważne, z uwagi na naruszenia umowy spółki albo statutu, a w konsekwencji jego odpowiedzialność odszkodowawczą do dochodzenia ewentualnego odszkodowania za szkodę wyrządzoną działaniem lub zaniechaniem. Pamiętać jednak należy, że do istnienia odpowiedzialności niezbędne jest wykazanie szkody. Jednakże biorąc pod uwagę uwarunkowania biznesowe niekiedy trudno uzyskać zgodę rady nadzorczej lub walnego zgromadzenia wspólników na taką zgodę. Powstaje wtedy pytanie, czy można ją uzyskać następczo. Autorzy w artykule dokonują analizy stawiając tezę, iż możliwe jest następcze wyrażenie zgody na dokonaną bez uprzedniej zgody czynność prawną. Dokonując wnioskowania a maiori ad minus można w ocenie autorów dopuścić potwierdzenie takiej czynności następczo i to nie tylko w wymaganym dwumiesięcznym terminie, ale nawet późniejszym, co może mieć wpływ na ich ewentualne wyłączenie odpowiedzialności z tytułu naruszenia postanowień umowy spółki (statutu). Całość rozważań ściśle oscyluje wokół praktycznych problemów pojawiających się funkcjonowaniu spółki.
This research deals with the effects of growth regulators on flowering and pod formation in soybean plant (Glycine max cv. Davis). Under greenhouse conditions, soybean plants were sprayed with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) 20 ppm, Agrostemmin (1g/10 ml/3 l) gibberellic acid (GA) 100 ppm, and (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) 2,000 ppm. Application of TIBA increased number of flowers. 'Davis' soybean treated with CCC and TIBA presented a tendency to produce a lower number of pods.
Surveys of soybean (Glycine max) seed grown in South Brazil revealed infection with Fusarium graminearum. To determine if members of this complex were pathogenic to soybean, six strains derived from soybean were added to soil at a rate of 10³ macroconidia/ ml or individual pods were inoculated with 10(4) macroconidia/ml. Seedlings grown in infested soil developed small necrotic lesions in the crown and upper roots. Pods inoculated with conidia developed large (>1 cm), dark brown, necrotic lesions. Younger pods inoculated with the fungus blighted and dropped from the plant. Strains of the F. graminearum complex recovered from lesions on the crown, roots and pods of soybean plants were identified as lineage 1, 2 or 8 by obtaining the DNA sequence from the EF1-alpha gene and comparing it to strains of the known lineage. Two strains of F. graminearum lineage 7 from the U.S. caused similar symptoms of the disease on soybean. Mycotoxin tests on soybean and wheat (Triticum aestivum) indicate that most Brazilian strains produce nivalenol as the major trichothecene mycotoxin rather than deoxynivalenol. In addition, strains from lineages 2 and 8 produce the novel trichothecene, 3-acetylnivalenol.
During gonad and adrenal development, the POD-1/capsulin/TCF21transcription factor negatively regulates SF-1/NR5A1expression, with higher SF-1 levels being associated with increased adrenal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. In adrenocortical tumor cells, POD-1 binds to the SF-1 E-box promoter region, decreasing SF-1 expression. However, the modulation of SF-1 expression by POD-1 has not previously been described in normal adrenal cells. Here, we analyzed the basal expression of Pod-1 and Sf-1 in primary cultures of glomerulosa (G) and fasciculata/reticularis (F/R) cells isolated from male Sprague-Dawley rats, and investigated whether POD-1 overexpression modulates the expression of endogenous Sf-1 and its target genes in these cells. POD-1 overexpression, following the transfection of pCMVMycPod-1, significantly decreased the endogenous levels of Sf-1 mRNA and protein in F/R cells, but not in G cells, and also decreased the expression of the SF-1 target StAR in F/R cells. In G cells overexpressing POD-1, no modulation of the expression of SF-1 targets, StAR and CYP11B2, was observed. Our data showing that G and F/R cells respond differently to ectopic POD-1 expression emphasize the functional differences between the outer and inner zones of the adrenal cortex, and support the hypothesis that SF-1 is regulated by POD-1/Tcf21 in normal adrenocortical cells lacking the alterations in cellular physiology found in tumor cells.
A peroxidase E.C. (POD) e a polifenoloxidase E.C. (PPO) foram extraídas da polpa de goiaba. Os extratos foram preparados utilizando-se a polpa da goiaba e solução tampão fosfato de sódio 100mM com pH variando de 6,0 a 7,0 em intervalos de 0,1. Foi determinada a atividade enzimática da peroxidase e da polifenoloxidase desses extratos, a fim de se observar o melhor pH para a extração de cada enzima. O pH 6,3 foi considerado o melhor para a extração da POD da polpa de goiaba, enquanto que para PPO, o pH foi 6,8. Os extratos brutos de POD e PPO foram submetidos a temperaturas de 60 °C, 65 °C, 70 °C, 75 °C e 80 °C por um período de 0 a 10 min. Os resultados demonstraram um decréscimo da atividade enzimática nos extratos com o aumento da temperatura e do tempo. No entanto, a total inativação não foi atingida o que sugere a presença de isoenzimas termoresistentes.
Drought, pod yield, pre-harvest Aspergillus infection and aflatoxin contamination on peanut in Niger
Soil moisture and soil temperature affect pre-harvest infection with Aspergillus flavus and production of aflatoxin. The objectives of our field research in Niger, West Africa, were to: (i) examine the effects of sowing date and irrigation treatments on pod yield, infection with A. flavus and aflatoxin concentration; and (ii) to quantify relations between infection, aflatoxin concentration and soil moisture stress. Seed of an aflatoxin susceptible peanut cv. JL24 was sown at two to four different sowing dates under four irrigation treatments (rainfed and irrigation at 7, 14 and 21 days intervals) between 1991 and 1994, giving 40 different 'environments'. Average air and soil temperatures of 28-34 degrees C were favourable for aflatoxin contamination. CROPGRO-peanut model was used to simulate the occurrence of moisture stress. The model was able to simulate yields of peanut well over the 40 environments (r(2) = 0.67). In general, early sowing produced greater pod yields, as well as less infection and lower aflatoxin concentration. There were negative linear relations between infection (r(2) = 0.62) and the average simulated fraction of extractable soil water (FESW) between flowering and harvest, and between aflatoxin concentration (r(2) = 0.54) and FESW in the last 25 days of pod-filling. This field study confirms that infection and aflatoxin concentration in peanut can be related to the occurrence of soil moisture stress during pod-filling when soil temperatures are near optimal for A. flavus. These relations could form the basis of a decision-support system to predict the risk of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts in similar environments. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pods play a key role in encapsulating the developing seeds and protecting them from pests and pathogens. In addition to this protective function, it has been shown that the photosynthetically active pod wall contributes assimilates and nutrients to fuel seed growth. Recent work has revealed that signals originating from the pod may also act to coordinate grain filling and regulate the reallocation of reserves from damaged seeds to those that have retained viability. In this review we consider the evidence that pods can regulate seed growth and maturation, particularly in members of the Brassicaceae family, and explore how the timing and duration of pod development might be manipulated to enhance either the quantity of crop yield or its nutritional properties.
This work presents the application of the Decentralized Modal Control method for pole placement in multimachine power systems utilizing FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems), STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) devices. For this, these devices are equipped with supplementary damping controllers, denominated POD ( Power Oscillation Damping), achieving a coordinated project with local controllers (Power System Stabilizers - PSS). Comparative analysis on the function of damping of the FACTS, STATCOM and UPFC is performed using the New England System that has 10 generators, 39 buses and 46 transmission lines. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.