567 resultados para Cécile Laborde


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Cécile Laborde a développé le projet d’un républicanisme critique reposant sur un dialogue entre théorie républicaine normative et théorie sociale critique. Nous proposons ici une présentation et une discussion des principales orientations de ce projet.


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The thesis aims at analyzing concept of citizenship in political philosophy. The concept of citizenship is a complex one: it does not have a definitive explication, but it nevertheless is a very important category in contemporary world. Citizenship is a powerful ideal, and often the way a person is treated depends on whether he or she has the status of a citizen. Citizenship includes protection of a person’s rights both at home and abroad. It entails legal, political and social dimension: the legal status as a full member of society, the recognition of that status by fellow citizens and acting as a member of society. The thesis discusses these three dimensions. Its objective is to show how all of them, despite being insufficient in some aspects, reach something important about the concept. The main sources of the thesis are Civic Republicanism by Iseult Honohan (Routledge 2002), Republicanism by Philip Pettit (Clarendon Press 1997), and Taking Rights Seriously by Ronald Dworkin (1997). In addition, the historical part of the thesis relies mainly on the works of Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith, Quentin Skinner, James Pocock and James Tully. The writings of Will Kymlicka, John Rawls, Chantal Mouffe, and Shane Phelan are referred to in the presentation and critique of the liberal tradition of thought. Hannah Arendt and Seyla Benhabib’s analysis of Arendt’s philosophy both address the problematic relations between human rights and nation-states as the main guarantors of rights. The chapter on group rights relies on Peter Jones’ account of corporate and collective rights, after which I continue to Seumas Miller’s essay on the (liberal) account of group rights and their relation to the concept of citizenship. Republicanism and Political Theory (2002) edited by Cécile Laborde and John Maynor is also references. David Miller and Maurizio Viroli represent the more “rooted” version of republicanism. The thesis argues that the full concept of citizenship should be seen as containing legal, political and social dimensions. The concept can be viewed from all of these three angles. The first means that citizenship is connected with certain rights, like the right to vote or stand for election, the right to property and so on. In most societies, the law guarantees these rights to every citizen. Then there is also the social dimension, which can be said to be as important as the legal one: the recognition of equality and identities of others. Finally, there is the political dimension, meaning the importance of citizens’ participation in the society, which is discussed in connection with the contemporary account of republicanism. All these issues are discussed from the point of view of groups demanding for group-specific rights and equal recognition. The challenge with these three aspects of citizenship is, however, that they are difficult to discuss under one heading. Different theories or discourses of citizenship each approach the subject from different starting points, which make reconciling them sometimes hard. The fundamental questions theories try to answer may differ radically depending on the theory. Nevertheless, in order to get the whole image of what the citizenship discourses are about all the aspects deserve to be taken into account.


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L’appropriation de la thématique du multiculturalisme par les partisans du républicanisme fait l’objet de cet article. Dans un premier temps, il est permis de se demander si l’idée même d’un multiculturalisme républicain fait sens ; mais comme je le montrerai, le refus d’un projet multiculturel républicain est une exception française. Or, chez les penseurs néo-républicains, tels Philip Pettit, John Maynor et Cécile Laborde, le multiculturalisme a reçu une attention particulière. Je montrerai les particularités de chacune de ces approches et en particulier, comment les travaux de Laborde arrivent à résoudre des tensions que la pensée néo-républicaine entretient avec la reconnaissance de la diversité culturelle, en ajoutant une perspective critique à la voie délibérative ouverte par Maynor. L’originalité du multiculturalisme républicain consiste ainsi à rappeler le caractère instrumental de la politisation des identités minoritaires, puisqu’il s’agit à chaque fois de lutter contre l’assignation identitaire que subissent les membres des minorités, et non pas de valoriser publiquement leurs différences.


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Ce mémoire fait découvrir Cécile Gagnon en traçant, dans le chapitre 1, un portrait détaillé des différents volets de sa carrière. D'abord illustratrice, Gagnon commence sa carrière d'écrivaine, dès 1961, en publiant son premier album, aux éditions du Pélican. Jusqu' à maintenant, Gagnon a publié 135 titres, dans 28 maisons d'édition, soit 97 titres au Québec et 38 livres en Europe. En plus de sa carrière d'illustratrice et d'écrivaine, Cécile Gagnon oeuvre aux comités de direction des revues Passe-Partout (1978-1979 et 1985) et Coulicou (1983-1988). Le deuxième chapitre met en relief ses actions et ses gestes posés à titre de pionnière dans le domaine des lettres. Nous identifions, dans le dernier chapitre, les raisons pour lesquelles Cécile Gagnon demeure méconnue du grand public. Tout d'abord, la littérature de jeunesse, au Québec, est considérée comme une paralittérature par rapport à la littérature générale. De plus, 60% des oeuvres de Gagnon ont été publiées par des maisons d'édition dites économiques, selon les axes d'Ignace Cau, qui privilégient la production de masse."--Résumé abrégé par UMI


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O casal de suíços, Heinrich (1795–1866) e Cécile Däniker-Haller (1816–1887), com seus filhos, viveu no Rio de Janeiro entre 1828 e 1852. Comerciantes prósperos, cosmopolitas e melômanos, deixaram grande quantidade de informações sobre suas atividades de música em ambiente doméstico daquele período, mas também depois de terem voltado a se estabelecer na Suíça. O Genealogisches Archiv der Helene und Cécile Rübel Familienstiftung (FA HCR), na cidade de Zurique, documenta a história desta família. As informações registradas pelo casal estudado, principalmente em forma de cartas e diários, permitem-nos conhecer e analisar a prática musical em ambiente doméstico das famílias estrangeiras no Rio de Janeiro, e demonstrar quais eram os repertórios por eles utilizados. Entre as conclusões tiradas, inclui-se o fato de que o romantismo alemão teria feito sua entrada no ambiente musical brasileiro através dos salões musicais das famílias estrangeiras, exatamente como foi o caso em outras cidades do mundo não germânico. Nos documentos deixados pela família Däniker-Haller encontram-se os mais antigos testemunhos até hoje encontrados da execução de Lieder de Schubert em ambiente doméstico no Rio de Janeiro. Por outro lado, a prática da Hausmusik na cidade de Zurique vem descrita e comparada àquela carioca. A análise destes relatos também nos permite descrever a diferença que havia entre os eventos musicais em ambiente doméstico íntimo e informal, e os "salões musicais", onde diletantes se produziam em esfera semi-pública previamente preparados e ensaiados, e a marcante diferença no repertório destes dois tipos de eventos sociais.


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