997 resultados para Business Taxation


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This thesis considers the 1999 Review of Business Taxation's small business reforms. It is argued that policy problems arose from flaws in the Review's policy design processes and in weaknesses in the enactment processes of the federal Government. This created policy structural defects, resulting in substantial levels of community criticism.


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Doutoramento em Gestão


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En la Ley 1607 de 2012 se introdujo a nuestra legislación una cláusula general antiabuso en materia tributaria. Este trabajo busca analizar y determinar su aplicabilidad práctica, considerando sus elementos descriptivos y las circunstancias de realización de conductas abusivas, que concluyen en la elusión o reducción de un tributo.


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Lo scopo di questa ricerca è stato quello di offrire una visione sistematica per lo studio del fenomeno della concorrenza fiscale nel quadro dell'UE. In questo modo, dopo approfondire nel concetto, gli effetti e le teorie economiche che sviluppano la concorrenza fiscale, abbiamo analizzato le condizioni generali di svolgimento della concorrenza fiscale nell'UE, con particolare attenzione alla pratica dell’arbitrio fiscale per privati ed imprese. Questo schema lo abbiamo successivamente trasferito a due campi che finora avevano ricevuto poca attenzione dottrinale: l'imposizione indiretta (IVA e accise) e la tassazione delle persone fisiche. Infine, abbiamo aggiornato lo studio dei due strumenti tradizionali di lotta contro la concorrenza fiscale dannosa: il Codice di condotta in materia di tassazione delle imprese e il regime degli aiuti di Stato. Le sfide dell'Unione europea ci impongono di prendere una visione critica che abbiamo cercato di estendere a tutto il nostro lavoro.


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Tax planners often choose debt over equity financing. As this has led to increased corporate debt financing, many countries have introduced thin capitalization rules to secure their tax revenues. In a general capital structure model we analyze if thin capitalization rules affect dividend and financing decisions, and whether they can partially explain why corporations receive both debt and equity capital. We model the Belgian, German and Italian rules as examples. We find that the so-called Miller equilibrium and definite financing effects depend significantly on the underlying tax system. Further, our results are useful for the treasury to decide what thin capitalization type to implement.


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In the field of mergers and acquisitions, German and international tax law allow for several opportunities to step up a firm's assets, i.e., to revaluate the assets at fair market values. When a step-up is performed the taxpayer recognizes a taxable gain, but also obtains tax benefits in the form of higher future depreciation allowances associated with stepping up the tax base of the assets. This tax-planning problem is well known in taxation literature and can also be applied to firm valuation in the presence of taxation. However, the known models usually assume a perfect loss offset. If this assumption is abandoned, the depreciation allowances may lose value as they become tax effective at a later point in time, or even never if there are not enough cash flows to be offset against. This aspect is especiallyrelevant if future cash flows are assumed to be uncertain. This paper shows that a step-up may be disadvantageous or a firm overvalued if these aspects are not integrated into the basic calculus. Compared to the standard approach, assets should be stepped up only in a few cases and - under specific conditions - at a later point in time. Firm values may be considerably lower under imperfect loss offset.


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Este artículo analiza una dinámica de intervenciones de Estados Unidos en América Latina que no ha atraído suficientemente la atención de los historiadores. En los años treinta y cuarenta, cuando Europa se hundía en una nueva confrontación bélica, ciertos sectores del gobierno y del mundo empresarial norteamericano intentaron articular una nueva relación con los países del continente basada en una propuesta de multilateralismo que se había configurado dentro de la Sociedad de Naciones (SN). Estos estadounidenses intentaron establecer una dinámica de relaciones triangulares con los gobiernos latinoamericanos y los organismos técnicos de la SN. Gracias a ello, como se mostrará en este artículo para el caso del funcionamiento del Comité Fiscal de la Sociedad de Naciones, los latinoamericanos fueron capaces de influir en el tipo de políticas que debían emanar de esta relación triangular. La importancia de esta historia no es menor. La relación triangular entre Estados Unidos, América Latina y la SN sirvió de base para la reconstrucción de la gobernanza global liderada por los Estados Unidos tras la guerra.


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Todas as organizações deveriam preocupar-se com a análise dos custos da qualidade, dado que essa análise, para além de permitir identificar aspetos a melhorar, é uma ferramenta fundamental para os próprios órgãos de gestão dessas organizações. Esta análise sobre os custos da qualidade também deveria incidir sobre as atividades da empresa relacionadas com a sua prática fiscal. Porém, a literatura não apresenta qualquer referência à relação entre essas duas temáticas: custos da qualidade e fiscalidade empresarial. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho de investigação analisa a relação entre os princípios dos custos da qualidade e a fiscalidade empresarial em Portugal. Pelo que, optou-se pela metodologia case study, mais especificamente pela metodologia comparative case study, por se entender, e se ter demonstrado, ser a metodologia que melhor se adequa à complexidade do tema em análise. Este trabalho, para além de relacionar os custos da qualidade e a fiscalidade empresarial, permitiu apresentar e aplicar uma metodologia para implementação do modelo Prevention – Appraisal – Faillure (PAF), com o objetivo de diminuir os custos da qualidade na prática fiscal e atingir o nível económico da qualidade, bem como um índice de eficiência, que permite, a todo o momento, determinar o nível de eficiência atingido e a forma de o melhorar. Nesse sentido, concluiu-se que a generalidade das empresas portuguesas não aplica os princípios dos custos da qualidade ao seu departamento fiscal ou à sua prática fiscal, quer essa atividade seja executada internamente na empresa, quer seja executada externamente; Costs related to the quality of fiscal practice in Portuguese firms. Comparative case study Abstract: Every organization should be concerned about analyzing its quality costs, since that analysis, besides allowing identification of aspects to improve is a fundamental tool for the management organs of those organizations. This analysis of quality costs should also be carried out on firms’ activities related to their fiscal practice. However, no reference is found in the literature to the relationship between these two: quality costs and business taxation. This research analyzes the relationship between the principles of quality costs and business taxation in Portugal. So being, and to carry out this study, the case study methodology was chosen, more specifically the comparative case study methodology, through the understanding, and previous demonstration, that it is the most appropriate methodology for the complexity of the subject analyzed. Besides relating quality costs to business taxation, this study allowed presentation and application of a methodology for implementing the Prevention – Appraisal – Failure (PAF) model in companies’ fiscal practice which decreases the costs of this practice, reach the economic level of quality as well as an efficiency index, which allows at any time to determine the achieved level of efficiency and how to improve it. All in all, what this study demonstrated is that Portuguese companies, in general, do not apply the principles of quality costs to their taxation department or fiscal practice, whether that activity is performed internally in the firm or externally.


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Implementation and collapse of exchange rate pegging schemes are recur- rent events. A currency crisis (pegging) is usually followed by an economic downturn (boom). This essay explains why a benevolent government should pursue Þscal and monetary policies that lead to those recurrent currency crises and subsequent periods of pegging. It is shown that the optimal policy induces a competitive equilibrium that displays a boom in periods of below average de- valuation and a recession in periods of above average devaluation. A currency crisis (pegging) can be understood as an optimal policy answer to a recession (boom).


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Research undertaken in 2006 – 2007 investigated the perception of managerial benefits of tax compliance by small business taxpayers. Survey data from a sample of 300 small business taxpayers and responses to semi-structured interviews of owner managers were examined. The study found that a majority of small business taxpayers recognised that tax compliance activities led to better record keeping and to an improved knowledge of their financial affairs. However, there seemed to be a general reluctance by respondents to accept the idea that benefits could be derived as a result of complying with tax. The findings of this study are important as it is the first research that systematically investigated managerial benefits and their perception by small business taxpayers in Australia.


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Success in modern business demands effective information literacy to address the ever-changing business context. This context includes changes in Government policy reflected through legislation and regulations, developments in case law and expectations of professional associations and the public. Students require the skills to continue their own learning beyond the completion of their degree, since learning the subject content of a course alone sufficient. This paper considers the methods utilised to embed information literacy, in the context of generic skills and graduate attributes, into a Business degree’s curriculum. The paper describes how information literacy has been embedded in two sequential third-year Taxation Law courses, allowing for the explicit development of information literacy. Through the development of legal reasoning and research skills, students are empowered to continue their lifelong learning, which successful professional practice demands. The study will draw upon the experience of the course convener in designing, teaching and evaluating the courses, and on students’ experiences as illustrated through evaluation questionnaire responses and interviews. The findings of this study could be relevant to other business courses, especially company law and auditing.