15 resultados para Bundeswehr


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This reform of the Bundeswehr, launched in 2011, is the latest of the three decisive stages in the post-war transformation of the German armed forces. The reform aims at “constructing” the armed forces anew in the political, military and social dimensions.The present paper presents the evolution of the role of the armed forces in German foreign and security policy and the ongoing process of “constructing” a new Bundeswehr. It analyses the process of redefining the objectives and principles of: the Bundeswehr’s participation in international operations, its current military transformation, and changes in its image and social identity. It also presents the implications of this broader transformation for political and military.


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This paper analyses tendencies in debates about cultural representations of terrorism to assume that artists make critical interventions, while the mass media circulates stereotypes. Some recent feminist analyses of female terrorist acts have re-instituted essentialist arguments in which violence and terrorism is described as inherently masculine, while women are by nature pacifist, so that femininity is the antithesis of militarism. More progressive analyses mostly tend to expose the circulation of stereotypes and their gender bias, in order to protest the misrepresentation of women in violence. These analyses do not construct alternative accounts. Through an analysis of two works by artists Hito Steyerl and Sharon Hayes, the paper argues that some of the moves to re-image the question of women, violence and agency have already been made in contemporary art practices. Through analysing legacies of terrorism and feminism, it becomes possible to rethink the question of agency, militancy and the nature of political art. The paper appears in an edited interdiscplinary collection arising from a conference at Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich. It relates to wider projects involving collaborations with Birkbeck and Edinburgh on representations of terrorism and on violence and contemporary art.


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Nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zahlreiche Organisationen gegründet, die es sich zur Aufgabe machten, auf die Meinungsbildung im Osten und Westen Einfluss zu nehmen. Dazu zählte von 1957 bis 1990 die Psychologische Kampfführung / Psychologische Verteidigung der Bundeswehr (PSK/PSV). Ihr primäres Ziel war es, das Staats- und Gesellschaftssystem der Bundesrepublik nach innen und außen zu konsolidieren. Der Dissertationsschrift liegt ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zugrunde: Zum einen wird die PSK/PSV im Kontext der Propagandageschichte und -theorie dargestellt und untersucht – von diesem Standpunkt aus betrachtet handelt es sich um eine publizistikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Zum anderen wird die Wirklichkeit der PSK/PSV mit erziehungswissenschaftlichen Begriffen beschrieben, analysiert und unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert – aus dieser Sichtweise liegt hier eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Untersuchung vor. Die PSK/PSV stand historisch betrachtet keineswegs im wertfreien Raum. Vor allem die Ausprägungen von Propaganda im Dritten Reich – aber auch in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik – spielten für die PSK/PSV eine bedeutende Rolle. Sie waren gewissermaßen stets zu meidende (politische) rechte und linke Grenze in dem Unterfangen, eine eigene Form von Propaganda zu entwickeln und zu betreiben. Die PSK/PSV wirkte unter politischer Zielsetzung auf Einstellungen und Verhalten von Personen beiderseits des Eisernen Vorhangs ein. Ihre Aktivitäten weisen in auffälliger Weise Schnittmengen zu Feldern der Erziehung auf. Die unterschiedlichen pädagogischen Programme und Strategien der vier PSK/PSV-Bereiche – (1) Lehr- und Forschungsstätten, (2) PSK/PSV-Truppe, (3) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialbeziehungen e.V. und (4) Studiengesellschaft für Zeitprobleme e.V. – werden in der Dissertationsschrift dargestellt, analysiert und bewertet. In den Schlussbetrachtungen wird unter pädagogischen Gesichtspunkten diskutiert, ob der in Presse und Politik geäußerte Vorwurf einer Nähe der PSK/PSV zur Propaganda und Erziehung im Dritten Reich haltbar ist.


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Due to changing internal and external conditions, the German arms industry is facing serious challenges as are its counterparts across Europe. The arms sales market in Germany is contracting – orders from the Bundeswehr are slowing down and the Federal Ministry of Defence is planning to change the way it cooperates with German arms producers. In addition, member states of NATO and the EU, major customers of German arms manufacturers, are reducing their defence spending, which will spell a fall in their orders for new armament and military equipment. In response to the new circumstances, the German arms industry is beginning to organise itself and increase its lobbying efforts in Berlin and, with the support of the federal government, it has been implementing specific measures in several areas. German companies are interested in securing new markets outside NATO and the EU and are also exploring opportunities for mergers and joint ventures with other German and foreign companies, and are seeking to create more conducive conditions for business on the EU and NATO markets.


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From German point of view, air and missile defence systems are of little relevance for the protection of Germany’s territory. However, they are seen as important for conducting ‘out of area’ operations, providing military assistance to allies, and for Germany’s political and military- technical position within NATO. The Bundeswehr has been modernising its air and missile defence systems for several years. The modernisation of very short-range and short-range systems is slightly behind schedule. Plans to modernise the medium-range air and missile defence have been encountering problems since the United States decided to refrain from buying the jointly developed MEADS system. Therefore Germany is currently considering using the results of the MEADS program in the development of its own medium-range air and missile defence system, possibly in co-operation with France and Italy. Such a system would ensure protection against short-range ballistic missiles (up to 1000 km) and might become part of NATO’s ballistic missile defence, replacing the Patriot batteries which Germany is currently operating. Furthermore, Germany could expand its involvement in NATO’s ballistic missile defence in the future by buying or developing system to intercept medium- and intermediate- range ballistic missiles (up to 3000 km and 5500 km). The final decision on this matter has not yet been taken, and will be left for the successive governments of Germany to resolve. It will depend on a number of political, military and financial factors.


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Falling amounts of natural resources and the ‘peak oil’ question, i.e. the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of easily-accessible oil reserves is reached, have been among the key issues in public debate in Germany on all levels: expert, business and – most crucially – the government level. The alarming assessments of German analysts anticipate a rapid shrinkage of oil reserves and a sharp rise in oil prices, which in the longer term will affect the economic and political systems of importer countries. Concerns about the consequences of the projected resource deficit, especially among representatives of German industry, are also fuelled by the stance of those countries which export raw materials. China, which meets 97% of global demand for minerals crucial for the production of new technologies, cut its exports by 40% in summer 2010 (compared to 2009), arguing that it had to protect its reserves from overexploitation. In 2009 the value of natural resources Germany imported reached €84 billion, of which €62 billion were spent on energy carriers, and €22 billion on metals. For Germany, the shrinkage of resources is a political problem of the utmost importance, since the country is poor in mineral resources and has to acquire petroleum and other necessary raw materials abroad1. In autumn 2010, the German minister of economy initiated the establishment of a Resources Agency designed to support companies in their search for natural resources, and the government prepared and adopted a national Raw Material Strategy. In the next decade the policy of the German government, including foreign policy, will be affected by the consequences of the decreasing availability of natural resources. It can be expected that the mission of the Bundeswehr will be redefined, and the importance of African states and current exporter countries such as Russia and China for German policies will increase. At the same time, Germany will seek to strengthen cooperation among importer countries, which should make pressure on resource-exporting states more effective. In this context, it can be expected that the efforts taken to develop an EU resource strategy or even a ‘comprehensive resource policy’ will be intensified; or at least, the EU’s energy policy will permanently include the issue of sourcing raw materials.


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German Tornado Recce aircraft have been engaged in reconnaissance operations over Syria since January 2016. In December 2015 the German government and parliament decided that up to 1,200 Bundeswehr soldiers would take part in the international coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria. This decision marks a new chapter in Germany’s activity in the Middle East. The increasing destabilisation of the southern neighbourhood and the consequences this has for the EU and Germany have forced the German government to increase its level of engagement in the region. Even though Germany is a third-rate player in the Middle Eastern game, it is nonetheless ever more engaged politically and wants to be viewed as a neutral mediator between the competing actors in the region. It has also allocated more funds on regional development co-operation and humanitarian aid. Germany, whose attention has been directed towards Europe’s eastern neighbourhood, is currently turning its attention to the South. The Middle East (and Africa) is taking on increasing significance in German foreign and security policy. This may affect NATO’s eastern flank and the EU’s eastern neighbourhood since part of Germany’s instruments and funds may be redirected to the South.


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Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit untersucht den zur Einführung einer institutionellen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur zu berücksichtigenden Handlungsrahmen an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/ Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (HSU/ UniBw H) und gibt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung möglicher Aufgabenfelder der Universitätsbibliothek allgemeine Handlungsempfehlungen für deren Implementierung. Da sich die Arbeit sowohl an die Verantwortlichen zur Einführung einer Forschungsdateninfrastruktur an der HSU/ UniBw H als auch an Interessierte der akademischen Gemeinschaft richtet, werden die zum besseren Verständnis besonders relevanten Begriffe zunächst herausgestellt. Auf der Grundlage aktueller Forschungsliteratur und verfügbarer Praxiserfahrung anderer Universitäten wurde mittels Webseitenanalyse und der Auswertung von Fragebögen eine gesamtheitliche Beschreibung für die Implementierung einer institutionellen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur zum Abgleich mit der Ausgangssituation an der HSU/ UniBw H erstellt. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht in den daraus abgeleiteten Handlungsempfehlungen den zu berücksichtigenden allgemeinen Handlungsrahmen in seiner Komplexität und zeigt vor allem diesbezügliche Aufgabenfelder der Universitätsbibliothek von der Initiierung bis zum Abschluss der Implementierung auf. Im Wesentlichen wird hierbei herausgestellt, dass die Universitätsbibliothek als klassische Gedächtnisorganisation und zentraler Informationsdienstleister ihre Kompetenzen besonders bei der Entwicklung und Verwirklichung des Forschungsdatenmanagements sinnvoll einbringen und zukunftsorientiert erweitern kann und sollte. Auslegungsbestimmend ist die von der Universitätsleitung festzulegende Ziel- und Zweckbestimmung der institutionellen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur. Diese dient dem Forschungsdatenmanagement zur Skalierung und Bestimmung von Umfang, Komplexität und Anforderungen an die potentiellen Aufgabenbereiche insbesondere der Universitätsbibliothek. Somit leistet diese Bachelorarbeit einen grundlegenden Beitrag zur weiteren Strukturierung und Konkretisierung der initiatorischen Überlegungen der Universitätsbibliotheksleitung zu den Möglichkeiten der Einführung einer institutionellen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur an der HSU/ UniBw H.


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Mit diesem Beitrag werden Vorüberlegungen, Lehrerfahrungen und Konsequenzen aus zwei Universitätsseminaren, in denen Bildungsverhältnisse in Afrika thematisiert wurden, vorgestellt. Eines der Seminare ist in der Bachelorphase, eines in der Masterphase des Studiengangs der Bildungs- und Erziehungswissenschaft an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Universität der Bundeswehr angesiedelt. Ein Ergebnis der Betrachtung ist, dass Studierende der Bachelorphase in einem solchen Seminar wenig Anknüpfungspunkte finden und zur Verstetigung vorausgehender Vorstellungen neigen. In der Masterphase gelingt es eher, tragfähige Arbeitsergebnisse zu erzielen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In diesem Beitrag geht es um das Projekt E-Lernen auf der ILIAS-Plattform an der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (E-L I-P UniBwH). Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Präsenzlehre mit dem Einsatz elektronischer Medien zu unterstützen. Im Beitrag werden Ansatzpunkte dargestellt, die die Lehrenden zum Gebrauch der E-Lernplattform motivieren. Es werden Bedarfsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt, für die eine E-Lernplattform eine mögliche Lösung sein kann, sowie die Rahmenbedingungen benannt, unter denen sie eingesetzt wird. Ziel ist es, die Nachhaltigkeit des E-Lernens an der UniBwH zu fördern.(DIPF/Orig.)


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No fim da guerra fria, teve início uma nova era para a Bundeswehr. Com a participação em missões no estrangeiro, surgiram novos desafios que influenciaram as diretrizes da defesa, a estrutura da força, a orientação e as necessidades de formação das forças armadas alemãs. Entre 1992 e 2010, foram implementadas alterações profundas para lidar com a nova situação da NATO e da Alemanha na organização. Em 2003, após várias reformas, o ministério da defesa considerou que reformas apenas não eram suficientes, e teve início o chamado processo de transformação. Este processo contínuo influenciou a "face da Bundeswehr mais profundamente do que qualquer outra alteração até à altura. A orientação em missões internacionais era o novo objetivo e uma consequência de experiências na Somália, Bósnia, Kosovo e Afeganistão. Além disso, a crise financeira para as despesas da defesa e a mudança da estrutura da força NATO influenciaram a Bundeswehr de forma semelhante, e impulsionaram a política de defesa alemã também para estas novas direções. A nova Bundeswehr orientada para missões foram moldadas e desenvolvidas de forma diferente, transformação é a nova palavra-chave e este processo contínuo mantém-se até hoje. Abstract: After the end of the cold war a new era began for the Bundeswehr. With the participation in missions out of area, new challenges came up and influenced the defense papers, force structure, orientation and training needs of the German armed forces. Within 1992 and 2010 several far-reaching changes were made, to deal with the new situation of the NATO and Germanys role within the organization. In 2003, after various reforms, reforms only were no longer sufficient in the eyes of acting minister of defense and the so called transformations process was initiated. This continuing process influenced the “face” of the Bundeswehr more deeply than any other changes before. The orientation on out of area missions was the new objective and a consequence from experiences in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Beside of that, the financial downturn for defense expenditure and the changing NATO force structure influenced the Bundeswehr in a similar way and pushed the German defense policy into new directions as well. The new mission orientated Bundeswehr was shaped and built up differently, transformation is the new leading word and the ongoing process until today.