991 resultados para Building citizenship
This chapter analyses recent policy reforms in the national history curriculum in both Australia and the Russian Federation. It analyses those emphases in the national curriculum in history that depict new representations and historiography and the ways in which this is foregrounded in History school textbooks. In doing so, it considers the debates about what version of the nation’s past are deemed significant, and what should be transmitted to future generations of citizens. In this discussion of national history curricula, consideration is made of the curriculum’s officially defined status as an instrument in the process of ideological transformation, and nation-building. The chapter also examines how history textbooks are implicit in this process, in terms of reproducing and representing what content is selected and emphasised in a national history curriculum.
Ce mémoire traite de la construction d’un espace social citoyen à partir de l’analyse du travail d’intervention de deux organismes locaux situés à Trou du Nord (Haïti). Il s’agit d’explorer les manières dont les membres se représentent et s’approprient leur statut de citoyen. Pour mettre l’emphase sur les mécanismes associatifs et sociaux qui interviennent dans la construction de ce que nous nommons "espace social citoyen", nous avons mené une recherche qualitative dont la charpente interprétative est conçue avec l’aide des outils théorico-pratiques de la politique de participation (Barber, 1997) et l’intervention sociale collective (Lamoureux, 1991). Nous avançons l’hypothèse centrale que les pratiques associatives sont le vecteur de la construction d’un espace social citoyen à Trou du Nord. Cette hypothèse centrale est soutenue par deux hypothèses opératoires portant sur les conditions d’exercice de citoyenneté et l’affirmation individuelle de l’appartenance des membres à l’espace commun. Nous avons recueilli quatorze entretiens semi-directifs effectués avec les membres de l’Assemblée Populaire Veye Yo Trou du Nord (APVT) et du Rassemblement des Militants Solidaires de Trou du Nord (RAMSO). Les résultats de la recherche indiquent que les membres de ces deux organisations manifestent une grande volonté de contribuer au développement de leur localité et au «mieux-être» de la population. Leur implication directe dans les affaires politiques et sociales s’accompagne des exigences pour que l’État prenne en charge ses responsabilités vis-à-vis de ses citoyens. Cette liberté d’action repose sur le partage de leurs expériences individuelles et sur une grande connaissance des divers aspects des réalités locales auxquelles sont confrontés quotidiennement les citoyens. Ces deux groupes sont conçus comme des espaces de sociabilité, des lieux publics et dynamiques issus de l’activité commune et des divers types d’interactions au niveau local. Toujours d’après l’analyse, les membres de ces deux groupes interviennent sur un problème d’ensemble collectif au niveau local sans pour autant négliger leurs propres intérêts. Ils s’inscrivent dans le jeu de marchandage électoral et apprennent à leurs membres à se comporter comme une communauté d’intérêts et d’actions, elle-même inscrite dans l’ensemble des interactions, des processus et des dynamiques de résolution des problèmes au niveau local. Un tel constat vient à la fois valider certaines de nos hypothèses tout en révélant les limites de l’idée de la construction d’un espace social citoyen. D’une part, la volonté de contribuer au «mieux-être» de la population, la nécessité de prendre la parole, d’exprimer les problèmes collectifs et individuels, le souci d’avoir un contrôle sur l’action des dirigeants élus sont autant d’enjeux qui leur ont permis de passer de leur vécu particulier à une vision plus large des intérêts collectifs et à la définition des tâches qu’ils estiment correspondre au rôle citoyen qui leur incombe. D’autre part, leur positionnement dans le champ politique notamment au moment des élections les fait apparaître comme des groupes partisans, c'est-à-dire qu’ils ne sont pas toujours dans la construction de l’intérêt général. Nous concluons que ce double aspect s’avère nécessaire aussi bien à la construction de l’espace social citoyen qu’au fonctionnement démocratique au niveau local. Car, en plus de se définir comme citoyens et d’affirmer leur appartenance communautaire, les membres développent les capacités critiques face aux gestes et actes posés autant par les dirigeants locaux que par l’État haïtien lui-même. Ils acquièrent aussi les habilités de participer, même dans les interstices, aux jeux sociopolitiques faisant partie du processus de renforcement de la citoyenneté et d’un système démocratique en construction.
La propuesta de la investigación consiste en observar y comprobar si efectivamente los espacios de participación local surgidos después de la constitución de 1991, en un esfuerzo del estado colombiano y la administración Distrital por descentralizar la función administrativa, han sido efectivos dentro del proceso de construcción de ciudadanía, y en qué forma los ediles interactúan con los habitantes de la localidad y canalizan las demandas de la comunidad. Por lo mismo, se pretende indagar sobre las características de la participación ciudadana en la localidad y la aparición de tensiones entre la apertura de espacios de participación, y el uso de ellos por redes políticas locales de tipo clientelista. De esta forma, se busca comprobar si surge así, un fenómeno de construcción de ciudadanía permeado por intereses de carácter particularista, limitando a los ciudadanos, que como miembros de las redes de intermediación política, acceden a los derechos de ciudadanía que ofrecen los nuevos espacios de representación
RESUMO: Este trabalho pretende desenvolver de forma teórica, conceitual e histórica a questão da cidadania no cenário do CEFYA, percebendo a passagem da ideia de cidadania do plano ideal para as realidades práticas vivenciadas na escola. O objetivo desta pesquisa é a compreensão do processo de construção da cidadania em uma escola pública do Tocantins na perspectiva dos alunos do 9º ano da referida escola. Inicialmente foi feito um estudo sobre as principais compreensões de cidadania construídas desde a antiguidade até os tempos atuais, bem como, um resgate de educação popular no Brasil. Daí a compreensão da cidadania como efetivação da dignidade humana e, no âmbito da escola, como direito a participação, a formação de uma consciência crítica e ao respeito à diversidade. O trabalho de identificação do exercício da cidadania no âmbito da escola foi feito através da análise de documentos da própria escola, de questionários e partilha em grupo com os alunos do 9º ano. O estudo evidenciou que o Centro Educacional desenvolve uma pedagogia participativa de pais, da sociedade e da escola, propiciando experiências construtoras de cidadania, relativo à agregação da família, vivência comunitária etc. Portanto, existe no Centro Educacional uma preocupação em qualificar o projeto político-pedagógico e elaborar projetos que são importantes para o avanço dos processos participativos e comunitário. À luz de reflexões críticas, especialmente de Paulo Freire, chega-se à conclusão de que o CEFYA avançou muito nas experiências de cidadania visando à superação das práticas pedagógicas tradicionais. Esse avanço está embasado numa práxis libertadora-emacipatória, fundamentada no diálogo. O Centro Educacional torna-se, a cada dia, num espaço de formação de cidadãos conscientes, críticos e dialógicos. Para tanto, o conhecimento deste ambiente escolar cresce em cidadania, por vir acompanhado de relações democráticas, dialógicas e participativas. ABSTRACT: This work aims to develop a theoretical, conceptual and historical issues of citizenship in the scenario CEFYA, noting the passage of the idea of citizenship ideal plan for the practical realities experienced in school. The objective of this research is the understanding of the construction of citizenship in a public school in Tocantins from the perspective of students in 9th grade of that school. Initially a study was done on the main understandings of citizenship built from ancient to modern times, as well as a recovery of popular education in Brazil. Hence the understanding of citizenship and human dignity and effectiveness within the school, as the right to participation, the formation of a critical awareness and respect for diversity. The identification of the work of citizenship within the school was done by examining documents of the school, questionnaires and group sharing with students in 9th grade. The study showed that the Educational Center develops a participative pedagogy of parents, school and society, providing experience building citizenship on the aggregation of family, community life etc.. Therefore, there is a concern in the Educational Center in describing the political-pedagogical project and develop projects that are important for the advancement of participatory processes and community. In the light of critical reflection, especially Paulo Freire, one comes to the conclusion that the CEFYA progressed much on the experiences of citizenship in order to overcome the traditional pedagogical practices. This progress is rooted in a liberating praxis based on dialogue. The School changes every day, and raise students within a formation of concerned citizens, critical and dialogic. Thus, the knowledge of the school environment grows in citizenship, together with democratic relations, dialogical and participatory.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
El artículo se centra en el análisis del programa Presupuesto Participativo implementado en Corrientes durante los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Nuestro interés está puesto en indagar las limitaciones y posibilidades de esta herramienta en relación con la participación, la construcción de la ciudadanía y la inclusión. En este sentido, se orienta a considerar cómo se interpelan y posicionan los actores sociales que intervienen en la misma y cómo se configura la relación entre el Estado municipal y la sociedad civil correntinos
El artículo se centra en el análisis del programa Presupuesto Participativo implementado en Corrientes durante los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Nuestro interés está puesto en indagar las limitaciones y posibilidades de esta herramienta en relación con la participación, la construcción de la ciudadanía y la inclusión. En este sentido, se orienta a considerar cómo se interpelan y posicionan los actores sociales que intervienen en la misma y cómo se configura la relación entre el Estado municipal y la sociedad civil correntinos
El artículo se centra en el análisis del programa Presupuesto Participativo implementado en Corrientes durante los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Nuestro interés está puesto en indagar las limitaciones y posibilidades de esta herramienta en relación con la participación, la construcción de la ciudadanía y la inclusión. En este sentido, se orienta a considerar cómo se interpelan y posicionan los actores sociales que intervienen en la misma y cómo se configura la relación entre el Estado municipal y la sociedad civil correntinos
Participatory citizenship education has been highlighted as a strategy to promote social cohesion in divided societies whereby collaborations with Non-Governmental Organisations and inter-school links have been proposed as tools to improve social networks between schools and communities. This article explores the role and meaning of citizenship education and cross-community participation in promoting social capital and social cohesion. School survey findings, focus groups and interviews with young people and educators indicated that differences between school sectors and established allegiances with particular communities and NGOs may limit the potential for citizenship education to produce bridging social capital and serve to reproduce bonding social capital. It is argued that the introduction of citizenship curricula into segregated schools systems in divided societies may be useful to promote citizenship values and positive attitudes to the other but insufficient to promote the development of bridging social capital and, ultimately, social cohesion in the long term.
Within the framework of the “capability approach” to human rights, this paper argues that adults who facilitate participatory planning and design with children and youth have an ethical obligation to foster young people’s capacities for active democratic citizenship. Practitioners often worry, justifiably, that if young people fail to see their ideas realized, they may become disillusioned and alienated from political life. Based on the experience of the Growing Up in Cities program of UNESCO, four rules of good practice are distilled which can help promote young people’s belief in the value of collective action, regardless of the challenges that the full implementation of their ideas may face.
With the EU-enlargement process well underway, this paper focuses on social citizenship as a conceptual frame for analyzing the restructuring of social institutions in applicant countries in East Central Europe. So far, comparative welfare state analysis has concentrated mainly on the developed economies of the OECD-countries; there is little systematic analytical work on the transitions in post-communist Europe. Theoretically, this paper builds on comparative welfare state analysis as well as on new institutionalism. The initial hypothesis is built on the assumption that emerging patterns of social support and social security diverge from the typology described in the comparative welfare state literature inasmuch as the transformation of postcommunist societies is distinctly different from the building of welfare states in Europe. The paper argues that institutionbuilding is shaped by and embedded in the process of European integration and part of governance in the EU. Anticipating full membership in the European Union, the applicant countries have to adapt to the rules and regulations of the EU, including the "social acquis." Therefore, framing becomes an important feature of institutional changes. The paper seeks to identify distinct patterns and problems of the institutionalization of social citizenship.
In recent decades, the meaning and value of formal state citizenship has shifted dramatically. In the same period, scholarship on citizenship has drawn attention to the proliferation of alternative forms of sub-, supra- and transnational citizenship, at times obscuring the ongoing importance of formal state citizenship. For refugees, however, formal state citizenship remains a critical and widely shared goal. Drawing on interviews with 51 young people from refugee backgrounds in Melbourne, Australia, this article explores the intersecting themes of mobility and security that were identified by participants as the most important benefits of acquiring formal state citizenship in the country of resettlement. In contrast to the insecurity of forced migration, formal state citizenship provides a privileged mobility that enables refugee-background youth to maintain and create transnational identities and attachments and to be protected while doing so, while also granting a secure status within the nation state and insurance against further displacement in an uncertain future. In offering these forms of mobility and security, formal state citizenship contributes to a sense of ontological security among refugee-background youth, providing an important foundation for building national and transnational futures.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze Hannah Arendt’s citizenship proposal. The central thesis is that this proposal is possible in contemporary democracies, and it is adequate for developing and strengthening of political action. The work is divided in five sections. In the first, we develop a brief introduction on the studied issue. In the second and third section, we analyze, respec-tively, political and moral conditions that enable democratic citizenship, and the conditions that hinder the exercise of the same, according to Arendt. Then, we reflect critically on Arendt’s citizenship proposal. Finally, we conclude and we propose a set of civic challenges relate to current democracies in light of the above proposal.