990 resultados para Brontë, Anne, 1820-1849. Tenant of Wildfell Hall
La tesina analitza com Anne Brontë desafia el mite del casament romàntic a la novel·la The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Argumento que aquesta crítica es fa mostrant les conseqüències nefastes d’un matrimoni (entre l’Arthur i l’Helen) basat en l’atracció i en la idea que una dona pot salvar un home de mala vida. Malgrat que la novel·la acaba amb un altre casament (entre l’Helen i en Gilbert), si s’analitza en detall es pot veure que presenta elements subversius. Per exemple, la seva unió està basada en igualtat intel·lectual i compatibilitat de caràcters, enlloc d’igualtat econòmica i social
This essay engages with the question of childhood in Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Despite narrating a conflict concerning child custody, childhood is a subject rarely broached by the critics of the text. Indeed, the only instance of the child being addressed in criticism grants it the power to enclose potentially subversive narrative. This is a function attributed to the framing structure of the novel by other critics. This essay returns the child to Brontë’s text as a disruptive rather than containing force. Through a detailed close analysis of the novel I track such disruptions, and the extent to which these point to wider theoretical or methodological difficulties in critical accounts of childhood and absence in literature. The essay makes interventions into psychoanalysis, childhood studies, and the discourse of ‘framing’ within C19th literature.
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v. 1-2. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë.--v. 3-4. Villette, by Charlotte Brontë.--v. 5. The professor, by Charlotte Brontë.--v. 6. Agnes Grey, by Anne Brontë. With a memoir of her sisters by Charlotte Brontë.--v. 7. Wuthering heights, by Emily Brontë.--v. 8-9. Shirley, by Charlotte Brontë.--v. 10-11. The tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Brontë.--v. 12. The life of Charlotte Brontë, by E.C. Gaskell. Introduction and notes by Temple Scott and B.W. Willett.
Mode of access: Internet.
1st ed. has title: Voyage médical en Italie, fait en 1820.
Smith II:138.
Digging the foundation for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1997. Turner Construction, contractor.
Night view of Hashinger Hall, Chapman University, 346 N. Center Street, Orange, California. The late Dr. Edward H. Hashinger, former trustee and past chairman of the board is the man whose name has graced the walls of this building since 1969. The Hashinger Science Center (3 floors, 65,364 sq.ft.) houses all science departments including biology, natural and applied sciences, environmental and chemical sciences, food science and nutrition, kinesiology and physical therapy.