54 resultados para Bromeliads


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Background and Aims Several animals that live on bromeliads can contribute to plant nutrition through nitrogen provisioning (digestive mutualism). The bromeliad-living spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae) inhabits and breeds on Bromelia balansae in regions of South America, but in specific regions can also appear on Ananas comosus (pineapple) plantations and Aechmea distichantha. Methods Using isotopic and physiological methods in greenhouse experiments, the role of labelled ((15)N) spider faeces and Drosophila melanogaster flies in the nutrition and growth of each host plant was evaluated, as well as seasonal variation in the importance of this digestive mutualism. Key Results Spiders contributed 0.6 +/- 0.2% (mean +/- s.e.; dry season) to 2.7 +/- 1% (wet season) to the total nitrogen in B. balansae, 2.4 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 4.1 +/- 0.3% (wet) in An. comosus and 3.8 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 5 +/- 1% (wet) in Ae. distichantha. In contrast, flies did not contribute to the nutrition of these bromeliads. Chlorophylls and carotenoid concentrations did not differ among treatments. Plants that received faeces had higher soluble protein concentrations and leaf growth (RGR) only during the wet season. Conclusions These results indicate that the mutualism between spiders and bromeliads is seasonally restricted, generating a conditional outcome. There was interspecific variation in nutrient uptake, probably related to each species` performance and photosynthetic pathways. Whereas B. balansae seems to use nitrogen for growth, Ae. distichantha apparently stores nitrogen for stressful nutritional conditions. Bromeliads absorbed more nitrogen coming from spider faeces than from flies, reinforcing the beneficial role played by predators in these digestive mutualisms.


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Diverse invertebrate and vertebrate species live in association with plants of the large Neotropical family Bromeliaceae. Although previous studies have assumed that debris of associated organisms improves plant nutrition, so far little evidence supports this assumption. In this study we used isotopic ((15)N) and physiological methods to investigate if the treefrog Scinax hayii, which uses the tank epiphytic bromeliad Vriesea bituminosa as a diurnal shelter, contributes to host plant nutrition. In the field, bromeliads with frogs had higher stable N isotopic composition (delta(15)N) values than those without frogs. Similar results were obtained from a controlled greenhouse experiment. Linear mixing models showed that frog feces and dead termites used to simulate insects that eventually fall inside the bromeliad tank contributed, respectively, 27.7% (+/- 0.07 SE) and 49.6% (+/- 0.50 SE) of the total N of V. bituminosa. Net photosynthetic rate was higher in plants that received feces and termites than in controls; however, this effect was only detected in the rainy, but not in the dry season. These results demonstrate for the first time that vertebrates contribute to bromeliad nutrition, and that this benefit is seasonally restricted. Since amphibian-bromeliad associations occur in diverse habitats in South and Central America, this mechanism for deriving nutrients may be important in bromeliad systems throughout the Neotropics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two allopatric species of Coryphasia (Araneae: Salticidae), both described for the first time in this study, have been found associated with Bromeliaceae in distinct phytophysiognomies (e.g., inselbergs, highland forests and restingas) from southeastern Brazil. In this study, we investigated whether these salticids were associated specifically with bromeliads, and whether they used bromeliads of different species and sizes in distinct geographic regions. The Coryphasia species were rarely found outside bromeliads, occupied larger bromeliad species among those available, and were generally more frequent on bromeliads in open areas, such as inselbergs on mountain tops. The two Coophasia species were observed submerging in phytotelmata, possibly as an anti-predatory behavior. The patterns of spatial and microspatial distribution and the submergence behavior of these species were similar to those of other bromeliad-dwelling salticids, which suggests a convergence among spiders that live on bromeliads.


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This study shows for the first time that terrestrial tank bromeliads from Brazilian restinga can act as natural traps for dispersed palm Euterpe edulis seeds. Such bromeliads, which are shade intolerant, gain benefits by limiting palm recruitment since they hinder canopy formation and, consequently, increase luminosity over its aggregates.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The most substantial and best preserved area of Atlantic Forest is within the biogeographical sub-region of Serra do Mar. The topographic complexity of the region creates a diverse array of microclimates, which can affect species distribution and diversity inside the forest. Given that Atlantic Forest includes highly heterogeneous environments, a diverse and medically important Culicidae assemblage, and possible species co-occurrence, we evaluated mosquito assemblages from bromeliad phytotelmata in Serra do Mar (southeastern Brazil). Methods: Larvae and pupae were collected monthly from Nidularium and Vriesea bromeliads between July 2008 and June 2009. Collection sites were divided into landscape categories (lowland, hillslope and hilltop) based on elevation and slope. Correlations between bromeliad mosquito assemblage and environmental variables were assessed using multivariate redundancy analysis. Differences in species diversity between bromeliads within each category of elevation were explored using the Renyi diversity index. Univariate binary logistic regression analyses were used to assess species co-occurrence. Results: A total of 2,024 mosquitoes belonging to 22 species were collected. Landscape categories (pseudo-F value = 1.89, p = 0.04), bromeliad water volume (pseudo-F = 2.99, p = 0.03) and bromeliad fullness (Pseudo-F = 4.47, p < 0.01) influenced mosquito assemblage structure. Renyi diversity index show that lowland possesses the highest diversity indices. The presence of An. homunculus was associated with Cx. ocellatus and the presence of An. cruzii was associated with Cx. neglectus, Cx. inimitabilis fuscatus and Cx. worontzowi. Anopheles cruzii and An. homunculus were taken from the same bromeliad, however, the co-occurrence between those two species was not statistically significant. Conclusions: One of the main findings of our study was that differences in species among mosquito assemblages were influenced by landscape characteristics. The bromeliad factor that influenced mosquito abundance and assemblage structure was fullness. The findings of the current study raise important questions about the role of An. homunculus in the transmission of Plasmodium in Serra do Mar, southeastern Atlantic Forest.


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ALBERTONI F F [Fed Univ, Florianopolis, Brazil], MORAES S S [Mus Zool USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil], STEINER J [Fed Univ. Florianopolis, Brazil] & ZILLIKENS A [Univ Tubingen, Germany]: Description of the Pupa and Redescription of the Imagines of Geyeria decussata and their Association with Bromeliads in Southern Brazil (Lepidoptera: Castniidae). - Entomol Gener 34 (1-2): 061-074: Stuttgart 2012-09. - [Article] Bromeliads can serve as a resource for numerous arthropods, especially insects. Caterpillars of the moth Geyeria decussata (Godart 1824) were recorded in the leaf rosettes of the bromeliads Wittrockia superba, Vriesea philippocoburgii and Aechmea nudicaulis. The larvae were feeding on the leaf bases, eventually killing the plants. In addition to life history data a description of the pupa and a re-description of the imagines are provided here. These findings constitute new records of larval hosts for this species and confirm a close association of castniid moths and bromeliads.


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This study had as its objective the evaluation of the influence of shading screens of different colors on the different microclimate variables in a greenhouse covered with transparent low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The experiment was conducted with five treatments: thermo-reflective screen (T1); a control - without screen (T2); red screen (T3); blue screen (T4); and black screen (T5), all of them with 70% of shading. An automatic micrometeorological station was installed in each treatment, measuring air temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), incoming solar radiation (Rg), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and net radiation (Rn) continuously. The control (T2) and red screen (T3) treatments promoted the highest solar radiation transmissivity, respectively 56.3 and 27%. The black screen (T5) had the lowest solar radiation transmissivity (10.4%). For PAR and Rn the same tendency was observed. The highest temperature was observed under blue screen (T4) treatment, which was 1.3 °C higher than external condition. Blue screen (T4) treatment also presented the highest relative humidity difference between inside and outside conditions.


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Teaching Resource materials prepared for DLB320 Landscape Horticulture (2015). CONTENTS 2 Old Brisbane Botanic Gardens Samples 3 Australian ICONS 4 Old Fashioned & Reliable 5 Palms & Bamboo 6 Cordylines & Dracaenas 7 Bromeliads & Succulents 8 Toxic & Poisonous Plants 9 Dangerous & Dirty Plants 10 Weeds, Pests & Diseases 11 Useful (Economic) Plants


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O lagarto Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820) possui ampla distribuição geográfica e é encontrado em abundância nas áreas onde ocorre, sendo considerada uma espécie apropriada para estudos ecológicos. No presente estudo nós analisamos o período de atividade, o uso do microhabitat, a intensidade de forrageamento, a dieta e a ecologia térmica de uma população de T. torquatus do Costão de Itacoatiara, no Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca, situado nos municípios de Niterói e Maricá, RJ. Os dados foram coletados em dois períodos: entre julho de 2004 e janeiro de 2008 para estudo do período de atividade, uso do microhabitat e intensidade de forrageamento, e entre julho e agosto de 2010 para estudo da ecologia térmica e dieta. Todos os indivíduos coletados eram adultos, com comprimento rostro-cloacal médio de 66,2 12,0mm para machos (n = 11) e 64,1 8,0mm para fêmeas (n = 03). O período de atividade de T. torquatus no Costão de Itacoatiara durou de 12 a 14 horas. Teve um padrão unimodal na estação seca, com pico de atividade entre 09:00h e 13:00h, durante as horas mais quentes do dia. Na estação chuvosa o padrão de atividade foi bimodal, com um pico entre 8:00h e 9:00h e outro entre 16:00h e 17:00h, ambos associados aos horários de temperaturas ambientais mais amenas. O período de atividade não diferiu entre as estações, o que pode ser explicado pelo extenso pico de atividade dos lagartos na estação seca. Os microhabitats mais utilizados foram o substrato rochoso do Costão e a bromélia, refletindo a disponibilidade destes na área. A intensidade de forrageamento não diferiu sazonalmente e o tempo médio que os lagartos ficaram parados foi maior do que o tempo médio em deslocamento. A dieta foi onívora e esteve composta por artrópodes, principalmente insetos, e material vegetal, principalmente frutos. Os principais insetos consumidos foram Formicidae, Coleoptera e Hymenoptera não-Formicidae como pequenas vespas e abelhas. Os frutos, as sementes e as flores consumidos pertenciam às cactáceas Rhipsalis cereoides e Coleocephalocereus fluminensis, para as quais T. torquatus pode ser um potencial agente dispersor de sementes na área. Lagartos maiores consumiram itens maiores, mas em menor número, indicando um balanço energético positivo. O consumo de material vegetal variou de acordo com o tamanho dos lagartos, aumentando sua proporção nos indivíduos mais velhos. A temperatura média em atividade de T. torquatus foi de 34,3 2,5C, estando na faixa de temperatura corpórea média encontrada para outras populações e para outros Tropidurus. O substrato foi a fonte de calor ambiental com maior importância relativa para a termorregulação dos lagartos durante a estação seca, explicando cerca de 48% da variação na temperatura corpórea da população. Os lagartos termorregularam de forma passiva, principalmente em relação à temperatura do substrato.


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Bromeliaceae é uma família vegetal com distribuição essencialmente neotropical frequentemente utilizada em estudos ecológicos devido às suas características de armazenar água livre, sustentar uma biota própria, apresentar tamanho relativamente reduzido e ter fácil replicabilidade por serem abundantes. Estas características conferem às bromélias o status de microcosmos natural e, dentro do ambiente bromelícola as espécies também interagem entre si. Anuros são habitantes comumente encontrados em bromélias sendo que algumas espécies têm estreita relação com estes vegetais ao ponto de passarem todo seu ciclo de vida associados a bromélias. Na presente tese foram estudados distintos organismos que habitam bromélias (e.g. ostracodas, protozoários, helmintos e artrópodes em geral) com ênfase em anuros do gênero Scinax (Hylidae). Foi realizado um experimento controlado em casa de vegetação para testar diferentes aspectos da relação entre anuros e bromélias usando como modelo S. perpusillus e Neoregelia sp. Foram também realizados estudos de campo em três unidades de conservação do estado do Rio de Janeiro, a saber: Monumento Natural do Morro da Urca e Pão-de-Açúcar; Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca; e Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos onde, respectivamente, ocorrem os anuros S. perpusillus, S. littoreus e S. v-signatus. A tese está dividida em seis capítulos que abordam diferentes interações interespecíficas como predação, parasitismo, foresia e mutualismo.


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While only about 1-200 species are used intensively in commercial floriculture (e.g. carnations, chrysanthemums, gerbera, narcissus, orchids, tulips, lilies, roses, pansies and violas, saintpaulias, etc.) and 4-500 as house plants, several thousand species of herbs, shrubs and trees are traded commercially by nurseries and garden centres as ornamentals or amenity species. Most of these have been introduced from the wild with little selection or breeding. In Europe alone, 12 000 species are found in cultivation in general garden collections (i.e. excluding specialist collections and botanic gardens). In addition, specialist collections (often very large) of many other species and/or cultivars of groups such as orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, primulas, rhododendrons, conifers and cycads are maintained in several centres such as botanic gardens and specialist nurseries, as are 'national collections' of cultivated species and cultivars in some countries. Specialist growers, both professional and amateur, also maintain collections of plants for cultivation, including, increasingly, native plants. The trade in ornamental and amenity horticulture cannot be fully estimated but runs into many billions of dollars annually and there is considerable potential for further development and the introduction of many new species into the trade. Despite this, most of the collections are ad hoc and no co-ordinated efforts have been made to ensure that adequate germplasm samples of these species are maintained for conservation purposes and few of them are represented at all adequately in seed banks. Few countries have paid much attention to germplasm needs of ornamentals and the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center in conjunction with the USDA National Plant Germplasm System at The Ohio State University is an exception. Generally there is a serious gap in national and international germplasm strategies, which have tended to focus primarily on food plants and some forage and industrial crops. Adequate arrangements need to be put in place to ensure the long- and medium-term conservation of representative samples of the genetic diversity of ornamental species. The problems of achieving this will be discussed. In addition, a policy for the conservation of old cultivars or 'heritage' varieties of ornamentals needs to be formulated. The considerable potential for introduction of new ornamental species needs to be assessed. Consideration needs to be given to setting up a co-ordinating structure with overall responsibility for the conservation of germplasm of ornamental and amenity plants.


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Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) confers crucial adaptations for plants living under frequent environmental stresses. A wide metabolic plasticity can be found among CAM species regarding the type of storage carbohydrate, organic acid accumulated at night and decarboxylating system. Consequently, many aspects of the CAM pathway control are still elusive while the impact of this photosynthetic adaptation on nitrogen metabolism has remained largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated a possible link between the CAM cycle and the nitrogen assimilation in the atmospheric bromeliad Tillandsia pohliana by simultaneously characterizing the diel changes in key enzyme activities and metabolite levels of both organic acid and nitrate metabolisms. The results revealed that T. pohliana performed a typical CAM cycle in which phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase phosphorylation seemed to play a crucial role to avoid futile cycles of carboxylation and decarboxylation. Unlike all other bromeliads previously investigated, almost equimolar concentrations of malate and citrate were accumulated at night. Moreover, a marked nocturnal depletion in the starch reservoirs and an atypical pattern of nitrate reduction restricted to the nighttime were also observed. Since reduction and assimilation of nitrate requires a massive supply of reducing power and energy and considering that T. pohliana lives overexposed to the sunlight, we hypothesize that citrate decarboxylation might be an accessory mechanism to increase internal CO(2) concentration during the day while its biosynthesis could provide NADH and ATP for nocturnal assimilation of nitrate. Therefore, besides delivering photoprotection during the day, citrate might represent a key component connecting both CAM pathway and nitrogen metabolism in T. pohliana: a scenario that certainly deserves further study not only in this species but also in other CAM plants that nocturnally accumulate citrate. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.