881 resultados para Bromeliad-dwelling spider
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background and Aims Several animals that live on bromeliads can contribute to plant nutrition through nitrogen provisioning (digestive mutualism). The bromeliad-living spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae) inhabits and breeds on Bromelia balansae in regions of South America, but in specific regions can also appear on Ananas comosus (pineapple) plantations and Aechmea distichantha. Methods Using isotopic and physiological methods in greenhouse experiments, the role of labelled ((15)N) spider faeces and Drosophila melanogaster flies in the nutrition and growth of each host plant was evaluated, as well as seasonal variation in the importance of this digestive mutualism. Key Results Spiders contributed 0.6 +/- 0.2% (mean +/- s.e.; dry season) to 2.7 +/- 1% (wet season) to the total nitrogen in B. balansae, 2.4 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 4.1 +/- 0.3% (wet) in An. comosus and 3.8 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 5 +/- 1% (wet) in Ae. distichantha. In contrast, flies did not contribute to the nutrition of these bromeliads. Chlorophylls and carotenoid concentrations did not differ among treatments. Plants that received faeces had higher soluble protein concentrations and leaf growth (RGR) only during the wet season. Conclusions These results indicate that the mutualism between spiders and bromeliads is seasonally restricted, generating a conditional outcome. There was interspecific variation in nutrient uptake, probably related to each species` performance and photosynthetic pathways. Whereas B. balansae seems to use nitrogen for growth, Ae. distichantha apparently stores nitrogen for stressful nutritional conditions. Bromeliads absorbed more nitrogen coming from spider faeces than from flies, reinforcing the beneficial role played by predators in these digestive mutualisms.
Two allopatric species of Coryphasia (Araneae: Salticidae), both described for the first time in this study, have been found associated with Bromeliaceae in distinct phytophysiognomies (e.g., inselbergs, highland forests and restingas) from southeastern Brazil. In this study, we investigated whether these salticids were associated specifically with bromeliads, and whether they used bromeliads of different species and sizes in distinct geographic regions. The Coryphasia species were rarely found outside bromeliads, occupied larger bromeliad species among those available, and were generally more frequent on bromeliads in open areas, such as inselbergs on mountain tops. The two Coophasia species were observed submerging in phytotelmata, possibly as an anti-predatory behavior. The patterns of spatial and microspatial distribution and the submergence behavior of these species were similar to those of other bromeliad-dwelling salticids, which suggests a convergence among spiders that live on bromeliads.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and growth. In this study, our goal was to investigate if spider density caused spatial variations in the strength of this spider-plant mutualism. We found a positive significant relationship between spider density and delta N-15 values for bromeliad leaves in different forest fragments. Open grassland Bromeliads were associated with spiders and had higher delta N-15 values compared to forest bromeliads. Although forest bromeliads had no association with spiders their total N concentrations were higher. These results suggest that bromeliad nutrition is likely more litter-based in forests and more spider-based in open grasslands. This study is one of the few to show nutrient provisioning and conditionality in a spider-plant system. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A new species of the troglobitic spider genus Typhlonesticus is described from specimens found in Keloğlan Cave (Denizli Province, Dodurgalar Town), Turkey. Typhlonesticus gocmeni sp. n. is described on the basis of both sexes; and its phylogenetic relationships with closely related European genera and species are discussed based on morphological and molecular data (the cox1, rrnL and H3 genes). Three new combinations are proposed: Typhlonesticus idriacus (Roewer, 1931), comb. n., Typhlonesticus morisii (Brignoli, 1975) comb. n. and Typhlonesticus obcaecatus (Simon, 1907), comb. n. all ex Nesticus.
Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and growth. In this study, our goal was to investigate if spider density caused spatial variations in the strength of this spider-plant mutualism. We found a positive significant relationship between spider density and delta N-15 values for bromeliad leaves in different forest fragments. Open grassland Bromeliads were associated with spiders and had higher delta N-15 values compared to forest bromeliads. Although forest bromeliads had no association with spiders their total N concentrations were higher. These results suggest that bromeliad nutrition is likely more litter-based in forests and more spider-based in open grasslands. This study is one of the few to show nutrient provisioning and conditionality in a spider-plant system. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Bourguyia hamata females oviposit almost exclusively inside the rosette formed by the curled leaves of the epiphytic bromeliad Aechmea nudicaulis. We investigated whether the architecture of the individual bromeliads influences oviposition site selection by this harvestman species. We collected data on the presence of clutches inside bromeliads, rosette length, rosette slope in relation to tree trunks, and the amount of debris inside the rosette. Additionally, we measured the water volume inside the rosettes as well as the variation in the humidity inside and outside bromeliads with long and short rosettes. Longer rosettes were preferred as oviposition site possibly because they accumulate more water and maintain lower internal humidity variation than the external environment. Although the slope of the rosettes did not influence the occurrence of oviposition, the probability of debris accumulation inside the rosettes increased with their slope, and the frequency of clutches was greater in bromeliads with small amounts of debris. A field experiment showed that bromeliads with water inside the rosette were more frequently used as oviposition sites than bromeliads without water. In conclusion, females oviposit predominantly in bromeliads that accumulate more water and have small amounts of debris inside the rosettes, probably because these characteristics promote a more adequate microhabitat for egg development.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although bromeliads are believed to obtain nutrients from debris deposited by animals in their rosettes, there is little evidence to support this assumption. Using stable isotope methods, we found that the Neotropical jumping spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae), which lives strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae, contributed 18% of the total nitrogen of its host plant in a greenhouse experiment. In a one-year field experiment, plants with spiders produced leaves 15% longer than plants from which the spiders were excluded. This is the first study to show nutrient provisioning in a spider-plant system. Because several animal species live strictly associated with bromeliad rosettes, this type of facultative mutualism involving the Bromeliaceac may be more common than previously thought.
Although spiders are a very diverse group on vegetation, their associations with plants are poorly known. Some salticid species specifically use Bromeliaceae as host plants in some regions of South America. In this study, I report the geographic range of these spider-bromeliad associations, and whether the spiders inhabit particular bromeliad species and vegetation types, as well as open areas or interior of forests. Nine salticid species were found to be associated with up to 23 bromeliad species in cerrados (savanna-like vegetation), semideciduous and seasonal forests, coastal sand dune vegetation, restingas, inselbergs, highland forests, chacos, and rain forests at 47 localities in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Some species were typically specialists, inhabiting almost exclusively one bromeliad species over a large geographic range (e.g., Psecas chapoda on Bromelia balansae), whereas others were generalists, occurring on up to 7-8 bromeliad species (e.g., Psecas sp., Eustiromastix nativo, and Coryphasia sp. 1). The regional availability of bromeliad species among habitats may explain this pattern of host plant use. More jumping spiders were found on bromeliads in open areas than on bromeliads in the interior of forests. These results show that several jumping spider species may be strictly associated with the Bromeliaceae in the Neotropics. This is one of the few studies to show host-specific associations for spiders on a particular plant type over a wide geographic range.