932 resultados para Broken symmetries
The associated production of a Higgs boson and a top-quark pair, t (t) over barH, in proton-proton collisions is addressed in this paper for a center of mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC. Dileptonic final states of t (t) over barH events with two oppositely charged leptons and four jets from the decays t -> bW(+) -> bl(+)v(l), (t) over bar -> (b) over barW(-) -> (b) over barl(-)(v) over bar (l) and h -> b (b) over bar are used. Signal events, generated with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, are fully reconstructed by applying a kinematic fit. New angular distributions of the decay products as well as angular asymmetries are explored in order to improve discrimination of t (t) over barH signal events over the dominant irreducible background contribution, t (t) over barb (b) over bar. Even after the full kinematic fit reconstruction of the events, the proposed angular distributions and asymmetries are still quite different in the t (t) over barH signal and the dominant background (t (t) over barb (b) over bar).
We propose an alternative formulation of the Standard Model which reduces the number of free parameters. In our framework, fermionic fields are assigned to fundamental representations of the Lorentz and the internal symmetry groups, whereas bosonic field variables transform as direct products of fundamental representations of all symmetry groups. This allows us to reduce the number of fundamental symmetries. We formulate the Standard Model by considering the SU(3) and SU(2) symmetry groups as the underlying symmetries of the fundamental interactions. This allows us to suggest a model, for the description of the interactions of the intermediate bosons among themselves and interactions of fermions, that makes use of just two parameters. One parameter characterizes the symmetric phase, whereas the other parameter (the asymmetry parameter) gives the breakdown strength of the symmetries. All coupling strengths of the Standard Model are then derived in terms of these two parameters. In particular, we show that all fermionic electric charges result from symmetry breakdown.
The recently announced Higgs boson discovery marks the dawn of the direct probing of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. Sorting out the dynamics responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking now requires probing the Higgs boson interactions and searching for additional states connected to this sector. In this work, we analyze the constraints on Higgs boson couplings to the standard model gauge bosons using the available data from Tevatron and LHC. We work in a model-independent framework expressing the departure of the Higgs boson couplings to gauge bosons by dimension-six operators. This allows for independent modifications of its couplings to gluons, photons, and weak gauge bosons while still preserving the Standard Model (SM) gauge invariance. Our results indicate that best overall agreement with data is obtained if the cross section of Higgs boson production via gluon fusion is suppressed with respect to its SM value and the Higgs boson branching ratio into two photons is enhanced, while keeping the production and decays associated to couplings to weak gauge bosons close to their SM prediction.
Most quark actions in lattice QCD encounter difficulties with chiral sym-rnmetry and its spontaneous breakdown. Minimally doubled fermions (MDF)rnare a category of strictly local chiral lattice fermions, whose continuum limitrnreproduces two degenerate quark flavours. The two poles of their Dirac ope-rnrator are aligned such that symmetries under charge conjugation or reflectionrnof one particular direction are explictly broken at finite lattice spacing. Pro-rnperties of MDF are scrutinised with regard to broken symmetry and mesonrnspectrum to discern their suitability for numerical studies of QCD.rnrnInteractions induce anisotropic operator mixing for MDF. Hence, resto-rnration of broken symmetries in the continuum limit requires three coun-rnterterms, one of which is power-law divergent. Counterterms and operatorrnmixing are studied perturbatively for two variants of MDF. Two indepen-rndent non-perturbative procedures for removal of the power-law divergencernare developed by means of a numerical study of hadronic observables forrnone variant of MDF in quenched approximation. Though three out of fourrnpseudoscalar mesons are affected by lattice artefacts, the spectrum’s conti-rnnuum limit is consistent with two-flavour QCD. Thus, suitability of MDF forrnnumerical studies of QCD in the quenched approximation is demonstrated.
We explore the phase diagram of a two-component ultracold atomic Fermi gas interacting with zero-range forces in the limit of weak coupling. We focus on the dependence of the pairing gap and the free energy on the variations in the number densities of the two species while the total density of the system is held fixed. As the density asymmetry is increased, the system exhibits a transition from a homogenous Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase to phases with spontaneously broken global space symmetries. One such realization is the deformed Fermi surface superfluidity (DFS) which exploits the possibility of deforming the Fermi surfaces of the species into ellipsoidal form at zero total momentum of Cooper pairs. The critical asymmetries at which the transition from DFS to the unpaired state occurs are larger than those for the BCS phase. In this precritical region the DFS phase lowers the pairing energy of the asymmetric BCS state. We compare quantitatively the DFS phase to another realization of superconducting phases with broken translational symmetry: the single-plane-wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phase, which is characterized by a nonvanishing center-of-mass momentum of the Cooper pairs. The possibility of the detection of the DFS phase in the time-of-flight experiments is discussed and quantified for the case of 6Li atoms trapped in two different hyperfine states.
A stochastic nonlinear partial differential equation is constructed for two different models exhibiting self-organized criticality: the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) sandpile model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] and the Zhang model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)]. The dynamic renormalization group (DRG) enables one to compute the critical exponents. However, the nontrivial stable fixed point of the DRG transformation is unreachable for the original parameters of the models. We introduce an alternative regularization of the step function involved in the threshold condition, which breaks the symmetry of the BTW model. Although the symmetry properties of the two models are different, it is shown that they both belong to the same universality class. In this case the DRG procedure leads to a symmetric behavior for both models, restoring the broken symmetry, and makes accessible the nontrivial fixed point. This technique could also be applied to other problems with threshold dynamics.
Descriptions are given of three kinds of symmetries encountered in studies of bacterial locomotion, and of the ways in which they are circumvented or broken. A bacterium swims at very low Reynolds number: it cannot propel itself using reciprocal motion (by moving through a sequence of shapes, first forward and then in reverse); cyclic motion is required. A common solution is rotation of a helical filament, either right- or left-handed. The flagellar rotary motor that drives each filament generates the same torque whether spinning clockwise or counterclockwise. This symmetry is broken by coupling to the filament. Finally, bacterial populations, grown in a nutrient medium from an inoculum placed at a single point, usually move outward in symmetric circular rings. Under certain conditions, the cells excrete a chemoattractant, and the rings break up into discrete aggregates that can display remarkable geometric order.
The biological realm has inherited symmetries from the physicochemical realm, but with the increasing complexity at higher phenomenological levels of life, some inherited symmetries are broken while novel symmetries appear. These symmetries are of two types, structural and operational. Biological novelties result from breaking operational symmetries. They are followed by acquisition of regularity and stability, in a recurrent process throughout complexity levels.
We enlarge the usual D = 3 N = 1 supergraph techniques to include the case of (explicitly or spontaneously) broken supersymmetric gauge theories. To illustrate the utility of these techniques, we calculate the two-loop effective potential of the SQED(3) by using the tadpole and the vacuum bubble methods. In these methods, to investigate the possibility of supersymmetry breaking, the superfields must be shifted by theta(alpha) dependent classical superfields (vacuum expectation values), what implies in the explicit breakdown of supersymmetry in the intermediate steps of the calculation. Nevertheless, after studying the minimum of the resulting effective potential, we find that supersymmetry is conserved, while gauge symmetry is dynamically broken, with a mass generated for the gauge superfield.
In the usual formulation of quantum mechanics, groups of automorphisms of quantum states have ray representations by unitary and antiunitary operators on complex Hilbert space, in accordance with Wigner's theorem. In the phase-space formulation, they have real, true unitary representations in the space of square-integrable functions on phase space. Each such phase-space representation is a Weyl–Wigner product of the corresponding Hilbert space representation with its contragredient, and these can be recovered by 'factorizing' the Weyl–Wigner product. However, not every real, unitary representation on phase space corresponds to a group of automorphisms, so not every such representation is in the form of a Weyl–Wigner product and can be factorized. The conditions under which this is possible are examined. Examples are presented.
A continuous biostratigraphic sequence has been established, possibly from as low as the sedgwickii Biozone but certainly throughout the Telychian Stage (?sedgwickii, turriculatus, ?crispus, griestoniensis and crenulata biozones). Thirty-three taxa have been recorded, including the new genus Wandograptus wandovalensis sp. nov., the new species Pseudostreptograptus queenslandensis and the new subspecies Dictyonema paululum australis and Stimulograptus sedwickii loydelli. A number of species have been recorded from Australia for the first time: Dictyonema cf. geniculatum Bulman, Petalolithus kurcki (Rickards), Pristiograptus initialis (Kirste), Monoclimacis directa Zalasciewicz, Monograptus aff. distans (Portlock), Monograptus sartorius Törnquist, and Torquigraptus pragensis (Bouček). Nine forms have been left under open nomenclature. The type section for the Poley Cow Formation yields a griestoniensis biozone fauna close to the top, and this level can be correlated with a griestoniensis Biozone fauna in the Broken River crossing section, again just below the top of the formation. Further north, griestoniensis Biozone faunas have also been recognized, beyond Diggers Creek, and in the Quinton Formation at Top Hut, enabling a reliable time plane throughout the region. At Top Hut, the highest graptolitic strata yield a crenulata Biozone fauna; and stratigraphically lower sequences, referable to the ?sedgwickii, turriculatus and ?crispus biozones, have been established on the Broken River section. It is likely that a full Telychian (Upper Llandovery) sequence occurs in the Poley Cow and Quinton formations enabling accurate correlation with other parts of the world.
With loss permeating the lives of all people throughout the entire life span and its potential for serious long-term deleterious effects, providing effective care for those experiencing situations of loss would be an important element of any preventive community-based mental health promotion approach. The low use of mental health services by those confronted with loss, and the lack of such services in many areas, makes it imperative to enhance the competency of the broader community to provide appropriate care during times of loss. Contributory to such care is a sound knowledge of the literature concerning loss and grieving. The broken leg analogy of grief presented in this article integrates the traditional and emerging grief theories and empirical evidence into an analogy of grieving that can be easily communicated to the general community, is relevant to many losses. and vet upholds the differing positions concerning grieving held by various schools of psychiatric thought.
We investigate a mechanism that generates exact solutions of scalar field cosmologies in a unified way. The procedure investigated here permits to recover almost all known solutions, and allows one to derive new solutions as well. In particular, we derive and discuss one novel solution defined in terms of the Lambert function. The solutions are organised in a classification which depends on the choice of a generating function which we have denoted by x(phi) that reflects the underlying thermodynamics of the model. We also analyse and discuss the existence of form-invariance dualities between solutions. A general way of defining the latter in an appropriate fashion for scalar fields is put forward.
We consider a simple extension of the Standard Model by adding two Higgs triplets and a complex scalar singlet to its particle content. In this framework, the CP symmetry is spontaneously broken at high energies by the complex vacuum expectation value of the scalar singlet. Such a breaking leads to leptonic CP violation at low energies. The model also exhibits an A(4) X Z(4) flavor symmetry which, after being spontaneously broken at a high-energy scale, yields a tribimaximal pattern in the lepton sector. We consider small perturbations around the tribimaximal vacuum alignment condition in order to generate nonzero values of theta(13), as required by the latest neutrino oscillation data. It is shown that the value of theta(13) recently measured by the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment can be accommodated in our framework together with large Dirac-type CP violation. We also address the viability of leptogenesis in our model through the out-of-equilibrium decays of the Higgs triplets. In particular, the CP asymmetries in the triplet decays into two leptons are computed and it is shown that the effective leptogenesis and low-energy CP-violating phases are directly linked.