128 resultados para Brinquedos


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Esta dissertação introduz uma abordagem para a previsão de vendas de empresas no contexto do desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Supõe-se que o método proposto dê sustentação ao processo decisório relativo às primeiras fases do desenvolvimento desses produtos. Também visa alcançar algum nível de compreensão relativamente à influência de fatores externos e internos nos níveis de vendas. Basicamente este método compreende três etapas próprias: análise do ambiente externo e interno à companhia, modelagem do comportamento de demanda (potencial de mercado, vendas da empresa, faturamento do segmento de mercado da empresa) e suas respectivas projeções no tempo. Esta abordagem foi aplicada a uma situação específica de desenvolvimento de um novo produto em uma empresa de médio porte que opera como fabricante de brinquedos. É esperado que empresas de pequeno e médio portes que enfrentem restrições de orçamento possam achar esta abordagem praticável - desde que as informações requeridas possam ser coletadas e mantidas adequadamente.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, para aquisição do livro na íntegra você poderá acessar a Editora da UFSCar por meio do link: www.editora.ufscar.br


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The author first describes the role of playing games and toys on physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of children. He further discusses how they should be selected in relation to the various stages of child growth.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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This work aims to study the movement periodically interrupted realized by four handmade toys. Such movement can be studied by nonlinear dynamics, but this topic is not covered in the general undergraduate courses in Physics. The study presented aim to observe, search, identify and measure physical quantities characteristic of toys according to the information provided by the dynamic, in this case, the formalism of moment of forces and energy. It also allows an approach to non-formal education in physics, since the measures and instruments differ from formal laboratory approach. These toys are unknown examples of simple machines studied in Mechanics and allow to illustrate passive walkers in Robotics


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PURPOSE: to analyze the levels of noise emitted by nationally-sold toys for use by children from 1 to 5 year old; to compare the values among the toys with and without the seal of Inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality) and to analyze the sound spectrum of toys, in order to identify the area of the cochlea that may be more affected by these noises. METHOD: measurements were performed on 20 sound toys (10 with the seal of the Inmetro and 10 without the seal) with the use of digital sound level meter in an acoustically treated room, and the sound analysis was performed using the Praat program. RESULTS: toys placed at 2.5 cm from the equipment with the seal of the Inmetro had an intensity ranging from 61.50 to 91.55 dB (A) and from 69.75 to 95.05 dB (C), positioned at 25 cm ranged from 58.3 to 79.85 dB (A) and from 62.50 to 83.65 dB (C). The results of the toys without warranty stamps placed at 2.5 cm ranged from 67.45 to 94.30 dB (A) and 65.4 to 99.50 dB (C) and the distance of 25 cm recorded from 61. 30 to 87.45 dB (A) and 63.75 to 97.60 dB (C), so that the findings demonstrated that there are noisy toys that go beyond the values recommended by the current legislation in both groups, with and without warranty stamps . CONCLUSION: the toys without the seal of Inmetro showed intensities values significantly higher than the other group, offering more risk to the children s hearing health.


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Toys are undoubtedly an important tool for healthy child development. Designers, as toys creators need to get theoretical bases of multidisciplinary to be able to define the issues around them with clarity and certainty. To analyze what makes the toy be efficient and present on child's routine is crucial to define this problem. To this end we need to probe his universe and find ways to turn the products more attractive to him. This paper discusses issues about the toy's world and describes a project developed in its bases that must value the national culture.


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