984 resultados para Brigida de Suecia, Santa, ca. 1303-1373
Mode of access: Internet.
"Vida de la gloriosa Santa Gertrudis" y Discursos de p. 1 a p. 102 .- "Insinuacion de la Diuina piedad" p. 1-421 de la segunda secuencia de paginación .- "Oraciones y exercicios espirituales, con la practica de los quales Sancta Gertrudis subio a la alteza de la Gloria que possee oy en los Cielos" p. 1-158 de la tercera secuencia de paginación.
Mode of access: Internet.
In the High Middle Ages female saints were customarily noble virgins. Thus, as a wife and a mother of eight children, the Swedish noble lady Birgitta (1302/3 1373) was an atypical candidate for sanctity. However, in 1391 she was canonized only 18 years after her death and became a role model for many late medieval women, who were mothers and widows. The dissertation Power and Authority Birgitta of Sweden and Her Revelations investigates how Birgitta went about establishing her power and authority during the first ten years of her career as a living saint, in 1340 1349. It is written from the perspectives of gender, authority, and power. The sources consist of approximately seven hundred revelations, hagiographical texts and other medieval documents. This work concentrates on the interaction between Birgitta and her audience. During her lifetime Birgitta was already regarded as a holy woman, as a living saint. A living saint could be given no formal papal or other recognition, for one could never be certain about his or her future activities. Thus, the living saint needed an audience for whom to perform signs of sanctity. In this study particular attention is paid to situations within which the power relations between the living saint and her audience can be traced and are open to critical analysis. Situations of conflict that arose in Birgitta s life are especially fruitful for this purpose. During the Middle Ages, institutional power and authority were exclusively in the hands of secular male leaders and churchmen. In this work it is argued, however, that Birgitta used different kinds of power than men. It is evident that she exercized influence on lay people as well as on secular and clerical authorities. The second, third, and fourth chapter of this study examine the beginning of Birgitta s career as a visionary, what factors and influences lay behind it, and what kind of roles they played in establishing her religious authority. The fifth, sixth, and seventh chapter concentrate on Birgitta s exercising of power in specific situations during her time in Sweden until she left on a pilgrimage to Rome in 1349. The central question is how she exercised power with different people. As a result, this book will offer a narrative of Birgitta s social interactions in Sweden seen from the perspectives of power and authority. Along with the concept of power, authority is a key issue. By definition, one who has power also has authority but a person who does not have official power can, nevertheless, have authority. Authority in action is defined here as meaning that a person was listened to. Birgitta acted both in situations of open conflict and where no conflict was evident. Her strategies included, for example, inducement, encouragement and flattery. In order to make people do as she felt was right she also threatened them openly with divine wrath. Sometimes she even used both positive persuasion and threats. Birgitta s power seems very similar to that of priests and ascetics. Common to all of them was that their power demanded interaction with other people and audiences. Because Birgitta did not have power and authority ex officio she had to persuade people to believe in her powers. She did this because she was convinced of her mission and sought to make people change their lives. In so doing, she moved from the domestic field to the public fields of religion and politics.
The tie lines delineating equilibria between different oxides of the Ca-Al-O system and liquid Ca-Al alloy has been determined at 1373 K. Equilibration of the alloy with two adjacent oxide phases in the CaO-Al2O3 pseudo-binary system was established in a closed cell made of iron. Equilibrium oxide phases were confirmed by x-ray analysis and alloy compositions were determined by chemical analysis. The compound 12CaO.7Al2O3 Ca12Al14O33 was found to be a stable phase in equilibrium with calcium alloys. The experimental diagram is consistent with that calculated from the free energies of formation of the oxide phases and activities in liquid Ca-Al alloys at 1373 K reported in the literature.
Original Chapman home ranch packing house, Santa Ysabel, California, ca. 1900. [copy print]
Survival during the early life stages of marine species, including nearshore temperate reef fishes, is typically very low, and small changes in mortality rates, due to physiological and environmental conditions, can have marked effects on survival of a cohort and, on a larger scale, on the success of a recruitment season. Moreover, trade offs between larval growth and accumulation of energetic resources prior to settlement are likely to influence growth and survival until this critical period and afterwards. Rockfish recruitment rates are notoriously variable between years and across geographic locations. Monitoring of rates of onshore delivery of pelagic juveniles (defined here as settlement) of two species of nearshore rockfishes, Sebastes caurinus and Sebastes carnatus, was done between 2003-2009 years using artificial collectors placed at San Miguel and Santa Cruz Island, off Southern California coast. I investigated spatiotemporal variation in settlement rate, lipid content, pelagic larval duration and larval growth of the newly settled fishes; I assessed relationships between birth date, larval growth, early life-history characteristics and lipid content at settlement, considering also interspecific differences; finally, I attempt to relate interannual patterns of settlement and of early life history traits to easily accessible, local and regional indices of ocean conditions including in situ ocean temperature and regional upwelling, sea surface temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration. Spatial variations appeared to be of low relevance, while significant interannual differences were detected in settlement rate, pelagic larval duration and larval growth. The amount of lipid content of the newly settled fishes was highly variable in space and time, but did not differ between the two species and did not show any relationships with early life history traits, indicating that no trade off involved these physiological processes or they were masked by high individual variability in different periods of larval life. Significant interspecific differences were found in the timing of parturition and settlement and in larval growth rates, with S. carnatus growing faster and breeding and settling later than S. caurinus. The two species exhibited also different patterns of correlations between larval growth rates and larval duration. S. carnatus larval duration was longer when the growth in the first two weeks post-hatch was faster, while S. caurinus had a shorter larval duration when grew fast in the middle and in the end of larval life, suggesting different larval strategies. Fishes with longer larval durations were longer in size at settlement and exhibited longer planktonic phase in periods of favourable environmental conditions. Ocean conditions had a low explanatory power for interannual variation in early life history traits, but a very high explanatory power for settlement fluctuations, with regional upwelling strength being the principal indicator. Nonetheless, interannual variability in larval duration and growth were related to great phenological changes in upwelling happened during the period of this study and that caused negative consequences at all trophic levels along the California coast. Despite the low explanatory power of the environmental variables used in this study on the variation of larval biological traits, environmental processes were differently related with early life history characteristics analyzed to species, indicating possible species-specific susceptibility to ocean conditions and local environmental adaptation, which should be further investigated. These results have implications for understanding the processes influencing larval and juvenile survival, and consequently recruitment variability, which may be dependent on biological characteristics and environmental conditions.
Mode of access: Internet.
Studying landscape evolution of the Earthís surface is difficult because both tectonic forces and surface processes control its response to perturbation, and ultimately, its shape and form. Researchers often use numerical models to study erosional response to deformation because there are rarely natural settings in which we can evaluate both tectonic activity and topographic response over appropriate time scales (103-105 years). In certain locations, however, geologic conditions afford the unique opportunity to study the relationship between tectonics and topography. One such location is along the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge in California, where the landscape moves over a structural discontinuity along the San Andreas Fault and landscape response to both the initiation and cessation of uplift can be observed. In their landmark study, Hilley and Arrowsmith (2008) found that geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness tracked uplift and that hillslope response lagged behind that of rivers. Ideal conditions such as uniform vegetation density and similar lithology allowed them to view each basin as a developmental stage of response to uplift only. Although this work represents a significant step forward in understanding landscape response to deformation, it remains unclear how these results translate to more geologically complex settings. In this study, I apply similar methodology to a left bend along the San Andreas Fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. At this location, the landscape is translated through a zone of localized uplift caused by the bend, but vegetation, lithology, and structure vary. I examine the geomorphic response to uplift along the San Andreas Fault bend in order to determine whether predicted landscape patterns can be observed in a larger, more geologically complex setting than the Dragonís Back Pressure Ridge. I find that even with a larger-scale and a more complex setting, geomorphic metrics such as channel steepness index remain useful tools for evaluating landscape evolution through time. Steepness indices in selected streams of study record localized uplift caused by the restraining bend, while hillslope adjustment in the form of landsliding occurs over longer time scales. This project illustrates that it is possible to apply concepts of landscape evolution models to complex settings and is an important contribution to the body of geomorphological study.
Se llevó a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el mejoramiento de la composición química de la biomasa verde y tratada con Urea como proceso de amonificación. El pasto utilizado fue el Gamba (Andropogon gayanus Kunth), cv CIAT- 621 el cual se encontraba en etapa fenológica de pansoneo. El muestreo se realizó durante el mes de noviembre del año 2009 en la Finca Santa Rosa, Universidad Nacional Agraria. Managua, Nicaragua. Los tratamiento consistieron en cuatro niveles de aplicación de Urea; 0, 1, 3 y 5 % en base al forraje verde a tratar, diluido en 0.5 lt de agua, y almacenados en bolsas de polietileno durante 21 días a temperatura ambiente. El diseño utilizado fue un DCA (Diseño completo al Azar) con tres repeticiones. Las variables de estudio para cada tratamiento fueron, porcentajes de; materia seca, proteína cruda, fibra ácido detergente (FAD), fibra neutro detergente (FND), calcio y fósforo. Se realizaron análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separaciones de medias, usando Duncan (P<0.05). Para el análisis estadístico las variables codificadas en porcentajes se transformaron, según, 2 arco seno p (Dos veces Arco seno de la raíz cuadrada de la proporción). Se encontró diferencias significativas (P ≤ 0.05) para las variables Proteína Cruda (PC), Fibra Ácido Detergente (FAD), Calcio y Fósforo. La PC varío de 5.24 % a 11.48 % para 0 % y 3 % de Urea respectivamente, mientras la FAD disminuyo de 56.06 % a 43.64 % para los mismos tratamientos. Los minerales evaluados presentaron una tendencia inversa con los tratamientos de Urea, incrementándose el Ca y disminuyendo el Fósforo a medida que aumentaba la dosis de Urea. La Fibra Neutro Detergente aunque no presentó diferencias estadísticas entre los distintos tratamiento fue mejorada (disminución del contenido fibroso) con el tratamiento 3 % de Urea. Se concluye que el tratamiento de 3 % de Urea es el más recomendado para la amonificación de forraje verde en etapa fenologica de pansoneo en Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv CIAT 621. Estos resultados son halagadores ya que con el uso de esta tecnología se evidencia la transformación de materiales maduros de baja o nula calidad en alimentos que provean nutrientes (Proteína – Energía y Minerales) al animal durante la época seca
Se llevó a cabo un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el mejoramiento de la composición química de la biomasa verde y tratada con Urea como proceso de amonificación. El pasto utilizado fue el Gamba (Andropogon gayanus Kunth), cv CIAT-621 el cual se encontraba en etapa fenológica de pansoneo. El muestreo se realizó durante el mes de noviembre del año 2009 en la Finca Santa Rosa, Universidad Nacional Agraria. Managua, Nicaragua. Los tratamiento consistieron en cuatro niveles de aplicación de Urea; 0, 1, 3 y 5 % en base al forraje verde a tratar, diluido en 0.5 lt de agua, y almacenados en bolsas de polietileno durante 21 días a temperatura ambiente. El diseño utilizado fue un DCA (Diseño completo al Azar) con tres repeticiones. Las variables de estudio para cada tratamiento fueron, porcentajes de; materia seca, proteína cruda, fibra ácido detergente (FAD), fibra neutro detergente (FND), calcio y fósforo. Se realizaron análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y separaciones de medias, usando Duncan (P<0.05). Para el análisis estadístico las variables codificadas en porcentajes se transformaron, según, arco seno 2 p (Arco seno de dos veces la raíz cuadrada de la proporción). Los resultados encontrados demuestran diferencias significativas (P ≤ 0.05) para las variables Proteína Cruda (PC), Fibra Neutro y Ácido Detergente (FND, FAD), Calcio y Fósforo. La PC varío de 2.22 % a 6.07 % para 0 % y 5 % de Urea respectivamente, mientras la FND disminuyó de 78.47 % a 73.16 % para 0 y 3 % respectivamente. La FAD disminuyo de 52.46 % a 47.72 % para 0 y 3 % de inclusión de Urea. Los minerales evaluados presentaron una tendencia inversa con los tratamientos de Urea, Incrementándose el Ca desde el tratamiento testigo(0.65 %) hasta 1.24 % para 0 y 5 % de Urea. El Fósforo disminuyo de 0.21 % para el testigo a 0.14 % para 1 % de Urea.. Se concluye que el tratamiento de 3 % de Urea es el más recomendado para la amonificación de forraje verde en etapa fonológica de inicio de floración del Andropogon gayanus Kunth y que la tecnología de amonificación en verde ejerce un efecto positivo en el mejoramiento de la calidad del forraje.
Con el objetivo de evaluar la Productividad y concentración de nutrientes del pasto cubano (Pennisetum purpureum x Pennisetum typhoides) cv CT – 115, se llevó a cabo la presente investigación en la finca Santa Rosa propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA) Managua, Nicaragua. Localizada geográficamente a los 12° 08´ 33"de latitud norte y, 86° 10´ 31" de longitud oeste (INETER, 2006). Para ello se utilizó un área total de 33 m2 la cual se subdividió en tres parcelas de 10 m2 cada una donde se realizaron cortes cada 15 días hasta llegar a los 75 días. Se evaluaron las variables : altura, (cm) biomasa fresca (kg ha-1), Materia Seca (%), Biomasa seca (kg ha-1), Nitrógeno (%), Fósforo (%), Potasio (%),Calcio (%), Magnesio (%), Hierro (ppm), Manganeso (ppm), Zinc (ppm). Para la determinación de la producción de biomasa verde y seca (kg ha-1), se utilizó la metodología propuesta por la Red Internacional de evaluación de Pasturas Tropicales (CIAT, 1982). Para determinar los parámetros MS (%) se utilizó la metodología del análisis de Weende o análisis proximal (AOAC. 1990). Para el análisis de correlación se utilizo el programa SAS VERSION 9 para cada uno de las variables evaluadas, para la determinación de las curvas de mejor ajuste se utilizó el programa CVXP32. Durante el ensayo no se aplico ningún tipo de tratamiento agronómico (fertilización, riego). Los resultados obtenidos fueron: Altura 220 cm Biomasa fresca 31,764 kg ha-1 Materia seca 24% Biomasa seca 7529 kg ha-1. Las mayores concentraciones de nutrientes en la planta fueron: N 3.21% P 0.38% K 4.94% Ca 0.24% Mg 0.18% Fe 105.0ppm Mn 53.33ppm Zn 50ppm. Los modelos de mejor ajuste son: Modelo Múltiple Multiplicativo, Modelo Richards, Modelo Harris, Función Rotacional, Tercer Grado Polinomial y Asociación Exponencial.
Uno de los parámetros de mayor importancia en la agricultura es el estado nutricional del suelo, así como el manejo por parte de los agricultores. A través del programa para el Desarrollo Participativo Integral Rural (DEPARTIR), en la comunidad de Santa Julia, municipio de El Crucero, departamento de Managua, Se realizó un muestreo de suelo, a una profundidad de 20 cm en un total de 34 lotes productivos de 17 unidades productivas, dedicadas a la producción de café, maíz y frijol. Se utilizó análisis univariado (ANDEVA, DMS) y multivariado, análisis de correspondencia. Basado en los resultados, la disponibilidad de elementos mayores (N-P-K), así como (Mg, Ca, MO, CO, pH), algunos factores que condicionan el uso del suelo. Los resultados demostraron que el 95% de las unidades productivas estudiadas tienen dimensiones menores a las 10.5 hectáreas, siendo el café el cultivo predominante. La aplicación de fertilizantes químicos fue una práctica generalizada en todas las unidades productivas para los tres cultivos estudiados. Los muestreos efectuados en las parcelas donde se estableció el maíz fueron homogéneos a lo interno y externo de las unidades productivas. En el sistema café las variantes de contenido en los diferentes muestreos, en las unidades productivas fueron considerables, esto obedece al manejo que cada agricultor realiza en sus plantaciones,similares resultados se obtuvieron en el rubro frijol. Al 0 correlacionar el manejo con la disponibilidad de elementos minerales en el suelo se encontró, que el tamaño de las áreas de siembra, tiene una alta relación con la aplicación de fertilizantes químicos, así mismo el aumento en las áreas de siembra, está en dependencia del destino de la producción.