952 resultados para Brewster, William, 1566 or 7-1644.


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Facsimiles (except the last) printed on both sides.


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A letter to “my dear Mr. Collver and co.” The writer mentions the “circuit” that she has traveled, and a conference which she attended. In regard to the circuit, she talks about her interest in the Welland Canal. The references all seem to be religious in nature. She asks Mr. Collver how he likes the new preacher and says that in a letter that the preacher published in the newspaper he refers to the “breaking of Jordan Chapel”. She says that a society of teetotalers has been established in her town and they are known as “Sons of Temperance”. She also mentions “my man Brown” who was there but has left, leaving her to have the circuit by herself. She signs off with “I am yours affectionately [Eleanor Corman]. The second part of the letter is addressed to “my dear Mr. Roberts”. She asks him for some music that she would like, but cannot find in Kingston. She would like him to “come down and teach singing” this winter. She also asks him to give her regards to Mr. P. Beamer and family. She ends this part of the letter with “Nothing further yours affectionately [Eleanor Corman]”. There are 4 red postmarks on the outside of the letter and they are: Picton, July 31, 1849 Cobourg, August 2, 1849 St. Catharines, August 4, 1849 There is one other postmark which is too faded to be legible.


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This copy of a receipt documents funds received by Harvard College from Samuel Sewall and William Welsteed, the executors of the estate of Bridget Usher, for the purchase of books for the College Library.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Covers reversed.


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I. Play for winter -- II. Play for spring -- III. Play for summer -- IV. Play for autumn.


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Written 1564-1567 by Count Froben Christof von Zimmern and his secretary Johannes Müller, with contributions by Count Wilhelm Wernher von Zimmern. Cf. "Nachwort" to the 2d ed., v. 4 (1882)


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the factors associated with infertility, seeking advice and treatment with fertility hormones and/or in vitro fertilisation (IVF) among a general population of women. METHODS: Participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health aged 28-33 years in 2006 had completed up to four mailed surveys over 10 years (n=9,145). Parsimonious multivariate logistic regression was used to identify the socio-demographic, biological (including reproductive histories), and behavioural factors associated with infertility, advice and hormonal/IVF treatment. RESULTS: For women who had tried to conceive or had been pregnant (n=5,936), 17% reported infertility. Among women with infertility (n=1031), 72% (n=728) sought advice but only 50% (n=356) used hormonal/IVF treatment. Women had higher odds of infertility when: they had never been pregnant (OR=7.2, 95% CI 5.6-9.1) or had a history of miscarriage (OR range=1.5-4.0) than those who had given birth (and never had a miscarriage or termination). CONCLUSION: Only one-third of women with infertility used hormonal and/or IVF treatment. Women with PCOS or endometriosis were the most proactive in having sought advice and used hormonal/IVF treatment. IMPLICATIONS: Raised awareness of age-related declining fertility is important for partnered women aged approximately 30 years to encourage pregnancy during their prime reproductive years and reduce the risk of infertility.


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Objective: To identify differences between manufacturing firms in Nigeria that have undertaken HIV/AIDS prevention activities and those that have not as a step toward improving the targeting of HIV policies and interventions. Methods: A survey of a representative sample of registered manufacturing firms in Nigeria, stratified by location, workforce size, and industrial sector. The survey was administered to managers of 232 firms representing most major industrial areas and sectors in March-April 2001. Results: 45.3 percent of the firms’ managers received information about HIV/AIDS from a source outside the firm in 2000; 7.7 percent knew of an employee who was HIV-positive at the time of the survey; and 13.6 percent knew of an employee who had left the firm and/or died in service due to AIDS. Only 31.7 percent of firms took any action to prevent HIV among employees in 2000, and 23.9 percent had discussed the epidemic as a potential business concern. The best correlates of having taken action on HIV were knowledge of an HIV-positive employee or having lost an employee to AIDS (odds ratio [OR] 6.36, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.30, 17.57) and receiving information about the disease from an outside source (OR 7.83, 95% CI: 3.46, 17.69). Conclusions: Despite a nationwide HIV seroprevalence of 5.8 percent, as of 2001 most Nigerian manufacturing firm managers did not regard HIV/AIDS as a serious problem and had neither taken any action on it nor discussed it as a business issue. Providing managers with accurate, relevant information about the epidemic and practical prevention interventions might strengthen the business response to AIDS in countries like Nigeria.


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Transcript [original spelling and grammar retained]: Sacketts Harbour 26th Sept. 1813. Dear wife. From this you are informed that I am in health at this Date. When I last wrote to you I some expected to go upon and expedition but to us unknown we sat out and went up the Lake 3 Days Landed at Oswego The British Fleet appeared off, and we returned and saw our fleet upon our return, I think that our Regt. going was only a maneuver to get the Fleet out that our Fleet might come a threat[?] of them We expect to embark immediately into Canada as preparations are making to convey us over to them we are anxious to commence an action with them. Troops are daily coming in to the Harbour to take the Stand in our absence, we shall not be here 3 days before we try their[?] Powder. they are daily defecting[?] to us from Canada very fearful of the consequence of our Resisting[?] of them…our Fleet is now out and has been for 6 or 7 days. The Lake Erie fleet has done great things. I hope ours will be as successful. I think that our Generals are waiting to hear from them as every thing is ready[?] of to embark various opinions reflecting were we shall attack them some say at Kingston others at Montreal and others at Prescot—Mr. William Butler and D[?]…are well and in Spirits, Sergt Daniel White is very hearty for him, M. Samuel C[?] is well and in good health Benjm Thompson is well Charles Bryant is well [?] is well Eben[?] Smith is very much plagued with the Rheumatik Disease[?] he……… his limbs very often for being Crippled[?] he is at the Hospital I often visit it to see the sick Jacob Barnes is at the Hospital but recovering fast been very sick. Luther Gregory is at the Hospital and on the recovery, Sergt. L[?] & Smith are well, Henry ………[?] is well, very healthy have not more die here than 3…[?]to the best of my knowledge. I will make a few remarks upon the place it abounds in Lime Rock more than Thomaston and not every person to my knowledge burn it, and in the whole Town not but one Pump that supplies the Towns People and Soldiers and a ………[?] of such a Lake of water the Lake water is good for drinking but the water near the Shore is exposed to all kind of filth being thrown into it. The officers with whom I have been with have used me kindly and I get quietly by them. The Lieut. Downer who recruits at Thomaston tell me he has thots[?] of Leaving the army if so I must say I am greatly sorry as he was my ……[?] friend although he Left us and went in a northern Company it is a Company……………[?]worthy an officer as he proves to be, I cannot get any higher than a Sergeant or Quarter Master Sergeant which I may have without any friends at Thomaston assisting me. I am a Sergeant and Sergeant Daniel White is expecting[?] to be a Quarter Master Sergeant, and a number of his friends from Thomaston have went to their Major for him in the 9th Regt Major….[?] and he expects to obtain a Commission as I ……[?] expect to be promoted and it died away he will have the Laugh upon me, I wish that My Friend Dawes would[?] put the question to Col. Foot? to write to our Col. E.W. Ripley if he has …[?]in the …[?]taken by him and others of my …[?] friends[?]. I expect to come home this winter without fail. I remain your Loving Husband till Death. John Bentley for Betsey Bentley Thomaston P.S. The next Letter will be ……[?]to Mr. Dawes[?] and shall write as soon as our Fleet arrives or if we are ordered off tomorrow shall write before I leave this Place. I have understood that many letters have been ……[?]to me. I have received only 2 from Mary, one from Mr. Dawes, one from William Thompson and have answered them please to write……[?]to S. Harbour.


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Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de riesgo de la exposición por fracción respirable a polvo de carbón y sílice cristalina y la prevalencia de neumoconiosis en trabajadores de minas de socavón del departamento de Cundinamarca. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, en grupos de exposición similar (GES) en las minas seleccionadas, el tamaño muestral fue constituido por 11 empresas y 215 trabajadores en donde se realizó un muestreo ambiental para medir los niveles de polvo de carbón y sílice cristalina. Resultados: La edad promedio del grupo fue de 46±9,5 años y género masculino (97,2%), se encontró una asociación significativa entre polvo de carbón y neumoconiosis (p =0,050) y no fue significativa con exposición a sílice cristalina (p = 0,537). El modelo de regresión logística mostró asociación significativa con la escala de nivel de riesgo de carbón medio (OR=10.4, IC 95%:1.50, 71.41, p=0,02), ajustando con variables significativas como: tamaño de la empresa mediana (OR = 2,67, IC 95%:1.07, 6.66, p=0,04), antigüedad mayor o igual a 30 años (OR = 7,186, IC 95%:2.98, 17.29, p=0,001) y habito tabáquico por más de un año (OR = 4,437, IC 95%:2.06, 9.55, p=0,001) para sílice cristalina no hubo asociación en el modelo multivariado. Conclusión: El riesgo de exposición a carbón de nivel medio está relacionado con la prevalencia de neumoconiosis y otros factores adicionales como tamaño de la empresa mediana, antigüedad mayor o igual a 30 años y habito tabáquico por más de un año para los trabajadores de minería de socavón en Cundinamarca. Para los niveles de sílice cristalina no se encontró asociación significativa.


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The effects of simulated additional rain (ear wetting, 25 mm) or of rain shelter imposed at different periods after anthesis on grain quality at maturity and the dynamics of grain filling and desiccation were investigated in UK field-grown crops of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cvar Tybalt) in 2011 and in 2012 when June–August rainfall was 255.0 and 214.6 mm, respectively, and above the decadal mean (157.4 mm). Grain filling and desiccation were quantified well by broken-stick regressions and Gompertz curves, respectively. Rain shelter for 56 (2011) or 70 d (2012) after anthesis, and to a lesser extent during late maturation only, resulted in more rapid desiccation and hence progress to harvest maturity whereas ear wetting had negligible effects, even when applied four times. Grain-filling duration was also affected as above in 2011, but with no significant effect in 2012. In both years, there were strong positive associations between final grain dry weight and duration of filling. The treatments affected all grain quality traits in 2011: nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) concentrations, N:S ratio, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volume, Hagberg Falling Number (HFN), and the incidence of blackpoint. Only N concentration and blackpoint were affected significantly by treatments in 2012. Rain shelter throughout grain filling reduced N concentration, whereas rain shelter reduced the incidence of blackpoint and ear wetting increased it. In 2011, rain shelter throughout reduced S concentration, increased N:S ratio and reduced SDS. Treatment effects on HFN were not consistent within or between years. Nevertheless, a comparison between the extreme treatment means in 2012 indicated damage from late rain combined with ear wetting resulted in a reduction of c. 0.7 s in HFN/mm August rainfall, whilst that between samples taken immediately after ear wetting at harvest maturity or 7 d later suggested recovery from damage to HFN upon re-drying in planta. Hence, the incidence of blackpoint was the only grain quality trait affected consistently by the diverse treatments. The remaining aspects of grain quality were comparatively resilient to rain incident upon developing and maturing ears of cvar Tybalt. No consistent temporal patterns of sensitivity to shelter or ear wetting were detected for any aspect of grain quality.