982 resultados para Breast implants


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BACKGROUND: Capsular fibrosis is a severe complication after breast implantation with an uncertain etiology. Microbial colonization of the prosthesis is hypothesized as a possible reason for the low-grade infection and subsequent capsular fibrosis. Current diagnostic tests consist of intraoperative swabs and tissue biopsies. Sonication of removed implants may improve the diagnosis of implant infection by detachment of biofilms from the implant surface. METHODS: Breast implants removed from patients with Baker grades 3 and 4 capsular contracture were analyzed by sonication, and the resulting sonication fluid was quantitatively cultured. RESULTS: This study investigated 22 breast implants (6 implants with Baker 3 and 16 implants with Baker 4 capsular fibrosis) from 13 patients. The mean age of the patients was 49 years (range, 31-76 years). The mean implant indwelling time was 10.4 years (range, 3 months to 30 years). Of the 22 implants, 12 were used for breast reconstruction and 10 for aesthetic procedures. The implants were located subglandularly (n = 12), submuscularly (n = 6), and subcutaneously (n = 4). Coagulase-negative staphylococci, Propionibacterium acnes, or both were detected in the sonication fluid cultures of nine implants (41%), eight of which grew significant numbers of microorganisms (>100 colonies/ml of sonication fluid). CONCLUSIONS: Sonication detected bacteria in 41% of removed breast implants. The identified bacteria belonged to normal skin flora. Further investigation is needed to determine any causal relation between biofilms and capsular fibrosis.


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The primary aim of this multidisciplinary project was to develop a new generation of breast implants. Disrupting the currently prevailing paradigm of silicone implants which permanently introduce a foreign body into mastectomy patients, highly porous implants developed as part of this PhD project are biodegradable by the body and augment the growth of natural tissue. Our technology platform leverages computer-assisted-design which allows us to manufacture fully patient-specific implants based on a personalised medicine approach. Multiple animal studies conducted in this project have shown that the polymeric implant slowly degrades within the body harmlessly while the body's own tissue forms concurrently.


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Breast augmentation for cosmetic purposes is an increasingly common procedure in the USA and UK. In the USA in 2003, a total of 254 140 breast augmentation procedures were carried out [American Society of Plastic Surgeons, http://www.plasticsurgery.org/newsroom/ Procedural-Statistics-Press-Kit-Index.cfm9-1-2005; 2006.(1)]. It has been previously estimated that between 1 and 1.5 million women in the USA have prosthetic breast implants [Cook RR, Delongchamp RR, Woodbury M, et at. The prevalence of women with breast implants in the United States, 1989. J Clin Epidemiol 1995;48:519-25.(2)]. The UK National Breast Implant Registry has recorded a rise in the numbers of women receiving breast implants, with over 13 000 procedures registered in 2001; an estimated 77% of these were for cosmetic purposes. No association has been found between the presence of breast implants in a breast and an increased risk of breast cancer, and this subject has been comprehensively reviewed elsewhere [Hoshaw SJ, Klein PJ, Clark BD, et al. Breast implants and cancer: causation, delayed detection, and survival. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 107:1393-407.(3)]. However, as the population of women with breast implants ages, an increasing number of them will develop breast cancer; a reflection of the fact that the incidence of the disease increases with increasing age. Debate continues on the effect of breast implants on the efficacy of mammography in diagnosing breast cancer, and the role of other imaging techniques for this purpose, as well as the limitations that the presence of implants place on percutaneous biopsy techniques. We review the Literature on the radiological and tissue diagnosis of breast cancer in women with a history of previous augmentation mammaplasty. (c) 2007 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La reconstruction en deux étapes par expanseur et implant est la technique la plus répandue pour la reconstruction mammmaire post mastectomie. La formation d’une capsule périprothétique est une réponse physiologique universelle à tout corps étranger présent dans le corps humain; par contre, la formation d’une capsule pathologique mène souvent à des complications et par conséquent à des résultats esthétiques sous-optimaux. Le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB) est un outil puissant qui permet d’effectuer une évaluation sans pareille de la topographie ultrastructurelle de spécimens. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de comparer le MEB conventionnel (Hi-Vac) à une technologie plus récente, soit le MEB environnemental (ESEM), afin de déterminer si cette dernière mène à une évaluation supérieure des tissus capsulaires du sein. Le deuxième objectif est d‘appliquer la modalité de MEB supérieure et d’étudier les modifications ultrastructurelles des capsules périprothétiques chez les femmes subissant différents protocoles d’expansion de tissus dans le contexte de reconstruction mammaire prothétique. Deux études prospectives ont été réalisées afin de répondre à nos objectifs de recherche. Dix patientes ont été incluses dans la première, et 48 dans la seconde. La modalité Hi-Vac s’est avérée supérieure pour l’analyse compréhensive de tissus capsulaires mammaires. En employant le mode Hi-Vac dans notre protocole de recherche établi, un relief 3-D plus prononcé à été observé autour des expanseurs BIOCELL® dans le groupe d’approche d’intervention retardée (6 semaines). Des changements significatifs n’ont pas été observés au niveau des capsules SILTEX® dans les groupes d’approche d’intervention précoce (2 semaines) ni retardée.


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Breast implants are medical devices that are used to augment breast size or to reconstruct the breast following mastectomy or to correct a congenital abnormality. Breast implants consist of a silicone outer shell and a filler (most commonly silicone gel or saline). Approximately 5 to 10 million women worldwide have breast implants. Histomorphometric study to evaluate the biological tissue compatibility of silicone implants suitable for plastic surgery and the adverse effects and risks of this material. Thirty Wistar white rats received subcutaneous implants and the revestiment of silicone gel Silimed ®®, and randomized into six groups of five animals each, according to the type of implanted material and the time of sacrifice. Eight areas of 60.11mm2 corresponding to the obtained surgical pieces were analyzed, counting mesenchymal cells, eosinophils, and foreign body giant cells, observing an acceptable biocompatibility in all implants, for subsequent statistical analysis by Tukey test. Silicone gel showed inflammation slightly greater than for other groups, with tissue reactions varying from light to moderate, whose result was the formation of a fibrous capsule around the material, recognized by the organism as a foreign body. Despite frequent local complications and adverse outcomes, this research showed that the silicone and top layer presented an acceptable chronic inflammatory reaction, which did not significantly differ from the control group. In general, it is possible to affirm that silicone gel had acceptable levels of biocompatibility, confirmed the rare presence of foreign body giant cells, and when of the rupture, formed a fibrous capsule around the material, separating the material of the organism. © AVICENA 2013.


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As lipofilling of the female breast is becoming more popular in plastic surgery, the use of MRI to assess breast volume has been employed to control postoperative results. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based breast volumetry software tools by comparing the measurements of silicone implant augmented breasts with the actual implant volume specified by the manufacturer. MRI-based volume analysis was performed in eight bilaterally augmented patients (46 ± 9 years) with three different software programs (Brainlab© I plan 2.6 neuronavigation software; mass analysis, version 5.3, Medis©; and OsiriX© v.3.0.2. 32-bit). The implant volumes analysed by the BrainLab© software had a mean deviation of 2.2 ± 1.7% (r?=?0.99) relative to the implanted prosthesis. OsiriX© software analysis resulted in a mean deviation of 2.8 ± 3.0% (r?=?0.99) and the Medis© software had a mean deviation of 3.1 ± 3.0% (r?=?0.99). Overall, the volumes of all analysed breast implants correlated very well with the real implant volumes. Processing time was 10 min per breast with each system and 30 s (OsiriX©) to 5 min (BrainLab© and Medis©) per silicone implant. MRI-based volumetry is a powerful tool to calculate both native breast and silicone implant volume in situ. All software solutions performed well and the measurements were close to the actual implant sizes. The use of MRI breast volumetry may be helpful in: (1) planning reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of asymmetric breasts, (2) calculating implant size in patients with missing documentation of a previously implanted device and (3) assessing post-operative results objectively.


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La reconstruction en deux étapes par expanseur et implant est la technique la plus répandue pour la reconstruction mammmaire post mastectomie. La formation d’une capsule périprothétique est une réponse physiologique universelle à tout corps étranger présent dans le corps humain; par contre, la formation d’une capsule pathologique mène souvent à des complications et par conséquent à des résultats esthétiques sous-optimaux. Le microscope électronique à balayage (MEB) est un outil puissant qui permet d’effectuer une évaluation sans pareille de la topographie ultrastructurelle de spécimens. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de comparer le MEB conventionnel (Hi-Vac) à une technologie plus récente, soit le MEB environnemental (ESEM), afin de déterminer si cette dernière mène à une évaluation supérieure des tissus capsulaires du sein. Le deuxième objectif est d‘appliquer la modalité de MEB supérieure et d’étudier les modifications ultrastructurelles des capsules périprothétiques chez les femmes subissant différents protocoles d’expansion de tissus dans le contexte de reconstruction mammaire prothétique. Deux études prospectives ont été réalisées afin de répondre à nos objectifs de recherche. Dix patientes ont été incluses dans la première, et 48 dans la seconde. La modalité Hi-Vac s’est avérée supérieure pour l’analyse compréhensive de tissus capsulaires mammaires. En employant le mode Hi-Vac dans notre protocole de recherche établi, un relief 3-D plus prononcé à été observé autour des expanseurs BIOCELL® dans le groupe d’approche d’intervention retardée (6 semaines). Des changements significatifs n’ont pas été observés au niveau des capsules SILTEX® dans les groupes d’approche d’intervention précoce (2 semaines) ni retardée.


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Esta dissertação trata da construção dos valores acerca do corpo que transforma aspectos estéticos em problemas de saúde física. Com base na pressuposição do compromisso de aliviar o sofrimento o cirurgião plástico busca, dentro do campo da saúde, justificativas para sua atuação. Por outro lado, na aspiração por modelos de beleza socialmente prestigiados há também a procura pela transformação pessoal com a construção e afirmação de papéis sociais, o que contribui para a maior aceitação das intervenções cirúrgicas com finalidade estética. Seguindo tendências estéticas sempre em mutação, observa-se, na atualidade, uma grande demanda por cirurgia plástica para colocação de implantes de silicone com objetivo de aumento mamário. Tomando como recorte a utilização de tais implantes, buscou-se analisar a construção médica e social da beleza e compreender como a procura e a prática da cirurgia plástica estão ligadas a valores controversamente aceitos ou criticados na sociedade contemporânea.


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Algunas empresas colombianas, ya sean PYMES o grandes compañías, tienen dificultades para realizar exportaciones y comercializar sus productos en un mercado extranjero, ya sea por barreras comerciales, desconocimiento de los procesos de internacionalización o temor al fracaso. Dadas las diferentes barreras de internacionalización, las compañías son ajenas al conocimiento de su potencial exportador, lo cual genera mayor dificultad para dar el paso de internacionalizarse. Por lo anterior, surge la necesidad de realizar un análisis de caso de cómo una empresa Colombiana de la industria textil, logra internacionalizarse enfrentado barreras y tomando decisiones acertadas, con el fin de servir como ejemplo para otras compañías de la misma industria que deseen internacionalizarse.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do laser de baixa intensidade sobre a contração da pseudocápsula que ocorre ao redor de implantes de silicone. MÉTODOS: 60 ratos machos divididos em dois grupos receberam implante de silicone. Grupo I: implante no subcutâneo da região dorsal, sem tratamento após a cirurgia; Grupo II: animais receberam sete sessões de irradiação com laser de baixa intensidade após o implante. Trinta, 60 e 180 dias após a cirurgia, foi feita a tonometria dos implantes, em seguida, os animais foram sacrificados, removendo-se o material de estudo que foi preparado para exame histológico, avaliando-se morfometricamente a espessura da pseudocápsula e a reação inflamatória. A análise estatistica pela técnica da Análise de Variância e Teste de Tukey (P<0.0 5). RESULTADOS: Pressões significativamente menores foram encontradas nos animais do grupo Grupo II. O estudo histológico não mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos, destacando-se apenas maior quantidade de vasos intumescidos no Grupo II. A espessura da pseudocápsula foi menor no Grupo II. CONCLUSÃO: O laser de baixa intensidade altera o processo de reparação tecidual ao redor dos implantes, sugerindo que o mesmo possa ser útil para a modelação das contraturas que se estabelecem ao redor dos implantes de silicone.


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Deutsch:Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Spurenbestimmung von Silicium in organischen und anorganischen Matrices unter Verwendung der massenspektrometrischen Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse (MSIVA) an einem hochauflösenden induktiv gekoppelten Plasma-Massenspektrometer (HR-ICP-MS). Zusätzlich zur Elementspurenbestimmung wurde eine GC/HR-ICP-MS Kopplung entwickelt, die zur Analyse linearer und cyclischer Siloxane verwendet wurde.Die hier entwickelte Analysenmethode erlaubt Nachweisgrenzen für Silicium sowohl in organischen als auch in anorganischen Matrices im oberen ng/g-Bereich und ergab für die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit analysierten Proben Reproduzierbarkeiten von < 20%. Durch einfache Verdünnung nach der Probenvorbereitung in Verbindung mit dem sehr empfindlichen Detektionsverfahren sowie der internen Standardisierung mittels MSIVA erlaubt das Verfahren eine präzise Bestimmung von Silicium in jeglicher Matrix. Neben der Schnelligkeit und Einfachheit eignet sich die hier entwickelte Methode besonders für die Routineanalytik. Die gute Reproduzierbarkeit und der Vergleich mit Ergebnissen von zwei Interlaborstudien unterstreicht zusätzlich die Fähigkeit präzise und richtige Ergebnisse zur Zertifizierung an Standardreferenzmaterialien bezüglich des Siliciums im Spurenbereich zu liefern.Neben dem Gesamtgehalt von Silicium konnten medizinisch relevante Siliciumverbindungen analysiert und quantifiziert werden. Hierbei wurden niedermolekulare Polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) untersucht, die als Nebenprodukte vor allem in Brustimplantaten auftreten. Grundlage für die Bestimmung dieser Siliciumspezies ist die Kopplung eines hochauflösenden ICP-MS an einen Gaschromatographen. Der hohe Ionisierungsgrad des ICP, gerade unter trockenen Plasmabedingungen, und der elementspezifische und sehr empfindliche massenspektrometrische Detektor erlauben in Verbindung mit dem GC die Bestimmung von Siloxanen bis in den pg/g-Bereich. Aus der Bestimmung des Gesamtgehalts an Silicium und der Bestimmung des Gehalts an den untersuchten Siliciumverbindungen können Vergleiche gemacht werden. Die Analyse beider Parameter ist mit Hilfe in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Methode möglich.Zusätzlich zur Siliciumbestimmung wurde der Gehalt an Platin in Humanproben analysiert, da bei der Herstellung der Füllung von Siliconimplantaten Platinkatalysatoren verwendet werden.


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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for risk assessment and risk management in the post-market surveillance of the U.S. medical device industry. One of the FDA regulatory mechanisms, the Medical Device Reporting System (MDR) is an adverse event reporting system intended to provide the FDA with advance warning of device problems. It includes voluntary reporting for individuals, and mandatory reporting for device manufacturers. ^ In a study of alleged breast implant safety problems, this research examines the organizational processes by which the FDA gathers data on adverse events and uses adverse event reporting systems to assess and manage risk. The research reviews the literature on problem recognition, risk perception, and organizational learning to understand the influence highly publicized events may have on adverse event reporting. Understanding the influence of an environmental factor, such as publicity, on adverse event reporting can provide insight into the question of whether the FDA's adverse event reporting system operates as an early warning system for medical device problems. ^ The research focuses on two main questions. The first question addresses the relationship between publicity and the voluntary and mandatory reporting of adverse events. The second question examines whether government agencies make use of these adverse event reports. ^ Using quantitative and qualitative methods, a longitudinal study was conducted of the number and content of adverse event reports regarding breast implants filed with the FDA's medical device reporting system during 1985–1991. To assess variation in publicity over time, the print media were analyzed to identify articles related to breast implant failures. ^ The exploratory findings suggest that an increase in media activity is related to an increase in voluntary reporting, especially following periods of intense media coverage of the FDA. However, a similar relationship was not found between media activity and manufacturers' mandatory adverse event reporting. A review of government committee and agency reports on the FDA published during 1976–1996 produced little evidence to suggest that publicity or MDR information contributed to problem recognition, agenda setting, or the formulation of policy recommendations. ^ The research findings suggest that the reporting of breast implant problems to FDA may reflect the perceptions and concerns of the reporting groups, a barometer of the volume and content of media attention. ^


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Os implantes mamários de silicone têm sido empregados, tanto nas cirurgias de aumento das mamas, quanto na reconstrução do tecido mamário após mastectomia. A segurança biológica dos implantes de silicone merece estudo relacionado aos processos de esterilização empregados, pois podem constituir-se em fator de comprometimento da estrutura química do polímero e, conseqüentemente, da biocompatibilidade. Este estudo consistiu na avaliação da biocompatibilidade de implantes mamários de silicone após terem sido submetidos aos processos de esterilização por calor seco, radiação gama e óxido de etileno. O parâmetro avaliado foi a viabilidade celular, empregando o método de difusão em agar e de captura do vermelho neutro. As amostras compreenderam implantes de silicone gel lisos, texturizados e revestidos com poliuretano e implantes texturizados pré-cheios com solução salina. Também foi realizado o teste de endotoxinas bacterianas pelo método do LAL e determinação da taxa de migração do gel de silicone (teste de bleed). Os três métodos de esterilização mostraram-se igualmente eficientes pela comprovação da condição de esterilidade dos implantes através de metodologia descrita na Farmacopéia Americana 27 edição. Os níveis de endotoxinas bacterianas dos implantes, também atenderam aos requisitos dos compêndios oficiais. Na avaliação da biocompatibilidade todos os implantes, independente dos processos de esterilização utilizados, apresentaram ausência de citotoxicidade. Os resultados do teste de bleed mostraram uma maior taxa de migração de gel para os implantes de superfície lisa em comparação com os implantes de superfície texturizada e revestida com poliuretano, quando esterilizados por calor seco. Ao comparar a taxa de migração do gel para os implantes de superfície lisa esterilizados por calor seco e óxido de etileno, obteve-se uma maior taxa de migração para aqueles implantes esterilizados por óxido de etileno. As diferentes avaliações realizadas neste estudo abrangeram aspectos biológicos, químicos e físicos relevantes para garantir um produto de boa qualidade e que, por assegurar a manutenção da característica de biocompatibilidade, resulta na segurança biológica deste tipo de implante.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Os enxertos de gordura tem se mostrado como uma poderosa técnica cirúrgica em reconstrução mamaria secundária e os enxertos enriquecidos com células-tronco, além de suas ações parácrinas, vem apresentando resultados encorajadores no que tange a persistência volumétrica. OBJETIVO: Este estudo clínico teve como objetivo analisar comparativamente quantitativa e qualitativamente enxertos de gordura enriquecidos com células da fração vásculoestromal em reconstrução mamária secundária e a incidência de complicações. MÉTODO: Nós desenvolvemos um método que produz enxertos de gordura, na sala de cirurgia, em uma taxa de enriquecimento maior que os já publicados (2:1). Este estudo clínico prospectivo e controlado analisou qualitativa e quantitativamente enxertos de gordura com (GT - grupo tronco) e sem (GC - grupo controle) adição das células da fração vásculo-estromal fresca em reconstrução mamária secundária; através de volumetria mamária por RNM de mamas, imunofenotipagem e contagem celular. Também foram estudados os resultados estéticos, a satisfação das pacientes e as complicações. RESULTADOS: A persistência volumétrica no GT foi 78,9% e 51,4% no GC, entretanto não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. CD90 foi o marcador mais expresso e que alcançou diferença significante e ao mesmo tempo apresentou correlação positiva entre a sua expressão e a persistência volumétrica (r=0.651, p=0.03). Necrose gordurosa ocorreu, isoladamente em 4 pacientes do GT submetidas à radioterapia e nenhuma paciente do GC apresentou este evento. Desta forma, pacientes do GC mostraram tendência de estar mais satisfeitas com o enxerto de gordura. Nos dois grupos, os resultados estéticos foram iguais e não foram observadas recidivas loco-regionais. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do enriquecimento em uma taxa maior que as já publicadas são encorajadores, apesar de a persistência volumétrica não ter alcançado diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos. Enxertos de gordura enriquecidos na proporção 2:1 podem não ser indicados para pacientes submetidas à radioterapia apesar de terem se mostrados seguros num tempo de seguimento de 3 anos