972 resultados para Brasil - Terras públicas
A presente tese apresenta a usucapião superficiária de bens públicos como uma alternativa para assegurar o direito fundamental à moradia em áreas de exclusão social. Para chegar a tal desiderato, encontra-se supedâneo jurídico-normativo na função social da propriedade, especialmente no tocante à sua observância em terras públicas. Utiliza-se, ainda como suporte teórico à tese, a noção contemporânea de que a propriedade hodierna é um instituto plural, complexo, tomando emprestadas as ideias de Salvatore Pugliatti. Além disso, diante dos contornos atuais do Direito Civil-Constitucional, também é importante como lastro a análise da posse com função social, que em muitos casos pode até ser priorizada no confronto com o direito de propriedade meramente formal. Na construção da tese, foram utilizadas duas premissas. A primeira apoia-se na possibilidade do reconhecimento da posse em bens públicos, fundamentando-se especificamente nos regimes legais que a admitem, como a Lei 11.977/2009, por exemplo. Já a segunda se consubstancia na interpretação de que a vedação constitucional à usucapião de bens públicos não é absoluta, obstando apenas a aquisição da propriedade plena destes bens por particulares. A partir destes fundamentos são analisados os requisitos e as consequências do modelo de usucapião superficiária de imóveis públicos para fins de moradia, com ênfase particular quanto ao animus da posse. Conclui-se, ao final, que essa nova modalidade aquisitiva da propriedade superficiária pode ser um importante instrumento para a regularização fundiária em áreas de exclusão social, conferindo segurança jurídica aos moradores e transformando em ativo um amplo estoque fundiário que hodiernamente se apresenta como capital morto, conforme defende Hernando de Soto.
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
This work has as its theme the social function of terrenos de marinha. Theresearch universe is the terrenos de marinha of Natal coastline, focusing on thefulfillment of its social function. Prescribed by law since the colonial period with thepurpose of protecting the coast and free movement of people and goods, theywere swathes of land not available to private use by individuals. With the transitionfrom the allotments system to the purchase and sale, regard to land access,crystallized with the creation of the Land Law in the nineteenth century, the land isheld as merchandise and terrenos de marinha, following this logic, also acquireexchange value and become capable of enjoyment by private individuals, with thecondition of tax payments to the state. This is seen until the twentieth century,when in 1988, primarily because of the Federal Constitution promulgation, begins anew cycle when is possible to use on terrenos de marinha the principle of thesocial function of property. From this perspective this study aims to identify thesocial function of terrenos de marinha in Natal, focusing on the public destinationand the use value of the city coastline. To this end, it was made a data collection inthe on-line information system of the Federal Heritage Department of Rio Grandedo Norte (SPU / RN) and in the terrenos de marinha areas, in order to find out ifthey had public or private use, or if they were empty lots, as well as if thepopulation access to the shore exist. Interviews with managers of the SPU weremade. The empirical study showed that the social function of terrenos de marinhain the city of Natal still didn´t happen, considering the constant existence of vacantlots in their areas, the lack of access in significant portions of the coastline and thereduced areas directed to common use along the coastline, minimizing its potentialof enjoyment by the population. It concludes by pointing to the existence of a newtransition phase on the terrenos de marinha, in witch, gradually, come up lawprovisions in the legal system and public policies to expand the purely taxcollection function attributed to this land for two centuries. In this direction, thesocial function of terrenos de marinha is embodied in concomitant adjustment ofthe tax collection function and the rescue of coastline use value, national heritageand a place for sociability and social relations development
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
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Descreve o atual panorama normativo para as cotas raciais no Brasil com base em estudo realizado com utilização de a análise documental e bibliográfica. Os resultados indicaram que a ausência de uma norma federal implicou baixa adesão ao sistema de cotas, o que é ratificado pelo insignificante número de Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior (Ipes) que adotaram norma de cota racial - apenas 17,79%. Verificou-se, ainda, que essa ausência cria lacunas na adoção de diretrizes nacionais para a interpretação e a compreensão das ações afirmativas. Tais lacunas refletem diretamente no ciclo da política pública, comprometendo a avaliação e o acompanhamento da efetividade e do sucesso da política, o que é extremamente perigoso para a segurança jurídica na área de direitos humanos e para a garantia da equidade de fato nos espaços político, econômico e social.
Descreve o atual panorama normativo para as cotas raciais no Brasil. Os resultados indicaram que a ausência de uma norma federal implicou na baixa adesão ao sistema de cotas, o que é ratificado pelo insignificante número de Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior - IPES que adotaram norma de cota racial - apenas 17,79%. Verificou-se, ainda, que essa ausência cria lacunas na adoção de diretrizes nacionais para a interpretação e a compreensão das ações afirmativas. Tais lacunas refletem diretamente no ciclo da política pública, comprometendo a avaliação e o acompanhamento da efetividade e do sucesso da política, o que é extremamente perigoso para a segurança jurídica na área de direitos humanos e para a garantia da equidade de fato nos espaços político, econômico e sociais.
The press and the State had developed, in Brazil, a relation of interdependence. Press and broadcasting corporations depend on state money for its survival and politicians depend on the press and the exposition in the media to communicate with their electorate. This relation of proximity affects the elaboration of public policies for the sector. This study analyzes public policies for broadcasting and the press since 1964, when it was established in the country the military regimen, a mark of a deep reform in the Communications. Public policies are debated in line with two dimensions - one relative to the infrastructure needed by the Communications, and another referring to the content of information. Our conclusion clarifies the urgency of a revision in the laws that regulate the media, many of which are not applicable anymore, and questions the independence of Brazilian parliamentarians to proceed with the necessary reforms and to the discussion about new public policies for the sector.