991 resultados para Box-counting dimension


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In this paper, we have developed a method to compute fractal dimension (FD) of discrete time signals, in the time domain, by modifying the box-counting method. The size of the box is dependent on the sampling frequency of the signal. The number of boxes required to completely cover the signal are obtained at multiple time resolutions. The time resolutions are made coarse by decimating the signal. The loglog plot of total number of boxes required to cover the curve versus size of the box used appears to be a straight line, whose slope is taken as an estimate of FD of the signal. The results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method using parametric fractal signals. The estimation accuracy of the method is compared with that of Katz, Sevcik, and Higuchi methods. In ddition, some properties of the FD are discussed.


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Arrhythmia is one kind of cardiovascular diseases that give rise to the number of deaths and potentially yields immedicable danger. Arrhythmia is a life threatening condition originating from disorganized propagation of electrical signals in heart resulting in desynchronization among different chambers of the heart. Fundamentally, the synchronization process means that the phase relationship of electrical activities between the chambers remains coherent, maintaining a constant phase difference over time. If desynchronization occurs due to arrhythmia, the coherent phase relationship breaks down resulting in chaotic rhythm affecting the regular pumping mechanism of heart. This phenomenon was explored by using the phase space reconstruction technique which is a standard analysis technique of time series data generated from nonlinear dynamical system. In this project a novel index is presented for predicting the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Analysis of continuously captured long-term ECG data recordings was conducted up to the onset of arrhythmia by the phase space reconstruction method, obtaining 2-dimensional images, analysed by the box counting method. The method was tested using the ECG data set of three different kinds including normal (NR), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), extracted from the Physionet ECG database. Statistical measures like mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (σ/μ) for the box-counting in phase space diagrams are derived for a sliding window of 10 beats of ECG signal. From the results of these statistical analyses, a threshold was derived as an upper bound of Coefficient of Variation (CV) for box-counting of ECG phase portraits which is capable of reliably predicting the impeding arrhythmia long before its actual occurrence. As future work of research, it was planned to validate this prediction tool over a wider population of patients affected by different kind of arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation, bundle and brunch block, and set different thresholds for them, in order to confirm its clinical applicability.


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Fractal geometry is a fundamental approach for describing the complex irregularities of the spatial structure of point patterns. The present research characterizes the spatial structure of the Swiss population distribution in the three Swiss geographical regions (Alps, Plateau and Jura) and at the entire country level. These analyses were carried out using fractal and multifractal measures for point patterns, which enabled the estimation of the spatial degree of clustering of a distribution at different scales. The Swiss population dataset is presented on a grid of points and thus it can be modelled as a "point process" where each point is characterized by its spatial location (geometrical support) and a number of inhabitants (measured variable). The fractal characterization was performed by means of the box-counting dimension and the multifractal analysis was conducted through the Renyi's generalized dimensions and the multifractal spectrum. Results showed that the four population patterns are all multifractals and present different clustering behaviours. Applying multifractal and fractal methods at different geographical regions and at different scales allowed us to quantify and describe the dissimilarities between the four structures and their underlying processes. This paper is the first Swiss geodemographic study applying multifractal methods using high resolution data.


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We present a general method of generating continuous fractal interpolation surfaces by iterated function systems on an arbitrary data set over rectangular grids and estimate their Box-counting dimension.


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A recurrent iterated function system (RIFS) is a genaralization of an IFS and provides nonself-affine fractal sets which are closer to natural objects. In general, it's attractor is not a continuous surface in R3. A recurrent fractal interpolation surface (RFIS) is an attractor of RIFS which is a graph of bivariate continuous interpolation function. We introduce a general method of generating recurrent interpolation surface which are at- tractors of RIFSs about any data set on a grid.


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We provide bounds on the upper box-counting dimension of negatively invariant subsets of Banach spaces, a problem that is easily reduced to covering the image of the unit ball under a linear map by a collection of balls of smaller radius. As an application of the abstract theory we show that the global attractors of a very broad class of parabolic partial differential equations (semilinear equations in Banach spaces) are finite-dimensional. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Desde finales del siglo pasado, el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, se ha convertido en una poderosa herramienta para la investigación de las propiedades del suelo a múltiples resoluciones, sin embargo todavía no existen los mejores resultados en cuanto a estos trabajos. El principal problema para investigar el drenaje vertical a partir de la distribución de humedad en un perfil de vertisol es la búsqueda de métodos factibles que usen este procedimiento. El objetivo general es implementar una metodología para el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes digitales, que permita caracterizar la distribución del contenido de humedad de un perfil de vertisol. Para el estudio, doce calicatas fueron excavadas en un Mazic Pellic Vertisol, seis de ellas en mayo 13/2011 y el resto en mayo 19/2011 después de moderados eventos de lluvia. Las imágenes RGB de los perfiles fueron tomadas con una cámara Kodak™; con tamaños seleccionados de 1600 x 945 píxeles cada una fue procesada para homogeneizar el brillo y se aplicaron filtros suavizadores de diferentes tamaños de ventana, hasta obtener el óptimo. Cada imagen se dividió en sus matrices componentes, seleccionando los umbrales de cada una para ser aplicado y obtener el patrón digital binario. Este último fue analizado a través de la estimación de dos exponentes fractales: dimensión de conteo de cajas (DBC) y dimensión fractal de interfase húmedo seco (Di). Además, fueron determinados tres coeficientes prefractales a la máxima resolución: número total de cajas interceptados en el plano del patrón (A), la lagunaridad fractal (λ1) y la entropía de Shannon (S1). Para todas las imágenes obtenidas, basado en la entropía, los análisis de clúster y de histogramas, el filtro espacial de 9x9 resultó ser el de tamaño de ventana óptimo. Los umbrales fueron seleccionados a partir del carácter bimodal de los histogramas. Los patrones binarios obtenidos mostraron áreas húmedas (blancas) y secas (negras) que permitieron su análisis. Todos los parámetros obtenidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos conjuntos de patrones espaciales. Mientras los exponentes fractales aportan información sobre las características de llenado del patrón de humedad, los coeficientes prefractales representan propiedades del suelo investigado. La lagunaridad fractal fue el mejor discriminador entre los patrones de humedad aparente del suelo. ABSTRACT From last century, digital image processing and analysis was converted in a powerful tool to investigate soil properties at multiple resolutions, however, the best final procedure in these works not yet exist. The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a bare Mazic Pellic Vertisol, six of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19/2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak™ camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents: box counting dimension (DBC


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The main problem to study vertical drainage from the moisture distribution, on a vertisol profile, is searching for suitable methods using these procedures. Our aim was to design a digital image processing methodology and its analysis to characterize the moisture content distribution of a vertisol profile. In this research, twelve soil pits were excavated on a ba re Mazic Pellic Vertisols ix of them in May 13/2011 and the rest in May 19 /2011 after a moderate rainfall event. Digital RGB images were taken from each vertisol pit using a Kodak? camera selecting a size of 1600x945 pixels. Each soil image was processed to homogenized brightness and then a spatial filter with several window sizes was applied to select the optimum one. The RGB image obtained were divided in each matrix color selecting the best thresholds for each one, maximum and minimum, to be applied and get a digital binary pattern. This one was analyzed by estimating two fractal scaling exponents box counting dimension D BC) and interface fractal dimension (D) In addition, three pre-fractal scaling coefficients were determinate at maximum resolution: total number of boxes intercepting the foreground pattern (A), fractal lacunarity (?1) and Shannon entropy S1). For all the images processed the spatial filter 9x9 was the optimum based on entropy, cluster and histogram criteria. Thresholds for each color were selected based on bimodal histograms.


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We propose a simple method of constructing quasi-likelihood functions for dependent data based on conditional-mean-variance relationships, and apply the method to estimating the fractal dimension from box-counting data. Simulation studies were carried out to compare this method with the traditional methods. We also applied this technique to real data from fishing grounds in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia


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This article discusses methods to identify plants by analysing leaf complexity based on estimating their fractal dimension. Leaves were analyzed according to the complexity of their internal and external shapes. A computational program was developed to process, analyze and extract the features of leaf images, thereby allowing for automatic plant identification. Results are presented from two experiments, the first to identify plant species from the Brazilian Atlantic forest and Brazilian Cerrado scrublands, using fifty leaf samples from ten different species, and the second to identify four different species from genus Passiflora, using twenty leaf samples for each class. A comparison is made of two methods to estimate fractal dimension (box-counting and multiscale Minkowski). The results are discussed to determine the best approach to analyze shape complexity based on the performance of the technique, when estimating fractal dimension and identifying plants. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Damage not only degrades the mechanical properties of explosives, but also influences the shock sensitivity, combustion and even detonation behavior of explosives. The study of impact damage is crucial in the vulnerability evaluation of explosives. A long-pulse low-velocity gas gun with a gas buffer was developed and used to induce impact damage in a hot pressed plastic bonded explosive. Various methods were used to detect and characterize the impact damage of the explosive. The microstructure was examined by use of polarized light microscopy. Fractal analysis of the micrographs was conducted by use of box counting method. The correlation between the fractal dimensions and microstructures was analyzed. Ultrasonic testing was conducted using a pulse through-transmission method to obtain the ultrasonic velocity and ultrasonic attenuation. Spectra analyses were carried out for recorded ultrasonic signals using fast Fourier transform. The correlations between the impact damage and ultrasonic parameters including ultrasonic velocities and attenuation coefficients were also analyzed. To quantitatively assess the impact induced explosive crystal fractures, particle size distribution analyses of explosive crystals were conducted by using a thorough etching technique, in which the explosives samples were soaked in a solution for enough time that the binder was totally removed. Impact induces a large extent of explosive crystal fractures and a large number of microcracks. The ultrasonic velocity decreases and attenuation coefficients increase with the presence of impact damage. Both ultrasonic parameters and fractal dimension can be used to quantitatively assess the impact damage of plastic bonded explosives.


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The branched crystal morphology of linear polyethylene formed at various temperatures from thin films has been studied by atomic-force microscopy (AFM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) pattern and polymer decoration technique. Two types of branched patterns, i.e. dendrite and seaweed patterns, have been visualized. The fractal dimension d(f) = 1.65 of both dendrite and some of seaweed patterns was obtained by using the box-counting method, although most of the seaweed patterns are compact. Selected-area ED patterns indicate that the fold stems tilt about 34.5degrees around the b-axis and polymer decoration patterns show that the chain folding direction and regularity in two (200). regions are quite different from each other. Because of chain tilting, branched crystals show three striking features: 1) the lamella-like branches show two (200) regions with different thickness; 2) the crystals usually bend towards the thin region; 3) the thick region grows faster by developing branches, thus branches usually occur outside the thick region. The branched patterns show a characteristic width w, which gives a linear relationship with the crystallization temperature on a semilogarithmic plot.


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This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure–volume curves and the pseudophaseplane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.