963 resultados para Bovine paratuberculosis


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Abstract BACKGROUND: Many studies have been conducted to define risk factors for the transmission of bovine paratuberculosis, mostly in countries with large herds. Little is known about the epidemiology in infected Swiss herds and risk factors important for transmission in smaller herds. Therefore, the presence of known factors which might favor the spread of paratuberculosis and could be related to the prevalence at animal level of fecal shedding of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis were assessed in 17 infected herds (10 dairy, 7 beef). Additionally, the level of knowledge of herd managers about the disease was assessed. In a case-control study with 4 matched negative control herds per infected herd, the association of potential risk factors with the infection status of the herd was investigated. RESULTS: Exposure of the young stock to feces of older animals was frequently observed in infected and in control herds. The farmers' knowledge about paratuberculosis was very limited, even in infected herds. An overall prevalence at animal level of fecal shedding of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis of 6.1% was found in infected herds, whereby shedders younger than 2 years of age were found in 46.2% of the herds where the young stock was available for testing. Several factors related to contamination of the heifer area with cows' feces and the management of the calving area were found to be significantly associated with the within-herd prevalence. Animal purchase was associated with a positive herd infection status (OR = 7.25, p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Numerous risk factors favoring the spread of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis from adult animals to the young stock were observed in infected Swiss dairy and beef herds, which may be amenable to improvement in order to control the disease. Important factors were contamination of the heifer and the calving area, which were associated with higher within-herd prevalence of fecal shedding. The awareness of farmers of paratuberculosis was very low, even in infected herds. Animal purchase in a herd was significantly associated with the probability of a herd to be infected and is thus the most important factor for the control of the spread of disease between farms.


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BACKGROUND: Bovine paratuberculosis is an incurable chronic granulomatous enteritis caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The prevalence of MAP in the Swiss cattle population is hard to estimate, since only a few cases of clinical paratuberculosis are reported to the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office each year.Fecal samples from 1,339 cattle (855 animals from 12 dairy herds, 484 animals from 11 suckling cow herds, all herds with a history of sporadic paratuberculosis) were investigated by culture and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for shedding of MAP. RESULTS: By culture, MAP was detected in 62 of 445 fecal pools (13.9%), whereas PCR detected MAP in 9 of 445 pools (2.0%). All 186 samples of the 62 culture-positive pools were reanalyzed individually. By culture, MAP was grown from 59 individual samples (31.7%), whereas PCR detected MAP in 12 individual samples (6.5%), all of which came from animals showing symptoms of paratuberculosis during the study. Overall, MAP was detected in 10 out of 12 dairy herds (83.3%) and in 8 out of 11 suckling cow herds (72.7%). CONCLUSIONS: There is a serious clinically inapparent MAP reservoir in the Swiss cattle population. PCR cannot replace culture to identify individual MAP shedders but is suitable to identify MAP-infected herds, given that the amount of MAP shed in feces is increasing in diseased animals or in animals in the phase of transition to clinical disease


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Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos da paratuberculose em uma criação intensiva de bovinos de leite no municí pio de Capela de Santana, RS. Os sinais clínicos foram observados em oito de um total de 345 bovinos, consistindo em diarréia crônica refratária aos tratamentos, emagrecimento progressivo e queda na produção de leite. As principais lesões macroscópicas, observadas nos oito animais necropsiados, incluíam intestino delgado com acentuado espessamento da parede e superfície mucosa de aspecto reticulado, semelhante às circunvoluções cerebrais, lesão essa perceptível, através da serosa. A luz intestinal estava preenchida com conteúdo fluido e de aspecto leitoso. Os vasos linfáticos do mesentério mostravam-se mais evidentes sendo que alguns tinham aspecto varicoso. Os linfonodos mesentéricos estavam aumentados de volume e, ao corte, fluía grande quantidade de líquido leitoso. Focos de mineralização foram observados na íntima das artérias, nas válvulas cardíacas e na serosa do rúmen. As principais lesões macroscópicas incluíam enterite, linfadenite e linfangite granulomatosa caracterizada por infiltrado inflamatório com macrófagos, células gigantes de Langhans que continham grande quantidade de bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes. As lesões vasculares consistiam em degeneração e mineralização das túnicas í ntimas e média das artérias de grande calibre associada a proliferação de colágeno. Havia calcificação da serosa do rúmen atrofia hepatocelular difusa e hepatite granulomatosa multifocal. O M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) foi isolado em amostras de intestino e linfonodos de 8 vacas Holandesas (3,5%) com doença de Johne, dentre 229 amostras cultivadas provenientes de um rebanho leiteiro. Amostras inoculadas em HEYM com micobactina produziram colônias identificadas como Map, segundo as caracterí sticas fenotí picas próprias como: crescimento lento, coloração álcool-ácido-resistente (A.A.R.) e dependência a micobactina. O laboratório de Referência da OIE confirmou a amostra isolada. O M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) foi isolado em amostras de intestino e linfonodos de 8 vacas Holandesas (3,5%) com doença de Johne, dentre 229 amostras cultivadas provenientes de um rebanho leiteiro Amostras inoculadas em HEYM com micobactina produziram colônias identificadas como Map, segundo as caracterí sticas fenotí picas próprias como: crescimento lento, coloração álcool-ácido-resistente (A.A.R.) e dependência a micobactina. O laboratório de Referência da OIE confirmou a amostra isolada. Não houve isolamento do agente em 221 amostras intestinais quando processadas, após 2 anos de sua colheita. O teste de IDGA aplicado como “screening”, detectou 26 vacas (11,4%) positivas, dentre 228 animais testados e sacrificados em matadouro. O teste de ELISA adsorvido, utilizando o antí geno PPA-3 detectou 125 (39,8%) amostras positivas. O ELISA não adsorvido detectou mais 32 (10,1%) reagentes positivos, dentre os 314 bovinos testados. A prevalência da infecção causada pelo Map em 36 rebanhos leiteiros procedentes de 25 municí pios do Rio Grande do Sul foi estimada em 44,6% das 1316 amostras testadas. A infecção foi identificada em 35 (97,2%) dos 36 rebanhos testados e presentes em todos os municí pios incluí dos. A ocorrência da doença de Johne foi enfatizada, tanto a forma clí nica quanto a infecção subclí nica no Rio Grande do Sul, sugerindo a adoção de medidas de controle sejam aplicadas na proteção dos rebanhos leiteiros nacionais.


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The application of variable-number tandem repeats (VNTR) genotyping of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates to assist in investigating incidents of bovine Johne’s disease in a low-prevalence region of Australia is described in the current study. Isolates from a response to detection of bovine Johne’s disease in Queensland were compared with strains from national and international sources. The tandem application of mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit (MIRU) and multilocus short sequence repeats (MLSSR) genotyping identified 2 strains, 1 that infected cattle on multiple properties with trace-forward histories from a common infected property, and 1 genotypically different strain recovered from a single property. The former strain showed an identical genotype to an isolate from India. Neither strain showed a genotypic link to regions of Australia with a higher prevalence of the disease. Genotyping has indicated incursions from 2 independent sources. This intelligence has informed investigations into potential routes of entry and the soundness of ongoing control measures, and supported strategy and policy decisions regarding management of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis incursions for Queensland.


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The antibacterial activities of 18 naturally occurring compounds (including essential oils and some of their isolated constituents, apple and green tea polyphenols, and other plant extracts) against three strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (a bovine isolate [NCTC 8578], a raw-milk isolate [806R], and a human isolate [ATCC 43015]) were evaluated using a macrobroth susceptibility testing method. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was grown in 4 ml Middlebrook 7H9 broth containing 10% oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase, 0.05% Tween 80 (or 0.2% glycerol), and 2 µg/ml mycobactin J supplemented with five concentrations of each test compound. The changes in the optical densities of the cultures at 600 nm as a measure of CFU were recorded at intervals over an incubation period of 42 days at 37°C. Six of the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. The most effective compound was trans-cinnamaldehyde, with a MIC of 25.9 µg/ml, followed by cinnamon oil (26.2 µg/ml), oregano oil (68.2 µg/ml), carvacrol (72.2 µg/ml), 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (74 µg/ml), and 2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzaldehyde (90.4 µg/ml). With the exception of carvacrol, a phenolic compound, three of the four most active compounds are aldehydes, suggesting that the structure of the phenolic group or the aldehyde group may be important to the antibacterial activity. No difference in compound activity was observed between the three M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis strains studied. Possible mechanisms of the antimicrobial effects are discussed.


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Background Zoonotic schistosomiasis japonica is a major public health problem in China. Bovines, particularly water buffaloes, are thought to play a major role in the transmission of schistosomiasis to humans in China. Preliminary results (1998–2003) of a praziquantel (PZQ)-based pilot intervention study we undertook provided proof of principle that water buffaloes are major reservoir hosts for S. japonicum in the Poyang Lake region, Jiangxi Province. Methods and Findings Here we present the results of a cluster-randomised intervention trial (2004–2007) undertaken in Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces, with increased power and more general applicability to the lake and marshlands regions of southern China. The trial involved four matched pairs of villages with one village within each pair randomly selected as a control (human PZQ treatment only), leaving the other as the intervention (human and bovine PZQ treatment). A sentinel cohort of people to be monitored for new infections for the duration of the study was selected from each village. Results showed that combined human and bovine chemotherapy with PZQ had a greater effect on human incidence than human PZQ treatment alone. Conclusions The results from this study, supported by previous experimental evidence, confirms that bovines are the major reservoir host of human schistosomiasis in the lake and marshland regions of southern China, and reinforce the rationale for the development and deployment of a transmission blocking anti-S. japonicum vaccine targeting bovines.


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The interaction of quercetin, which is a bioflavonoid, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated under pseudo-physiological conditions by the application of UV–vis spectrometry, spectrofluorimetry and cyclic voltammetry (CV). These studies indicated a cooperative interaction between the quercetin–BSA complex and warfarin, which produced a ternary complex, quercetin–BSA–warfarin. It was found that both quercetin and warfarin were located in site I. However, the spectra of these three components overlapped and the chemometrics method – multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) was applied to resolve the spectra. The resolved spectra of quercetin–BSA and warfarin agreed well with their measured spectra, and importantly, the spectrum of the quercetin–BSA–warfarin complex was extracted. These results allowed the rationalization of the behaviour of the overlapping spectra. At lower concentrations ([warfarin] < 1 × 10−5 mol L−1), most of the site marker reacted with the quercetin–BSA, but free warfarin was present at higher concentrations. Interestingly, the ratio between quercetin–BSA and warfarin was found to be 1:2, suggesting a quercetin–BSA–(warfarin)2 complex, and the estimated equilibrium constant was 1.4 × 1011 M−2. The results suggest that at low concentrations, warfarin binds at the high-affinity sites (HAS), while low-affinity binding sites (LAS) are occupied at higher concentrations.


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The binding interaction of the pesticide Isoprocarb and its degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied by spectrofluorimetry under simulated physiological conditions. Both Isoprocarb and sodium 2-isopropylphenate quenched the intrinsic fluorescence of BSA. This quenching proceeded via a static mechanism. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH°, ΔS° and ΔG°) obtained from the fluorescence data measured at two different temperatures showed that the binding of Isoprocarb to BSA involved hydrogen bonds and that of sodium 2-isopropylphenate to BSA involved hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy of the interaction of BSA with either Isoprocarb or sodium 2-isopropylphenate showed that the molecular structure of the BSA was changed significantly, which is consistent with the known toxicity of the pesticide, i.e., the protein is denatured. The sodium 2-isopropylphenate, was estimated to be about 4–5 times more toxic than its parent, Isoprocarb. Synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and the resolution of the three-way excitation–emission fluorescence spectra by the PARAFAC method extracted the relative concentration profiles of BSA, Isoprocab and sodium 2-isopropylphenate as a function of the added sodium 2-isopropylphenate. These profiles showed that the degradation product, sodium 2-isopropylphenate, displaced the pesticide in a competitive reaction with the BSA protein.


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In this study, the host-specificity and -sensitivity of human- and bovine-specific adenoviruses (HS-AVs and BS-AVs) were evaluated by testing wastewater/fecal samples from various animal species in Southeast, Queensland, Australia. The overall specificity and sensitivity of the HS-AVs marker were 1.0 and 0.78, respectively. These figures for the BS-AVs were 1.0 and 0.73, respectively. Twenty environmental water samples were colleted during wet conditions and 20 samples were colleted during dry conditions from the Maroochy Coastal River and tested for the presence of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), host-specific viral markers, zoonotic bacterial and protozoan pathogens using PCR/qPCR. The concentrations of FIB in water samples collected after wet conditions were generally higher compared to dry conditions. HS-AVs was detected in 20% water samples colleted during wet conditions and whereas BS-AVs was detected in both wet (i.e., 10%) and dry (i.e., 10%) conditions. Both, C. jejuni mapA and Salmonella invA genes were detected in 10% and 10% of samples, respectively collected during dry conditions. The concentrations of Salmonella invA ranged between 3.5 × 102 to 4.3 × 102 genomic copies per 500 ml of water G. lamblia β-giardin gene was detected only in one sample (5%) collected during the dry conditions. Weak or significant correlations were observed between FIB with viral markers and zoonotic pathogens. However, during dry conditions, no significant correlations were observed between FIB concentrations with viral markers and zoonotic pathogens. The prevalence of HS-AVs in samples collected from the study river suggests that the quality of water is affected by human fecal pollution and as well as bovine fecal pollution. The results suggest that HS-AVs and BS-AVs detection using PCR could be a useful tool for the identification of human sourced fecal pollution in coastal waters.


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Bovine intestine was dried in a heat pump fluid bed combination. Minimum fluidisation velocity was calculated by Ergun Equation and some relations were established.